Nick Fuentes sells out to the Jews and tells a Jewish lawyer he denounces anti-semitism

Nick Fuentes sells out to the Jews and tells a Jewish lawyer he denounces anti-semitism

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Some "based and redpilled" (((alt-right))) personality?

Who could have predicted this?

Who hasn't sold out to the Jews? If you don't have a Jewish lawyer you literally can't do anything. We have to completely destroy and replace are legal system before people can even be mad about this

"goy we'll drop this whole thing if you just say the magic words 'I'm anti anti-semitism', we'll just let you win"
My interpretation of what went down

Sage for wasting a thread

I think I might've heard the name once before, but I have no idea who this guy is and I'm not about to start caring now.

MAGA fag cucks to jews. Who could have predicted this?

That's the problem with celebretism. The type of person attracted to it tends to be unprincipled, weak and malleable.

Spic Fuentes was always a de-escalation shill, and a kike worshipper to boot. He ramped up his name by starting shit with former partner James Allsup and appearing for a moment to be the more "extreme" of the two to garner those "extreme" followers, then de-escalated to the center. Exactly the same as how this board de-escalated to a group of kike worshipping boomers and aimless middle schoolers whose idea of fighting against the kikes is making ineffective memes, worshipping kikes, and calling everyone else a shill.

A non-white. What part of the name confused you?

20 year old boy who thinks he knows more than he does at least in order to gain and trick cuck followers. He is easily manipulated since he's a young kid. (((They))) will utterly demolish this young guy into pieces and make him their zombie as they do with everyone else who gain eceleb traction.

If you are not 100% humble and got inflated egoism. Which you get sooner or later the more traction you get from cuck followers. You are very prone to fall into (((their))) trap since it means your true god is your sweet ego = Satan. (((They))) know exactly how to deal with guys like that. Seen it before, old news.

He was an open non-racial christian cuckservative, his whole fanbase are the 'muh true conservatism' archetype. He only ever made alt-right references as jokes. He's actually all about muh word of god, tearing down ethnic pro-white groups because degeneracy all while fapping to catbois himself, and our descendants can all be niggers for all he cares, so long as they go to church.
There are ecelebs that Zig Forums should care about, as they're a good mechanism to circulate information among plebs and zoomers, but this is not one of them.

Purple user here, you know the one who got Q to shut its fucking mouth for a whole month to date, and guess where I'm going next kids? I'm going over to Youtube to clean out the cancer of E-Celebs I spent a decade helping to build as part of a massive propaganda operation. Nick Fuentes is as original as that stupid cunt Soph. Both are tools used by the people around them to make money. Fuentes dreams to be part of the fox nightly news set he is an egotistical worm who wasn't even corrupted by money but the promise of legitimacy.

A latino sold out whites? Imagine!

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Aren't the bluehairs at youtube already doing that with or without your approval?

Nick is a dog-whistler. That's how he operates. You seriously think he'll give himself away in front of (((lawyers)))?
Don't get me wrong. I don't like him either, but this is nothing out of the ordinary for him. This shit didn't even need a thread.

If you actually watch the content, he dogwhistles constantly about everything.
If you unironically think that he should just go on stream and scream 1488 and "gas the kikes", you're just as detrimental to the movement as everyone you hate.
You can't give the enemy some clown wignat like Spencer that they can vilify.
People in groups like "EVR0PA ODINSON PAGAN DEATH SQUAD DEFENSE FORCE" are just as bad as the boomers with swastikas tattoo'd on their forehead.

"oh but they vilify you anyway so what's the point"
The point is you're not doing their fucking job for them.
You want them to point out innocent things you say as "racist evil Nazi" to the masses.
It makes the Jewish media look fucking stupid.
Then small portions of the masses actually stop and think "hey why is the news telling me wanting to survive is bad".
Now you have more soldiers.
If you larp like a fucking retard constantly, they can point to you instead of someone actually articulating the ideals without all this gay death squad shit.
Its fine for us to do that shit in an echochamber like this, but you can't appeal to the masses with that.
You're not the target audience. If you don't want to listen to it then go watch some larpfag podcast.

Even Hitler didn't run on "gas the kikes! race war now".
That's a shitty way of gaining public support.
He ran on retribution for the treaty of Versailles.
He ran on international interests meddling in Germany's government.
He ran on economics.
Basically what Orban and Salvini are doing, but angrier and with more ideological clarity.

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He is a fucking spic first of all, and is caving to the jew. Fuck off and die the point here is not just optics.

He's a mutt, he's not a spic.
He's 70+% white.

How is he caving to the jew.
He literally does a show every day of the fucking week where he names the jew.

If its not optics then what the fuck are you complaining about you brainlet.
You're acting like its a fucking revelation that he's not 100% white.
and you act like him denying being racist to a kike on Twitter is him ceding all ground to the jewish people.
What the fuck do you want him to say???
"yessir I stand by what I said in that video. The Jews cause a lot of problems."
Then he gets banned in seconds.
He says jew literally 50 times in this show.
Its like telling a Klansman who's crucified niggers that he's not racist enough because he said "no officer, I love black people idk what ur talking about officer. I'm not a klansman"
He's fucking lying you dumb retard gorilla nigger.
Imagine being this fucking stupid
"hhhhuhhh b..but he's a spic"
And you might as well be with that IQ of yours.

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did you expect anything less?

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If he's not white then what's his race?

no, "spic" is not a race, it's a linguistic distinction

Did you just fall off the reddit wagon?

You're right, although spic is a slur for latinos in America. It does muddy the waters however.

He released his DNA test and it only came back like 80% Euro.

He's a fucking spic you idiot ie: Amerindian. I'd die before I ever follow anyone with a name like "Fuentes" or "Cruz"

Literally who.

Imagine my shock.jpg

He's Ben Shaprios doppelganger. All this little turd needs is a yamaka.

Didn't he leave the Trump train? He was criticising Trump for being pro-MIGA not too long ago.

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That's why tabloids target women and feminine men with sex, gossip, and two bit smiles.

Exactly right. I'm 100% convinced all these "literally who" posters are D&C turbo-kikes trying desperately to make Nick look like some boomer-tier MIGA cuck because they're terrified that he will become popular.


A spic youtuber does what everyone was waiting on. The homo known as OP is actually surprised…

You must watch a lot of day time tv. Is it because your uncle Moshe produces it all?

How did you arrive at these opinions on how things should be run when you've never done shit? Reality must really fuck you up.

Glad I'm not alone

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but not jewish subversion and soft power, does he denounce that? OP is a massive faggot.

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Imagine being dumb enough to admit on camera to being antisemitic. Who started this thread, Frank Colin?

I don't like Spic Fuentes by any means, but I'd prefer him of Spencer, the TRSodomites, and most of the aut-kike.

I expected this troglodytic response from you Grugs.
If you actually watched his show you would realize that he's doing more for the movement than all of you pathetic whiners put together.

who cares about this guy honestly. under 25s? i'm 34 and from the moment I heard him it's just.. nothing new, and not smart enough to seem likely to influence anyone except those dumber or impressionable