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How much did you gave, white boy?
None, i don't even watch her or really know anything about her other than the exposed stuff like the interracial boyfriend, the jewish ancestry and her shilling, the only reason I made this thread was since I saw the squatting Slavs newest video, I don't watch YouTube anyway but I just watch his videos occasionally since his a semi ok eceleb even though I don't really like his other content about antifa and other bluepilled topics such as slavini or whatever that cuck Italian pm's name is, but his latest video really made me want to murder her, as I already have a high hatred for modern day women, but this whore got under my skin real badly, Lauren was the cherry on the cake when it came to my anger, i just want to kill her with my own bare hands if I could, but she probably lives in a different country and I don't even know her address or anything, or how old she even is, but if I actually knew where she lived and knew that I could probably kill her I Unironically would kill her, I would be known for being the thradthot destroyer, would be an epic title and i would have a lifetime supply of memes made for me as gratitude for what i did
This is not halfchan.
There are enough enemies of ours to fight against.
I do not like her very much, but she did some good documentations for the normies.
So no, i will not waste my energy on her.
Fight the kikes, not our own "allies" or supporters
I suspect you are jew tryin to subvert and DC the NatSocs here.
Racemixing kikess for (((rebel media))) to make sure you know that muslims are the problem and definitely not anyone else
Anyone who's on the side of jewry is an enemy.
OP what the fuck are you talking about? Lauren Southern just made a documentary to raise awareness on the migration crisis in Europe. Are you a Jew trying to get us to sabotage someone who is actually helping our cause?
The documentary is very kosher, and even closes on some kind of statement about how mass immigration "isn't good for anyone", when it's quite clearly very good for her co-racialists who are trying to genocide us. She also tries to humanize the migrants.
Calling excessive - since she won't go further - immigration bad isn't a revolutionary position. Even the left agreed with that a decade or so ago. What she's doing is stating the obvious, while obfuscating the fact that it's a jewish program.
She is an opportunist. As you said, her take on it is kosher. It's about diluting the issue and threat. By focusing too much on making the (((immigrants))) look human, it defeats even its own weak kosher message so that the normalfag defaults back to wanting to let the (((immigrants))) in.
This is her game. Weaken the message, sabotage, and make betabucks.
nice try rabbi, remember, kosher thot will hang first
Imagine punching right in 2019
that's a lot of text for someone who "doesn't even watch her"… are you alright?
Out of literally anything you could be expending your physical and mental energy on
Out of every problem you could face this moment or coming in the future
No, they deserved it. Any faggot who gives a woman money deserves to be mocked. Any girl that sells her body for easy money deserves to be mocked. People are responsible for their actions. If they were "deceived," and not totally and completely aware of their actions, then how come only they gave money, while the rest of us did not? "Deception" is not an excuse for inherently genetically predisposed stupidity. Stupid people deserve to suffer the consequences of their genetics. That's nature.
The nose knows.
We're going to see a lot more kikes "taking a leave of absense" in the coming weeks as they defect back to pissrael and let us have it out with the enemy hordes they infested us with.
Let us never forget what they have done. We must fertilize the soil of the worlds deserts with the blood of the swindlers who thought they could exterminate their hosts once they were done feeding.
Sorry, Kabbalists. What's coming is just nature taking its course.
She was obviously a psy op from the beginning retards. No one gains that much traction without being (((connected)))
after all this time, I'm still pissed off at this site highlighting everything that is posted in ((())) in white
savonarola deserved his fate…just look at that ugly fucker
Sorry Moyshe but we are fond of our mischling waifu and her making a few orbiter bux (they would've spent it on some whore anyway) is balanced out by her wonderful mockery and deconstruction of feminist and other leftist targets.
Hitler would've forgiven her.
Deserved what? Orbiters will always find someone to latch to, and realizing they wasted their money is an education for them.
You do that by harassing Jews propping up the degenerates for their own benefit, not the cannibal half-jews betraying their own and allying themselves with our cause as their niche.
Southern being a coalburner with disgusting half-kike DNA doesn't make her wrong about religion being a different thing than ethnicity, or cancel out her admirable anti-feminist meming. Obviously you should second-guess breeding with her, but pumping your cum up her ass would still be preferably to creating a hapa by doing it into your asian whore's pussy.
dubs confirm, OP is jew subverter. We will not be D+C'd, Southern is no NatSoc but she is our ally of convenience because she is going after sacred totems of Jews like Feminism and PC beta whiteknights, even though she uses both of those to her advantage as well.
I'm getting flashbacks of Kannagi here. Sorry your waifu was impure OP, but you should've always expected this, knowing the state of women.
Face it, even if it wasn't a nigger and she was fucking Brenton Tarrant you'd still find some reason to be bitter about it.
BTW: why would a coalburner waking p to the degeneracy of mudsliems by having stupidly dated one in the past be an overall bad thing? Yes her sexual value is lowered, but her memetic value is enhanced if she ends up hating them.
1) a virgin half-white / half-kike girl who hasn't fucked a mudslime, but WANTS to
2) a non-virgin half-white half-kike girl who HAS fucked a mudslime, but DOESN'T want to.
Yes, (1) has higher sexual value, but in terms of being a good rolemodel/warning or contributor to the debate, (2) is better.
She deserves our understanding and forgiveness so long as she has learned from her mistakes, even if she doesn't deserve to be wifed up.
Look at the length of the fingernails on that nigger's thumb and index finger. He seems effeminate and he is probably gay.
We should keep an open mind that Lauren might opt to pose with gay blacks she has no plans to fuck, as a vaccine against "she raciss" accusations.
Libertarians aren't racist. Sorry not sorry
Nofap streak, gawwwn.
It is all part of a (((political spectrum))). It is like saying
> Y'all so lame lmao! I am part of some other (((club))), not
correct, no funposting allowed or you autistic kikes will sperg out
thats the finnknight you're arguing with, he's obsessed with this jewess
Anyone have the archive of that 2nd tweet?
She's not worth wasting a slot on the front page on.
She's just a disgusting Michael Cera looking kike - her grandfather was not a dane, but chief rabbikike in cuckenhagen.
She's worthless and always was.
Women don't belong in politics. Any woman involved in politics is legitimizing the idea of women in politics, thus she is not helping.
Any childless women over 18 preaching traditionalism or any of that trash are rusing you.
You got a little jewish mouse in your pocket there Schlomo?
Fuck that worthless cumdumpster.
She's a fucking deceptive zionist asset and nothing more - then again, you'd only have any interest in her as anything but a thing of derision if you were a beta orbiter, so, go figure.
i'll bet my next paycheck that lauren probably had a nose job on her 16th b day, jewish girls get plastic surgery in their teen years
t. dated a jewess
the second image with the tweet is fake. She has never said that she is jewish, has always said that she isn't. She is not jewish.
She is the type of narcissist that can never admit mistakes though, so since she was publicly revealed to have been in an inter-racial relationship and also worked with Rebel Media in the past, she will only ever feel comfortable promoting a jewish narrative.
nice find, would you happen to know the URL for the 3rd image? Not sure how to search instagram.com
This is a very valid response. Although the 22 May 2015 reply to willfull19 IMPLIED that her grandparents were Jewish, she didn't outright say that and simply described her grandparents CONSECUTIVELY.
Does this mean my sexual fantasies of humiliting a mischling Jewess cannot be achieved with her because she is just a pure German Aryan whose grandparents were probably just commies who had their truck taken by the army but weren't Jews themselves?
Option 2: Southerns' grandpa might've just crashed his car but was too ashamed to admit it so he blamed it on the Nazis.
Please explain what you mean by this.
On the contrary, deceptive zionist assets can still be useful and have their messages co-opted.
Ultimately if it means saving western society, I'll tolerate a dash of Zionism if it means huge damage against feminism. We can always turn on her later when she stops producing.
That's dated 26 October 2018 but conveniently lacks an archive.is or a post number for us to verify it by.
If this is fake (people who think it's real, feel free to prove us wrong by showing us an archive) then we should look at where the fake originated and who pushed it.
What is the earliest reference we can find to it? nationalvanguard.org
So we know it's been around since at least August 2018. Anyone able to find earlier references?
as follow-up it was mentioned in a comment by Andrew Hamilton who says he saw it at quora.com
The alleged "heritage" tweet appears here in a reply by "Orem Frien, an Atheist Assyrian in America", who preceded the image at qph.fs.quoracdn.net
Perhaps we should take a look a closer look at this (((Orem Friend)))
okay lads I'm getting to the bottom of this
None of that matters. She tweeted about how the jews are still suffering from the Holohoax, and included her grandparents in that. There's no way to interpret it other than that she's a jew.
And look at the context. Someone was implying she had "White privilege" and saying that Aboriginals are still recovering, and she rebutted it by bringing up her family's plight during the Holohoax.
The denial is desperate pilpul.
The context of the post leaves no doubt that Lauren is stating the relatives fled because they were jews.
In the explanatory post it is claimed they left due to property being taken, but were in no danger.
But this is in direct contradiction to "escaped from the nazis."
If they were free to move and in no danger, how is that an "escape"?
One is reminded of Geert Wilders' parents who also "fled" from "the nazis" during WW2.
I don't give. Never have.
Sinead tried to tell us. Why didn't you listen?
It certainly looks like it.
It appears to have been removed.
Jesus Christ shit cum gremlin presents herself like a piece of fucking meat.
Funny, because while I've heard that plenty, every single solitary fucking instance of it has proven to be the exact opposite of what fucks like you were suggesting it was about, invariably resulting in all the "listen guiz we'll use the jews! it'll be perfect!" proving to be nothing but semitic bullshit spewed from a rat-toothed visage.
I know this is LARP, or at least I hope it is, but I'd still like to see you run over slowly by a steamroller, or at least a large tractor. Real slow. I wanna hear it.
If she was willing to openly admit to being jewish, which is what people say she did with that tweet, then she would have been willing to do it in clearer language. When using clear explicit language she has only ever said she is not jewish. The only evidence of her being jewish was a single ambiguous tweet, and she's been clarifying it ever since. It thus makes much more sense that it was just poorly written as opposed to being a one-off admission to be jewish.
Or maybe once she started working with Rebbe Media, Ezra taught her that she'd be more appealing to the goyim if they though she was one of them and could relate to her? Howard Stern is 100% kike, and looks almost like a caricature, but for that very reason he used to be pretend was only half-jewish in the '90s.
All the accusation of her being a jew should be provided evidence.
It's hilarious that jews try to say that everyone who oppose them is a jew (yes, they do the same thing to Hitler).
Pic related is what the kikess has to say about Hitler and "taking nationalism too far".
Yo, so where is the proof she's a kikess?
That's possible, but Ezra has shown no problem hiring open jews like Loomer, and he himself is openly jewish and does not hide himself away, he's the face of the company. There's also no other tweets from Lauren prior to joining Rebel Media that imply she is Jewish, certainly none that explicit say that she is jewish. It's just this one ambiguous tweet in a sea of explicit denials. I don't believe that she is jewish.
(((Lauren Southern))) is a grifting prostitute who milked the goy cash cow for all it was worth. Now she retires with her beta earned millions because there is nothing left to milk.
I always point to this video that shows this girl just has poor sense and morals in general. She talks and acts jewish. Denouncing "white supremacists" is kike talk. Whether or not she is biologically jewish doesnt really matter, shes a spiritual kike and thats all that matters here.
Why is she in bed with a transexual?
Because birds of a feather flock together.
I'm amazed that only a few anons on this whole board are able to perceive that they're looking at a trans man.
Read: in context. There's no other interpretation.
All of the major stars of the company Have been - at least presented as - gentiles: Gavin, Simonsen, Goldy, etc. Like I said, jewish propaganda is much more digestible when it appears to be coming from a goy.
The most damning tweet was her first on the issue, and was completely unprovoked by anyone accusing her of being one. It would make sense that when people started calling her on it, and it became a problem, that she would be instructed to lie.
Regardless, it's an indisputable fact that she's on the side of jewry. So even she suffers the same affliction as Mike Enoch and just accidentally admits to being jewish for no reason, the debate isn't whether she's jeweish or "/ourgirl/", it's whether she's a kikess or a shabbos goy traitor.
Jews are not ONLY the target in the Holohoax.
You can be white and can still be targeted.
She specifies that "jewish people[sic]" are still suffering, and then goes on to include her grandparents "escape" in that suffering.
Video related.
What 16-year-old woman have you ever seen with a body like this?
Not a hint of a breast, not even buds, which form around age 10, even earlier sometimes.
I will be the devil's advocate and be clear on this:
- the kikes were suffering
- but the holohoax was not only about kikes, thus it's totally possible that some whites were also suffering at the time.
But again, DNA test, DNA test.
Breast binding is a thing that women do in cosplay all the time.
Show us where there is a binding visible in the posted video.
I guess "she" bound her hips too right?
And stretched the arms to be male length.
And stretched the digit ratio?
And put pectoral muscle padding over the "binding"?
It's a fucking boy.
The reason "she" suddenly developed huge paps and long hair immediately upon hitting 18 is that surgery is allowed then. Prior to this he was on hold, on puberty blockers.
It's beyond fucking obvious.