If you saw Khan on tv, you'd be perplexed as to how he could be Mayor of the English capitol. See his name, and you might think it was TheOnion.com.
Sukadiq Khan…
If you saw Khan on tv, you'd be perplexed as to how he could be Mayor of the English capitol. See his name, and you might think it was TheOnion.com.
Sukadiq Khan…
Appropriate ID number. A fading trumpnigger.
The next prime minister (president) of the UK is likely to be the son of a Pakistani Muslim immigrant. The last prime minster was the conservative home secretary, he is the current conservative home secretary. The polls show he has significant levels of support his opposition appear to be the usual circus clowns.
Muslim mayor of London, Muslim prime minister. The demographics show the Sharia takeover shouldn't occur until 2060 but that appears to be a completely late forecast.
I guess it's proof that terrorism works, bomb a few subways and you get political representation.
Screencapped for epic bread.
trust me if that happens there will be riots and killings in the streets. this country is cucked but there's plenty of lads willing to at least try to take their country back. you can feel the tension simmering here, i can talk about Zig Forums shit to lads that would have been unacceptable even ten years ago but they agree with me now
Beautiful music to my ears.
He's not an National disgrace for he never was or can be one of us. He's an invader and instinctively sees himself as such. He only got into office through nepotism.
The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so all of this sounds like empty wishcasting. To say nothing that the people who mutter this pedantic bullshit tend to be Brexiteer-types like Farage and Rees-Mogg who don't even hide their salivations for endless non-White labor importation into Britain.
Nothing is coming out of any of this.
You mean sharia law?
Obviously but that doesn't mean that you will be able to stop it, the populace is unarmed in Britain. Serious weapon ownership is mostly illegal.
Frankly only thing that can prevent that occurring now is serious political activism and civil disobedience that stops before the level of extreme violence.
Why doesn't he just say you do have to be white to be British?
She sounds partly French.
Grab your hammers and smash up parliament. Who gives a shit about London anyway? Nobody's ever liked that place.
its called looting police stations, barracks, etc. most of the military is right wing but theyre trying to crack down on that. there are plenty of citizen uprising and revolts in countries with shitty gun laws.
as is said the fire is rising, tensions in the air, even normal sheep are getting sick and tired of shitskins, thats why they're making new laws to crack down on the right.
Reminder that zero effort threads posted by paid jewish shills to support the ZOG emperor are going to be posted here a dozen times a day, every day, for two years.
She's as French as a mouse that believes he's a horse from being born in a stable. The 11th century term for nation was "people" "blood relation" "tribe".
Hi (((JIDF)))
and also there's plenty of illegal firearms in this country, especially in the countryside, it's more common than you think for people to have guns stashed away
No, there won’t be anything whatsoever in the streets. You’re not even allowed to have spoons. Every action you take is recorded on camera. Orwell couldn’t have imagined a more perfect tyranny. You’re fucking worthless.
Global report.
Mods are JIDF too, so I'm not surprised you hop to daddy the moment you're called out.
remember when americans said they'd fight against gun control and for liberty and yet they do nothing when their gun laws are slowly restricted and tightened. the only man to do something about that was timothy mcveigh and he's looked at negatively apart by most people who are pro gun. the fact is that most people who will claim to fight against government tyranny are LARPers who won't get off their couch and won't want a change to their lifestyle
all western countries are fucked demographically, americans have good gun laws but that's it..
you wont do anything you nigger
the shabbos wh*toid goy fear the superior TURKISH BLACK BULL of course he would be afraid of threading on the realm of THE GODS
I always some that gook doctored replying to Trump over and over.
I mean when you see Americans on YouTube firing off automatic submachine guns it kind of feels like extreme violence is unnecessary.
Does Sir Tarrant ring a bell, nigger?
checks out
of course it does double nigger, why else would i call you a nigger fren?
We're a long way from muskets and rifles.
Militias can't even arrest illegal aliens crossing the border to turn over to border security without getting their top guy arrested.
Lol this is cool but are they reading for their dads or something?
Not all of us have the mentality of sitting on the web all day shitposting and think you're being productive like you goyim. Some of us are serious and stand by our convictions no matter what.
I take it some are trying to be edgy, some reading superchats & some knowing about the grooming gang scandal & Muslim terrorism that they can't hide their delight in seeing a saviour come amongst them.
May be. Perhaps women aren't so asleep to the rapefest going on in Europe.
Er in this case, girls.
Well women instinctively want a knight in shining armor from such an early age, even feminists yearn for that strong Aryan guy that saves them from despair.
Global report.
Therefore you’ve already lost, dipshit.
FUCKING FADED1 r u kidding me?