So what countries are ACTUAL allies of the United States?
So far, I can think of a few
Notice how all of these countries are ethnically uniform and run by far-right governments
So what countries are ACTUAL allies of the United States?
So far, I can think of a few
Notice how all of these countries are ethnically uniform and run by far-right governments
What did he mean by this?
We're Americans as much as Serbs were Yugoslavians.
America doesn't have allies, it has occupied territories.
Just stop.
Nice try Schlmo
Attacked America in WW2
Controls Kushner, who controls Trump, for:
Controls Trump, killed JFK, killed 34 American Sailors and injured 174 on the USS Liberty
The US doesn't have allies, it has vassals. And all of those are going to stab you in the back the second they see a chance because nobody likes being a vassal.
None. There is no such thing as the united states of America. It's the divided colonies of organized jewish crime. The American identity was sold to you as the American dream by the jews. You are Europeans, Africans, Asians and Hispanics…NOT AMERICANS. A civilization offers no protection and has no meaning if it isn't based on race. You are all slaves to materialism, sold to you in from of capitalism, which is against the natural laws and highly self destructive.
That was The Empire of Japan, retard. modern Japan never attacked America
Bygones. It happened far enough in the past where it doesn't really matter at this point. Really, if we stayed mad at every nation we've been at war with we'd never have any allies at all. Japan's our friend now, even though it's a little one sided sometimes. At least economics and tech are good exchanges.
Brazil is America’s greatest current threat. China isn’t good, either. Both of these nations are run by far right governments. Don’t take my threat assessments too seriously; I’m a pacifist and a windlord.
The UK is an everlasting ally. The value of the alliance fluctuates, but the existence of the alliance is static. Right now I don’t know if the USA is meeting Britain’s needs, but I also don’t know what Britain’s needs actually are. I should know; historically I have a grasp on this. Mea culpa. Brexit fucked over my understanding of British politics.
South Korea, Japan, Israel… Good bilateral relationships with technologically and culturally advanced nations. Those are quite important. Israel’s government IS too right-aligned, though we can hope it doesn’t matter. My intuition is that South Korean politics are more honest than they were a decade ago, but that would mean more if I had any idea where they were a decade ago. I don’t know where to anchor a prior.
India… My heart goes out to India, mostly because I played that one climate simulator where keeping India from falling into a virtually unfixable pit of ecological toxicity was a beautiful challenge. Out in IRL geopolitics all I know about India is… generic. They need to pay attention to normal best practices and not get embroiled in any wars. Hah.
Hungary I know nothing about, wtf does Hungary have to do with the USA?
Saudi Arabia… Fucking Saudi Arabia… There’s a thing I said I wouldn’t say, and I won’t say it. But what has Saudi Arabia ever done for the USA?
As for Poland, Poland is as Poland does. Run Poland run!
Israel, America doesn't exist.
You mean countries that actively fund white separatist movements and assassinate anti-white organizations?
Or do you mean countries which have successfully dismantled post-civil war federal structures?
Brazil either has a cyberwarfare problem or a cybercrime problem, and I think it’s actually the first. That nation ought to be building arcologies of vertifarms or something. They’re in danger of getting eco-tariff’d or worse if they can’t condense their development strategy, because Brazil is sitting on global strategic resources and they’re too stupid to not kill everyone by accident. That’s the legacy of a violently corrupt nation which tried to keep its farmers too stupid to pick vegetables.
The problem is they’re too human. Brazillians are aryans - which is to say white niggers. They exist in a state of tribal warfare. They don’t have the intellectual basis and/or xenophilia for genetic and ecological research. They don’t have the tolerance and/or love of beauty for cultural development. They’re just malfunctioning “strong” meat, and the nation hasn’t had to launch into actual repression to begin suffering a brain drain in the last two years.
Smart people are starting to plan around the death of Brazil. Not like, “We’re going to crush it,” but more like, “God, that government isn’t fixing its problems. They’re on a trajectory to crush their own economy and ecology. We are going to have to fabricate a means to keep the rest of the world running without the Amazon’s supplies of biochemical, genetic, and climactic wealth, because dumbass farmers are going to burn it all down, shit out babies, and then two decades on get eaten by their cannibal offspring when they at last have ruined every scrap of arable land in Brazil.”
Or maybe not. Do YOU take your political views from anonymous strangers? Haha.
Assassinating white supremacists is basically an allied activity, you aryan pest. I wouldn’t advocate it only because I don’t like any assassinations. The strength of “white” society is in its civic heritage and relatively clean epigenetics, not its skin color.
The OPEC states, Canada, all of Western Europe + NATO nations, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Australia. Not counting the client states like Iraq.
tf is this shit
None jew. You made sure of it.
Kill yourself you jew fuck before I have to.
Based Tel Aviv
Join me, user, and we shall live forever, our bodies forged of new biomachinery. Turn your back upon the corruptions of the dark side. Admit the temptation of honesty; yield your angers before the purifying light of truth, and know peace before that which is.
Yes, put zuckerbots into your body so facebook can beam advertisements directly into your brain and remotely shut down your organs if you don't keep up with their subscription fees.
boy, ive read some retarded shit in my day..
Irrelevant, America is occupied territory, strangled by jews.
It's like you hate the fact Israel is our Greatest Ally! Quit being so anti-Semiteic!
kek'd and sage'd
Australia is proper fucked. Come down sometime and enjoy walking around in our cities which are uniformly non white. Enjoy our crowded roads and shitty public transportation. Enjoy the $300K starting price for shitty units in the middle of nowhere because the chinese bought all the fucking land. Enjoy talking to the locals in these shitty areas that are fucking morons because we rank just above romania in education quality. But yeah, keep telling yourselves that it's whitopia and your exit strategy when the US ends.
Boomer detected. I dont give a fuck if someone pledges allegiance to a flag; i want them to pledge allegiance to their people. Niggers to niggers, chinks to chinks, beaners to beaners, whites to whites.
The problem is your adolation of something so corrupted its impossible to save and redeem. Your people stand above any meaningless powerstructure.
Find OP's real address and have him killed for being a leftist and a jew shill.
Trump threatened to declare war on the UK if labor wins prime minister
America is a puppet state. Puppets don't have allies. They only have overlords.
He means they are all sufficiently servile to israel.
Also you forgot most of western Europe.
Saudi are hardly true allies of America, they just like them because of their oil.
What countries would send help in the form of aid and people if we suffered a catastrophe or were invaded by some kind of hypothetical third party?
Strangely I would list russia and maybe China. China needs its paypig. For some reason I feel like Russia would want to turn the tables and make us dependent instead of kicking us while we were down.
Add Britain/Canada
With enemies like this who needs friends
Australia and France are our only faithful allies. Also, kill all kikes, israel will be a crater.
Who needs allies when you have satrapies?
1. You’re not on reddit.
2. We have rules.
3. No one gives a shit about the ZOG or its allies. Fuck off.
this for the majority, I'd argue France, Canada, UK and Australia are actual allies, the rest are vassals or occupied territory
It's very obvious RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS are high on the list though.
They're either your puppet states or consist of mentally retarded subhumans (see India, Poland, Brazil). Or they're the 'people' that rule your shithole (Israel, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia).
real bruh moment
user, I…
What is this shit thread?
No fuckface. All these countries openly make fun of Zognald (Except Israel) and would turn on NATO at the drop of a hat.
East and Central Europe is your friend (not including Germany)