Propaganda brainstorm thread, I create a list of benefits of an ethno-state so that we can raise these points if you discuss with a normalfag about WHY we should have ethnostate.
1. Lack of population infighting.
People will always fight the ones different to them, the fact everyone belongs to the same race, ethnicity and share the same way of thinking would decrease infighting inside a country.
Which leads to:
2. Easy for strike and asking for rights:
The jews/elites always employ scabs in order to decrease the intensity of strikes and worker's protest. If the community is homogenous and have one will and can trust each other, the strike would be done more effectively and prominently.
3. High trust society.
A society where everyone is the same race and culture is also a high trust society where men can trust men.
4. Decreasing of poverty, rich aid poor:
A society where everyone is of the same race and culture leads to higher empathiness between the upper class and lower class, which decreases class warfare and communist subversion.
5. Macro biological and cultural diversity:
If every state and country preserve the genetic of their own country instead of mixing them all out, it would preserve the culture of said state, which leads to good tourism industry as well as potential cure in case of genetic diseases (due to the variety of genes available worldwide).
6. A strong foundation of identity:
Man has ego thus he will always identify with something. An ethno-state with homogenous race and culture give him a solid root to identify to, so that a japanese can say he's japanese, and not a all-you-can-eat congolese, american, japanese and chinese mutt, which leads to confusion of identity and thus depression, like a child not having or knowing its parents.
Anything else you want to add?