If We Don't Globally Collapse Within The Next Two Decades, Humanity Is Doomed to Extinction

Just to sum up the most important video you need to watch right now:

This man is extremely intelligent and concisely words his points better than I could. This isn't meant to be a blackpill. Sometimes we all need a reality check for how bad things really are. White nationalism only means something if there's a habitable planet for whites to live on. Right now we're looking at the genocide of every living race on Earth, by our own hands.

Other urls found in this thread:


Non-whites and kikes are killing the planet, so the solution is quite obvious.

Unfortunately, there is no pro-white organization anywhere near capable of cleansing the Earth of vermin. I'd recommend watching the video.

Although most the points sound leftist as shit, I don't disagree that collapse is the only solution, but not for environmental reasons. In fact, I'd wager that's exactly what the elites have planned, most likely scenario is an engineered virus that spreads and kills at optimal rates for massive population, they of course will be vaccinated. Sometime after most of the world is dead, they'll announce they have found a vaccine. They'll seek to be treated as heroes and assume their positions as heads of the new world order.

This of course doesn't come at no risk because there's always a chance for a viral mutation, or accidental nuclear war to attempt to wipe out infected areas. Nevertheless, whatever happens is going to happen within the next 5-10 years.

Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT give leftists any issues. Environmentalism is middle ground and affects everyone. This is an issue the far-right would be smart to pick up on and use to their own advantage. I'm almost curious which parts you heard that you thought sounded "leftist."

I agree that this could absolutely have been coordinated to occur in order to usher in the New World Order. The elites know better than anyone that this current system cannot sustain itself much longer. I just hope it happens soon. I'm bored of pseudo-happenings and petty politics in general.

And how do you think such a 'global extinction event' would look like? It would be exactly a collapse of our civilization with 90-95% of global population dead within two decades. This would create perfect conditions for a new civilization to arise from the ashes and thrive on the newfound wasteland. You idiots were always sneering at the 'globalist plans' for depopulation yet you overlook the glaring issue- with us or without us we are all doomed. Only we have rational solutions for what to do afterwards- create a new civilization- a rational one. A happy one.

fuck off commie

Heard about this because of the Documentary Collapse but do you have proofs ( links/pictures ) that it already happened?

You know I posted a video featuring hundreds of infographics being explained right? Check the OP.

I've always been on board for depopulation.

This isn't a video game, you dumb fuck. All that infrastructure is gonna rot and decay and their highly toxic/radioactive insides will spill all over. All that pollution won't magically go away because the facility is no longer active. Besides, First World countries pollute the least. It's afroniggers, chinks and pajeets that shit up everything. The real solution is to genocide the lower races and turn their corpses into biofuel.