It was over long before Hitler

The ultimate blackpill on Europeans is that when adversity declines, we become degenerate, weak, and easily exploitable. Sure, without Jewish influence, we wouldn't be replaced or have feminists in power. What we would have is pure degeneracy instead of genocide. Oligarchs and middle class White men would go around having orgies with multiple women, partaking in homosexuality, zoophilia, and pedophilia instead of starting families and contributing to their countries. The only Whites that would have the birthrate to keep the West afloat would be the working class.

If you want an example of a society run by White Elites completely degenerating passed Weimar-levels of degeneracy, look no further than the Western Roman Empire. They let themselves get so weak from degeneracy that Rome was sacked by a bunch of krauts fleeing from an army of chinks led by Attila The Hun.

However, we'd still be living in a degenerate, Rome-esque hell. The only difference is that we'd still be a homogeneous society. I'd still choose that over being replaced at this point.

The reason why Whites will go extinct can be all summed with this: Some inbred mentally-retarded King fell for the Jewish banking scam. The end.

We pretty much allowed illiterate, inbred retards to lord over us, who, as a result of their low intelligence, were easily manipulated by kikes. Because of this, I think we deserve extinction, which is sad because we had the potential to rule the Galaxy. I hope the Asians succeed. At least they were never ruled by inbred retards who sold us out to the Jews millennia ago.

My future was taken from me centuries before my ancestors came to Canada. Also, I don't get why people are just now losing hope. There never really was any hope, only a fool's hope. Even Hitler came too late to save the White Race.

I was completely blackpilled since I was 14—around 2013—when I learned of this shit by reading old history books. I put the chances of our races survival at 1/1000, and even then, we'd still languish under non-White domination for centuries, like the Iberians, the Greeks, and other countries in the Balkans. I'd never put my children nor my descendants through that kind of hell, which is why I'm not married.

Attached: White Extinction.jpg (1037x1037 54.5 KB, 317.53K)

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Gas yourself kike

Telling the truth makes a kike apparently. On 4chan, people are more agreeable with my outlook than this site, it seems. I guess this site has more (((whitepillers))). The current state of White Nationalism in pic related.

Attached: Say no to bath house nationalism.jpg (607x1317, 121.74K)

Fuck back off to there nigger

shills don't get banned here it's that simple, there's other boards on the site to go to where you can just say real stuff without getting harassed as much as you would here.

Race doesn't exist, there is no such thing as 'white people' and if our countries are so bad why does everyone want to come here for a better life? People still believe in segregation of retards.

It's sad that you are now confirmed less educated than the average 10 year old

I personally see nothing wrong with a white man recreationally bleaching non whites, but there’s no point in talking about the degeneracy of civilizations from centuries ago. Focus on now and the future, quit being a defeatist faggot. Start improving yourself and make some white babies. There’s nothing like waking up to an attractive girl, reminding yourself you’re part of the greatest race on earth. Do your best work every day and represent your race well.

Gibs me dats. Also, wrong, race does exits, you communist. A race is a genetic variations of all the genes in the twenty three pairs of chromosomes. These genetics mutate as a result of population bottlenecks, and the advantageous mutations, which are in the case of White People, average IQs of 100+, pointed noses, thin lips to minimize frost bite damage, and light hair, eyes, and skin to absorb more vitamin D in low light, high latitude environments.

Africans stayed in their little tropical paradise with an all-year round growing season, and consequently, they weren't under pressures to evolve passed making crude tools for hunting.

If brown people weren't people given gibs, the harsh winters alone would kill most of them, unless they have a fish diet, and they'd starve because they're too lazy and stupid to work, you utter fucking retard.

This is basic natural selection. Anyone who understands the concept of natural selection, who deonsn't suffer from cognitive dissonance, understands race is very real.

Attached: Brainlet wojak.jpg (621x702, 22.4K)

Learn high-school level genetics.