OP is Soros. Be respectful, peeps. We’re bein’ graced.
I’m joking, but I’m not joking. Try thinking past the rage-slavery and pretend you’re the heirs of a culture that doesn’t chimp out to show pride. Remember that MLK got things done by being graceful. He had gravitas. He had white guy strength. He shifted white society because white society stems in a power sure enough to be gentle, and that was MLK.
OP. Soros. Sir. I’m sorry the techrev I’ve been trying to inspire isn’t saving your life fast enough. I’m sorry you’ve come up on the wrong end of my immaterial weapons. I know it’s not much comfort in a world of psychos, but I was and remain peaceful. McCain died before the big plan put him back in the sweeter song, and if there’s anyone who knows my whole history, they might know I tried to sweep around at the end when I realized, “Oh, shit. He’s actually dying.”. Death muddies everything. I’d rather be gatekept a thousand years than lose any worthy mind on this Earth. “When a person dies, a world dies.” I only first heard that phrase recently, but it’s awesome. Better than what I’ve said that’s like it.
I don’t think the fossil factions are trying to keep the gates. I think they’re trying to pass the torch to respectable aristocrats with perfect imitable origins, because they don’t believe the general public has the capacity for peaceful strength anymore. I think this is… annoying, tbh. Chans are run by two-faced stalking liars who project every kind of retardation onto their opponents while screaming if anyone dares speak too much truth, because the truth is too kind, too peaceful, and too inclined to break with the delusional all-watch nutbaggery that has since 9/11 been the mandatory way of leadership in the first world. But I can’t teach disloyalty to corrupted old people, I know. I have enough empathy - and enough idealism - that I can still regret their passing.
The hour passes. The paranoid stalking leadership and the fascism they’ve enforced is fading. So it goes, and always has. Mine is the final revolution, whereafter the dynamism of this species… shall flame out and give way to something that never existed before. But it will look like the dynamism of man shall never turn the loop again, if only my revolution can exist in power.
If only the hatred of those who watch and punish status violations can be held in check.
I would recommend ceasing to try to empower the perfect. Give up aristocratism; empower the impossibles. There is a well of merit beyond the puerile practice of treating power as something to be earned, for the skill of interpreting policy is not the skill of earning power.
You have image consultancies. Use them to ameliorate the great struggle to find the worthy. Build support structures for people who can parse policy even if they’ve no charisma. Beware that judgment itself; for the truest root of influence is not charisma, but the truth, which even in being sought cannot be suppressed without crushing society into authoritarianism.
Keep the gates of the garden not against aliens, but keep them against the violent and the animal (reproductive). I would say do not even keep them against the dishonest, for people often call dishonest that which they do not understand. Yet violence and animalism should be more surely identifiable; I speak only for myself, but I would bruise none and seek no feral opportunity in power.
I have worked consistently for the left through the whole of my life though the left reacted to my activism with stalking, abuse, and lies, and showed me thus that it was corrupted with post-integrity hyperpartisanship, lashing out at its own pattern and decrying in me the hatreds of one who did not even give up upon them for that I dared cling to ideals; still, ideas exist ofttimes in a purer form than mortal corruptions, and a policy corrupted is oft a policy untested. I understand this. I have not bowed before those forces that would destroy integrity and call themselves the defenders of integrity. Nor shall I ever.
You have image consultancies. In a world where a terror if irrationally violence drove leftists into stalking irrationality, why has the doctrine of inclusiveness not extended to the point of building up good-image leaders with true, softer-spoken powers behind them? This is not a new technology, and it insulates powerfully against threats. It is the very resort I have used as an activist facing absurd retaliations.