nigger culture promotes the ownership of these animals.
Pardon my french. I would argue if it weren't for the popularity of rap culture you wouldn't see any of these monsters.
nigger culture promotes the ownership of these animals.
Pardon my french. I would argue if it weren't for the popularity of rap culture you wouldn't see any of these monsters.
Pitbulls are an english breed, before they were popular with criminals, they were well known as a great family dog. If you waved a magic wand and caused all pitbulls to disappear, black criminals would find a new breed of dog to give a bad name too, maybe German shepherds or something you like, and then what? Do we ban german shepherds too?
Should we ban 9mm handguns because black criminals think a german invented round is cool?
that's what I'm saying. The only reason there are so many in shelters is because of the popularity of nigger culture.
niggers and their niggerdogs need to be put down. glad governments and insurance companies are having sense in banning them and soon niggers themselves will be banned.
Perhaps pitbulls are an esoteric metaphor for having more than 150 people in a city.
There's a case where a pitbull mauled a little girl in the face so badly she had to have her tongue removed.
No, maybe the english-american dog breed known as the Pitbull will be banned, in some cuck cities, but niggers will be fine. What sort of dog do you like, German Shepherds perhaps? The day pitbulls are gone, some nigger rapper will have a music video where he has a German Shepherd, and your favorite breed is the new "niggerdog". Soon abused german shepards are biting neighborhood niglets, and your favorite dog breed is exterminated by Zog. Congratulations low iq man.
What I'm saying is niggers abuse animals, dogs cats, turtles ect, there are 1000s of videos of it happening. Any abused dog is going to eventually become dangerous. Any large dog, rottweiler, German Shepards ect can be dangerous to humans. Why is it the pitbulls fault as a breed when niggers give them a bad name. There was never any problem with pitbulls before niggers starting thinking they were cool. Niggers could give any breed of dog a bad name. The Pitbull terrier is a white biological invention, along with 99.99999% of dog breeds.
i bet they would choose the yorkie as the next nigger dog
Perhaps the Airedale Terrier (giant yorkie)
something quintessentially white and just ruin the breed.
Like Nordick man?>>13398747
Well shitskins have no souls so you cant expect them to treat them well.
What part of Mexico is that statue from?
is that a Nordick man?
all shitbulls should be killed
shitbulls were bred for dogfighting, literally the only reason they exist is to rip eachother's throats out for the entertainment of gamblers. there are endless cases of pitbulls that were coddled ever since they were a puppy flipping their killswitch and mauling a white person, or a cat, or another dog. and when this happens, it is extremely high consequence because
they're basically a big slab of muscle with a massive jaw that has an arbitrary switch to flip into attack mode. pit bulls need not only to be banned, but driven to extinction
save a white child, kill a pit bull
Oh wow
Could be anywhere, Mexicans are Aryan.
Hitler would want us to legalize all DACAryans tbh
Pitbulls are shit, unpredictable dogs that are not even good for doing dog's work.
This, their loyalty is cat tier.
cats are wonderful, loving animals. pit bulls are a threat to them, and white women and children, and non-garbage breeds of dogs
obligatory cat pic
In the Talmud, there is a prohibition against owning a dangerous animal. Of course not all dogs are dangerous, but the halacha (law) is pretty clear that it’s prohibited to own a dangerous one. The halacha, goes one step further, though. It is prohibited to own an animal that could be perceived as dangerous, even if it’s not actually dangerous, because there is a certain damage that the fear of the animal could cause ot
You've clearly never owned a Pitbull
We should really try to make the wolverine the new nigger-dog. Maybe get some nog to put one in a rap video on a leash. Tell all the nignogs that if they don't own a wolverine, they aren't gangster.
Hilarity would ensue.
For crying out loud just get yourselves a bubby
Just listen to yourself.
Reported for sliding.
I'm sure this was much cooler when you said it out loud IRL in the 70's.
It's not like the English language has improved since then.
Lol what? The moral panic about pit bulls was stupid years ago, ya circular weaklings. Wake up and smell the futurism. Isn’t it time we refabricated humanity into a new form with what we’ve learned?
I had a creep try to tell me people like me go in circles - yeah, thanks, I sure learned a lot from being sexually harassed by a false archivist, Mr Time’s Arrow.
The locals here can’t face reality. To some extent that applies to all of Earth, but the niggers and aryans on this site are spectacularly truthless.
It's only gotten more dumbed down as time progressed due to the third world hoardes.
Like a shit load of sneakers and fried chicken and grape soda?
The Pitbull was a Americana heroic symbol and mascot of power and gentleness.
What kind of shithole is that dog living in? Maybe, just maybe the dog has issues at home?
The solution in the media is to hire a Mexican to train your neglected dog. OP, your pike-tool suggestion is self defeating race baiting division.
muh breed
Pibbles aren't a breed. They're mutts.
Every last pibble needs to be put down.
Dogs are a social construct, made for attention seeking cocksuckers, only hunting dogs are good. Pitbulls are the pinnacle of human ignorance used for the enjoyment of ugly gay british retards.
wtf is a "minpin"
the little cage the cuckqueen locks the bepis up with?
I believe you meant hordes, Sir Euphoric of Atheism.
All Dog haters have to die
Pitbulls are mostly aggressive in nature towards anything, kinda like bull sharks.
Get German Shepard or Australian cattle dogs / kelpies… GS is closest to the wolf, while I personally like me Australian cattle dogs (anything with dingo+wolf in it is a fucking must have)
Why the full on hate??
Two I know off that bat, that are born aggressive (NOT ALL) are pittys and Roman nose pig dogs…
Lockjaw, hard head, recessed eyes ect.
Know my dogs and Australian fauna, just saying aye.
In this century we have come to realize why niggers were put in chains. I would like to thank all the good people who put niggers in chains and not allowed them into their societies. That was a very good idea.
peak doggo coming thru
Tylenol kills dogs
Pits were bred for bulls and even bear hunting you urbanite twat. Give me the racial break down of those killed by pits.
There's only two kinds of people with Pit Bulls. Niggers and nigger brained. Anytime someone has a pit bull you can be assured they are an untrustworthy person. There's a reason niggers gravitate towards them and not golden retrievers.
Oy vey
I had worked in maintenance for a company with lots of residential properties. Being the newfag, I had the HUD properties. There were apartments I would not enter because of these fucking pits. I'm great with animals, I know how to ignore dogs and get along around the most territorial breeds. These fucking niggers can't raise their own womb-spawn, let alone canines. I was strongly encouraged by my boss to leave that job, because I wouldn't go near these nigger animals after one caught my pants.
The breed has a bad reputation because we allow people with a 75 average IQ to own an animal. 70 is retard level. Does this seem like a good idea to you?
No, its the breed, because they've been selected by niggers for nigger behavior. They've changed enough now that they're no longer English country squire dogs.
Pits are mongrel niggers, for mongrel niggers.
This silly shit is never going to stick, you retarded beaner.
You are a combatant in a foreign horde invasion, and you will be eradicated out of self defense for your transgressions against Aryan Folk.
You'll never be White, nigger.
85 iq was legal retard level until they realized most blacks were below that
If you wanted to exterminate the breed I would have no problem with that. I just think there should be some protection for ALL animals from subhuman trash.
The pitbull thing is a TRS/twitter meme. No use arguing with trannies and faggots.
I think I'm going to go with the common factor of niggers being the problem.
Sage for psyop thread.
Hahaha…I would love to see documentation on that for my collection.
I used to have a neighbor who was 75 IQ and he was a empty shell of a person whose only real interest was in fantasizing about inflicting physical harm on people with guns or knives.
Yes, you frightened house pet posting yet another thread on the "ebil" pitbul for… …reasons?
Yes, you retarded bitch, the dog that palled around, and protected the Little Rascals is a murderous killer. The pitbul was literally called a "Nanny Dog", you fucking niggers.
Why are there still so many brainlets on this board?
OG Anons, you have to be more aggressive in protecting your territory from these fucking subversive (((tourists))). Show some teeth.
Sage and report this endless, repetitive bullshit.
My country has no blacks yet the number one culprit of dog attacks is a shitbull.
"We White people.., amirite Honky?"
It's all so tiresome.
Everyone agrees, "owning a tiger as a pet is a bad idea because they are unpredictable wild animals that can snap at any moment", but when it comes to pitbulls faggots always fall back on the 'bad owner' excuse. Pitbulls are the niggers of dogs, and you have exactly the same mentality of a leftist shithead when you defend their consistent brutality. Do you know what kind of person defends pitbulls? Redditors, and redditors exclusively, because the pitbull is another element of the leftist revolt against society. The pitbull terrorizes us, and randomly mauls our children and eldery just as the negro does. The redditor loves the pitbull because like AIDS-spreading gay anal sex the pitbull brings destruction, and anything that endangers and hurts white people in any way is a positive in his mind. When you see someone walking a pitbull outside know that he or she is getting a thrill knowing that at any moment the little shitbag could snap and destroy the life of one of those ebul whytes. All the faggots itt defending pitbulls are just more of the 4cuck transplants that have flooded here in the past few months and shat down the quality of this board just as they did in their homeland. Fuck pitbulls, fuck their owners, and fuck the cunts who defend their existence. Kill all pitbulls kill all pitbulls kill all pitbulls
saged for off topic
It amazes me that people cannot tell that semites are part nigger. Look at that fucking hair, and those lips…it is a part nigger mongrel monstrocity. It nose takes up 1/4 of its fucking face…
the reason they like these dogs is that they fulfill the other part of a beast like masculine power fantasy.
the difference between civilized and uncivilized masculinity is that the former has self-control and has the capacity for reason while the latter has neither. The negroification of the white male is the other side of the coin of soyboys. Both attempts to dismantle civilization.
No, they were known as vicious dogs that needed to be banned.
No it wasn't. That's complete bullshit made up by some stupid bitch. There is absolutely no evidence for that anywhere. What happened is some nigger apologist said "oh they are so gentle they could be called nanny dogs" in the 70s. Then in the 90s she started referencing herself saying that in the 70s as evidence that "they were called nanny dogs". You can't find a single shred of evidence that anyone called them that before the 1970s.
No, it was a mascot fighting spirit. There's no gentleness involved.
No, they were bred for killing other dogs in pits. They were a cross between bulldogs, which had been used for bull baiting, and pit terriers. The cross was made specifically to make the most deadly dog killing dog possible, since bull baiting was banned and dog fighting was the new pastime of degenerates.
Nice strawman, you spineless coward.
If you are irrationally afraid of, and can't control a canine, you aren't Aryan, nigger.
You predictably kvetch like a kike over Nature, and OUR relationship with animal husbandry, you desert rat.
Like everything else STOLEN, from the White Man, and then degenerated, and perverted against us
Keep talking shit. You accomplish nothing here.
The Ancient Blood has awakened, and you can't stop it by material means.
You have no power here.
The World is ours once again.
Kill yourself faggot
You glow
Keep shaking your tiny fist at the sky, faggot. You're totally changing everyone's mind. If you do't believe Aryans have the strenght, and wherewithall to take it all back, and train back all back into our fold, then you are a liability, and you have no place here.
You are the spineless shit who runs, and leaves every inch of lost ground to the enemy to pervert to their liking, and then say, "SEE! ALL NIGGER SHIT!". Pathetic traitors.
You die first, useless coward.
Why do you yids always resort to that lame tactic? We're not irrationally afraid of niggers or niggerdogs or homos. They are all terrible, and need to be exterminated. There's nothing irrational about it.
No, you do. We understand the nature of the nigger, which is why we know it has no place in human society. You deny the nature of the nigger, and pretend it can be civilized.
Don't trip over your nose.
I already gave you the proof, you dumb nigger.
Little Rascals were well before the '70s, you retarded kike.
I swear you idiots make no fucking sense. What are you even doing here? If you're this fucking lazy, and incapable of using logic for your subversive tricks, why are you getting paid to destroy yourselves here in front of such a large audience? Is this the very best we can expect from you idiots?
Then by all means, keep it coming, you fucking morons! You're doing more for our cause than we could ever imagine doing on our own!
Nice Red Herring, you retarded kike. I'm not talking about niggers. I'm talking about Pitbuls. One is not the other, you retarded kike, even though that bullshit non sequitur is required for your subversion to work.
Too bad you glow like the sun in here amongst your Superiors, fucking moronic yid.
I already told you, you have no power here.
…for good reason.
pitbulls are a violent breed that need to be exterminated. the only white people that own them are nigger apologist cuck liberals.
gee, i wonder why liberals would vouch for and even own a violent dog while arguing that "its how theyre raised, not the breed. breed doesnt dictate how violent something is!"
hmm……. i wonder if that train of thought is linked to other beliefs they hold.
And? They didn't call it a nanny dog, it was portrayed by over a dozen different dogs, most of which were killed, and the plot of one episode was even a dog catcher trying to catch petey to kill him because shitbulls are vicious.
Read the link you dumb yid. Shitbulls were bred as pit dogs. There's tons of evidence given to support this. You have provided no evidence at all.
And I am demonstrating how your pilpul is the same in both cases. Niggerdogs can not be civilized just as niggers can not. But in both cases you yids push the lie that genes don't matter.
Uncle Ted knows why liberals self destruct
And now you can see just how pathetic the retarded kike becomes when they double down with chutzpa after getting exposed attempting their tricks to relate everything STOLEN from the Aryan Man with their golems, niggers, spics, and faggots.
>i wonder why liberals would vouch for and even own a violent dog
So, now pitbuls, are a "liberal" dog breed?
Is it your own retardation you're projecting, kikes, or do you really believe we're this stupid?
I can't wait to meet you idiots.
…tick tock.
Another strawman, backed by /trustmegoy?
You really suck at this. I won't even bother honoring this with an intelligent response.
I'll allow your blatant idiocy and bullshit to stand on its own for the class to decide, nigger.
So, now niggers are ancient dog breeders, and their mastery of husbandry spread into Europe, and then Aryan Men adopted their breeding genius? "Niggerdogs" were already civilized by Aryan Men long before niggers came into contact with them, you retarded kike!
What exactly are you trying to get everyone here to believe with this bullshit thread, you fucking retarded kikes?
That we should disavow, and destroy our own heritage, history, and innovative creations because they've been subverted, perverted, and tainted by you kikes, and your nigger golems?
Are you idiots even capable of recognizing how fucking transparent you are here?
We are going to do the opposite! We are going to take it ALL BACK, remove your from our path into the future, and retrain ALL OF IT back into our Superior fold!
The fact that you get so angry when your bullshit arguments don't stick is only half the give-away.
I won't tell you what the other half is. I'll let you keep coming back here to embarrass yourselves as you try hopelessly to figure it out.
(unfortunately for you, most of us already see it)
Kill your own fucking mongrel mutts, you pathetic shit stains! Our canine companions will be standing beside us in the coming war.
Protect your neck!
Say one more bad thing about my dog you filthy niggers
Really, you value your dog above European lives?
I don't think you belong here user.
Awe! You took the very next meme in my lineup for this slide thread, user!!
It would seem we're on the same page then.
The jealously and resentment of the subhuman classes are the only reason they keep crawling up our ass, trying to get us to hate ourselves as much as they do.
HA! This Strawman is extra pathetic, you retarded kike. Doesn't even make sense. You aren't even European, yid, and the pitbull is not a threat to our Volk.
You have no power here, you flaccid rope weight.
Your photo gave me chills. You must hate your offspring.
I am not worried about you 'being European' with a photo like that. Only niggers and subhumans don't care what happens to their children.
Stop attempting to project your cowardice and weakness onto your Superiors, kike. None of this nonsense is going to work. You'll never access the Aryan Spirit, so you'll never understand why your tired, ancient tricks don't work on us anymore.
I am thoroughly enjoying watching you squirm as you try, though! Your fear is delicious, and warming to me.
You know we're coming, and nothing you do or say can stop it, right?
Keep talking shit on our dogs though. I'm certain on some lower timeline this pitiful subversion works on some retards who still believe your blatant lies. It's not working here.
Sleep well, yid. See you soon!
(picz related) Can you even breathe still, you frightened house pet?!!!
This is the current state of Zig Forums
Are you this dense you coon? No, you can't correct bad genes, and they've been selected BY niggers for nigger behavior. You clearly don't belong around animals either.
You're not fooling anyone, vermin.
You have no power here.
But, keep trying. All it does is show anons how your pathetic fucking game works, bitch.
My God quints say you're BTFO, nigger.
Now, run along, Nancy, before you skin a knee.
Holy shit! Can you believe it? I can't believe it. Can you?
I don't believe it.
How does one argue such an impervious statement?!
I give up, I guess.
Hey! Where'd everybody go? You were all so intent on proving the evil wickedness of pitbulls just a moment ago. What happened to the fervor in this slide thread? It can't be this easy to TOTALLY WRECK your pathetic attempts to get us to in-fight, can it?
Is this the best Tel-Aviv has to offer us anymore?
I almost feel bad for you worthless shit smears.
We're coming.
You will not stop, or even hinder your fate.
…and I'm bringing my fucking dogs with me.
You can't make an intelligent response. You ignore the concrete evidence presented, and continue to repeat "but my feelings!11"
Niggerdogs are not ancient, they are 150 years old you dumb fuck.
Your shitbulls will maul you and then we will shoot them. Seriously Tyrone, you're not human.
Such good nannies!
'God quints' and your words don't mean anything in the face of science user. We are not the niggers here. But your intentionally putting your offspring in danger of death clearly indicates that you are a nigger.