It has, and it was destabilizing.
The problem is that historical homosexuals were part of the general sociopathy of our ancestors. You have to look at how often humans throughout history consumed their seedcorn or otherwise went through feast-famine patterns. Humans often celebrate on the verge of destruction, “because everyone’s gonna die anyways”. In Greece and Rome the “homosexuals” in power were overt child abusers, and what they protected was overtly child abuse. That happened again in other historical points where a homosexual leadership rose… though not Weimar, AFAIK.
The Weimar government sucked at economics more than it sucked at dicks. Still, if people feared it was pedo-dominated, they would have had history on their side at that point. I believe Weimar may have bern the first non-evil gay-friendly government in human history, those poor bastards.
Our ancestors were slave-driving jackasses to a degree modern humans can barely fathom. People fought each other all the damned time, and were almost uniformly two-faced. Society had claws. Think of “modern” African nations where tribes are too busy murdering each other to plant crops, and now imagine Europe being like that except Europeans knew every winter the whole world would become so damn cold and hostile people would have to work together or die. It set a limit to how nasty people could be… but not enough of a limit. People still treated each other as tools to be used for amusement, and the aristocracies often sent peasants to die for no damned good reason.
Modern faggots are different from ancient faggots partly because modern cultures don’t brutalize the time-sense out of people, and partly thanks to the nascent cultural power known as “the grey”. Greys care about people, but they - I want to say we, hah - are also cold fish. I’m at least psuedogrey. I adore greys. They’re good medicine. (My belief in evil may disqualify me from full membership, or my vibrant emotional range might. I’m not a cold fish.)
The key to “being grey” is valuing integrity and science, while opposing that which causes traumas. Greys harm-minimize. Harm minimization is a cultural technology our ancestors didn’t have, even as recently as Weimar. Using faggots against pedophilia is part of the technology of harm minimization.
The broad stroke of what harm minimization means is: acknowledge bad human behavioral patterns that cannot be eliminated by inquisition, and then divert them into forms harmless or even beneficial. If people are going to commit X crime or Y crime, where X is the lesser crime, getting them to select X every time is a harm-minimization triumph.
People fucking each other in the ass consensually is in and of itself like the smallest crime imaginable. So saying to people, “you can do this only if everyone involved is a consenting adult,” is an obvious and highly efficacious means of minimizing harms.