Don't miss this heated debate about
‘Muslims are driving Jews out of Western Europe’
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Btw this is Adelson's paper.
In a Haaretz piece they referred to her as Katie "white genocide" Hopkins.
Who's this Katie Hopkins?
Sounds like Jews are leaving to avoid the fallout of the coming conflict.
Like avoiding the WTC.
How embarrassing. White Nationalists bitch and moan about the jews yet Muslims are the only people actually doing something about them. And they do it without all the bitching and moaning.
I want both muslims and jews out of Europe.
Besides, the rate of jews leaving Europe is piss poor compared to the rate of muslims GETTING IN Europe.
What they are doing is replacing the jews.
The top jews are still in power and they have no problem sending jews elsewhere.
The every day jews cannot outbreed whites, but the muslim can.
So the future of Europe is the Saudi, where a bunch of kikes rule over inbred muslims.
That's great news! Now how do we get rid of the muslims and make sure the jews can never come back?
You don't, because the jews are still in power and they are in cahoot with muslims.
Jews are leaving before the war starts.
Too bad its just semites driving out semites.
Wait, did we destabilize the Middle East to drive Muslims into Europe to drive out the kikes
Kikes destabilize the Middle east so that muslims are resettled in Europe and jews get to resettle in the Middle east.
Why, who would want to live in the middle east
Zionist apparently.
If any of you have any White nationalist sympathies at all – even just a little bit – stay far, far, far away from these people and anyone else dropping "judeo-christian" on you.
The OP's question remains = WHo the fuck is this stupid jew whore?
She's very well known in the UK. Can you really not do your own research?
And where is the evidence that Jews are leaving Europe? Show me the population statistics.
Got it. She is a talk show white European media personality. Why does she matter to the Jews?
nonsense, what's happening in Europe is by jews.
no. there is always the odd one or two, but not in any significant number. since the modern media mindset can't do numbers ( regressed to a prehistoric level of thinking ) then they are using katie to drum up anti muzzi sentiment over a non event. if katie had any balls he'd get right back to the point which is the ongoing and ever expanding nationwide mass sex slaving ( hundreds of thousands ) of white school girls by pakis.
Holy fuck OP, kosher much?
How many avoided ww2? Cunts have a date with an accountant.
she's not a white nationalist, she's been working for the jews for decades.
I'm pretty sure that all British 'women' in poltics and on tv are men. All of them.
So whatever it is, it's opinion is disregarded because womens are retarded and trannies are mentally ill.
Jews are trying to hijack term to make it about Muslims and leftists. More semitic trickery.
someone is trying hard turning this place into cuckchan.
The Jews got White Nationalist retards to promote "White Genocide" so now the extermination of Whites is a Nadzee theory.
White Nationalism is the weapon Jews use to exterminate Whites
So Shlomo - White Nationalism is bad?
Fuck off kike. Every 'white nationalist' is a jewed up, Fedexed piece of ZOG poison. I only want red pilled whites who can learn to keep their mouth shut until the time is right. The moment someone mentions he is a 'white nationalist' is the moment I know he outs himself as kike
Jews like to live surrounded by white golems to defend them, knowing whites are the only ones with empathy that can be exploited through trickery to get protection. Jews would be victimized by blacks/arabs.
This is why they don't want to entirely erase white DNA, just dial it back a bit by introducing imperfections.
What do you guys think Jews intend for the ideal crossbreed golem? 50% white DNA or 75% white DNA? They don't want us at full power, but if there's too little white DNA their golems will chimp out at them, so it would be a delicate art
lol reported
Video related
Boofwell isn't proof that WNs are a problem. He's an example of why there has to be zero tolerance policy for lolbergs and ancaps who don't completely reject their jewish philosophy.
Shes Mossad OP, along with Tommy Robinson
The jokes really write themselves, holy shit.
She/He/It is a yid. There you go. You're welcome.
another national zionist
somebody saved the list?
Honestly, how Jewish can you get? They are actually willing to stoop SO LOW that they advertise the only possibly good thing about Muzzies as a reason to keep them in.
Spic spamming DACAryan says what to change up her fucking glowing OCD?
You're so fucking lame.
Go the fuck away, nigger.
hmm no way to delete files or posts heh?
oh well
a quarter of french kikes left france recently
turns out it was usual jew hype
too bad
It looks like everyone on the right sold themselves out to the Jews or Israel, except me.
But maybe it's a good thing, I don't owe them any loyalty. I am free to become anti-Jewish whenever I want to.
In fact, I am free to criticise, abandon or turn on anyone since most players in politics weren't smart enough to coopt me.
Katie Hopkins is a follower.
She has never developed any arguments or ideas of her own.
She just follows other right wing activists, and repeats what Milo, Ben Shapiro or Bannon said.
People will be bored with her soon.