dont you just fucking hate these despicable authoritarian bug "people" who are incapable of empathy and slaughter millions of their own without remorse. We need to see them as enemies aswell.
Asian hate thread
already a thread
there will never be enough of these threads they all must fucking die
no. there is no different angle in this thread, so it is objectively spam. post in the other thread
No. I don't hate them. They stay and have stayed on their piece of land for millennium. I don't give a fuck what they do on their land, it's their land.
That's the thing you will never know, jew. What it's like to have a culture of your own and a patch of soil to build it upon.
You are vermin.
whacha gonna do report me? im soooo scawwed
post dick
Spam, cancer, and no information at all about which nation or sub ethnic group is doing what. No call to action, nothing to be done about it.
This thread is pointless and images we've seen for over a decade every single time. PETA has videos of our ranches that look just as bad, get a fucking life and grow a pair. We are facing millions of Mexicans flooding the US and millions of Africans and Arabs flooding Europe. The only white countries with an Asian immigration problem is Australia and New Zealand. Both cases they are still the smallest group of immigrants and they cause the least crime. If your focus is on them instead of the gang raping niggers, spics, and sand niggers, then you're actually retarded. Asians are compliant with immigration law, simply limiting work visas would accomplish any changes you want. There is no such simple problem to other non-white populations. Their treatment of animals is not a threat to us and I don't give a damn.
chinese are mutts. arguing that the chinese today are asian is like arguing that arabs are whites and using them as the primary example in a "white hate thread"
op, youre a filthy kike.
whites have no reason to hate asians living in an asian country and most of them want it to stay that way. do you think we dont know what youre doing? we're white. we're alot smarter than you.
you've been trying to prime us to hate asians for years now to justify some war in the future.
You're the only one who doesn't belong here you degenerate faggot.
You're all the same moshe.
why are you normalfag dudebros so obsessed with testicles?
its to prove your not asian
literally the only race that is civil and kind towards animals/nature are whites. they know this and attempt to use it as a fracture point between other races while doing the same exact shit as the rest of the subhumans.
what do you mean by use it as a fracture point between other races?
Yep. That isn't to say white men don't have the capacity for truly evil shit because we do, but we tend to avoid it whereas for shitskins it's daily life.
spam thread mods are kike faggots for leaving it up
Kill yourself Chang. You yellow kikes are just as bad as the originals.
At least one of them is actively participating in it.
You should learn to lie better Wang. When you aren't busy moving your people into white countries and trying to steal everything from them, you're building piles of sand to stake claims in someone else's swimming pool.
is this how jews determine someone's race?
jews use it to make whites hate others, while guilty of the same practices.
yes, whites can be cruel to animals, but tbh thats mostly whites with no real identity. if you look at actual white cultures and majority white areas through history and even now. we build birdhouses for wild birds, bat houses for wild bats, we feed wild animals, we grow gardens and take satisfaction in working and producing from the earth, we take in pets and "stray" animals and make them into family members. if someone is cruel to animals whites are typically out for blood. hell, whites often find injured wild animals that arent even endangered and spend money fixing them up and re-releasing them into the wild.
on vacation whites like to go to rural areas and go camping/hunting/fishing.
go to any nature reserve and there will be a white guy with a camera dressed in safari shorts and a sunhat waiting to tell everyone about each breed of animal/plant in the area and to "watch where you step" because there could be some species of ant thats important to the spruce trees and the spruce tree greenery can be used to make a tea rich in vitamin C. or tell me that i cant enter a cave because i was in a cave recently and spreading bat dung to another cave can wipe the population.
white neighborhoods are surrounded in greenery and litter-free. non-white neighborhoods are covered in garbage and they dump concrete on grass patches so they dont have to mow the weeds.
instead of spamming shitty threads, you should use them as an example so all the newcomers that come here learn a thing or two about these shills.
if anyone should be hiding this thread, it'd be the OP trying to hide his consistently BTFO status.
so stop helping OP and let this shit be visible.
No I don't hate them shlomo. They are doing absolutely nothing to mess with whites. Whites need potential allies in this world, we can't afford to alienate asians.
stop talking like that you filthy disgusting goy! youre going to enter into several long wars with them whether you like it or not!
you hate them!
never forget!
grow a pair is a tranny euphemism