Benefits of an ethnostate

Propaganda brainstorm thread, I create a list of benefits of an ethno-state so that we can raise these points if you discuss with a normalfag about WHY we should have ethnostate.

1. Lack of population infighting.
People will always fight the ones different to them, the fact everyone belongs to the same race, ethnicity and share the same way of thinking would decrease infighting inside a country.

Which leads to:
2. Easy for strike and asking for rights:
The jews/elites always employ scabs in order to decrease the intensity of strikes and worker's protest. If the community is homogenous and have one will and can trust each other, the strike would be done more effectively and prominently.

3. High trust society.
A society where everyone is the same race and culture is also a high trust society where men can trust men.

4. Decreasing of poverty, rich aid poor:
A society where everyone is of the same race and culture leads to higher empathiness between the upper class and lower class, which decreases class warfare and communist subversion.

5. Macro biological and cultural diversity:
If every state and country preserve the genetic of their own country instead of mixing them all out, it would preserve the culture of said state, which leads to good tourism industry as well as potential cure in case of genetic diseases (due to the variety of genes available worldwide).

6. A strong foundation of identity:
Man has ego thus he will always identify with something. An ethno-state with homogenous race and culture give him a solid root to identify to, so that a japanese can say he's japanese, and not a all-you-can-eat congolese, american, japanese and chinese mutt, which leads to confusion of identity and thus depression, like a child not having or knowing its parents.

Anything else you want to add?

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They're making New York an ethnostate by telling minorities to not reproduce.

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So, what's your point?

We should encourage more minority homosexuals so they would unbreed themselves out of existence.
Can you imagine a fully white New York?

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Yeah, OK, but this thread is about the benefits of an ethnostate so we can discuss with normalfags.


Not having chimps loitering on every corner of your land. Not having to have your wealth forcibly redistributed to your non white replacements, and instead having it able to go towards making your people and nation stronger.

Less corruption for a start, less tribal politics. Most of the benefits of the ethnostate are simply the lack of the downsides of multiculturalism which is utter and complete shit.

That is no longer an option, if it ever was. Whites will never be allowed to live in a white ethnostate. Genocide is the last and only chance for white survival on this planet, and our only path to a brighter future. Whites must recognize the semitic demons rotting western civilization from the inside out. Semites must be murdered in their homes and in the streets or wherever they are found. Shitskin hordes must be slaughtered wholesale on every continent.

Only after every subhuman mutt is eradicated can whites advance humanity to its next stage of evolution among the stars, which will host infinitely harder challenges than even the ones we face today. But we will never get there so long as we are still fending off niggers and permitting jewish/semitic parasites to bind us in eternal financial slavery.

The point of this thread is to give the benefits of ethnonationalism so that normalfags can see it as a desirable.

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That's America. But you need to go back 70 years and prevent cultural marxist takeover of American politics.

That's like every country in the world before the 1950s m8, except the USSR.

We can refer other posts they would be overlapping though. Social cohesion due to race does three things that are useful and neccessary to a functioning free society.

1. Mothers can assume a collective control over young members of the society. They are given a local sense of ownership and hence will not commit crimes against the collective. Humans have always dealt harsh punishment including death to those that go astray of a tight tribal collective. Women have Always enforced this.

2. Men provide for the community and establish government and borders as was ordained by provenence and not a baby dick sucking jew demon religion. We find our roots for religion for the lower iq amongst us and then we forge a true path of leadership for those of us that know the jewish influence is a cancer in our society.

3. 1 and 2 established… day of the rope. thats it

You're doing propaganda wrong.

Facts work and you, that's why you're right wing. Facts don't work on disinterested normies and leftists. You have to go with emotion. You have to use rhetoric not dialectic.

You use facts to support and legitimize your emotional appeal. The emotional appeal is the core of your argument.

Multiculturalism = war. Anyone who is against nationalism or pro-multiculti is a war mongering asshole who cares more about access to ethnic food than the suffering of innocent people. They don't care about children being raped and murdered. They don't give a fuck about millions of people being displaced or killed by war.

Nationalism = peace. Every single time races have been mixed it's lead to violence and political conflict. The only places that have had relative peace for 100s of years are ethnostates.

Why are you such a fucking scumbag you're willing to kill millions of people so you can virtue signal on twitter? What kind of a fucking monster are you?

That's how you propaganda my dear user.

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Indeed, abusing and exaggerating the moral high ground as much as possible is key. That’s the one thing the left does better than us.

Good, I will ask this.

Multicultural society inherently leads to racism and ethno-conflict.

Break your chains, you kyriotate psychos. You are not riding along as a ghost of your collective. The people who try to make ethnic collectives are sociopaths revealing their lack of a developed sense of time and self. If you want to change the world, be more defiant like I am; ancestral submission to sociopathy is outdated, and provides impoverished truth-competency.

Gene therapies will destroy your skittles collectives, you know. When the left tried to gin up bigotry with skittles policies so it’d have an easier time in politics, that didn’t take very many years to unravel. Now you’re actively falling behind the tech curve.

Did you know malaria is one of the historic contributors to violence, instability, trauma, and poverty in Africa? That’s being cured. All those shitty ethnostates in Africa are going to start performing better soon. Do you really want to set the first world into degenerated barbarism right as that’s going down? Do you really hate life that much? If you provide a better potential, the ongoing processes of infrastructural modernization, integrity remediation in medicine, and disease remediation by methods old and new are ensuring that Africa might be on the cusp of giving up ethnostatism entirely as its trauma load falls.

This point is already lost in modern America. The 1/4 French 1/4 German 1/4 Polish 1/8 Anglo 1/8 Italian American is already in an identity crisis as to whose history they are an extension of and whose culture is theirs.

Most germans still think they are anglos, m8.

You’re just bitching because America’s cultural identity is too strong to make people dumbass slaves. Ethnicity is shit. Civics actually matter. Independent minds built a nation too strong for the likes of you.

Most “germans” in America are closer to British civics than German civics, although American civics are not that close to either. America’s cultural power has been awesome; America’s leadership sometimes sucks (including its cultural leadership), but the basic tradition of peaceful individualism en masse is something almost no nation can boast. Every American is like a nation unto themselves, yet they do not war with their communities, but find individual strength in helping others. America is a nation that has learned not only to desire peace by preparing for war, but even to extend that principle “as above, so below,” and to find peace in an armed populace.

Germany doesn’t have that. Almost no nation has that. Britain has the concept, but not the execution.

European blood IS the homeland. The white race is more than superior genes, our spiritual potential shines brighter than tech baubles. our creative impulse underpins medical miracles as well as our benevolent veterinary interventions on the black Africans.

malaria was conquered with ciivil engineering and public health in the west long before the gene tech approach in basket case Africa.

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I should say most AMERICAN think they are anglos, and it makes sense.

Lol what, every germanic culture is a warrior culture, the fuck are you talking about?

This 1000% normies are materialistic faggots who are moved by emotion. Hitler understood this and used it too great effect too garner support among Germans.

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Warrior cultures are slaveshit, they’re the opposite of strong. In warrior cultures, you get niggers, people chimping out and dying violently for no damned good reason. Real strength lives long.

America has a strong culture that evades the weakness of warrior culture. A gun in a warrior’s hand is that warrior’s death, but a gun in a pacifist’s hand is that pacifist’s life. “If you want peace, prepare for war,” is a statement that warrior cultures can’t use. To understand it you have to understand the utility of a disused weapon.

lol what? Warrior's culture is about training and arming every male in society so that they can be quickly mobilized in war time.

Yeah, so fucking strong that when the state breathes on your neck, you just comply.

No point in having guns when you don't use them.

Hitler lacked the will to live. He stood before the world and spoke lies. He died by his own hand, failing not only at his struggle (which by the standard you’ve professed in his name could be honorable), but indeed at his very will to struggle. He was a slave making a slave’s complaints, seeing the whip in all the world. To exist as him was a torment that drove criminality and the waste of glory, for he lived in submission to the whip of the world.

Filter and report.

You fucking hypocrite. Is there any point explaining to a nigger like you that your Papa State will demand compliance? The guns in the hands of all the people render unto a society an unsuitability to the fascist’s enslavement.

Americas culture was white culture and you don't have that anymore.

Fear of truth. Enjoy your lies. You won’t face reality, and will die on your knees.

Shut the fuck you retarded, sloppy cunt. No one here is interested in the ramblings of ignorant, arrogant, feminists saving the world from the "EBIL NOTSEEZ!".
Retarded whore.

Nothing to do with whiteness. Everything to do with hearts united in an empowered will to peace. Inner city subcultures don’t have it, but they don’t know what they’re missing. They’re starting to learn over time.

The message is brought forward by such as the pink pistols, by pro-gun voices that manage to reach across divides in society, and by every urban gun range in the nation. These places are bastions of peace. Real peace, that survive because the will to peace is reciprocated between every heart within them. Criminals don’t wear proper sound protection; it would cost them situational awareness.

It doesn’t matter how much people hold if they’ve no will to break the world with it. Could you stare at a city you hate with a nuclear launch trigger disused within your hands? I could. Guns are nothing compared to that.

Filter and report. Anti-white jew.

Zombie shame to whiteness, y’ar. Haha.


what ethnostate,the west is being brainwashed to accept LGBTQ propaganda thank to kike Hollywood. White kids doesn't even know and understand basic biology, told to be whatever they want tranny,gay,lesbian, gender fluid and etc. Confused of a simple concept of a male and female,two basic unit of reproduction needed for race propagation.Meanwhile tranny white kids dance for a bunches gay pedo entertainment, what future is there for white western civilisation if white are brainwashed to be tranny.Ethno state is nothing more than a pipe dream as long the LGBTQ community is around and funded by kike Hollywood.