Alright guys, I was raised poor white trash, between trailer parks and nigger ridden ghettos. I took my lumps, learned to study, learned how to fight, learned to workout, and now live in a nice place and am about to graduate with a BS and have a good job, as well as being fit. My friends who have followed me in this are equally successful but of varied white, black, and Hispanic races. I've known a lot of trash white people, and to a larger extent black and taco people. Due to my circumstances, I became racist because it is necessary for survival, but oddly enough my friends are of different races. This has brought me to my point.
I don't give a shit about what race a human is, I just want them to have an IQ above 120, contribute to society, and be fit. I think we should steralize anyone one welfare for more than a year, make mandatory labor camps on welfare, and kill drug dealers and drug addicts alike. I mean hunt them down like stray dogs in Mexico city and shoot them in broad daylight. I dont know what this has to do with race, and just the fact that maybe even most of the white people I've known(as well as most people in general I've known) have been useless whiny faggots, I kinda dont give a shit about it anymore. I just want a community of the strong. Can y'all explain to me why I should give a shit abouts the weak faggots who just so happen to be pale like me? Because I dont get it. I see comradery in the lads who lift with me and work hard alongside me to make it in this mean world, no matter their color. I am open to change though, I really do want to understand racial nationalism.
Weak people
not all races can get up to 120 you bigot
lurk more you fucking faggot
Are you OK with strong black women making laws that only apply to whites? If a non-drug dealing and fit mexican is in a position to make spanish the default language in the USA, are you good with that? Can jews at AIPAC and the ADL pressure the government to serve the interests of Israel? Should it be OK to have an entire US house and senate that has no White people?
nice job bumping your own shit thread in tor with kike bait questions
kill yourself already
If you not defend your own race you don't deserve to live. Even if you are fit.
That's hilarious that you think strength matters anymore. A bed ridden 60 lb 97 year grandmother with cancer can still shoot you in the face and all your learning to fight and getting fit meant absolutely nothing. You could die tomorrow in car accident. You might have some lurking medical condition that has to manifest that will kill you. You still think like a pleb because you're young. Wisdom only comes with time because it takes time to build understanding of the world.
I'm glad you got your shit together with respect to building a good foundation, but mentally you don't have anything to offer yet.
Start with yourself, brainlet.
What a fucking dumbass. You impose your shit on others who hate faggots like you, you aren't going to expect anything from anyone. faggot.
your iq is sub100
I'd agree, but despite being in the 95-100 range on average there are some kikes who are 120+ and they need to be sterilized too.
You’re a nigger literally whining about how you’re too weak to survive in society and we’re supposed to consider you strong?
Also, who's going to dig ditches if everyone has an IQ of >=120? You need farm animals to get work done. OP clearly doesn't understand jack shit about the world, but they're still arrogant and ignorant enough to believe otherwise.
You'd be surprised how many 120+ IQ people are working farms and driving for uber, and not just because they're discriminated against for being white. IQ is a ceiling.
pic related. only whites involved.
wew lad, just stay civnat and try to survive the (((future)))
This isnt a LaFond circlejerk
Outdated info, you fucking retard, courtesy of ongoing gains from dietary and epigenetic advances. Gene therapies will make it more outdated as they come on line. There’s no excuse for being such a broken slave to bigotry that you push bad data.
Worries that gene treatments will magnify inequality are bogus. Resources will be spent where spending them is efficient. Squeezing out a tiny gain at the top won’t be as economical as dragging the low end to the middle, so major neotech rehab methodologies will blow out all historic discrepancies.
You need a purpose.
You need to destroy the SLOTHSADLES.
The slothsadles are wretched evil people spreading their slothsadle poison to others and turning other people into evil slothsadles like them.
Stupid farmers poison the land. Farming is mechanized and scientifically optimized now, grandad. Join the modern day.
Nah lad, I'm literally aryan. I'm also doing fine in society, as I stated. I got a good job, live in a nice place, graduating soon with nearly a 4.0. I'm asking why I should give a shit about dyel brainlets just because they have the same skin color as me, and why should I discount good /fitlit/ comrades just because God made them niggers or spics. I'm arguing for a fascist meritocracy kinda deal, where we kill the weak equally.
No, I understand niggers are dumb mostly, but why get rid of the smart ones?
First of all, the USA has no official language lad, and anyone with a 120+ IQ knows basic shit like that, especially if they hold government office. Also I forgot to say my views on women, but I dont believe women should hold office or vote because they are inherently weak and less intelligent.
I don't get your low IQ post. There could be several points you're trying to make, none of which is particularly salient.
Are you saying there's still evil without kikes? Sure that's true, but 90% of evil today is mostly kikes, so why not sterilize them?
Are you trying to say we need to pile low IQ people into mines in an age of mechanization?
Are you trying to say these people are scum because they work low skill jobs?
Snip snip to you too.
Genetics determines how strong and how intelligent you could possibly ever get….. If you are anti - white, you are automatically an enemy of white people. See ya!
Right, and who builds those machines? It's the low IQ technicians who run the manufacturing lines. You can argue it's a transitive thing, but you didn't change who effectively digs those ditches, just how they get dug.