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Goddamn I know Japan is based.
Axis white worldwide motherfucker.
Mutt status: sprayed with spoiled hummus and punished by kike masters.
Israel is pure. Oy vey.
USA false flag confirmed.
Based nips, it's obvious to the world that the United States and Israel have overplayed their hand with this false flag. The chutzpah is unbearable at this point.
ikr, as if these two have never clandestinely collaborated to sabotage iran
*cough* stuxnet *cough*
It will be hard to prove with jewish public opinion media. But Israel bombed a Japanese tanker, what is the consequence?
isn't Iran one of the last countrys without Rothshield owned central bank. There should be more infographs and memes about it I am too lazy of a nigger though
So based!
So redpilled!!
bump for glorious samurai
With each day these false flag stunts are becoming less and less effective. People have started seeing through these jewish tricks and this is a serious blow to the global kike hegemony.
Feels like The Great Awakening movie.
They tried to pull the old Syria gas attack schtick again but there's a real country involved this time.
Already a thread niggerjew.
And all he's saying is they are waiting for all the fucking information before they act you shitty little jew.
What now for Japan; or, will we see a dramatic U turn where the Japanese Emperor provides evidence of Yellow Cake to the world?
Bump because you can’t hide it.
The samurai doesn't fear the kike.
The Blond, pillow marrying samurai sure.
And then they wonder why nobody believes them this time around.
The standard narrative has always been IIRC
N Korea
Never bothered to verify I do remember news fanfare about a bank being immediately set up in Libya after Ghadafi ded.
Russia? Atlantis?
Iran's nuclear program and Syria's civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. For Israeli leaders, the real threat from a nuclear-armed Iran
is not the prospect of an insane Iranian leader launching an unprovoked Iranian nuclear attack on Israel that would lead to the annihilation of both countries.
What Israeli military leaders really worry about – but cannot talk about – is losing their nuclear monopoly. An Iranian nuclear weapons capability would not only end that nuclear monopoly but could also prompt other adversaries, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to go nuclear as well.
The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today.
You know a vast majority of Americans on this board don't agree with most of the things their government does, right? If 100% of American citizens wanted a bill to pass, it would still only get a 30% chance of passing, statistically. We're all getting squeezed here, don't D&C
we getting van&
Old Bolshevik Ben sure has come a long way from pic related. The nuclear sign was clearly added after the fact too, probably to appease his target audience of retarded Trumpniggers
I remember in his reddit AMA (I know, le reddit) he said that being trolled by the chan redpilled him.
same and i still laugh thinking about the blatant kikery of that whole situation. leader killed, country in chaos. relieve the people? fuck that set up the useary
When the young faggots do a video exposing this hoax you know they fucked up royally.
Fat Turk Cenk even calls out Israel and Saudis.
They also stole the libyan gold, and nobody knows where it ended up at. Some jew's pockets, probably.
Fucking A I never thought this possible.
I forgot that part as well user, but how many times can we count with our shoes and socks off that this has been SOP it is a long fucking list
Thread Theme.
The goyim know.
I bet he's been lurking ever since.
I heard Ukraine's gold disappeared shortly after the (((revolution)))
Poor Japan. China to the left of them and US to the right and those worthless gookorean subhumans chattering away irrelevantly around them. Japan needs nuclear weapons.
Looks like someone needs another Fukushima.
For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. -Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
double cringe
triple cringe
Jap Govt also openly said the USA lied about 9/11, but last I checked Japan was supporting 9/11 derived Wars For Israel, so don't get your hopes up.
On one hand, its nice that even though we are competitors in world commerce, the Japs will want and TRY to help us out and politely and obliquely point out our Jewish Problem to us.
But then some Boomer starts in about how dropped the A-bomb was a "humane shortening of the war" etc, and at some point the Japs give up on us and figure "some lessons must be learned first hand".
Plus, it really helps the Jap's bottom line when USA is hamstrung by Jews. When we invaded Afghanistan we found all the Afghan warlord were driving Toyota 4x4 trucks with flashy graphics.
Let's not forget the A-bombs were a landmark jew attack, both in the only christian cities and the last one armed with the entire core even when the order was arm it with half of it.
That's a good thing tbh.
If those christians were left alive, Japan would have even more niggers by now.
Japan (Abe)
Hungary (Orban)
Philippines (Duterte)
Axis. Heil!
It will never be subtle, kike
How exactly?
I'm motherfucking sure the evanglical christcucks in Japan are gonna bring in the godly niggers.
inside them
Jews fear the Samurai.
Ahahaha, very nice.
No shekel for you today, kike.
You go girl!
I see you. Watch this space.
Zognald btfo
Good for nips, I hope other nations will follow. But I also hope that Abe puts down that 40k poos/year deal, that thing still irks me.
Motherfucking japs name the jews.
FTFY Moshe
interested in shinzo abe.
Now if only he'd stop important tons of curryniggers to Japan every year.
Exactly that is the main reason they have been able to keep the immigration down. Its controlled solely threw the state, they don't have to worry about some guy in a funny hat trying to sneak a bunch of niggers in with the help of his 501c3
It is very exciting to see that it is possible to defeat the Jew. We only start to lose when we give up believing.
Always think of post war Germany and how much Jews were controlling the very large portion of it, yet the man himself, our martyr Adolf Hitler didn't care against the odds and still did the immposible. It is harder than before, seeing as jews control alot of things world wide scale but history will repeat itself
I hate to be a requestfag but does anyone have the video of Haku Zynkyoku about the origins of the jews? I have searched far and wide and have not found anything, despite having downloaded it long ago
Please, my ears.
What's that shit fake hybrid? A tofu slantu with widened eyes, fake nose, wearing lenses and tons of white powder? Or is that a white weaboobs?
Jews fear the samurai
they overthrowed his channel and all of his content. this is a signal: all anons should save good content to the posteriority
I wish someone has saved the video that you are searching.
Give it up, Glownigger. Your bullshit won't work here.
What are you even trying to imply, anyone who doesn't want to burn rice works for the CIA?
Yeah, and if I shut down a D&C kikel shittalking Slavs, that means I want to fuck Putin, right?
Get out, you lying slime.
I still have no idea what you are talking about
Who ate you quoting? I haven't even uploaded a picture
the term is paraphrasing, and I did an accurate job with all your kvetching. Now git out.
Thread theme
It's like Oppenheimer never got their respect. Gotta love the Japanese.
lol the headline isn't backed up by the quote.
Bump for arrogant kikes serving the diplomatic PM of Japan desert in an old boot, while on camera.
When did Japan betray whites? They were on the white side and fought to the end, against the ZOG Allies.
English, cracker. Do thou speaketh it?
The… SAMURAI… has returned. Hnn. Hnn. Hooooooo….. IssAAAAA!!!!!!
Japanese non-nigger imitation music. Alright!
Keep that up and you guys will be having a bunch of Samurai-capable babies in no time.
Naming Israel's deeds is always good. Shine the light on those kikes and force more pressure on them.
They'll only call out the Netenfaggot government taking the notallkikes stance.
He won't. Japan is so fucking fucked and we all know it. Nips won't exist in 10-20 years.
Looks like shitposting about JQ on national level is back on menu.
Jews should fear the Samurai. From 1000+ yrs of history the world over, they know what happens when the advanced, cohesive societies learn what the Jews are up to.
That's cuz the false flag that was to have started the Iran war was lame as shit.