Saw this thread on plebbit about a guy who got a vasectomy. A lot of people were in the comments talking about their own vasectomies and hysterectomies.
What's happening?
Saw this thread on plebbit about a guy who got a vasectomy. A lot of people were in the comments talking about their own vasectomies and hysterectomies.
What's happening?
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Reddit’s userbase is comprised nearly completely of liberals and flat-out astroturf nowadays, they’re far more cucked than the average population assuming any of this is actually organic. Jews also push this stuff, just look at that Buffalo Wild Wings commercial from a few months back
Automated creation of a consensus to sell as a new norm. Posts may be automated, even the OP might be fake. Reminder that reddit is 95% bots and 4.99% retards.
Typical soyim behavior
wife finally convinced soyhubby to open up the relationship
A person called Valarde did this. The Jews got another one boys.
So I'm guessing you get the tubes snipped and it just runs like water? Does it stop being white and creamy? I'm thinking there are very bad health reprocussions to having trapped seed just rotting in the fucking pipes.
The problem is sorting itself out.
Nature happens. The weak removes itself from the gene pool.
The media jew has redefined sex from a reproductive act to a hedonistic act. Behavior like this follows.
There is now even less opportunity for white babies and this fool is celebrating
Barron has an IQ of at least 150, based on his nose
can we get blacks doing the "white people be like" and make people realize only whites do this shit?
Kill yourself you jew cunt.
This is dating profile from hinge and it profiles the average single male reddit user. Just looking at this should explain to you why they get forced into having a vasectomy.
I think part of what may have enabled a rise of the far right is that people became noticeably moronic under the rule of the left’s conservative corporate oligarchy. Old stock phrases aren’t decried as “archaic” anymore, but indeed the process of archaicization has stalled. Phrases that used to be uniformly comprehended should have become boring in their automatic recognition; instead they became alien as mandatory retardation slagged the economy. I found in my own life that people desperately told me I wasn’t special or that I was chaotic when I wasn’t ever trying to be special or chaotic - I was if anything being stodgy, failing to change as society regressed. I didn’t progress, but society went backwards, and it made people think I was trying to stand out like a tall poppy just for being the same person I already was.
What does this have to do with vasectomies? Well, the people who promoted vasectomies during this recent period mostly identified themselves as intellectuals, but western intellectualism rotted with sacred psuedointellectualism as all attempts to uphold intellectual integrity were screamed down as psuedointellectualism. The left projected. They got so bound up in obeisant tribalism that they lost their faculty for critical evaluation. Anyone being a peer to intellectuals was a secret evil attacker, and no alien insights were acknowledged to exist.
So xenophobia rose, and reading comprehension fell, neither of which made leftism more charismatically competent.
This is sad, because we’re scientifically approaching technologies that ensure vasectomies and hysterectomies will no longer bar reproduction. If we sterilize everyone, breeder-animal rapists will no longer exist, while sexual tensions will fall as people become more willing to make sexual supply available. We can end involuntary celibacy if we move to vat-reproduction.
Doing that would also reduce child abuse. People would only have children if they could afford to buy a geneticist’s services, so fewer children would be born in poverty, and bad epigenetics would be instantly disrupted for those who were. Across all of society, people would have few children into which they would invest their resources heavily, finally shifting all of humanity into the child-safe K-strategy of reproduction.
when will you go back to cuckchan, cuck.
that's a lot of soy in one image, just seeing someone like that makes me uncomfortable.
Natural selection at work
Trannies who think they're chicks don't count.
Hateful people wanted the right to be idolized as all-loving when they weren’t, and they wanted the right to “hate hatred”. The problem is that degenerate right-wingers obey gleefully whatever weaknesses their opponents expose. When the Brazillian left was corrupt, the Brazillian right took the opportunity to become MORE corrupt. When the American left was stupid and hateful, the American right took the opportunity to become…
I don’t want to say it. The American right is a lot less awful than the Brazillian right. It didn’t deserve all the hate it got, and the American right does have its own measure of principle. Yet the tendency still operates. When progressives backslide, their opponents backslide harder. Humanity needs the people leading the way to actually lead the way. The brilliant accepting peaceful xenophilic left has to actually be brilliant, accepting, peaceful, and xenophillic.
“wanted the right” as in they wanted the privilege
Go back
Natural selection… You realize that by the standards of natural selection, House Euphoric has an eternal advantage over you, right? I’m not saying the people euphoric in their intellects were all as smart as they thought, but every passing year makes it more likely that peaceful people will be preserved literally eternally in genetic archives. Those people’s genes will be expressed again and again in future eras, because they did NOT breed, but were defined by other pursuits. In the limitless future, if we are not to fall to naked apes shedding each others’ blood upon the mossy ground of Eden, we as a species will need those many peaceful other pursuits.
When the left got a little dumb, the right got a lot of dumb. When people of moderate intellects became euphoric in moderate intellects, people absolutely moronic became euphoric in being moronic. And society lost in lies the art of living by a fully reciprocal pattern, because it demanded the reciprocation of humilities people were too arrogant to percieve, and the acknowledgments that discomfort.
It is not by religion that I know we are all flawed, nor is it by religion’s rejection.
There are some viral marketing companies that make cakes to promote products. I've seen this many times, even on voat. So I'm pretty sure this is a paid (by Soros?) campaign to promote vasectomies.
Also, fully reciprocating someone who points out reading comprehension issues does not mean harassing them on their reading comprehension, lol. Actual smart people already feel retarded on a regular basis. Humble acceptance of perceptions is part of being intelligent. Trying to fabricate a dumb moment against them makes the abuser look imbecilic, not smart. The conservative stalker leftists needed to learn some empathy and imagine POVs other than their own “this hateful person I hate should see how it feels to feel the way they made me feel”, because when it comes to intellect gaps it’s usually only the slightly intelligent or the outright stupid who find it unusual to blunder.
I had the pleasure - it wasn’t supposed to be a pleasure, but it was - of socially interacting with various people who ranted angrily at me about needing to learn how to lose gracefully, only one of whom was anything like capable of losing gracefully, and that one eventually apologized to me for blaming their issue upon me. They noticed themselves. It was great. I still love that person.
I’m a placid or even joyous loser when things don’t go my way. Not so much in recent years, but when internet culture was healthier I fielded occasionally honestly fairer complaints about how failure didn’t emotionally affect me enough to drive a felt need to improve.
I love being anonymous, by the way. If you want to change the world, change yourself. If you want to have ideas other people would kill, have them where “nobody” will find you. Sometimes the world is ruled by people whose appearance nobody knows.
That happens because narcissistic conservatives, no matter WHERE or in WHAT LABEL they find themselves, do oft punish thinkers unfamiliar.
The mistake the left made was to ally with the rapists of privacy, who in all eras present themselves as uniquely virtuous, but indeed they never are. Before that happened spaces like this one were left-aligned, and the unattributable thinkers who shape the world were often leftists.
Probably paid for by a nobody. You can buy anything onna cake. Have you ever bought art, or are you too proletarian to buy art?
A womb as empty as the heart. Sometimes this world is too much user. Is there nothing so low they won't stoop to? First its killing babies and now its stopping the creation of our children before they even have a chance. All for what? A few moments of euphoria every Friday night? This waste is tragic.
Globohomo is mouse utopia.
panem et circensis
fucking plebs
I'm ok with this dysgenic garbage not breeding.
Have you ever noticed how much you love talking about yourself?
You start off with this ridiculously wide navel gazing which might as well be a bot post for how on topic it is, and then comes a whole deluge of text which is really only about you.
You saw a plebbit thread about a guy who got a vasectomy. Then you saw a lot of people in the comments talking about their own vasectomies and hysterectomies.
You dumb faggot
Look at what north face did with kikepedia to advertise.
You clearly don't understand male biology. Semen is constantly being made, and then when not used reabsorbed and recreated.