Glowbot 9001

If any of you lads havent yet seen the warrant:

Scroll down to the bottom and there are a bunch of screencaps of the thread in question. Within those screencaps are a whole fucking lot of samefagging glownigger (((you)))s. Do any of you lads know how to implement machine learning algorithms? I think from that warrant alone we have enough input to make a glownigger detection bot.

I haven't fucked with ai since guacman and Im not sure that guacman would be up to the task.

Attached: Capture.PNG (579x358, 515.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is a good idea, but Zig Forums hasn't accomplished shit lately.
Let's watch glowniggers derail this thread.

Attached: B5DCDFB5-4006-4AC9-A82C-3E61BF5160E4.jpeg (760x760, 230.65K)

Why rely on AI when our collective intelligence works just fine at detecting them?

1) lulz
2) if you havent looked at that warrant look at it, the amount of glownigger (((you)))s is impressive

That whole thread is a case study in glownigger activity.

Why are you so eager to have me follow that link, officer? Where's the archive link, officer?

I am in the process of making a screencap of all the (((you)))s Im holding off on posting the archive link so that it is not taken down before I finish. gimme like 10 minutes and I'll be done.

You always know when you can safely filter a nigger.

I read it. It's a tarrant shitposting thread and everyone is celebrating while a glownigger is trying to bait anons into making compromising statements and lead them into reading T's talmud er manifesto. Whatever is triggering them enough to ask for a warrant isn't in the caps. Shit tier shitposting and the judge is just rubber stamping the requests if he doesn't actually look at the FBI's evidence for requesting the warrant.
Glownigger is likely a shitskin faggot.

Archive of actual thread in question:

The page that the warrant is on is not archiving correctly, the text of the warrant is but the all the posts in the pdf are illegibly corrupted:

Good Afternoon, Special Agent. Are you THE Special Agent Michael J Rod, or just one of his glownigger buttbuddies?

Attached: Capture.PNG (1544x1926 134.79 KB, 540.02K)

How about a little stylometry?
Reminds me of 52ad59 who's very interested (107) in this, ahem, particular thread:

I could go on, but that might take all the fun out of it.

this makes no sense
since they cannot be killed immediately after detection

Special Agent Kangz confirmed for 87 IQ

Attached: ▄█▀ █▬█ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀█▀.jpg (791x700, 63.54K)

Maybe the whole event, eh?

Good little goy, deflecting blame in the same breath as claiming he’s one of us.
Holy shit, the first time in history a kike puppet didn’t lie.

That depends on what he means by (((Russian))) I suppose. You do know that the Bolshevik kikes invaded the USA and have been causing problems ever since.

A lot of those Russian kikes went to Israel. And his only mention of kikes is "it's not mossad, fellow goys"

Rod is a spic faggot, short for Rodriguez and Aric Victor (Colin) is probably Aric Victor Blackwood (not a real name; satanist) There are only two Aric Victors in the USA and one of them is a pen name while the other is like 7 years old.

A lot of them ended up in Vegas as well (imagine that) kosher nostra is alive and well in the US completely allowed and encouraged by the current kike government. See Adelsons control of US politics and active role in terrorism in Syria. I believe dead fucker McCain was one of his gimp puppets and did a lot of recruiting of psychopaths out of US and other jails; setting them free in Syria (and now in Europe) with no repercussions for their actions and free reign to ‘do as they will’.

Wow, a thread with good Intel for once.

Idk, I seem to have found a Michael J Rod in his 40's living in California.

Not too shocked seeing as how he couldnt understand how fucking id's work.

What is that stupid fucking retardation the kike faggots always quote/

“Do what thou will is the whole of the Law.”
This is a perfect example of how they can justify turning fucking legitimate physchotic murderers loose in societies they want to disrupt with the garuntee that they will never be prosecuted for the crimes they commit. Typical kikes, who are also never held accountable for the crimes, terrorism (Vegas) and murder (Italian snuff porn murder of infants and little boys) that they commit either. Only the cattle still abide ‘by kike law’.

Good joke. Nu/pol/ thinks everyone is a fed or a shill if they do anything more than suggest "let's make people think pencils are white supremacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".


No fag. It is his legal name now. But ‘rod’ is not a common spic name. It is the legally shortened version of Rodreguiz…he is a fucking spic whose only real goal is the betrayal and overthrow of the USA by his fucking part nigger kin. So this (disarming American citizens to facilitate the invasion) fits into his modus operandi COMPLETELY. He is following the genetic program that his own part nigger people should be victorious over European Whites.

So do we have this FBInigger's street address yet? It would sure be a shame if somebody posted a derogatory meme on his front door.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (400x400, 282.07K)

He MAY be a spic. I have not confirmed that but there are only 6 Michael J Rod's coming up for me. 4 of them are in their 50's, 1 is in his 60's, There is only one Michael J Rod in his 40's and he is also the only one in California.

Possibly, I dont post dox until I am sure its the right guy. Feel free to help if you want, he seems to have zero opsec

I would look under Rodriguez as well. I would bet you that he uses that off the job and in legal documents. Just to verify that it is him the right fucking part nigger invader posing as ‘federal agent’ if you can find the address. He will probably have used both names, one professionally and one privately.


(and he's already in this thread under at least one IP)

You know this is interesting to me because a significant number of faggot part nigger spic ‘identify’ as kikes. They do a DNA test and suddenly that 2% kike blood in their mongrel DNA makes the ‘light of god’ shine through them and all manner of subversive and deviant behavior becomes ‘par for the course’ according to whatever percent of nigger blood they have in them as well. Spics are 10-30% nigger DNA mongrels.

Look at their photos though. They are all spics (non-Europeans and not part of our nation), so Rod is the shortened version of Rodriguez.

The only Michael J Rod that fits the bill shows no connection to any family with the surname rodriguez

Most of them, but I've seen a couple that look white. Also, spanish surname is not 100% indication of spic, spaniards do exist.

It is not the name that indicates his ethnicity. It is the fact that he spent time infiltrating gangs in Cali that indicates he is not a European. They don’t send White boy down to the spic ghetto to infiltrate unless they want to find his skin sack taken off by a blowtorch in one fell swoop. This faggot is a spic and traitor to our nation trying to implement gun control on Europeans so that they can slaughter us easier and faster. How many gang (((CIA))) connections do you think he made while he was ‘infiltrating’ them?

People make ‘governments’; God makes nations.

He is a part nigger infiltrator and not part of our nation.

You looking at cali here

I really like you, user.

Wow, and here I was thinking fedposting was just a meme of days past, and now I get a front row seat.

I am not 100% certain that this is him, but this is the only Michael J Rod that comes up for california and his previous addresses in VA are close to "the intelligence and security academy, llc" which is a private academy that the fbi uses, and also commute distance to quantico.

I have not been able to verify but I'd say 90% this is our glownigger.

Attached: Capture1.PNG (509x497 19.29 KB, 25.15K)

So you like yourself. How earth shattering.

Attached: 77c.png (1054x701, 202.27K)

We are not the same person user.

;) Pretty sure you have a front row seat every day you are on Zig Forums user.


Maybe your mods should not delete any interesting threads daily.




Please explain the reason that this would even enter your mind?
What would be the goal here?
Are you really this retarded, or are you hoping we are?
What's your angle, nigger? I just went through the thread, and you haven't contributed much.
Have another
and a (You).

I am going to have to look into the ‘previous locations’ and see if I can correlate them to his past history that was listed in the warrant. Just to make sure…also, 40 seems a bit old, but maybe not. I was imagining mid to late 30 something based on his listed work history.

B-b-b-b-but gun control for Europeans is more important that one part niggers life, user. THE INVASION MUST CONTINUE ACCORDING TO (((CIA))) PLANS. Open borders for the USA, underage sex slavery, drug addiction, death and organ trafficking for Europeans. NEOCohens want the Ukraine model for the USA, nothing less will do.


Attached: 7C2C9E00-2CF7-495C-9A04-29881179243D.png (640x480, 616.59K)

It's hysterical looking at the screen cap I put together… Glowniggers warrantlessly accusing anons of samefagging while samefagging on a warrant application. Fuckin pottery.

This. The CIA is just a drug cartel at this point.

Yes you are.
And you're 8f4812 here:

As well as 52ad59 (107) here:

Zig Forums's not stupid, retard.
Would you like some more?

Attached: 8.gif (422x750, 728.69K)

If it is indeed the right guy he would be 43 according to those docs. Considering he spent time in the military, according to his blogfest of a warrant application, 43 might not be that old.

i don't think stylometry is good enough to detect samefags from the typical length of shitpost here

It is extraordinarily easy to alter the grammatical style and diction of a short post such as this one, after all.

lmao how cant u niggers see that imagine being that fkn retarded

Michael, at least try to not post almost verbatim like you did

Then you shouldn't have a problem with us trying it.

That's your first error.

Should I order him a pizza?

IP switching won't help you.

Check out
It's a python AI neural net library made by SJW faggots. It's dead simple to use and open source so there's no excuse not to use it against them.

I can't believe they pay you faggots for this

Sorry, I meant him not you.

You actually believe this is working, don't you?
You're funny.

Attached: roped.jpeg (300x231, 14.07K)

Look, it's really simple:
Lay out

in one tab and

in another tab next to it.
Click on 52ad59 anywhere in the latter such that all of the 52ad59 posts show up in pink.
Compare the posts of 8f4812 in the former to those of 52ad59 in the latter.
They're the same person.

You're trying way too hard, glowy.
That's the tell.

Never interrupt your adversary when he is making a mistake.

didnt read. so youre saying i cant tell people to kill politicians, zogbots, kikes, shitskins, race traitors without saying “in minecraft” like a castrated faggot? and if i do a bunch of kikes are going to call me a glownigger? all you faggots want to do is type things online. i knew this day would come and youd cuck out. you deserve this hellscape.

Yep, if you are Zig Forums 'one person', it is DEFINATELY STUPID

It was you I was thinking of when mentioning IP switching. Pic (a) is you in this thread as 0c1099. Pic (b) is you in the above-mentioned thread as 52ad59 (107); so much to go on, thank you. You are also 10214b ("Cali") in this thread as well as 8f4812 in the 04/27 thread under scrutiny. Enjoy telling your handler what a retarded fuck-up you are.

Attached: (b).PNG (457x88 19.52 KB, 3.7K)

You switched again.
You mean definitely stupid, retard.

Discovery should be interesting. Watch it turn out that John Earnest was inspired by feds.

No, it is proper to say, "Meincraft"…this mitigates fuckery completely and renders you immune from federal vindictive persecution of the subhumans that have infiltrated and overthrown our nation.

They do. Zig Forums is a fucking shitstorm of leftist faggots today. It started early this morning.
It is actually your Constitutional DUTY (and your duty as a HUMAN being/child of God) to overthrow a corrupt and oppressive government.

Can't resist lapsing into those all-caps, can you.

Someon1 gimme a quick rundown on the fedposting

Are these glowniggers literally getting paid to shitpost??? Why have i not been recruited yet

didn't check the board for like 10 hours
and it appears
The hunter becomes the hunted

My spellwrecker is all fucked up.
Shove it up your ass, faggot.
If you weren't a fucking retarded faggot you would shift IP's as often as I do for a number of reasons, from Moderation 'issues' to the fact that there are so many of you spicnigger glowfaggots on the boards.

Keep giving yourself away. Haven't had this much fun in ages.

Not trying to 'hide' like you faggots are.

There is no 'giving anything away' user. You are playing with yourself because you are an idiot.

Yes you were trying to hide, until it became obvious what you're up to.

Chit chatting with other autists? Ok, wow, let me know when you fags figure out all my 'evil plans'.

Boo hoo hoo my government is collapsing and all I got was this lousy chinkshit.

Attached: f70c9f6dfdc7fb9d84f80450eaaa6d054c1dc96493061eeb15b48a1dd51e8584.gif (480x270, 269.35K)

Well, holding yourself out as something that you're not in order to inform on and rope people into very long prison sentences is pretty evil. Don't you think?

They do look like the old indians with additional tattoos on it.

Now imagine a bunch of true vikings (white people still have it in them with a little training) - these criminals would shit in their pants.

Bottom Line: Eat helathy, work out,
as it is foretold in the prophecies

The fed are laughing.
They don't like me anymore than you discord trannies do.
Still haven't made another thread about the golden age of Swifts Manifesto and your plans of raping men, little boys and infant boys have you?
Still reduced to following me around Zig Forums and counting how many comments I make in threads?
You need a life user, but since you butchered yourself at the kikes 'tranny' call of hedonism, that is never going to happen for you.
Can't say I am disappointed that your genes will never pass on to another person.


Zig Forums Gestapo should conduct it's own investigation based on the provided.

Some interesting findings based on a quick skim through the document:

- It takes 21 weeks of training for someone to become an FBI agent (that's pretty low even for regular police investigators, including previous experience in related field)
- Shooter had a GoPro, was it used, was the video streamed and is there any official way to request it to be released to the public (I did not follow the whole thing)
- SDSD system data miner, any info on this tool, is it integrated with PRISM etc? Can someone file a request for public release of declassified information?
- Additionally, he wrote I spray-painted on the parking lot. I wrote 'For Brenton Tarrant -t.Zig Forums. (false flag alarm point)
- FBI Special Agent Maria (((Solomon))) (family background inquiry)
- "FOR BRENTON TARRAN r/pol/." then setting the mosque on fire (+1 false flag point, or just extremely stupid, you never know with Americans)
- Additionally, the spray painted message left by the mosque arsonist was not released to the media (false flag pretty much confirmed at this point)
- and the postings of all of the individuals who responded to the subject posting and/or commented about it (irrespective of the post substance, giving a (legal) framework for collecting information of the people who criticized the attack and were against it)
- Based on agents' training and experience, following attacks such as those conducted by Earnest, other individuals are inspired by the attacks and may act of their own accord. (We are going into psychopass territory now)
- Based on our (((experience and training)) - this is stressed out too many times indicating the lack of genuine arguments and leads

Holy fuck our government officials are maliciously stupid. Thanks a lot intelligences. You are the biggest assholes in the world worrying about the truth on a fucking imageboard. Pathetic.

OP on a new IP here. That's nothing, read all those posts and then look at the ones in this thread that are almost 1:1. This shit is hysterical.

Yes, this, all predicated on that fucker talking to himself. Rotten to the core.

Yo, russiafag here.

You guys don't cease to amuse me and here I was thinking that russian shill posting is something on chinese scale of fucked up lol. Well in russia they are very shit-tier and our glowniggers can only operate on some bullshit social media, if the person they're glowing for lists their full name and residency info (yeah retards do that on social media in russia too). So yeah, go cia I guess, but you look fucking pathetic even for a russian tard here.

Also, enable your palantir boolshit already jezus h christ on a bike. I've heard about it years ago and you still use fucking boomers to influence and target people online? Pffft

He got extra kibbles from his Jew handler for (((muh russians))).

Technically, he is a spicnigger, so not really 'our government'. More like ZOG.

You would know, wouldn't you tranny.

Hit a nerve I see.

I just came here to say hi to the FBI.
Hi FBI guys!

Pretty sure special agent glownigger "Michael J Rod" is having a major panic attack right about now, trying to purge the internet of any pics of himself before some user doxes his ass.

Reminder that high level individuals in the FBI/CIA/NSA are all sodomites, pedophiles, or both. Your bosses are the scum of the earth, glowniggers.

Attached: 64f709dc6b260d1008402b7bc56c478dea6c55b48384c3c39529f4199d20bced.jpg (429x271, 8.09K)

Nope he is in this thread trying to distract and discredit the people who are exposing him. Go back and read through the whole thread. Hint: he is right here.

He is probably permanently assigned to monitor Zig Forums and so trying to stop the people who are exposing him.

Imagine spending your while life wanting to be a cop because, muh daddy and granddaddy bullshit. You get to the academy that's now infested with shitskins, dykes and trannies. You graduate and get put on 8ch duty bawhahaha. Fucking kill yourselves pigs. It's the only time you'll ever use your firearm we paid for you fucking faggot.

Attached: What does a police man do.jpg (389x409, 39.89K)

Uhh, as someone who used to frequent bluelight back when John McAfee posted from belize as stuffmonger detailing MDPV extractions, SWIM(someone who isn't me) doesn't hold up in the court of law, and neither will Minecraft references especially if you get the heat on you

i was detected as russian when i posted ernest singing a jewish comic song oc in russian
now i understand that it was fednigger

You're that same faggot from the RAM thread who talked about nothing but rape and faggotry when discussing Nuremberg race laws, aren't you?

Project much.