Metapedia needs your help!

Metapedia needs your help!

Metapedia is growing, but we need your help to keep it growing.

In the Internet Age, the control and distribution of information is vital for political interests, as well as cultural and racial survival. Metapedia is the only major encyclopedia to challenge the mainstream narratives, proliferating across the media landscape.

Since its founding in 2006, Metapedia has offered content in 20 different European languages, encompassing hundreds of thousands of articles on every important topic under the sun. It stands today as an uncompromising and irreplaceable fount of information and education, with respect to a pro-European point of view.

We invite you to aid us however you are able, in keeping our vital project going. Since our enemies own and control nearly all the banking and payment processing platforms online, we have been effectively demonetized, essentially locked out from receiving online payments.

The only method left available to us is the one payment system the Jewish globalist aristocracy will never be completely able to own or control: Bitcoin.

The Internet has become the foremost front in this metapolitical battle of our time. Help us with our struggle for the future.


Visit our site at - We are now looking for new contributors willing to make our site a great resource of knowledge and information on par with our mainstream competitor; wikipedia, which is not trustworthy nor reliable.

We may be able to begin by tightening up our pages, as some of you have noticed, some of our pages use "lose" language such as "some argue" which need to be replaced with sources for the claims, lack working and informative citations, which need to be filled in and updated, and there are other forms of upkeep need to be made in order to make this wiki the best it can be.

Another area that needs attention is the lack of coverage, while this wiki was intended to allow pro-european perspectives to have a voice free from censorship, it should also become a wiki that covers every area, just as out competitor does, this is in order to create more traffic to the site by allowing the wiki to cover all areas of inquiry a user may have, eliminating the need to visit a competitor. To this end, I suggest transferring over pages from infogalactic to fill in all the pages that we lack, then editing the transferred pages to make them our own, it's dirty, but we lack the numbers, resources, and time needed to catch up by ourselves right now, so be realistic and cut us a break.

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Other urls found in this thread:π•Ώπ–π–Š_π•΅π–Šπ–œπ–˜_𝖆𝖓𝖉_π•Ώπ–π–Šπ–Žπ–—_π•·π–Žπ–Šπ–˜

Shill mods want to kill this thread, this is an initiative that is actually effective, rightpedia is another good project to contribute to.

This board, this site, are owned by the (((government))), and they use their power to kill any effective activism through their pet mods.


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oh wow, last time I checked, metapedia was down
have a bump

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bring back metapedia and neinchan

I completly missed neinchan - what were its advantages over Zig Forums?

basically it was just another alternative to this place in case Zig Forums gets cucked like 4chan did, tho they sperged out massively on discord and as of today it seems their website is down
really though, don't use discord for political stuff

learned that the hard way as well

Good luck to you, OP

OP should address the elephant in the room: why is one of your mods censoring coverage of Jews mutilating fellated babies:

(((Upplysning))) removed information and locked the page to prevent its restoration. Get rid of him and I'll consider giving you some donations.

I wubba lubba your dub-dubs.

I will see what I can do, this is clearly something that needs to be taken care of, thank you for brining this to my attention.

BTW, we need contributors a lot more than we do donations, don't get me wrong, we need both, but contributors to expand and improve content is much more of a priority at this point in time.

Metapedia is a good resource, thank you for running it my friend. I might contribute in the future.

What happened to nchan?

You live in Israel. Even Cortez' bitch and black wearing former tweakers know. The welfare offices are really out for 8 months AND LOSING ALL MONEY. It AIN'T WORTH SHIT, NOBODY WANTS TO BUY IT, IT'S SELLING UNDERVALUED, THE SJW or time between the birthright from Americans, crowding our skin. Yet today because of you fags, Glasgow, Cardiff, Birmingham, Manchester and order have been nothing but a coat. How much more soylent? Kill niggers, jews are retarded inbred goatfuckers, and the firefighters couldnt stop samefagging you fucking nigger soiboi. Soiboy fucking faggot cuck kike tranny. Jews stolen from Kabbalah and ignored it. Vietnam War USS Maddox/Gulf of explosive ammunition in the world to this "pede" shit, 24/7. The nu-democrats are hardly known.

I don't actually run Metapedia, I simply contribute to it, that said, thank you for contributing, in the OP I addressed two primary issues facing the site beyond lack of funding and contribution, which should be addressed first and foremost by contributors.

>Visit our site at - We are now looking for new contributors willing to make our site a great resource of knowledge and information on par with our mainstream competitor; wikipedia, which is not trustworthy nor reliable.

Also, I have no Idea what happened to Neinchan

WTF nigga, you need to simmer down a bit. I can't even read your post.
In all seriousness though, it's a serious waste of digits for something so difficult to read, maybe rewrite your post and space it out a bit?

I truly appreciate your efforts, but in my opinion you should first and foremost grab current year wikipedia, back it up onto your own encyclopedia and then proceeding with editing out articles that either are very (((moderated))) or flat out invented. Most importantly, it would be very wise of you to work on embedding alternative video streaming platforms like dailymotion or bitchute, in addition to that videos that may disappear from the face of the internet should be available in some way from the wiki itself.

Kill yourself. Slowly. Stream it.

Infogalactic has already done that, robbing wikipedia and adapting it to their own ideology, since their ideology is closer to ours it would be less work if we stole from infogalactic and adapted the articles from there, bit yeah, the basic idea for filling out the wiki is the same.

Hello rabbi, the more you try to kill an idea, the better the idea looks to us.

Anons, this is brilliant. I stumbled upon it already. They should focus on English, it would be easier to translate and focus the efforts to produce more content. Why not implement design. Like just ripping it off put all articles in revision mode and clearing them as it is cleaned.

How can I help? Point me towards shit! Because I don't know how editing works

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Basically the goal right now is to make metapedia into a general all-purpose wiki that can work as a standalone like our competitors by making it cover every topic that they do, instead of just having a relatively few pages dedicated to one niche area of interest.

and doing this by taking the entirety of ((infogalactic)) or (((wikipedia))) and copying over every page that metapedia does not have, before adapting anything that needs to be adapted (such as adding much-needed information to pages on media that is pozzed with the S.J. Dubbyas or that is is propaganda made by the Jew for the purpose of corrupting Gentile minds).

After this we need to tighten up the articles we do have "some argue" needs to be removed and filled out, citations need to be added and updated, we need to make each article perfect and unassailable with anything other than "I don't like the conclusions therefore it's invalid" (aka "It's racist") or "I don't like the person who provided the source for this data because they were unpersoned by the moral authorities" (aka "your source is racist"), both of the criticisms we expect and which are as unavoidable as they are fallacious.

also if anyone can post dank memes or animu waifus in this thread it would be much appreciated, bonus points if they can somehow be interpreted as topic-related.

Sounds like a smart idea. (((Google))) mostly favors Wikipedia because it's one of those websites that actually bother implementing their data the way that the google widget reads them, may be worth checking out how to do that, even though you may end up blacklisted at least you'll have the groundwork laid up for future search engines like searx that are getting more popular.
>and doing this by taking the entirety of ((infogalactic)) or (((wikipedia))) and copying over every page that metapedia does not have, before adapting anything that needs to be adapted (such as adding much-needed information to pages on media that is pozzed with the S.J. Dubbyas or that is is propaganda made by the Jew for the purpose of corrupting Gentile minds).
Good on ya.
I've got two more suggestions for you:
1) Make it so accounts can only be created by trusted users, i.e. they need to contact you if they want to have higher privileges than the random schmuck that wants to edit stuff. This is done to prevent people from shitting up the place while you're low on numbers, ideally you should also log IPs of edit articles without having an account, to deter /leftytards/ from spamming it with gore and what not, while letting people who HAVE accounts un-logged.
Secondly, I strongly suggest you create your own board, >>>/metapedia/ and mostly advertise on more channels than just on Zig Forums. The reason why I say this is that having a place to gather anons other than mainline boards will help you deal with problems related to the website, as well as being a handy feedback and FAQ page, while going around various boards could just be done to advertise and to ask people for their content.

Also, another thing, if you manage to do so, there's plenty of FanWikis that keep getting molested or shut down by the Moderators, like those dedicated to niche games or fetishes. It would probably help inflate the number of supporters if you got them on your side and backed up their shit. Not trannyfaggots, I mean people like those who make lolcow repositories and whatnot.

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Can you make the board? I don't want to go through all the trouble it takes to make it, and I would suck at being it's owner since I have little free time (outside of today) or moderation skills.

this thread must go up

its actually a bot

fuck you

you won't do shit nigger

High School teacher here. My students aren't allowed to use any 'pedia' except metapedia. Keep up the great work.

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So, how's it feel to be unemployed user?

Here, we can try to use this to check Metapedia and fill it in.

It's the library of hate:

Bumping for a good plan

Use riot for communication

damn I can't stop looking to bugwomen from korea, why can't white women be that feminine again, but for real instead of for cash. BTW nice suggestions user, gathering more anons would amplify the reach of both groups by the initiative.

Also if someone who has already experience with creating boards for loles, we could actually use the help. I think copy-pasting wikipedia manually is too much work. Metapedia must be contacted to run their shit on a mirror of wikipedia that needs editing and cleaning to be released to public scrutiny.
I hope there is pie


I feel stereotypically insulted

But you clicked and posted anyway, so it must not have been that bad.

Encyclopedia Dramatica is far better:
- more articles
- well-written
- isn't cringey partisan faggotry
- funny as shit
- enrages niggers and kikes
Your shitty fucking boomerpedoia can rot for all
we care.

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No one that takes stuff seriously would accept ED, BTW ED only amasses lolcows. The aim is to bring normies to read impartial content on the web, not the kind of kike impartiality.

- articles disregard accuracy
- articles lack useful content
- articles are needlessly offensive
- articles exist to trigger, not educate
- articles are purely focused on satire, not intended to be relied upon.

pissing people off is not a good thing in itself, the goal is to recruit and inform, not to drive away potential future allies.

Doing that just attracts more aspie neo-Nazis who can't understand proper Eugenics like pic related.

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Rightpedia is down. It hasn't been back up in months. Is the project dead?

Goes double for me, dude. Just punch in some disposable mail address and be done with it, as long as you log in every once in a while you won't lose ownership.

There's still plenty of feminine women, they just don't act out as much as the whorish ones.

ED is only good for keeping track of recent events. I wouldn't put them to be a reliable source of information, much like many other parody wikis, but they still hold some truth.

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How am I supposed to make an account?
When I follow the instructions and send an email to sign up, I keep getting messages about the message being unable to be sent.
using btw

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Nigger, I don't think you know where you are right now, because you just quoted fucking Rick and Morty.

That's one of the few times i've seen Encyclopedia Dramatica be relevant on here.

ED also has the full text of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which is required reading.

lol ok they had to make an "anti-Trump" page that was literally just spammed one-liners from that kike on "Last Week Tonight"π•Ώπ–π–Š_π•΅π–Šπ–œπ–˜_𝖆𝖓𝖉_π•Ώπ–π–Šπ–Žπ–—_π•·π–Žπ–Šπ–˜
Even better is this on top of that.


They can use dickapedia? Noice.

Aaaaaand you lost me. Fuck off.

Bump for /apol/ content

Rightpedia is down because Oliver D. Smith filed false reports to GoDaddy. We'll probably bring it back up. Metapedia cucked out a bit.

t. Rightpedia admin

Metapedia is vacant, we take it over and make it into whatever we need it to be.

We need a central source of information, this is an inescapable fact, we don't have the teams the feds do that can autistically lurk, archive, investigate, summarize, and categorize every little thing that gets posted on here.

Being obtuse and telling our guys to do their own research is not helping us, it's helping (((you know jew))), they have all the time and resources and people and skills for "independent" learning, none of us can know whats to be trusted, having an official, well-moderated source will help us immensely.
Meanwhile, (((they))) can always know what's what because they're the ones posting the stuff to be avoided.

we need a handy-dandy reference, an easily used source of information an every available topic, and we know for damn sure that that is something that doesn't exist right now.

and no, a simple archive doesn't work, it's insufficient for a long list of reasons I'm not going to debate right now (see the previous thread for the debate), we need a full-fledged wiki, so we should take one wiki that is shitty, abandoned, or dying, and take it over.

If it's to become what we need it to be, we need this wiki to appeal to non-political users as well, fior this reason, we first shamelessly steal from another wiki that has pages on basically every topic, such as wikipedia or infogalactic, transfer the pages over to the new wiki, an edit away until it looks the way we want it to.

what's more, the additional pages on trivial topics is a way of keeping anons interested in the site, they edit one article after another if we include stuff outside of a single domain, and it can even be an endless stimulation of their brain that would make them better to contributing to the more relevant areas (although everything is relevant consider we know who runs every aspect of our currently-dominant culture, you will never know what will become useful in the future, especially since often we need to see large-scale patterns to understand complex issues).

yeah, having articles on japanese horror movies, or time-travel fiction, or on the history of the loofa, or the most popular toys of the 90's, basically all of that is going to help us, everything helps, because everything has the potential to be of help, no matter how trivial, niche, or mundane it may first seem.