Other urls found in this thread:
Were they white?
“Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police … Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”
The real racial bias: Cops more willing to shoot whites than blacks, research finds
No racial bias in police shootings, study by Harvard professor shows
‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie
In times like these, it is important to remember that diversity is our greatest strength.
this, proof that diversity really is our strength
But it's just socio-economics. You can clearly tell that these fine and well-rounded men and women are engineers, doctors, and scientists.
“Wow this is my will. It is centered around a world which helps me meet my needs and helps me find others with similar wills. Through this True will I can expand infinitely and conquer any problem . Any adversity just becomes a lesson, added weight which makes me stronger and immune to any new form of pain”
“Wow I’m a Jewish kike psychiatrist who never focuses on Israeli war crimes Jewish theft or Jewish pedophilia and I believe you might have a mental illness. Take this pill that destroys your brain. You don’t know what’s best for you, i do. I can’t believe you are such a narcissist you think you can control your own life. “
Holy fuck the only thing more disgusting than kikes is whites
What a shitty bot.
Seems promising. It started raining g though which caused some chimps to leave.
Is it happening? This fell off the front page.
It’s funny how much smaller these riots are now that Kang Obango isn’t in office to fix all their problems.
Also, sounds like another one just got shot
Dey din do nuffin!
black men marrying white women is our strength
Put them all in a fucking oven
Needs per-capita and also crime rates for comparison, both reported crime and from victim surveys.
Whats going on America? Yikes.
Is this the thread being slid, or have we entered another 4chan phase so the shills are in place to show support for some future event?
Bump for more info. What happened?
OP (phoneposting and bumping his own thread) you're a faggot, that's why.
Lurk more and image related you absolute nigger.
shut up
I'm not OP
Yet you bumped twice and didn't sage your second post.
Hence still:
Fag OP
They sound interesting but washington post requires you to turn off your adblockers to view.
You should always archive sites like that.
we need some goddamned streams
I'm not that guy, and not OP, you blazing moron.
I did bump twice, with and , because this is an interesting topic that ended up way down the catalog because of a ton of shitty threads, twice.
And now I'm bumping it again and you can go fuck yourself.
This happens EVERY summer you dumbass. We had the same fucking threads last year hoping for
the real chimpout.
Post a thread when it's 10000 niggers minimum and they are burning a city/ attacking police.
Baltimore riots were interesting, this is a drop in the nigger violence ocean.
I guarantee you that in 2 weeks there'll be all kinds of chimpouts. Maybe some nigger kid gets shot and they martyr him again because "he dindu nuffiin" that'd be a topic.
This a semi-interesting subject (A nigger chimpout: in Memphis) not a good topic since this will be the first in a series of protest.
Higher temperatures= Chimpout, every summer always
last post
how is it that we're only finding out about these after the fact these days? Are streams being shut down by jewtube? Burns my balls
And you aryans want white people to be like that, then wonder why you’re thought weak.
Why do brown communities have so much trouble with things like this? Why do they get up in arms? Why’s it so hard to accept that criminals suck and don’t deserve mass retribution? Why do they have to be racial kyriotate submitting to violence like this?
I bet promoting interracial marriages would fix this by linking elements of the brown community with the standard pacifism of the beige.
Oh wait, you’re all whining broken sociopaths who’d get bored if anything was fixed.
All racists are niggers, and some niggers are white. These brown people are racists - they cared more about the pigment of the corpse than the criminality. This place is the same way about Tarrant, the Islamic false-flagger, making this place proof that not all niggers are brown.
who invited these fags? Get the fuck out of here
You’re just burned by truth. Be a little free speechy, eh nigger?
Moloch is a pussy faggot incel
Zig Forums was never a board of free speech, if you want to be a liberal faggot you have the entire rest of the internet to prance around on
also liberals and kikes are the biggest racists of all, call me a liar
Because kikes took the free speech away
Thread theme
bumping for chimp out
Reminder to use >>>/qresearch/ for breaking info and drop JQpills while you're there.
It´s seems that the level of chimp out is a 2 going to 3.
I hate living in this city, let it burn.
Go agitate the niggers user. Live stream it.
From what I've heard it's already over, I wasn't even aware of it until this morning.
I wish we had a moonman killer driving by shooting up these niggers.
Diversity is (((our))) strength
most threads this low effort are taken down