I sympathize with the alt right, but demographically and culturally, things are too far gone in most of the west. In eastern europe there is a chance of united nation states acting as a bulwark against the disease that is modern capitalism.
As long as the alt right supports capitalism, they'll never achieve victory. Capitalism is one coinside of the disease, it was the bourgeois class that betrayed the working class in the western world in order to acquire foreign workers. At the origin of the demographic crisis and mass migration, the issue was LABOR. In every single western country, from Australia to New Zealand to Germany, the issue was the desire for foreign workers, for the benefit of the economy. This didn't start off as a 'let's not be racist thing', it was big business actively trying to get cheaper workers.The bourgoise class stood to gain by expanding the labor pool and population, as they controlled the property. In my home country, of New Zealand, this is best seen in the capital city Auckland with it's egregious housing prices. Auckland itself is also the most 'diverse' city in the country, the vanguard of the ethnic replacement, it is no coincidence that these two issues go hand in hand.
The other side of the coin is affluence. We became too rich and wealthy, and with that became too weak. Ironically if the western world was 4x poorer, we'd be better off as we'd NEED each other again, we'd have a reason to bond with our brothers, sisters, mothers and people. Our culture notwithstanding the technological and social changes that restructured our lives, has left us alienated and isolated. Any increase in wealth, any increase in GDP at this point of time, only further exacerbates the issue. The problem isn't the material wealth itself, mind you, I'm not advocating that we all necessarily live in poverty. The problem is that we are spending our wealth on products that don't derive us any benefit, and in fact, poison us. The classic 'soyboy' meme is a great example of this phenonemon. The stereotypical soyboy is unironically intelligent and upper middle class, what good has this wealth and intellect done him? All the wealth and media he consumes has served to extend his childhood out, keeping him in an infantile state in order to keep fueling business.
Like, I sympathize with the alright a lot. But you've got to accept the material conditions. Western Europeans and the anglosphere will never have their countries back, there will be no ethnostate. It is not a material possibility when the most powerful countries on earth are content with the status quo. That battle is lost, it was lost around the year 2000, trump being elected and the current resurgence of far right politics in the west is just the dying scream of whites being dominant demographic.
Once the alt right has finally accepted the situation, they'll move onto the next rational move. Clubs, churches, fraternities, networking, nepotism, etc. Whites in the west should become insular like the ashkenazi jews, a united diaspora that can function and protect its people against other hostile groups and the toxic culture that seeps in around us.
Basically, any alt-right faggot that even humors the possiblity of a racewar and an ethnostate is a fucking retarded faggot at this point. He's cringe and should be laughed at. Any alt right/far right person that still, STILL, supports capitalism is also a retarded faggot, he's supporting the very thing that put the west in this situation.
You're on the wrong board if you're trying to preach the perils of capitalism fren. Nobody here but faggots that haven't lurked for 2yrs and shills pushes capitalism. I think it's time you learned the merits of National Socialism. Join us! We are the way.
Elijah Sanders
Kayden Taylor
Pretty good, but like, Krystalnacht was a mistake. I can't forgive the National Socialists and Hitler for starting another world war and slaughtering so many Europeans, however.
That's just your commie name for the third pillar. 'Left' and 'right' are jewish distractions. The only answer is National Socialism.
Colton Miller
Hey man, I agree with you that capitalism is a disease, but let's not go throwing stones when we live in a glass house ourselves. We (in this case referring to NatSoc Zig Forumsacks) don't support capitalism yet we've accomplished as little systemic change as the alt-right has. I believe that what you really mean is something like Which, yeah obviously that'd be cool. But the alt-right is as much an ideological bloc as we are. Many don't support capitalism and some of Zig Forums does.
As for your poo-pooing the race war… um… buddy, I hate to tell you, but you're in one already.
Wyatt Cruz
Reminder that libertarian economics was nothing more than a cope. After the 60s/70s being "racist" (ie explicitly pro-white and advocating for whites) wasn't allowed. You weren't allowed to say you hate niggers and spics taking your money, so people tried invoking free-market principles and individual property rights ( spoilers: it didn't work)
Socialism and functioning commons are the natural extension of ethnocentrism and nationalism.
Keep laughing kike, laugh all the way to the showers. If demography is destiny, the destiny of that demographic is to starve because out here in the sticks we don't think much about the Hymee town bullshit, we don't have to. Fuck the electoral college , the cities will starve and those that survive the shelling gas and snipers will be in no shape to resist. No amount of spics or virtue signaling can change this.
Capitalism isn't the problem, it's who runs it. We never should have let the (((wrong people))) take control of it and use it against us.
Jason Hall
Capitalism can work, Capitalism is nothing but a manifestation of the wants of the people. What the people are trained to WANT is degeneracy and short term fulfillment and conformity by a botched and zionist education system and media complex. If people were trained to want a nuclear family and sane, healthy country, it would exist in a free form capitalist system. The format of the system is not the problem. Jews and subverters are.
Quiet kike, I can fell the snake you are moving behind the curtain..
tldr: We need Hitler
Thomas Sanchez
I don't mind Hitler starting a world war as long as he made an honest attempt to eradicate the jews , and jew power.
But he let the British Army escape at Dunkirque, and he threw away his own army at Stalingrad. And according to everyone here he didn't even try to eradicate the jews; there were no death camps at all according to you.
If that's the case then what was the entire point of it all? If you look carefully at what the common opinion at Zig Forums pol is Hitler looks like just another Donald Trump style sellout.