Might be something on interest to you guys, understand the enemy and all.
Zig Forums explains why they’re marxists
Other urls found in this thread:
Whatever legitimate concerns they have over entrenched (((Capital))) and the current mode of production, or just the plight of the workers, is completely overshadowed by the ZOG'd up built-in jewish power structure of Communism. They are not ever going to concede the fact that the jews have to go (In Minecraft, those dirty villager rats) because they're ideology is fundamentally philosemitic, just as much as the (((Capitalist))) ideology is.
But, it is invaluable to see the motivating factors behind a given individual's determination to stick with such a jewish system. No doubt a look through /liberty/ will give a similar result, as any observation of the enemy would.
Well, of course, they agree with the same problem as us, the difference is they're about class and we're about race.
Communism is inherently anti-jewish, ever wonder why so many kikes are so neo-liberal and pro-capitalism?
race is stupid but I still agree that each collective of ethnic groups and nationalities is a good way to organize and minimized racial conflict.
their faggotry is impossible for me to read
Why would I want to understand my enemy? As a whole, their plan is misguided, ill-informed and evil.
Why would I want to understand the individual parts that make up evil?
When cancer is removed, the surgeons goal is to remove EVERY cancer cell there is no point leaving some left. The surgeon doesn't need to understand a small minority of the cancer cells to do his job.
Once one tolerates multiculturalism, they are lost and must be removed. The amount of time and resources it would take to swing them back in to the realm of truth is too great.
Yeah, thank you for reminding me why manchildren adopted a manchild philosophy.
I'm merely stating an obvious
Thanks for articulating this. I couldn't put my finger on why I couldn't understand the posts in that thread. It's almost like reading a broken AI trying to speak English for the first time.