You all need a leader. You all need someone who will represent the cause and be the face of all that it is to be a National Socialist. You need someone who can elevate this ideology from the depths of blasphemy and bring it to heights not seen since the golden days of Adolf Hitler himself. You essentially need a new Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler is dead and gone, but his spirit will live on in a new leader.
The decentralized and unorganized nature of National Socialism at this point will lead to nowhere other than deceit. This ideology cannot and will not survive and flourish if someone does not step up to the plate and become the bastion for all that National Socialism is. We need someone who is capable of representing the despair of all the European peoples, and someone who can unite them with a fierceness that will enrage them and make them awaken at once. Only if this happens will we ever be freed from the grasp of the jews. Only then will we be truly capable of achieving a future that we all want to live in. Look within yourselves. Someone has to stand up for our people, our future. Maybe it's me? Who knows. I know one thing. It's that we are being attacked and that we must strike back now with a shock-wave that will ravish the jews for all of eternity.