I couldn't find the previous Gilets Jaunes thread, it must have been bumped off the board already. These guys certainly have stamina.
Maybe there are some Frenchies here who can fill us in on the effect they are having on the country. I mean, there has to be some at this point, despite all (((their))) efforts to ignore it. (International media is still silent, after 31 fucking weeks of chaos!)
Yellow Vests protest for 31st straight week in Paris
bump for frogs
French user reporting in. It was dead on second week.
What you see are now are lemmings infiltrated by marxist scum. A dead end.
But stay tuned for big happening in the upcoming months.
This is what should be happening in America
Was just thinking last night that I haven't heard anything from France lately. Unfortunately, I don't expect the Yellow Vests to have any real impact at this point; people are very good at accepting declining quality of life as long as it's slow, and they're only going to bleed members as time goes on. The French government knows not to rock the boat for a while, but the Yellow Vests need some big dramatic event to drum up more support. Occupy Wall Street taught us to keep your message short and targeted, Gilets Jaunes will teach us to start building the guillotines day one.
>(((French user)))
Tu sais de quoi tu parles enculé d'amerloque ?
Anyway, this is what every other french user witnessed on the ground. Go ask on /dempart/ if you are such a faggot.
Fuck off moarpheus.
I see what I see on the live streams. These numbers can't all be lemmings. And lemmings don't have the stamina to be out there for 30+ weeks.
Yeah naw, they are the cause of the problems to start with so they have no say in the matter, plus I doubt any of them work
They missed their window months ago when they refused to escalate their violence and instead had violence escalated against them. They needed to literally kill Macron and the cops tear gassing and beating them and they didn't.
You don't know France. You don't know how every social protests are handled by the communist vermin since the end of WW2. This is just how it is.
At the beginning though, it was different.
It wasn't my intention to shit on the protesters. There still might be some good lads in some protests but the momentum, the "window" if you like is closed now. We are waiting for the next one. And we are preparing.
The government will continue to attack them until they fight back.
and good luck native french niggers nationalists
These lemmings are useful though, they keep the oven hot and keep zogbot busy. So I will alleviate my critics a little bit.
Fags like you, i hope u wait and prepare untill ur race is extinct. Cowards and shirkers dont deserve to exist
You're a jew and deserves rope.
I don't know France so yeah, maybe you're right.
Yes, that's what I was about to say. Even if they are all commies, they are still out there causing chaos, which has to be wearing the system down after all this time, which is ultimately good.
We don't want it warn down in france. Why not elsewhere outside of europe?
So now protesters are bad again? You're getting confused.
This user is right.
Look into the history of popular uprisings. The milquetoast ones are just attritioned out, the violent radical ones are negotiated with, and the rare few that end up changing the status quo are by far the quickest to escalate to the ultimate conclusions.
Or you could start the violence now and when the media calls it savage and illegitimate you can then point out the people protestes for 31 weeks to no avail and that way you aren't waiting on the day that never comes
How much longer is it going to take for retarded amerimutts to finally realize this is what it takes to fix the problems?
You have to be prepared to kill anyone who says you’re not legitimate.
Who knows I think extreme violence can be dealt with by extreme violence. Mobs are easier to deal with than individual political activists unless the state doesn't care about appearances and acts too heavy handed.
We don’t need weekly white steam valve threads.
this, by continuing to do nothing they are showing the french authorities that they can continue pushing the boot down