Saudi oil tankers torpedoed

two saudi oil tankers were heavily damaged, apparently by "torpedoes and magnetic mines".

How much you want to bet that Iran gets blamed?

Attached: oiltankerowned.PNG (807x605, 338.6K)

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Based Drumpf 4D falseflagging American enemy number one, Iran! SHILLS BTFO

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Meh, doubt it will amount to much. Just more half assed propaganda fuckery.

Whatever that means

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there are Israeli subs lurking out there. Not the first time they used subs, either; but that is a different story

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Always do it near enemy land or your own shores will be fucked. Very good strategy. I suspecct things like this will escalate in the future. Places like Indian ocean and Malacca are begging for some hi tec piracy.

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More likely it'll see the U.S military sending more resources to patrol near the strait, to keep traffic flowing safely with minimal delay. However that response would agitate Iran and increase the risk of an incident involving a U.S warship directly. So this is likely bait for a much larger incident being planned.