RAM Attorney Letter To FBI & DOJ
Read aloud below for those who prefer to listen to the lawyer who says his clients are being illegally interrogated and denied access to their lawyer (him).
Pretty gay tbh
oh noes my favorite goat's blood drinking larper is being mistreated ;(
Irrelevant. He at least got the RAM guys in LA free.
LMAO dude. Based
I'm quarter kike on my dad's side, what the fuck you gonna do? Stop faggots like me from fighting for the survival of the European species? Fuck off
fuck off jew
meant for
I have a foreskin and was raised Christian, get fucked kike
Please stop deraling.
Never said I believed in it, just that you're gonna have to deal with the fact that people who you find undesirable, are actually fully committed to the cause
this shill is posting the exact same comment and image on a 4chan Zig Forums thread about the letter. He also calls anyone who disagrees with him a kike.
Don't bluff unless if you're going to do something about it.
Do you know where you are?
It shouldn't be this way.
I'd never trust a movement named after the beast (((RAM))). Also, fuck the freemason shabbos goyim faggots and their (((hidden hand))).
My box of fucks to give is empty.
You cannot be 'fully committed to the cause' you can only be fully committed to your own cause, which is probably continuing to have a HOST to parasitize off. Your DNA binds you to your destiny exactly the same way an apple will never produce oranges or a dandelion will never grow into an apple tree.
You will never be committed to Europeans because your DNA is bound to your kike ancestry and we could never tell when THAT DNA would execute its prerogative to survival of the kike race over the European race. Only full blooded Europeans can be unflinchingly committed to our own cause.
All mutts and hybrids are a crapshoot that in the 'game of survival' becoming a liability since they can never be fully 100% trusted to execute the correct program that enables our survival as they have divided DNA driven loyalties that cannot be predicted or refuted.
BTW this has absolutely nothing to do with your 'personal desire'…for all I know apple trees long to bear oranges. It has to do with whichever side of your genetic program is dominant and even you will not know that clearly until your whole life is measured. Suffice to say, it is not worth staking our future on to make sure that your feelings are not hurt. Your parents opted out of our race and you must make the best of it you can but not when it comes to putting what is left of the European race at risk due to your DNA/genetic programming.
I personally think it's great that Right Wingers are getting kicked out of the military.
We just had an American asset attacked in the Straits of Hormuz. Maybe it was Israel, the USA, and Saudi Arabia, or maybe it was Iran.
The point it when this occurred, every brown person in this country didn't give a shit. They just said, I want my nice city neighborhood and handouts.
Every nigger, hearing the call of the Rapture, realized something was up and said, "I want my supply and logistics position in the military."
Preparing for this event, the US military with it's proud little Zionist Evangelicals and Jews said, we need more browns and blacks, let's fuck whitey.
And guess what happened. You fucking shitheads looked like little girls because no one has your back. :P
Then behave. But you can't so deal with it
I don't identity with my sliver of kike DNA that by large margin overshadowed by European ancestry. Look faggot, Hitler was right about kikes and even his laws would allow me to dilute that shit genetics out of my blood. I know who I am and I know where my loyalties are.
Sorry, i just read this part. I honestly try to do my best for what's good for the human race. I know I'm a potential problem to my brothers but I try to dismiss those doubts through righteous action. Carry on.
The rule of law means nothing to the kind of person who is drawn to, and handpicked for, the railroading of political dissidents. Like politicians, they are weak, unprincipled opportunists, and thus as pliable as Play-Doh. For the moneyed interests working the levers of power in what are now, and have been for decades, even since 1933, the bulldozers of liberty known as the United States of America, when it comes to matters of principle these agents of decay are conveniently, expediently, as devoid of conscience as remote-controlled bots. Like a blue-check android on social media, what may appear resemble human emotion arises only from the endocrine rush of manipulated mob approval, impersonating a soul.
This attorney's letter is going in a file. The one that was opened on him long before he sent it.
Yeah we will be fine moshe. Unlike you. I can’t wait for the Bible to come true and destroy you all.
The Military Industrial Complex and Federal Agents have a long history of provoking people into attacking them first. Japan attacked them because sanctions were prescribed on them.
See the shit that they're trying to do with Iran and Syria now. No one is chewing their bait at all and feds are getting antsy.
I like that.
You mean the prophecies that they are fulfilling precisely but don't believe in because they are atheists? It is going to be fun to watch. I personally can't wait (technically I am not 'waiting' since I am trying my best to make the prophecies come true) for the death of all the subhuman races who participated with the kikes (all other nations) in trying to destroy and genocide our people though parasitism, rape, murder and invasion.
Won't people be surprised when they learn that God judges entire nations, in summa, for their deeds and not 'individuals'.
thats some mighty fine purity spiral LARPing you got going on there you try hard fuck. But plenty of the white nationalists can find traces of kike in their dna, there were TWELVE tribes of Israel and all of them have had their merry old trips throughout europe over the centuries.
under 25% makes you an honorary jew under the NSDAP laws, try not to disgrace yourself by holding standards far more radical than the real national socialists ever did.
Hell, i found out im just under 10% on my dads side just last month, the jew in my line must have run back 2000+ years to roman days though. we look no different than any other Mediterranean family either, only a fool or a tyrant tries to set standards and/or laws that are unenforceable, unfair and unreasonable, which are you?
sorry, low on sleep.
My standards are 100% enforceable. 100% reasonable (your family opted out of being European, take it up with them). 100% fair, I didn't tell your parents to fuck kikes, become muts and disqualify themselves from being Europeans. Your families decisions are not my concern. My concern is the health and well being of the people who haven't corrupted their blood with semitic parasites.
If you were 10% niggger would you try and make the same false argument that you were 'European' or that you had some legitimate interest in the future of Europeans? You would be laughed off Zig Forums and niggers are just 'part chimpanzees' not the true eternal enemy of the European people. You want to 'be included' in decision making for the European people but your veins run with the blood of our mortal enemies. You will follow their genetic programming when the critical time comes and betray us for your true loyalty and we have enough experience with this to know that you will always be loyal to your corrupted blood. We will not be suckered in by you crypto kikes any longer.
Your bed in Tel Aviv awaits, get yourself hence.
You again, wrecking yet another thread. KYS, you fucking convolutedly verbose retard.
Haha…fucking faggot POS.
Stay mad, user.
When was the last time you contributed anything legitimate to Zig Forums?
At this point your life online has been reduced to shadowing me and counting how many posts I make per thread.
FYI Globohomo parasites need not apply either. You are better as nigger fodder.
You are as treacherous as the kikes, if not more so because of your disease and degeneracy spreading and open hatred of heterosexuals. No one in their right fucking mind would accept you as part of their people. So no 'our/we' for you.
I have an idea, why don't you go make another thread about how you just need to kill all European women to have a globohomo golden age and enjoy the unregulated rape of all men, boys and infants?
I never did get a chance to enrich your last thread with Swifts Homosexual Manifesto because the mods deleted it too quickly.
See you soon user.
stay mad faggot
For a little while I thought maybe he's just some boomer-posting retard, but his fictional, anecdotal account of mods deleting "your last thread," the implication behind "See you soon user" along with his fixation on homosexual/pedo rape are evidence it's the ol' D&C. Reported and filtered.
It totally wasn't because Japan dragged the US into the war and Hitler made his own mistakes on the battlefield.
OMG it is like you don't even understand what you are up against.
HOLY SHIT! You are NEVER coming near my people user. You are ignorant of the enemy, their history, their subterfuge and their capacity for betrayal from within a nation. Because you are ignorant of the enemy (while also being part of that enemy genetically) you are even more dangerous than the enemy themselves (that is, if you are actually ignorant and this isn't your traitorous DNA speaking; which is more likely).
Their information and networking systems are beyond your dreams. The only chance, and a slim chance it is for my own people is to EXCLUDE parasitic and corrupted DNA from all of our endeavors completely.
― Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom
Agree Hitler made plenty of mistakes on the battlefield, but as for Japan it's more like the US provoked Japan knowing Germany had an agreement with it to reciprocate in the event of war. The reason behind-the-scene provocation was necessary was the American public's overall aversion for getting involved in the war. The Jews and other elites surrounding FDR had been pushing for full US involvement for some time, and FDR wanted it, but he needed a reason to sway public sentiment.
It was all planned for kike benefit. Just like all our 'wars' are planned for kike benefit and financial enrichment. Just like they have been since the kike subversive governments origins 6,000 years ago. The only solution is to exterminate them completely and hope a handful of Europeans survive.
We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet."
~ Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild on his deathbed, 1812
>"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. Beyond all temporary alliances with this or that faction lies the ultimate split in nature and destiny, the enmity between the Game and God. But those of us who fail to understand that truth will always be found in alliance with your rebellious factions, until disillusionment comes. The wretched fate which scattered us through your midst has thrust this unwelcome role upon us."
- Maurice Samuel
(there was no 'wretched fate' that scattered them in our 'midst'; they are in our 'midst' so that they can destroy nations and peoples from within; they thrive within the HOST and they die without it, no 'act of God' dispersed them, they are in our midst by intention and for their ease of the destruction of the people of the Earth).
homosexual orgies confirmed. ram is night of long knives tier.
See here, top kek, that glownigger's fucking outed:
(brand new thread)
You are on levels of delusion and narcissism that i am struggling to comprehend, and i study this exact kind of shit as a passion and hobby, i suggest you spend ALOT less time sperging out and purity spiraling into irrelevancy on here and start actually achieving something IRL, you are a disgrace pretending to be some all-knowing authority dispensing sage advice whilst you in actuality rant about the virtues of throwing out the baby with the bath water.
I (>>13399527 is me) would bet every asset i own that i have already done far more to save the west and further WN/NS goals, what little i have, than you ever will at this rate. Every european, no matter how "pure", has potentially hundreds of dead races and different human breeds inside them, sperging out over small percentages of races, whose LEADERS and major influencers are our mortal enemies, not the millions of jews themselves, who do indeed need to fuck off out of the west, is truly idiotic in every sense of the word. Any national socialist worth his/her salt understands the laws of nature and how race matters yes, but you are disregarding and disrespecting the whole, long, painful process that led to the creation of the Scandinavian, Mediterranean and anglo-saxon gene lines in the first place, simply due to recent race-mixing in the last ~1000-years that was largely inevitable due to improvements in transport and trade, and lack of knowledge about racial destiny amongst largely uneducated masses.
A jew is born with certain behavioural trends towards XYZ behavior, it's true yes, depending on the racial tribe, but it's their circumcision and upbringing that bring it all out in full, Hitler and the NSDAP made many mistakes fighting WW2, and when the war started to look hopeless 5+ years in, all sorts of previously noble, loyal men would look to ways to keep themselves alive and their families safe, the exact same thing would have happened on the allies side if the germans looked like they were gonna win too, you don't understand human nature at all to accuse Germanys loss in WW2 almost entirely upon overblown stats of treasonous jews, plenty of pure blooded Germans tried to save their own skin and save their families during and after WW2, you are very narrow-minded about this. I'm finding it impossible to take you seriously, i'm just being polite with this response, i hope you learn from it.