If you don't want any of that, have fun hanging out with limp wristed fruity faggot anti-war liberals
Why is this board so anti-military?
Back to cuckchan and thedonald Dad.
Interesting way of telling us that you have low testosterone
Most of what you said is just wrong.
Let's start here: Get to unhide your power level and form anti-Jewish movements within the military
You might have a point OP, apart from the unhide your power level and form anti-Jewish movements part. Expressing political identity when you're in the military is verboten.
Spend time with masculine conservative men ( who kiss each)
The people who are in the military are very aware of what's going on, no doubt about it. I like them, but I don't like the military establishment itself, which goes for the greatest ally's interests instead of our own.
Why is Zig Forums anti-military? You might as well ask why Zig Forums is anti-zog or why they're against the jew. All those example of perks you listed are either pure LARP or zionist propaganda so you can go fight for the jews in the middle east. These anti-zionist groups are either purged, co-opted, or never amount to anything and while the rail against the jew they never accomplish anything of note.
Why is Zig Forums anti-military? We aren't is the easiest answer as any nat-soc knows the great benefits of a army of patriots has on both the military and civilian life but most of it isn't white and the white ones sticking it out are usually either natural bootlickers or fanatic zionists. Both of whom would happily Waco their own people seeking independence from the evil that is the United Slaves of Isreal.
Why fight shitskins on the other side of the world?
That's where they should be.
Obama ruined the already dishonerable and corrupt usa military. My ancestors got medals in ww2 and korea, they both hated the military and warned us to stay away. Usa military treats their men worse than they treat their machines, and they leave perfectly good tanks in the desert for isis, so they treat their machines pretty shitty.
1. Reported for QTDDTOT.
2. Reported for supporting jews.
Because fight your own wars, kike
The people in the military are subhuman trash to the last. Worst people this country has ever produced.
Zig Forums isn't. Zig Forums is just tired of you spamming faggots wasting everyone's time.
So you aren't going to even try to argue around your point and how it could be redeemed but rather ad hominem the volk in defence of the United Slaves of Isreal and the jews they serve. Pathetic.
My buddy is in the marines, he became much more reddit personified after all the indoctrination they push. All of his stories involve bisexual and gay marines, and he said there is a transgender male to female officer that everyone thinks is hot. The USA armed forces sound really gay.
This isn't a thread to ask a question. It's to convince low-T anti-war faggots that the military is worth it.
Digits confirm
To be fair I don't think we hate the soldiers in the military, we just hate that the military is a paid mercenary group for Israel.
We recognize that the military is (mostly) filled with whites trying to get pay for college and for life later on. I doubt Zig Forums hasn't had at least one user whose brother fought in the Wars on Terror (like mines did.)
Fuck you faggot. You were never combat arms just some fobbit who lies to dumb thots and listens to joe rogan. Eat a bullet and do the rest of us a favor.
So you are low-t if you don't fight for the United Slaves of Isreal eh? Sounds like a jewish sophistry to me lads.
Trips of truth
How have you found your way here and not already know?
We absolutely do. Go back to reddit anytime.
Why is this board getting shilled so hard? Oh I know. jobless marxist finds a job as a disinfo agent.
It's not "this board", it's a bunch of faggots.
Hey (((you)))
Iran is based as they are the only real district to Isreal.
is this loaded question divide and conquer?
Resistance to Isreal *
Military in the current year is pozzed as fuck you tranny faggot.
And just from the first line alone you know OP is a literally a faggot.
Then why not just stop the pussy footing middle east middle man and declare war on jizzrael now?
I don't hate the military, it can get away with being the quarter it's size.
OP-Spoken like a truly brainwashed servant of ZOG
Much truth in that post.
All of your points uncover a LARPer that has never been around the military, none of those points are true in the US military. Go unhide your power level and you WILL be court-martialed or discharged. 90-95% never see combat. Why do you think vets always want to know which unit etc. you were in=fastest way to know how full of shit you are. The rest of the points are full on projecting BS.
Real Deal is this. ALL US military ops serve the Jew. You go and kill people to make their will imposed on anyone who questions it and make people be open to being raped by their banks and corporations. You kill so that fat Boomers make bank in their stocks or at their jobs that are dependent on the Military-Industrial complex. You will murder your fellow citizens at command so they can be invaded by Beaners and Niggers or have their children fucked by Fags and Trannies. You are the gun to head of Europeans that would oppose their countries being Niggered. No white man should serve such a degenerate group of people.>>13398555
If you join the forces, you're undisciplined. limp-wrist human refuse who's too stupid to make it in real life. You're essentially just a grown up child who can't or won't decide and act for himself so you join elementary school 2.0 where other people decide and care for you and all you have to do is obey.
I can see how that can be very comfortable place to be for some certain types of people. They're never strong personalities.
Also US military is a mercenary force.
Jews want you to think the people who could actually help you in a race war are your enemy. It's as simple as that.
Fuck off
you literally have to take hormone suppressants to join any us form of military id rather blow my head off then let it get blown off by a kike disguised as a arab while my penis doesnt work
dont have to kike do some research yourself
Fighting for dumb causes is stupid, eat Pi instead.
OP still hasn't responded to a rather pertinent post, low IQ zogbot confirmed
This has never been true and it is never going to be true.
Listen nigger, that's not how it works, you make the claim, then you fucking substanstiate that claim (ie prove it). So either post sauce or GTFO with your schizo/fed/slide posting bullshit.
Maybe 'cause you can't go 20 min. without hearing how fucking great the minions of ZOG are, when in reality 99.99% of them spent a few months inside the wire at a desk or in a kitchen. Do we really need to do things like pay for lifetime healthcare because of three years work in your 20's? Or is it really just another way to plug fools into the tit of Gov. money? Brainwashed fucks most of them, about to march off to their deaths in Iran.
yes federal government doesnt want you to join the army what a great statement retard you caught me
wow op gay af fuck off
by the way its not like they try to hide it its because of prostitutes in vietnam and everyone was getting aids and shit so now you take yummy dick breaking pills if you join its fact it takes barely any research
Be surrounded by room temperature IQ retards that only know how to obey and spout any opinion given to them by authority.
If you show any real nationalistic or racist ideas or attitudes its an immediate court martial
your wife back home fucks random strangers because its been 8 months without cock and you are stuck in bumbfuck nowhere killing patriotic iraqis because the orange kike told you so
leftists literally spit on you while the cuckservatives use you as a prop to get votes
veterans are literally 70% of the homeless population and even more are drug addicts trying to escape their PTSD
fighting against some of the very few countries still fighting against jewish rule and try to tear them down with treachery and lies like the kike slave you are
eat shit and die camonigger
Sitting for Israel is BASED fellow pede
In an institution tripping over itself to put women and shitskins into key positions of power that they can/will abuse.
You mean have shell shock and get hooked on opiates and then die homeless because Jews pulled all funding for vets and put it into Israel aid packages?
You mean get paid to shoot Mudslimes on behalf of royal mudslimes so they can keep their oil? who are keeping it on behalf of Jews, who they secretly are?
Kill yourself ZOGbot
I'm that dude fucking your girl while you're deployed
Because Jews.
Come on now Jodie, give the guy a break.
Maybe the term "zogbot" will tell you anything.
The usa military is pozzed. You won't get any masculinity, you'll get LGBT acceptance seminars, and diversity classes.
Checked and based.
Because many haven't been in the military. nu/pol/ tries to find an excuse of not to go into the military, due to their fragile bone marrow disease, overweight or being complete pussies.
we're not
Get fucked.
Those are all jewish diseases.
Really made me think. The state of this board. Smh.
Citation needed.
op pic is shopped
Mot of 8/pol/ is on DACA (I'm not but my wife is) and we support the military… we don't support ZOG, but please don't confuse both. Remember, Hitler would want us Aryans together rather than to fall for Jewish D&C tactics that discriminate against Americans, Hispanics, Meds, and Slavs.
Your posting style is a lot like the spook over in the warrant thread. Either way faggot, the burden of proof lies with he who makes the claim, hence suce or GTFO. If you try to tell me something then you ought to be able to back it up, that's just common law. I should not have to, nor will I go running after your willy nilly bullshit to substantiate a claim you refuse to provide evidence for.
Ryan Dawson provides proof to what he's saying.
Some top notch benefits right there mr herschel, sign me up!
I bet he's got a real nice place, maybe even a nice car :^)
A lot of Zig Forums are military veterans and thus naturally hate the military.
Fuck these golems. You can go to bring gay rights to Iran nigger, I aint doing it for sure.
my sides, who is that ? based as fuck
Unless you have the patience of father time, it's a revolving door. If you become a lifer then chances are you probably don't have much other option in terms of career. For many of them,if they got discharged right now the would be without a paddle. Many hve families that depend on them, so either they work themselve to death or their family goes hungry/homeless.
The modern US military is closer to a corporate entity than a patriotic force, it's jsut a meat grinder for profit, and guess what the select cut of meat is?
Why aren't you dying for Blumpf, user?
i dont just hate the Military as an abstraction. no, i hate the fucking troops on an individual level. if you are in the military, or ex-mil, or among the 5 million orbiters employed in the Military Industrial Entertainment Complex, then i hate you too. and my hatred for you is not abstract or partial. i hate you as a person and i hate everything about you and i curse that your faggot father squirted you out into your whore mother's flapping slit.
the US military are the biggest welfare queens. even worse than Shaniqua and the sheboons. you drove a fork lift for 2 years in Witchita and now you want a fucking handout for the rest of your life. you want free health care, free housing, free sinecure do nothing jobs of unproductive labor where you can tell other military faggots how much your pussy hurts. meanwhile this whole goddamn country is sinking into poverty because a few dozen rootless cosmopolitan kike billionaires who's wars you fought in have hoarded everything for themselves. fuck you troops.
the Pentagon's annual budget is now over $1 TRILLION per year, including the VA budget. there has never been as wasteful of an entity in history like the Pentagon. America is poor because our goddamn military have taken everything for themselves. if we canceled the Black Budget, which would defund the CIA, NSA, FBI, NRO, we could save over $72 billion a year. guess how much free healthcare and college costs? about $72 billion.
finally, the Pentagon has not won a real war since 1945. so what the fuck are we bankrupting ourselves for? to lose? honk fucking honk.
Ridiculous. The military, particularly the officer corps is heavily pro Israel, pro 3rd temple, rapture beleivers
What percentage of homeless men in the USA are veterans?
Judging by the number of military fat fucks I've seen, the services actually seem to reduce self-discipline.
The ZOG's military is full of faggots, spicks, niggers and Zionists, all fighting for the continuation of forced integration with niggers on the White Nation. That you love shows you're a ZOG-faggot.
Even David Koresh's Waco Compound was full of miscegenation.
Gradual subversion by anarchists.
EH, FUCK THE ARMY (brotherhood of bullshit my ass) nothing but a bunch of FUCKING BLUE FALCONS
I love veterans, because most of them add value to the world most of the time. I upbraid the government that breaks its own laws, violates its own principles, betrays its own loyalties -and incidentally oppresses its own veterans.
Unjustifiable campaigns.
BASED and REDPILLED fellow migapede. I do support Israel just like G-D emperor Trump.
One more shekel has been deposited to your account
I know, we should support ZOG instead of opposing it. It is so BASTE.
I love how the government genocides my people, don't you?
Liberals are tougher than right wing faggots.
The military does nothing honorable today so they deserve no honor.