The Australia media doesn't address the main issues but the comment section does!
Leading cause of death for Australian men 15-44 is suicide
If Australia is anything like the US, I can imagine why. I recently got my degree, and now I apply to jobs where the salary is only 40-55K a year and there are usually over 100 applicants to each job. Mind you, I have two years of actual decent work experience where I made $25 an hour, yet nobody wants to interview me, let alone hire me. I even lie about my race on my applications just to stand out and I rarely get interviews. Why aren't people revolting in the streets!?
Hmm…I wonder why
Half of all male suicides are due to going through the divorce courts!
Meanwhile I make 3k-5k a year and am likely happier and more fulfilled than you heh. I can't believe you call that "only 40k a year". In my whole lifetime I've only made double that and I've been working a long while.
Depending what work it is, they might not be hiring you because of that… since they might want to steer clear of jews, niggers, spics, etc.
I have friends in Australia that can't get a job with the Army or Police force cause they have to hit their quoto for women first! It's been over 2 years and they are still waiting…
Why don't they become immigrants? Better than an hero
Really? They can't get into the Army? The army actually turning able-bodied fighting men away? wtf.
Not sure where you live but the govt heavily incentivizes workplaces to hire minorities. There is nothing advantageous on an institutional level to applying as White on something
why are they joining you fucking twinkbait? what complete losers
If the reason is capitalist reality then you should do some other stuff than killing yourself.
You don't understand, we need gook and poo h1b visa expansion to unlimited because of a lack of high 'degreed" gook poo cheaters to replace the non qualified Whites with experience and Whites pumped out of American colleges every year.
But how can that be if guns aren't legal?
based jew (unironically)
I don't even have greed about dreams. I just wanna make around 45-50K so that my wife and I can have kids. Also to all you "learn a trade" fags, I've applied to around hundred apprenceships with not even a single call back
You must live in a 3rd world shit hole or your mommy's basement since that wouldn't even pay rent in a civilized country.
women need to be enslaved again
Any decent apprentice trade psoition gets more applicants than you'd ever care to dream about. As far as how fucked I am, I'm a published academic and author working in a factory. No family, no wife, no gf – nothing. I'm happy but it still all seems like a dead end, no salvation in sight. Capitalism fucked European life harder than anything. We're now all just GDP wageslaves forced to devote our lives to the ever-declining dollar.
It’s because for them white men killing themselves is a good thing, it’s part of their plan. Vid related is jews openly laughing about white men killing themselves.
I wish commies and nazis would team up to overthrow the system and then fight among each other once the neoliberal Jews have been toppled.
they never really were on a societal level
Must be those giant spiders.
Communism is jewish too, communism and neoliberalism will only fight when they have beaten the nazis (see: cold war), as soon as they sense a threat from the goyim they team up.
I'm aware of how Jewish communism is, I just wish that weren't the case. Many of these White gentiles who become radical communists have great potential in fighting the system, but their Jewish handlers make them fight working class Trump supporters instead
Underrated post
He is not jewish, thankfully.
yeah I was exaggerating, they do need to lose their political power though
Considering this thread, you should consider it as well.
anti politics requires an ante
dementia is a cause of death? why is it the 3rd most prevalent cause of death in Australia? Why come the age groupes 15-18, 25 - 30, 35 - 44 are all missing?
Why are Australians so dishonest, is it intentional or are they ignorant of themselves?
The comments on the suicide advertisement are nothing but prurient pretentiousness and the first commenter seems to have sent the aussies wounding with his question of sexual equality but actuall he as a weak fag and had to make a post here to prove it.
Feminism ENFORCES manchildishness.
If you have dementia and die from the flu or malnutrition, the cause of death will probably be listed as dementia. It's not a specific disease, just old-age brain and immune system impairment, mainly.
This is why women need to be responsible for themselves and learn to survive on their own.
You might want to consider starting your own business. You really have nothing to loose at this point.
every other category is a condition, is suicide?
No, but thats what the creators of this propaganda have convinced you to want
They didn't give a percentage, so while it maybe the leading cause, the death toll is small.
Ted isn't a jew you retard he's Polish.
I used to be a Stalinist, they're probably the only commies who have any potential as nationalists. NazBols too, but only the ones who are just shitpostery nationalists and not full-blown Eurasianist faggots. Communism is inherently globalist, even the "National" Bolsheviks are predominantly Eurasianists, it's completely incompatible with nationalism of any sort.
Hey, in Portugal, rent is around 200 to 300 euros for a 2 bedroom apartment.
Unless you're in the capital, where the same apartment fetches 600 to 700.
Translating that to burger-coin, tells me you're one of those guys that went to NY, LA or some other shithole because "oh my god guise, there's no jobs anywhere else".
Enjoy city life, it's a trap. You earn a lot of money, but they'll never let you keep it.
Your groceries will be double the price of anywhere else, rent is tripled, and bills are not only more expensive, they also include bullshit parcels you can't opt out.
But hey, at least you got Subway and other crap within 100 feet of your house, right?
Quads! True. The madness of syphilitic cuntocracy must be defeated.
Does Australia have an opioid problem like here in the States? I know neighboring Canada does.
Not Jewish, he was an ethnic Pole.
Why would you want to join the army? So you can die for Israel?
Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
I'm just giving you my understanding of why dementia is listed as a category. It's essentially code for 'too old and was circling the drain for a while.'
People die. They get old or sick and the body shuts down. I think that things with preventable causes should be focused on more. So telling people to be healthy to minimise the risks of heart disease is one thing, but you can't stop a mans heart from giving out eventually.
I feel bad for some suicide cases, but I don't give a shit about others. Make sense? I'm not going to cry over some tranny that offed themselves.
Under no circumstances do I support the actions of Brenton Tarrant, however, one with empathy can conceptually grasp where he was coming from, especially given statistics like these. Very sad.
You can get by on roughly 1,2k after taxes in Western Europe but "getting by" is not the same as being fiscally secure. Meanwhile the kikes are trying to figure out why millennials have both the lowest buying power and savings of all current generations.
Nothing of value was lost. They don't show love by going for a backflip with their worst friends before an heroing.
Some of these are Gen X too. But yeah, the millennial generation is kiked to 11.