Kid Got Kicked Out Of Class For Saying There Are Two Genders
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Lol gender was literally made up by a french pedo in 19 something
When will children be punished for not sucking literal tranny cock as they visit the kids to rape them?
This is a semi-adult or a teen, give it some time and they'll go for younger and younger calling out "wrongthink" when the boys refuse to piss in the girls toilet.
Jews infect every place they touch with their "education" and whoever they afflict with their curse bears the mark of shame and continues the jews job of infecting others on it's own so the jew can sit back, relax, and enjoy the shitshow he orchestrated in typical 9/11 fashion.
When DOTR is here we aren't going to burn their books alone they will join their "knowledge" in the ashes.
Just kike semantics. We all know they would have found a reason to throw him out no matter how he argued it. This isn't about being correct, it's about being politically correct. It's all newspeak to push double think and blatant hypocrisy whenever it can be used to hurt whites.
No, he was a kike.
This is the most Orwellian thing I've ever seen.
Everything coming out of that teacher's head is clearly doublethink
This. What trannies call "Gender" is a completely qualitative and unmeasurable concept and really just boils down to the behavioral tendencies of sex.
You should go back to reddit and stay there, nigger.
So, degenerate and not degenerate. Kids should start pushing this in schools every time they are questioned thusly.
Honestly I don't see what the big deal is about rape. It's just a dick in your hole for a few minutes. It's nowhere near as bad as murder, cancer, or getting flirty eyes from a fat chick. And really, women can't be raped since the vagina is designed to accommodate cock. Only men can be raped. If a woman is penetrated anally against her will, she's just experiencing male rape, which is an excellent learning experience for her, to discover the struggles that men go through.
For women, rape isn't a big deal. It's just typical female exaggeration to get attention. They all fantasize about rape so they actually enjoy it. They just want to trade in their "victim" status for clothing and jewelry and don't want to give sex away for free. Really, the only punishment for rape should be to pay the equivalent of the going rate for whatever sex act was performed with a local prostitute of equivalent attractiveness. Since it's the same punishment, why would anyone rape a Feminist instead of a beautiful woman?
Those fat ugly feminists that scream the loudest that "no means NO," are actually hoping to limit the amount of sex the genetically gifted attractive women get. And, in so doing, hoping that some hapless male starving for sex will find himself scraping the very, very bottom of the barrel where the fat and ugly feminist will finally have the chance to scream, "YES, FUCK ME HARD."
Hey fat ugly feminists, it isn't going to work. You only really have one option. Lose the weight, learn how to use make up, and get an overhaul of your personality. In some cases you may need extensive plastic surgery to have any hope of getting my cock rammed into your ass. In some extreme cases, it is entirely hopeless and you should just give up. If you are this last case, try having sex with animals if you find you can approach them without scaring them away.
There was a time trannies wanted everyone to know they were a freak and they were proud of being a FREAK. Their words. You aren't supposed to presume they are freaks, you must wait for them to tell you they are a freak.
There are only two genders and 2 sexes none of the other shit I don't even know what they are called because I never learned it because its all bullshit. Fuck the kids teacher and good on for him telling it how it is.
Kill yourself shitskin. Only type b hysterical bitches and faggots make light of rape.
No, there are multiple genders and it involves language, not people.
I hope your dad gets raped by a pack of niggers
Bump so the world can see
I'll shoot you before you get near his grave, nigger.
There is a side effect to rape that is a detractor. Pollution of the females system with the dna of said rapist. So that any future children she might have may present with the rapists dna to some degree. So, it is the male leader in that woman's life to protect her against rape and biological pollution.
Why are we derailing the thread from the original topic? It is not a thread about rape.
If you're going to pick this fight with your teachers, kids, get educated on the subject so they can't fuck with you without putting rope around their own neck first. Hell, if you really want to make their life difficult, express your concerns to your counselor and other fave teachers about the sexually inappropriate conversations certain teachers are having in their classes and go from there. Even if they are tenured, they will be censured or moved if enough students and teachers have a concern, especially when it comes to SEX and chilluns. This shit has scraped by because no one is pushing it in the right direction so the slow poisoning of the well allows the jews to establish their doctrine.
t. former teacher
It's a reddit spam thread. Shall we discuss reddit spam instead?
Rape and cum in woman. It is what they want.
Kikes got spotted.
Good on him for being a subversive. Kid deserves a beer.
The kid wasn't being subversive. Stating reality and the natural order isn't subverting anything. It's the kikes trying to subvert the natural order.
kek you won’t do shit you nigger
I hope an Ebola nigger digs up his corpse and rapes it
Hi torPEDO, we can find you, dox you and make you squeal as the rope would tighten around your neck.
I don't know what this means man
That'll take some time. As much as the Jews like corrupting children, they don't want the trannies taking from their personal supply. But you know what you should expect to see become prominent very shortly? Bullying men into sleeping with fags, and bullying women into sleeping with niggers. It's already happening, but it's going to get a lot worse very soon. The schools will be in on it too, and won't protect the people being bullied, but will instead support the bullies as simple activists trying to teach inclusivity and tolerance. You've already seen the propaganda saying "Do it, it's fun." But what we're going to hear more of is "Do it, or else."
Imagine being as weak-minded as that teacher. Unironically defending your action by saying its the official position of the authorities and therefore will not be questioned. People like that are scum.
I always considered Gender and Sex to be synonymous terms. What makes Gender a kike term?
It's like when kikes say "yes and no" to a yes or no question instead of
Also see pic. You can read it all up on wikipedia. Kikes are proud of it.
That's the Newspeak definition.
More accurately, the teacher would have been disciplined, and possibly fired, had he not found some reason to throw him out. It bears repeating that these policies are pushed down from the school board/board of trustees/board of directors level, not just promoted out of the good of the teacher's little hearts. It's as much of an official policy as attendance, as the teacher attempts to say multiple times. Getting angry at the teacher (instead of the board) is exactly what the jews want you to do.
John Money? I remember E;R talking about that kike in his now shoah'd (((Steven Universe))) video.
And speak of the devil, there's the whole story.
Two sides, same sex warfare coin Torpedo.
Sound like a retard White Nationalist like yourself.
1. Learn to make a thread properly if you're going to come here from reddit.
2. Learn what is communism and how to combat it.
3. Learn to encode and post your video
or lurk two years before posting again
You sound like you're not from here, you circle.
Now go back to
Okay, and? We don't care about reddit. You won't do anything about this. Fuck off.
Where the fuck do you think you are nigger?
See video: Communism - More Deadly Than War
Above is required viewing
what a faggot, he's so afraid of losing his job that he's virtue signalling trannyism hardcore
raisin niggers are absolute vermin
Fake, gay, unearthed, ptsd from mad jail time laws, confused by mass delusion revengeful feminist rape antifa
Against an interesting thought.
Not all feminism is bad anyway. Got us another real God-like ordinance overlord.
Touched a tit, now 10 years in jail.
What's left for sane thinking?
Sophistry, since they're used interchangeably. I want the kid to sue, there's no way they can scientifically prove there are more than XY/XX.
So what do you get in your country when the cunt is still on there and it would be half back to normal after a shower?
Im pretty sure that there is only ONE SEX.. idk where people get the idea that there's a sex other than female..
How many times do I have to correct you faggots before you stop direct linking to reddit
pic related
It's not qualitative. "Gender" has no qualities – it's a delusional product of mental illness.
Reminder that Dalrymple is a British Jew.
The leftist "Gender Theory" relies on behavior to determine gender…. behavior has a biological basis… cats have behaviors. Monkeys have behaviors. Every animal has it's own behaviors. Where in the animal kingdom are there more than two genders? Show me a gender queer dolphin!
This leftist horseshit is such a basic lie. The only way it's been able to spread is because women and gays are more "agreeable" (one of the big 5 personality traits) so they don't give a shit about the truth, only to be seen agreeing with the group.
Women and gays are leading us to hell. They should've never given those niggers rights, they can't handle the responsibility to the truth.
As a conessiuer of of young, fertile, White bride material, I have to point out the distinction between lolis and non-legal aged young women.
Lolis are degenerate and you should be shot for being a danger to our White youth. Non-legal aged women are older, developed, sexually aware and fertile. Anything less is a depraved fetish, and there is no redeeming a person with your disgusting predilections.
If you are attracted to actual lolis, you're no better than a nigger who can't control his natural inclination towards murder. You feel a certain way about something, and that's just the way it is. And that make you a threat to society because you may very well act on that desire one day, so why should we wait for you to? You should be shot in the street.
fuck, thanks for that. didn't know.
I miss when anons could tell a joke from reality. This post reminds me of old Zig Forums when most of the time it was about fun and not "the message". Zig Forums's success in using gamergate to spread the word about marxism and demoralization, even catapulting the then internet-exclusive "social justice warrior" term into mainstream and normalfag vernacular, was also part of her sad demise. Ikikefy's years long slow, purposeful subversion of the board through pepe, meme magic and Black Sun cult integration only ruined the purity that came from the first exodus.
I miss when we could attack the enemy and also have fun.
What’s a gender, anyway?
Warms my fucking heart. Based kid.
based fucking tor pedo
they won't get in trouble if they are teaching to the curriculum and that's by the curriculum in some places now
Same schools are teaching children that boys have periods. Fucking clown world.
Can someone post an mp4? I’m not going on fucking reddit.
But that's not education… you're describing indoctrination.
Education is learning to think critically, ask questions and seek the truth.
He may be, but that quote is still correct regardless.