Don't get upset at the coalburner epidemic. It's counterproductive. If you spend all your time hating race traitors, you become exactly what leftists screech about. You become a hateful shell of a person, permanently angry about the absolute state of white women, without contributing anything of value to your race to counter their treachery. I see it like this: Coalburners are a blessing in disguise, because they signify the removal of weak-willed women from our gene pool. Sure, it would be better if they were normal and well-adjusted, but you have to look on the bright side.
Most instances of coalburnery comprise an exceptionally average nigger and a fat lard of a woman that none of us would have wanted anyway, but for those rare cases (the kind propagandized to no end in the media) in which an attractive white woman is courted by a nigger, especially when they appear to be happy together, don't be angry. There's nothing you can do to prove to her that she would have been better off with her own kind, and if she is truly happy, then good for her - that's no problem of ours, because she no longer belongs to us.
Once you go black, you never go back, because no one will take you back. Nothing of value was lost. Focus your life around the positive, and don't concern yourself with miscegenation. Create your own, white family, build your own life, and that's all you need to be happy.
She kinda looks like a 1/8 nigger note the elongated "slack jaw" and plump lips, also note the gaze is likened to that of a nigger.
Charles Gonzalez
Yeah, she's fucking gross. Reminds me of every damaged girl I've ever known, combined. She talks like a nigger, too.
Joshua Ward
Is there any way we can redpill Billie Eilish? If her parents are both Republicans (I heard?) then we can easily convince her to support Trump at some point if we use the right medium
Adrian Gomez
This is true, most white girls abhor nigger dick, it’s all like propaganda but you put way to much effort into this.
Even the liberal new world order depends on attractive white people being handled by Jews with pet monkeys. While the apathetic liberal sees nothing wrong with this society is slowly deteriorating and the monkeys will soon turn. So either the traitors all die and burn or their children will become more red pulled then ever. Even with all the money in the world the parasites still need us.
That being said reversal still needs to happen, step by step redpoll by redpoll lest we become India. Caste systems never work in the end.
Grayson Watson
Have you heard her talk? She is literally a nigger in the form of a (((white))) woman.
Noah Lewis
Imagine being this much of a salty jealous little faggot. She still has a lot of potential, she unironically might go into politics in like 30 years and become Trump #2
Ayden Stewart
objective should be to STOP Kike-Media propaganda and white guilt.
The absolute state of the liberal faggots infesting this board
Jeremiah Sullivan
It's not impossible. She's 17, she'll probably swing back around to some degree politically as she gets older. But the chances are significantly lower if she's already smoked nigger pole. Which she has. Pretty hard to rationalize a sin that big into a conservative worldview if you've already committed it.
I'm looking on the bright side, you absolute fucking downie. Unlike you, I don't like to brood over Susie next door churning out niglet babies. So I compartmentalize it in the most positive way I can. Is that such a crime? Do you understand, you fucking brainlet?
Why do you want to reproduce with a woman who is genetically unlike to be faithful to you? There is no problem with temptations, there is no problem with mind control, the problem boils down to genetics.
Charles Hughes
Based as fuck, this is actually a fucking non-violent eugenics miracle.
Jordan Moore
One: Stop posting kikes. Two: Something I've noticed about having a family is that I have much less time and will to stress about who guttersluts like Billie Eilish are fucking. I'm doing my part. What are you doing, user? Oh yeah, you're busy shitting up threads with pictures of Woody Allen
That's exactly the attitude that got us into this mess you fucking kike faggot. Racemixers will get the rope, right after kikes like the faggot OP.
Christopher Myers
logged and clogged
Angel Lopez
Your posts are some of the most pathetic copes I've ever seen. Your idea that a race can survive on only its best members is retarded. Every race needs a lower class, what's happening right now is that the upper class whites are selling out the lower class whites, and the middle class whites are being eaten by both sides. This is how a soft genocide works you dumb fuck. You really think this stuff would be being pushed if it didn't work?
The simple, horrifying truth is: not all white people are white people, and not all niggas is nigs.
Samuel Mitchell
Alright, let's go down this path. You want to stay angry all the time? Suit yourself. Good luck attracting a woman. Good luck starting a family. Good luck saving your race, which is, after all, what you wanted to do in the first place. Your lonely peanut of a brain can't imagine the logistics of fighting for a cause without remaining in a perpetual state of butthurt. Racemixing happens - I don't agree with it, but it's there - and constant obsession over it is nothing but destructive. You'd be better off doing something productive, like having your own white kids and building a legacy. But hey, don't listen to me, I'm just faggot OP.
All niggers are niggers. The point I'm making is that it's possible to see coalburners as doing us a favor by removing treacherous genes from our future generations.
You're so pathetic. "Just start a family and ignore the fact that all of the families around you are race mixing and becoming increasingly hostile." No one exists in a vacuum you dumb fuck. Even if you had eight white children it would be nothing compared to the amount of non-white children. The fact that you think white people can breed their way out of this is hilarious.
Your whole point seems to boil down to, "Don't get mad, bro, just calm down." What do you think fuels people to start revolutions? It's not good vibes, you dumb fuck. Anger is a good thing. If you see a white woman being raped by a nigger, you should get angry, if you see white children being put on sex change hormones, you should get angry, when you see evil shit happening, you should get angry.
Anger is the appropriate response to evil. Anger is a motivating force. You are a coward afraid of actual change.
Wanna know why the Left is always winning, because they don't police their own people. They don't tell Antifa to calm down and stop throwing bricks at people's heads, they encourage it, because violence is what shapes society. A political movement without an angry force of violent bruisers to back it up is nothing more than a hobby.
This is pure tradcuckery. Not a single point raised by the user you responded to was answered. All you can do is try desperately to deescalate the situation. Posts like yours are the reason I don't take married men with children seriously as agents of change. Fuck this shit. If we want women, we will take them. Including your wife and daughters, seeing as you are a spineless cuck who can't defend them. And if it isn't us, it'll be tyrone or juan.
I agree. They either get it or they don't. The life they've been dropped into affects their choices and it is good to give some leeway but a mudshark has made her choice.
Andrew Lee
Good thread. There is little reason to display overt disgust in racemixing at CY+4. We need to get back to it slowly. Racemixing is a symptom, not a disease itself. Promote purity instead, have pure kids, raise them pure, and the normality will return by itself. Don't forget to GTKRWN somewhere at some point of course.
William Reed
Go fuck yourself. With someone black.
Wait, its already happening.
Hunter Edwards
All I see is words. Where's your effortpost IRL faggot? Don't want to win the womb war? Go win somewhere else, and post here with proofs.