Been looking around leftist circles and found this recently, you can thank Earnest for it lmao:
They'll get IP addresses, but it won't be a huge issue for those using TOR. If they manage to take down the site, we'll just move onto other bunkers.
8ch got a search warrant 6 weeks ago (two months)
Other urls found in this thread:
Also worth noting that the document have screencaps related to threads of the events. The documents acknowledged that there were both people who criticized and praised the shooting alike.
You can read the documents here:
What do they expect to find that they can't see just looking at the front page? IP addresses? It's not illegal to have opinions yet.
It is if you live in NZ or the EU.
Feds have always investigated this site, even talked with an user here who egged the NZ shooter on. It's pretty interesting to see what they do.
From what I noticed, there's a person with a (you) from the screencaps. Could that be a fed or a mod?
My bad, here's the post in question. It's not from the shooter as he had a different ID, so it's likely a glownigger/fed.
all the edgelords who promoted violence will get a nice 5 am wakeup call from feds
Wow, such biggotry, Zig Forums is the board of peace.
What is with these retards and scanning printouts of screenshots? Same shit happened during the school threats that lead to the implementation of sunshine.
America's finest are on the case.
Warn the local Dunkin Donuts that they'll be working overtime.
interesting stuff, worth reading at least.
what is a honeypot with plausible deniability
I hope my lawyer is awake at 5 am…
Stupidity is supposed to hurt. It is how you know you need to stop being stupid.
heh that's fair. pretty shitty situation tho. feds would rather have a chat with user than the kikes genociding user.
can someone post the twitturd links?
Still haven't invited the electric jew back into my life yet.
Wait, does anybody have an archive link to the threads? If so, we could check the (you)'d posts and learn exactly what IDs were fedposters. It'd be really interesting to see their post style/angle.
Fucking boomer cops goddamn. I suppose any younger feds would get redpilled and defect if they had to monitor this place, so they gotta send the retarded old fogies.
kikes own feds. Feds are afraid of them. Feds are not afraid of anons. Feds will do whatever the kikes say just like they did in Bolshevism…God I am glad this is my last life here.
None of the feds are going to get pilled at all. They are all hoping to cling to the kike tit until they have to fight for their lives like the rest of us.
If we had a serious country Agent Totallynotinvolvedinthefalseflag and Judge Rubber McStampy would be prosecuted under 18 U.S. Code § 242 for their criminal misconduct.
Likely so, they apparently started their investigation at Apr 28, 2019. Although it states 29 on the document, it was actually signed on the 28th.
They won't be instantly v& for for it, but they'll be monitored more heavily than before. They're going to unseal Earnest's FB documents in October 29, 2019. They've been instructed not to leak it to third parties like journos, but we'll keep an eye on it.
They don't take it too seriously because the left has more shooters than right wingers. It's just that right wingers are reported more as an incentive to enact political censorship by affluent activist groups, big tech, and legacy media. You can easily tell the non-right wing murderers when journos don't mention their FB history, skin color, or identity.
If a trump supporter, nazi, or right-winger killed an uber driver, the headline of this article would be "Far-right activist murders woman, here's his photo, name, and him liking a donald trump page that we dug up from his sealed FB", not "Woman gets into wrong uber car and dies".
Not only do many of them phrase their articles differently, they also don't dig extensively into leftist assailants as they do with right-wingers.
We were always on a watchlist, that's the reason why Sunshine was implemented in 2016.
Every side and site has their mass shooters. There were two leftist mass shooters last month, but the reason why you don't hear about them like you do with Earnest is because the left hides their own dirt while highlighting their opposition's dirt.
It's even more likely that feds have been posting here according to the screencaps
I'll archive it for you
Problem - 8ch
Reaction - "We can't have whites talking amongst themselves
Solution - False Flag to initiate search warrant on 8ch
not too hard to figure this one out
Yet here we remain.. goyim til the end.
So what is the time frame on possible raids? I understand that it won't be immediate , but are we talking one month or two? Also, I doubt they'll go with raids unless they absolutely have to, they'll probably try intercepting while anons are out away from home.
Thanks user.
Dr Pedram Private GP Surgery @DrSandvika · Apr 27
We need to identify enemies domestic or foreign in order to defeat the enemy. Know and name and uncover networks, armory, funders, pets, Fuhrers, Imams, UN Secretary Generals, EU Commissioners, whoever inspired him
Dr Sandvika a fucking poo in the loo, is talking about identifying enemies foreign and domestic? This is total clown world and it just won't stop. A fucking poo is the person who thinks we need to identify FOREIGN enemies?
Can't seem to find the BORN TO DIE, WORLD IS A FUCK variant. Anyone got it?
Imagine telling the police that. Earnest was 100% a real Zig Forumsak.
Like the slob and the slut video user post a while ago? Everyone get your phone cameras ready.
He was a little boy user. 19 yo and clueless. Do you remember how retarded you were when you were 19?
Do these (you)s imply that the police were in the thread?
Increase the honeypot factor! Who you gonna fear? I ain’t no federal threat, and ain’t you people always goin’ on about what you gonna do “in Minecraft”?
Yep, but I wouldn't have had the balls to do that at 19. However, now, my second biggest goal after publishing my books and academic research is to follow in the steps of Saint Tarrant.
It gets better and better.
They're probably redpilled on how kikes dictate our foriegn policy in the middle east while elevating themselves above any other demographic through these three laws. Anyone who claims that there isn't Jewish control is tremendously stupid at this point:
Does anyone find it strange that it's illegal to boycott ONE foreign country or criticize a group of people. There aren't laws that prevent you from calling black people criminals or hispanic people as illegal immigrants, it's just frowned upon if you live in a left-wing shithole.
AIPAC (American Israeli Public Advocacy Committee) is the reason why we're still in Syria. They scrubbed the original document, but not their tweet that denounced Trump for attempting to withdraw.
The reason why Feds don't join is because they've observed how movements based on racial solidarity fracture easily. Even groups like the Black Panthers shattered into pieces because of infighting. You can blame race traitor grifters like Lauren Southern who dox allies to antifa.
They already know who you are since they've investigated those threads six weeks ago, but they're not going to do it in the daylight. They'll just do it when you're sleeping.
However, they're not going to raid you for shitposting. They're just going to talk with you or keep you as a witness.
Not all whites are aryans, same as not all blacks are niggers.
All black are niggers user.
It has gone over your head. Not wondering what deep web site means, it's retarded to refer to Zig Forums as a deep web site.
Probably. I remember after Tarrant some very obvious police kept asking me to reveal info because I had a connection to him. They're here all the time – and for good reason: this is basically a natsoc terrorist board at this stage.
And not every shooting is a covert op by feds.
Since liars are spreading disinfo… I have reason to believe the feds don’t talk with people who their net sweeps up along the edges, lol.
In what way? All races shitpost user. They are only afraid when Whites shitpost. What is the name of that nigger 'professor' who calls for the genocide of all Whites?
OP thru ISP thru VPN thru Zig Forums thru Post. Anyone using a VPN better be using a special ISP because how hard do you think it would be to code a matching program that matches ISP data to final post data? I wonder if the feds can muster that? If you want to know why the sealed indictments are higher than they've ever been, it is because the VPN honeypot keeps paying out, though some will stay sealed because certain countries have an ironic number of white nationalists and nazis posting from their homeland. Clowns and goons and false flag gays ops better hope they are not violating hate and incitement laws in their countries, because just pretended to be retarded or a nazi just doesn't cut it in front of a judge.
Oh and journos lurking, cherry picking your own posts to set a narrative got you caught as well, it is not too late to do the honorable thing before the grand reveal coming…
Isn’t it great? People really just are that weak. They break, ruining their own lives for no particular reason.
page 10 of this search warrant is revealing. now we know, the FBI are the most brain dead tech illiterate stupidest Boomer-tier faggots.
this is the one line which Saint Earnest said in his manifesto that the FBI has narrowed in on: "I've only been lurking here for a year and a half, yet what I've learned here is priceless."
the FBI used this sentence to conclude Saint Earnest was inspired by and educated by all of you other posters on Zig Forums, and now the FBI wants to know the IP address and name and identity of everyone who posted something which Saint Earnest read.
that could number in the thousands of comments from you shit posters over the past year and a half. if you ever created a thread which Saint Earnest read, then you might be a "co-conspirator" who influenced him into getting revenge for against Christ's Killers.
of course this entire approach by the FBI is retarded and embarrassing and reveals the FBI are more Internet un-savvy than your fucking Boomer grandpa.
every time some shill accuses you of fedposting, just remember this search warrant proved the FBI barely understands how Zig Forums works. there are no extravagant FBI entrapment and surveillance schemes targeting the readers of Zig Forums.
as an amusing aside, page 13 of the warrant is a kick in the balls to the early days of Snowden's leaks, specifically in regards to Lavar Levison, the owner/operator of Lavabit, the email provider used by Snowden. if you recall, Lavar had to shut down Lavabit, because the FBI served him with a bulk search warrant requesting he decrypt the emails of all of his users, not just Snowden. Lavar balked and offered to only give up Snowden's emails to the FBI, but the FBI refused to back down and slapped a daily fine of $25,000 on him to force Lavar to comply.
now on page 13 of this warrant, what do we fucking see? the FBI wants to seize all digital communications of, but not every user. rather, the FBI only wants the targeted digital contents of every one of you who replied to Saint Earnest's farewell thread.
what this curiosity means is that in the time since Snowden's run in June 2013 and today, the FBI no longer seizes entire websites full of the private comms of tens of thousands of people just to get the comms from one guy or a handful of people. this means Lavar got screwed by the FBI faggots on purpose–they could have only targeted Snowden, but instead they targeted all Lavabit users, knowing it would destroy Lavabit as retribution for hosting Snowden.
it's pretty ironic that the FBI respects some semblance of privacy laws on a free and completely anonymous forum, while the FBI pisses on privacy on a private and paid and non-anonymous email service.
finally, it's very important to understand just what the FBI is seeking in this search warrant. the FBI only wants you IP address from your post ID. but the FBI already fucking has your IP address, because all of 8ch is saved into PRISM on the NSA's side. so why is the FBI wasting its time on this search warrant, when they already have your IP? this search warrant is just a smoke screen and "parallel construction", so the FBI doesn't have to admit "we got user's IP address from PRISM, because we have a top secret program with all of Zig Forums under surveillance at all times before getting a warrant."
we now live in a world where the Secret Police pretend to be tech buffoons to cover up their bulk, roving, warrantless wiretaps against us, where replying to an anonymous thread that you don't even know is real makes you a criminal co-conspirator guilty of violating USC 247–violating the civil rights of a protected religion.
honk. honk.
God you people are such niggers. You chimp out, call it strength. It’s the best show on Earth and I don’t have to pay a dime.
Or that kike professor who calls for the genocide of all Whites> Ingantiv…fuckface
Or how about this jew fucker…no one is 'investigating him' are they?
This war will end for all time the struggle against the Gentiles … Our race will rule undisputed over the world … And so, with vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israel will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World. Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich speaking of the Third World War before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952, in the book ‘The World’s Troublemakers, The Struggle Against the Gentiles’
At some point during the war, when the U.S. military is deeply involved and the U.S. citizens are demoralized, the Zionist-oriented Jewish international bankers will make their move.
Evidence leads to the conclusion that it is these bankers who own the Class A Stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve, America's central bank.
In this position of power these Zionist bankers can, and likely will, trigger an economic collapse in America – like they did in 1929 when they caused the stock market crash and started the severe depression of the1930's.
Since the money system currently used in the U.S. is NOT backed by gold, silver, or anything of value, the paper dollars and tin coins now in use will be worthless. In the resulting state of confusion and in an effort to obtain food and other necessities, the American people will accept the ‘New States Constitution’ which has already been written.
This will place the American people under the dictates of one-world government run by the Zionist-oriented international bankers and Zionist/Bolshevik Jews. Jewish author and anti-Zionist Jack Bernstein, The Life Of An American Jew In Racist-Marxist Israel,1984
The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of world victory. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview, 1976, by Charles A. Weisman, published June 1992
would I get in trouble if I had proof the glows were fabricating the entire "trump-has-betrayed-us-go-shoot-targets-with-zero-power" pipeline
just kiddin I made all that up hehe
Cool story bro.
Tarrant, Earnest. Both were nationalists who killed for their people. In terms of dedicated individuals, this board has the most out of any chan which is why both came from here. Other boards have not produced equal people. Just wait until the next user from here decides to effortpost in real life. Then you will be unable to deny this fact.
Not if you are a kike. There is no justice for all the people of the world because there is no justice for the kikes crimes. They do whatever they want.
Saint nignog of the whites, the resolutely anti-dignified. All someone has to do to be a saint to you people is nigger it up. Total slaves, fucking hilarious.
Society is built on a bedrock of better civics than anyone here has, and you can’t see the value of civics because you’re all too chained to think anything new. You people say you have pride, but you don’t, and you know you don’t. That’s why you live in such decaying environments.
Tarrant was either a Muslim or a daddy’s boy. His dear old bigoted papa needed a new lung and didn’t get it. Tarrant toured the world, came back so broken he killed people.
Truth burns you people.
They're probably redpilled or susceptible, the nature of their work forced them to look at things differently. But a traitor is still a evil traitor with the slave mentality. The slave mentality is the hardest thing people can get rid of. They could quit their jobs at any time, but they won't.
We have "purple" which leaks data every now and then. Probably more here.
Dont be dumb, paranoid commie jewish shit like PRISM etc is still operating in full force, not to mention the OS subverstion and canvas fingerprinting/use of cookies and z-cookies that dont expire normally.
Unless you concealed your identity they have probably collected your IP, like your phone calls and texts(even though you did nothing wrong, because they can, and because schizophrenic kikes own our governments)
When I was his age, I was still making As in uni. He doesn't need to ruin his life for memes. If you've read Siege, then Mason remarks that you can't change the system in that manner. You have to start a service, community, etc outside of the poz so that others would flock to an alternative when things go to shit.
It's definitely feds. That thread was quickly deleted after 9 minutes, so it's surprising quickly they've latched onto it.
Them being able to view the contents quickly would prove that they're looking on here 24/7
Oh…you writing was kind of garbled before because your boyfriend was pounding you in the ass…I get it, you are a kike troll…
Nigging it up is killing people for no reason. People from this board kill for a reason: we as a people are under attack and are having war waged upon us. They are the first cracks in the dam wall and the beginning of something much greater. We honor them because ultimately it will be people like them who help secure our existence because it will not be secured with bloodshed. They are heros.
False dichotomy/black-and-white fallacy.
Idk, they might raid to make an example. Similar to Stone. Anons should make an action plan. Remember: never cuck out.
Only one place I’ve seen either of those lines and you’re it
Something tells me you don’t know your enemy
I have not read Siege yet. I got disillusioned when I saw how corrupt and degenerate the fags at AtomWaffen were and decided that it wasn't important to read anything associated with them.
Jews are waging information warfare. Until anons learn how to play the game at a higher level nothing they do will have any meaningful effect.
It’s the evidence. I know that’s a foreign concept to you people.
That guy is a troll who has been posting in a lot of thread for days. Says the same things over and over, nothing new or different.
Hopefully you don’t think it’s only the FBI who are boomer-tier in regards to how savvy they are with the internet, because our whole armed forces haven’t got a clue. Got a buddy who got out of the service not long ago. He gave me some sound knowledge that most of our generals don’t understand what memes really are, that instagram isn’t just something to post pictures of your gay personal, or that you can actively manipulate forums with a coordinated team. He also mentioned that they just reformed a group for psychological operations, and that the former psyops they ran in the past ended long ago, and never lasted into internet fuckery like discoed groups cause.
The whole grand picture I got from my bro was that everyone who isn’t a 20-something internet geek like most of us here; they haven’t got a fucking clue as to how any of this works, and they’re just starting to begin the process of “learning to manipulate” via internet forums and meme warfare.
Nice, user.
So are our governments who import foreigners and so are the foreigners themselves. Read military and war theory. Technically, they are actually invaders and foreign armies. The fact that they are being invited in is meaningless.
You can't even post without using fallacies. You are stupid.
Rofl, what are you even writing out toad boy.
You’re just too weak to face the truth that violence is born of emotional weakness, not of strength. Breaking into violence is the conduct of people who can’t stand to live anymore. Every screaming chimpanzee of humanity was capable of warfare. Being able to live in peace and de-escalate conflicts is something dramatically more unusual.
You know it is going to get so much worse that people will not be recognized as 'human' any longer. It will be complete corruption. You think people like dressing up as furries, now? Wait until they are using CRISPR to become part dog so that they can engage bestiality on a personal level. This is only the very beginning of the Kali Yuga. Anyone who is forced to stay here has done some things in their past lives that are heinous beyond words.
Kike troll needs the filter
Sometimes but not all the time. Imagine a criminal is raping your daughter and is going to kill her and the only way to save her is to kill him. You must kill him to save her. Killing him is not out of emotional weakness, you pop-psychology faggot. A typical soy, you will conjur up any fantasy possible in order to convince yourself that being a pacifist is okay. It isn't.
You niggers aren’t gonna live forever, but I will. I live in peace. My meats are going to be replaceable, and I’m going to trust doctors to do it. I’m so stagnant and boring and trapped in ancient patterns of retarded chimpouts that I’m going to have new meat someday. What will you have?
Killing is a legitimate evolutionary strategy and has been for the entire 8 billion years we've had on this space rock.
Go look at yourself in the mirror pathetic soyboy, you literally lost the game the moment your retarded mongoloid body was spawned.
Should I stop posting here or should I only use TOR from now on
Yes, that meme thread is still up.
Just had an English blood sausage and now I'm drinking creaming mixed with orange flavoured mineral water.
Mm. That scenario has nothing to do with raceniggers. The perspective that collectives can be raped in a demographic sense is kyriotate psychosis - a kind of weakness, not of strength.
Sure, kill THAT rapist, but you know what Jews haven’t done to you? Racism is extraordinarily spineless. “Oh no, people who are as different from me as one skittle is to another exist! I’m too weak to handle this and violence is the answer!”
You what?
{SMH} the kike TROLL you were responding to you big fag, HE NEEDS THE FILTER.
Unless you are into that sort of faggotry…then by all means be my guest
Organ printing, brother. Organ printing, meatvats, exowombs, etc. Once we can grow every part of a person, what will stop us from doing so? I don’t think this is literally going to happen, but the tech IS physically possible, so consider it: the cheapest reaction to cancer may someday be to transplant brains into fresh-printed bodies.
Don't let them scare you user. You are on a list or you aren't. Use TOR or don't. I am not going to kneel to their injustice so I am going to continue to achieve and enact MY PLAN.
That fucking faggot is derailing the entire thread. Could we TRY to stay on topic here? You guys are giving it too many (yous)
He's filtered now
My most esteemed faggots and gentlemen:
I'm an intern with…as part of my major. I'm coasting till it's over, and I don't know shit, but I hear things. Haven't been on a chan site in ages but some of you are cool.
The idea is to make a case similar to how ISIS websites and online communities are prosecuted & taken down. The *site* is the target, not you.
THAT SAID, they aren't going to be shredding all those juicy IP addresses either. If you commented on one of {those} threads, or in one that encouraged, gave comfort or aid to- you know the drill>. If you're on the wrong thread that could come up later, so keep your nose clean and be aware if you're applying for a pilots license in 2029 or some shit, you might hear about this again.
Also of you're in the UK, they go for the balls with this stuff, and people joke a "leak" of UK IP addresses might accidentally happen. If you hear about a leak- it could be serious concern time.
The mood here is tense. There was a sense the far right was "our guys, just the idiots", but that's evolving to "them".
"Them" always gets fucked, so be careful out there. 9 proxies, boys
Aryan means nigger means aryan. It’s for people so pathetic their whole engagement with politics lives and dies in a bowl of skittles. When the left went nigger, they weakened. If the right goes aryan, they’ll weaken. Same shit.
Someday all skin will be replaceable. People who aren’t strong enough to face that future are slamming into the walls of history at 90MPH.
They did more harm to their people than almost any non-politician I can think of. Even if you take the position of amoral pragmatism, they did nothing but harm. And of course, they are ethically bankrupt individuals: lowly murderers, who will disappear with no offspring to carry on their beloved genetic lineage. I mean, if you're going to be a basic bitch race idolator, at least do it right. These guys were idiots by every measure.
LMAO…um wow, If I didn't know that niggers can't use English to write and that all communication has to take place through emoji, I would say that was written by a nigger.