The heartland of the united states has generally been low population and conservative. These states are overshadowed by the higher population coast states being that no one cares about the heartland the farmers or the factories there. The only people who care are themselves and soon it seems like they will be outnumbered even in the electoral college as more and more democratic supporters move out of their high tax states to the heartland slowly but surely tipping the states more and more blue. The only way it seems to continue our moderate and conservative way of life is to secede, establish firm borders to stop migrants, secure at least one to two coastal states with ports for trade, and watch as the blue coastal states turn to anarchy dependent on middle America for resources and more importantly food. I'm also wondering your guys opinion on this.
Should the Flyover states just secede From the Union
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I'm in a flyover state.
I dont really care about secession but I suggest you get vetted and get active. Theres a shit heap of groups forming real communities in Flyover country, and Zig Forums is full of rabid hyperfragile schizoid.
Get active. Get vetted. Get fit. Get a girlfriend. Get off Zig Forums.
But you won't because you're cowards.
no. the coastal cities will control imports and either withhold from, or price gouge, the rebelling states in the middle. flyover secession would get dealt with and memoryholed before gaining any momentum
Imported goods ? Fly over states don't need Chinese trinkets Coastal areas do need food for their millions of shitskins packed together like sardines Shit hits the fan Big cities will starve and the military will have a hard time marching to the middle if there trying to stop the edge from eating each other
You aren't getting shit, moshe.
No. What you need to do is get everyone that can walk and hold a weapon to march into New York and clean it out top to bottom. No remorse, no surrender. If you don't you will die.
Seriously. Million man march, but white men. Make them afeared again.
Yeah, and then Trump will lose in 2020 because there are not enough EC votes for him. Great one, kike
The only reason white men don't march is they got JOBS and BILLS and BITCHES to pay for. Start acting like niggers and you too will find free time to chimp the fuck out.
something is coming and it won't be a march. It'll be a million motorcycles.
The military can't march against their shitskin semitic pets since they are a protected class that is not allowed to be controlled.
Some of the biggest problems are in middle America.
Is that a picture of Jackson Crawford?
This is possibly the most boomer post I've seen today.
Why would they secede from the Union? Is the current one not onboard with israel first?
If we're being completely honest, indoor farming technology could meet the overwhelming majority of food needs were a serious effort made. It's being held back by a desire to prop up the agricultural industry and OTR trucking, with the associated GDP-churning energy expense.
It's not a fight we can win straight up head to head. The US military is too powerful, and there is not sufficient support among the population which still relies on selling agricultural products to coastal cities and recieving federal crop insurance and disaster relief checks.
The US ZOG is getting weaker. The federal gov is 22 trillion in debt, running a deficit, there is political instability in Washington (yes some is a charade but not all) and racial division.
The time to act is when the US can't afford to pay out EBT gibs or military salaries. When there are nogs rioting in the streets and the armed forces are deserting, that's when we balkanize.
You mean get vetted to join a group?
It would be prohibitively expensive for cash crop staples that make up the cheap calorie fillies of the US diet. The US ag industry is already built around making food dirt cheap / free to prevent inner city youths ;^) from rioting. Bread and circuses right? So theres no way they are going to grow wheat, corn, potatoes indoors.
Lol. Gas the kikes race war now. Wait till the winds are right when you play mine craft and then gas the kikes and shits skins, race war now.
The main Reason it never happens, the FED wants State to purchase Every Fed supplied item; Roads, Parks, Buildings, Military Bases, etc.
Better off Declaring War against the USA, Surrender one minute after, ask for Reparations.
Opening season for 2018/19 hunting in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, boasted more than 500,000 licensed hunters hit the fields with high powered rifles. (Potentially the largest army in history) and thats just three states.
easily 90% of those 500 thousand are fudds who would gladly give up their weapons if told to
Your obviously a city boy. Most of us are die hard necks that kill, butcher, and live on wild game and teach our young to do the same. And we'd be more than happy to turn your head into a canoe if your rainbow ass wonders onto our land.
Texas has more deepwater ports than all of Africa. The Mississippi River, succeeded by the Red River, the Arkansas, the Missouri, and the Ohio, and you can get large cargo barges many hundreds of miles inland to the most fertile agricultural lands on the planet.
Secure the Mississippi Delta and you secure your position as a world superpower on the basis of food supply alone. Something like 8 countries support the other 200 for food. It’s highly unsustainable and a great bargaining chip.
The flyover states will be treated similarly to the German Race to the Sea in WWI and WWII, where it’s all about who can get there “the fastest with the mostest.”
In a Civil War scenario, most of the fighting will be conducted in a manner of Fourth Generation Warfare, and a majority of the US Military will likely support a rebel cause rather than the Establishment, but a fair portion of those who remain loyal to ZOG will most likely be deployed in a race into the Midwest to secure as many military bases as an affront to the insurrectionary forces as possible. This will be somewhat defining of where enemy territory boundaries are drawn, but similar to the same situation the metropolitan centers are in where they are isolated ideological enclaves that are susceptible to attack from nearly any direction. I suspect the tactic will be to expand each city-state’s territory by declaring martial law and running SWAT teams (similar to drills we have seen practiced in recent years) to squeeze out insurrectionary forces between the military bases and the cities so that infrastructure remains secure.
This will be an uphill battle for them because the number of men required to do serious damage to said infrastructure has been estimated to be very low. This, coupled with the fact that defectors could exist within the military at any base makes it nearly impossible for ZOG to accurately assess the targets fighting it until it is too late.
At any rate, the best way to be prepared is to stock up on some quadrangle maps from your local USGS to pinpoint things like oil wells, substations, water treatment facilities, highways and byways, as well as study the natural terrain so you can be prepared to defend your local infrastructure and prevent chimpouts, or how to push what’s falling and build them in Minecraft.
But is 100% right.
Good luck, brothers.