White genocide intelligence filter

I'm not condoning the obvious replacement, but what if it acts as a eugenic filter for those intelligent enough to see the truth, prepare for the future, and read about the past? Eventually when we create our own communities after everyone sees the rampant spread of violence and crime from non-whites, those dumb enough to produce brown babies will be swallowed up by their own low quality populations.

It makes me enraged, everyday, but it could be unintentionally separating out the intelligent genes from the lower quality whites.

Likewise, if men of quality just refuse to breed with whores that won't even create prosperous families or have children, these qualities will be bred out of the race. If you disown your daughters for becoming sluts, the normal faggots think white replacement and cultural death to be a "conspiracy theory", but if they're too dumb to learn what the facts are, why would we want their genetic material?

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I feel like you're just describing the battle of the individual against propaganda. Radio, TV, movies, music, celebrity culture, news, news entertainment, etc.

I had to specifically study film in college which by accident led me to the red pills.
If they made Star Wars ep 7 a good or great movie, I wouldn't be here. I'd still be trying to fuck random thots and be in debt.

Genetics cannot work the way you imply, it is simple minded to look at the world like that. Qualities don't get "bred out of existence" they emerge and retreat as the environment warrants.

True. The stupid live and thrive on debt and brainwashing to see them through waiting to pay off said debt as their wages can't cover the purchasing power needed to acquire what has been portrayed as standards of living.

Get rid of the federal reserve and you have a surprisingly huge lack of need for mundane television with commercials for example.

It is possible that some tiny minority of whites will be allowed to survive as engineers and inventors in the service of the kikes, but we would never be able to compete with the kikes at their own game. The advantage of Europeans is in bravery, creativity, strength and hardiness, not the subterfuge, greed, corruption and deceit necessary to compete as a market-dominant minority. If we are rendered into a tiny minority then the only path to survival will be to become indistinguishable from kikes.

Only if we win. Otherwise (as now) brown subhumans will be encouraged to breed for the same reason cows and chickens are.

Jews are parasites and can't maintain their own society. They eventually either get wiped out by a healthy society or they wipe themselves out by leeching too much and killing their host. That is the choice we have right now. Will they be gone in 50 years, or after a 1000 year dark age of brown subhuman slavery.

i never liked the White Genocide Meme because no one is loading white people in trucks and lining them up infront of ditches. This "genocide" is pathetic and the most pathetic people get filtered out by it. Who is replaceing whites other then their own nihilism. Same with the Opium Crisis. Oh buhu your leg hurts better take a drug and kill yourself. I think its all eugenic. We don't need so many trashy whites around.

I've thought of this already.

Wrong kike cuck. Psychological warfare and forced immigration is genocide.
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;

Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

This is pussy bullshit compared to what was normal not even a century ago. Hungerwinter, famine, flood, Wars, diseases that killed more then Wars, and compared to that you have what? Some interracial porn? This is pathetic. These people who get demoralized by this would have committed suicide back then. And in a way they do it now.

And by the way, since when do i give a fuck about what the UN says about anything either genocide or guns or whatever.

Totaly compareable to tell white catladies "don't make babies because of climatechange" to vaccinating women in east timur with depo provera shots telling them its against measles or what.

You people simply can't cut it and you would have already selected out of the genpool in earlier times.

It doesn't matter. The end result is the same. The death of a race or ethnicity. The suffering in this case is not necessarily lesser but simply far more long and drawn out. Sure it's not as painful to be psychologically terrorized as it is to be starved to death but when you consider the mental torture goes on for a lifetimes vs the starvation which lasts just a few months the sheer amount of suffering ends up being similar.

You don't know what people would have done faggot. At least back then you knew where you stood with the enemy. Today white men are being systematically brainwashed and mentally tortured whilst it's being insisted that it's not happening. Back then somebody came at you with a gun and you either fought back or died. It was simple.>>13387263

Dude, being Emo is not a thing anymore go back to 2010 with that shit. You think you could cut it seeing your first child die of whopping cough when you cry and mourn already about something bad happening somewhere.
You are the mirror image of a safe the snails lefti you even tried to argue with the United Nations on your side.

Seeing your child die meant jack shit when you would just shit out 5 more.

listen you faggot, or better read you faggot, because these people wrote down what they did.

You can go back as far as Caesars gallic wars where he describes that its not so much necessary to come with a sword but to manipulate or use otherwise their own leaders. It always was this way that force crept in trough institutions and not sheer violence. Thats why the romans spoke of "uprisings" when barbarians took arms to them, because they already occupied their land and institutions and the uprisings happend when the occupied people had enough. As if there wasn't brainwashing back then… for fucks sake

bitch ass faggot you've probably never been in a fight in your life you little nerdy dork bitch boi

You probably never lived in the nigger ghetto you faggot.

This is basicly Napoleon saying "a warm night in paris brings me an entire new army" and how did that work out for him. First you cry about the weakest scum of the white race getting "genocided" because opium and TV and now you brush of the death of a child in a time when pregnancy was a higher risk and child mortality was also high. There are actualy not many times in history where people had high birth rates. Compare the medieval kings of europe to the modern times emperors of europe how many siblings and children every each one of them had.

i love fighting i go boxing 2 times a week. I wanted to do 4 but two days they have amateur hour being these people use gay shit like helmets. I love fighting, seriously, and i now how many people do everything possible to avoid violence. Even the big strong guys won't risk a black eye when they have to go to work on monday.

and why should i do that. Why should i live in a nigger ghetto. Why on earth would i do that. Enough white trash areas around where i live.

Yeah and shit was worse for niggers too you stupid piece of shit. Relatively it's gotten way worse for whites. We used to be way wealthier compared to other races.

That's not a street fight faggot. I mean a real fight where you can die. So you are in no position to talk about suffering and struggle when you haven't lived through shit like I have you little spoiled bitch.

Is this what this is about for you? Being wealthier then other races?

You think some poor ass coal miner in cornwall comforted himselfs "well at least the english empire has more money and stuff then the chinese empire". What a pathetic attitude is this. Are you longing for the days of serfdom? Your shitty attitude is a shitty attitude because its created by a sick and weak mind no amount of wealth would change that for you.

Yes I want whites to racially dominate all other races like we used to before we turned into cuck faggots.

i don't care. I got my head banged up in street fights alot and this does not change a thing about what i write here. You are a weak complaining little bitch and you won't cut it in any society. The cause you bemourn doesn't matter.

I guarantee modern white people are actually less happy than whites 200 years ago.

You are a dumb cuck bitch who sits idly by while his race dies. You should be angry. You should be unhappy.

Bitch I would knock your preppy sheltered ass out in 15 seconds.

you mean like we used to when arab pirates raided southern european shores for hundreds of years capturing slaves? The slaves they didn't get sold to already by friesian traders and viking raiders sailing down the volga?

"like we used to" yeah its realy dominating stuff getting your heart cut out on the top of a pyramide in deviltown because your boss wanted gold and so did you.

good look dominating these races for whom tetanus and high child mortality is normal when you can't even handle this anonymous discussion here. You will go back to your field and toil and shut your cunt.

maybee you would but that wouldn't mean the end of the fight. I would simply follow you home and stand before your bed in the middle of the night. or maybe the next day. or maybe when youre not at home re-arrenging your shit or bobbytrapping your toilet. Something your nigger brain can't relate to cause of your high time preference and impulsive mentaly retarded nature.

The scale of that was relatively small compared to how many blacks we enslaved and how many countries we conquered.

You wouldn't do shit but call the cops you bitch ass faggot.

and that would be a problem for you? you can't handle somebody calling the cops on you what would you do when you get a blowdart in the neck by one of these niggers you wanna conquer. Being like "thats sucha bitch move you faggot" while your bowles get released. You have no attitude of a fighters youre just a disgruntled little peasant and you will be back on that field toiling untill you die.

We came with guns and the casualties for whites were nearly non existent. Whites literally could have killed every shitskin on Earth we were so powerful.

Europeans were wealthier than anyone else on Earth.

The cops are better armed than any African shitskin ever was.

you talk of "we" as if you were one of the knights of columbus but youre a underprivileged little faggot whining on the internet. You would be none of these conquerers, you would toil on a field or in a mine and you would have a short, shitty life like most of the whites back then and thats all you deserve anyway because you are not worth anything more.

Bitch ass faggot come meet me somewhere and I'll kill your weak preppy faggot ass.

You are just a fucking insecure bitch. That's why you type out all this gay shit. That's why you don't support white nationalism cause you're an insecure little bitch who is jealous of other white men and wants to drag them all down.


bullshit I am smarter and just as subversive as the average kike. kikes literally fear me in real life

I see the derailing squad has been dispatched.



Filtered and reported.
Ineffectual kike.
Tick tock.

I think you've confused talking fast and often with being intelligent.

Fuck off.

No, I have an IQ higher than the Jewish average.

Even the fake 115 is pretty low, so that means nothing. You aren't actually human unless you're 125+, and score highly in all other aptitude tests and creativity. Otherwise, you're just another fractured soul feigning sapience.

tell me that when i beat the shit out of you and piss in your mouth.

prove your IQ is above 125 you faggot, you are such a genius yet you post on here like a fucking loser with nothing better to do LMFAO

The majority of humanity is of low intelligence. Always has been, always will be. We cannot disregard the masses and presume to fix this on our own.
Yes, dumb people are especially susceptible to propaganda and social conditioning. We cannot simply abandon them.
We have limited options right now. We never needed huge numbers to win, but we are looking at extinction. Divorce laws and "family courts" are a bigger problem than women who don't know better. They aren't supposed to know better, they are supposed to follow, not lead.
Not like this. It won't matter much if the strongest survive in a world filled with 10 billion shitskins and no remaining white countries left on earth. The systems in place can still corrupt good genetic stock as well.


You'd be right if all they'd do was not reproduce. Their genes would just disappear and the culture would die with it, and that would be it. The problem is that they'll drag everyone else with them, by flooding their country with nonwhites and punishing those Whites that resist it.


Not trying to countersignal you user but according to The Eddas, white people are very good at lying and tricking people.

That's not going to happen, user.

This is fucking great. Reminds me of the navy-seal pasta.

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Whats wrong with science fiction? Frank Herbert is a great writer. I just started reading another book by Heinlein about the moon being a former penal colony and everyone is a mixed race moron and has to recycle their own sewage and reuse their wastewater it actually sounds a lot like california

Let me guess, was it "The Birth of a Nation"?
I know it did it to me

Is always linked with Stormtards. Anything linked with Stormtards are actually causing "White Genocide".

Reminder that White Nationalism is the weapon used by Jews to exterminate Whites.

Well done. This is undoubtedly the stupidest comment I've ever read on this shithole of a site.

>actually defending white genocide because you can come up with some false positive about it

Kill yourself zeemaps meetup boomer fed kike kikestian schizo niggerloving shill.

yeah youre a real tough guy, faggot. As if a pathetic beta like you would deserve a fair fight.

There is a lot one could claim about what i type out but not that it is insecure. Insecure is something like "White" Nationalism because it already admits that you are a mutt. Truth is, faggots like you try to drag me down with you negative nancy attitudes and bitchcyring the whole day without every being able to cut it yourself. The right is not egalitarian or pluralistic, which means for you faggot that you will be settled on the lowest rank of the social pyramide where you belong.

Watching you creeps try to play your jewish nonsense is always amusing.

this whole post is nothing but projection. you endlessly talk shit online and then get mad when other people do it.

im in Amherst New york bitch. you coming?

yeah you sure talk big online you little faggot bitch. you would never say shit to my face pansy. i bet your girlfriend flirts with niggers in front of your prissy preppy faggot ass

you're nothing but a pseudo-intellectual little pansy ass faggot like 90%of this website

what a fucking pleb

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meet me in person pansy and i will piss on your unconscious body

ever lost your buttplug when you hit the bong too hard you pathetic degenerate

I don't know what you think of hitler but there's a part in mein kampf where he basically realized most normal Germans were or could become based, they had just been brainwashed by the propaganda.

how often do you think about butt plugs you weak faggot?

says the trap LMFAO

Hitler did in a first account, the intelligent genes from one his car. he dies. You can be worth having it has you fucking tranny and think the rise of sorts too. Thats why would probably sugar addiction too? I've gotten features from Esau, without regenerative medicine. You only going to be a list of Jewmerica is going to be frugal than extravagant; in D.C. The real kikes being antiZionist. Vietnam War USS Liberty but like hating certain groups of the niggers jews Kebabs! Loyal consumers and suddenly hundreds of the summoning of "Greater Israel" right leaning/anti degenerate and they are retarded. In ritual, it was a noise, nor anything on the values of tokyo.

Worst bot I think I've ever seen here.

The problem is the government will move in and forcibly destroy any group of white people who consciously try to avoid the poz. That is why we have a problem.

Hahahaha goddamn I love this guy. You better not talk shit to him, otherwise he'll start breathing really heavy and typing really fast. Drooling all over his keyboard, his face will then turn red and he eventually threatens to fite you irl.

You wouldn't want that to happen, do you know?

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Yes they do. If only the most intelligent 5% of the population breeds, the coming generation will be much more intelligent than that proceeding it.

R I G H T…because niggers and subhumans are selective about who they murder

But never stopped user. Remember, if you want this one stopped you will have to do it yourself.

All of the US recycles their poo as drinking water user. How do you think they are getting so much estrogen and lithium into Whites? If you are not drinking filtered water you are probably on a one way ticket to extermination.

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lol I think I have seen worse lately.

Oy vey remove posts against the Jew admin. We can't have normal pro Whites goy.

"White Genocide" is a well know White Nationalist retard meme. Anything promoted by White Nationalists will only help the Jews.

OP, what you're seeing now is a dramatic thinning of the white herd. Over the next 50 years, everyone who does not value their cultural inheritance will give it up for the perverse thrill of it. While this happens, the white woman will continue to be held up as the standard of beauty to the chagrin of the much more common mudskin womyns. This is ultimately a good thing for survival-minded whites, because it means that if you play your fucking cards correctly then your daughters will have a crop of similarly-minded white conservatives, who will be all for 14 if not for 88.
Anyone who thinks that this white genocide will be a full genocide isn't paying attention. The intelligent bureaucrat class of whites are going nowhere, because they're the breeding pool for the international elite: the utility of being able to use fiat to pull attractive, intelligent people into the bloodline is too tempting for the truly rich. They just want to be the only ones who have coveted features like light eyes and hair.

You're delusional. Find me a single Euro empire that didn't have greed, subterfuge, corruption, and deceit. A single fucking one in all of history. The most successful ones of antiquity and modernity (Rome, Venice, Byzantium, the Spanish, the French, the Anglos, and now the Burgers) are all better at Jew-jitsu than the Jews themselves.

>a thread shilling IN FAVOR OF WHITE GENOCIDE is still up
This place truly is lost.

Kill yourself zeemaps meetup boomer fed kike kikestian schizo niggerloving shill.

Genes are molded by behavior. Whores have already lowered the quality of their genes, even when they are white. The best solution is artificial wombs, with genetic manipulation of the children until it is birthed perfect. Women aren't needed anymore.

I find this really funny since female whores were saying due to technology men are obsolete. just pure projection on their part

The average white today is too busy curled up in a ball on the floor crying over the ending of the latest avengers movie and more concerned about how they can afford the latest lineup of switch games on their min wage slave labor and still have time to play them all.

Good luck changing that.

t. rabbie shekelstein "The gamer joo"

lol is killing your enemies a viable strategy?

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I've always said that loads of stupid bottom-feeder welfare queen "whites" is better for the rest. Gotta cull that herd.