We need a leader. Is it you?

You all need a leader. You all need someone who will represent the cause and be the face of all that it is to be a National Socialist. You need someone who can elevate this ideology from the depths of blasphemy and bring it to heights not seen since the golden days of Adolf Hitler himself. You essentially need a new Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler is dead and gone, but his spirit will live on in a new leader.

The decentralized and unorganized nature of National Socialism at this point will lead to nowhere other than deceit. This ideology cannot and will not survive and flourish if someone does not step up to the plate and become the bastion for all that National Socialism is. We need someone who is capable of representing the despair of all the European peoples, and someone who can unite them with a fierceness that will enrage them and make them awaken at once. Only if this happens will we ever be freed from the grasp of the jews. Only then will we be truly capable of achieving a future that we all want to live in. Look within yourselves. Someone has to stand up for our people, our future. Maybe it's me? Who knows. I know one thing. It's that we are being attacked and that we must strike back now with a shock-wave that will ravish the jews for all of eternity.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah but if I did that, people on 8/pol/ would say that I was a mossad agent.

going to just plug this networking thread right here.


Hear hear!

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Sorry, but you are all unworthy of my laurels. Instead, you will receive the gauntlet.

fuck off mossad glownigger

Okay, shlomo.

Yeah dude just chill, I'm busy with some other stuff right now.

The reward of being willing to be nobody and give up aryan raceniggery is happiness. Don’t lead racists unless you can lead them away from narcissism.


People are so paranoid that everyone would be call controlled opposition. Tarrant is great example. We will not get leader because we don't deserve leader.

Jason Kessler?

No more Shitler Schlomo

When I said "you" I was talking to Zig Forums directly.

When I said "we" I was talking indirectly about us all.


Fuck off, glow nigger.
I usually don't jump to that conclusion but since the search warrant, we fully know/believe that we were never paranoid and were right. You niggers really do want our nice tight assholes.

Supremacy, on its own is useless when it bares against the masses and odds we have to fight against. While although we are superior to other races, that fact is not what is going to get us to greatness. We must work towards the Global White Imperium you speak of, but at first we need at the very least a White Ethnostate to start.

I don't know what else to say other than I feel this burden upon me to lead. I want us all to feel that way. I want our joint effort to lead to the future we all deserve. Obviously I can't know if I am truly the leader you all need, because that would take vetting to be known enough in our community which at the moment doesn't even exist. We have no formal or real organization, so let us start there with a party and from there choose a leader to bring us forward into the light.

The Leader of the White Nation will emerge through the military struggle against the ZOG. The conditions of Germany aren't the same as the conditions in that thing called "America." The Weimar Republic wasn't prepared for the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany. "America" is more than prepared to subvert and destroy any Nationalist movement inside of its own borders.
There is no alternative. This isn't a choice. It is the condition forced on the English-speaking European Nation. The ZOG can not truly be combated openly and in a highly organized way, at this time. We are still at the point of the ideological war at the 'Right' wing of the ZOG. Euroopean "Americans" are conditioned by the ZOG-schools and Hollywood to not even understand what a Nation is. Until we have millions of people who realize something as simple as the line separating English-speaking European "Americans" and English-speaking European Canadians is an imaginary line, there is no possibility of a mass movement amongst English-speaking Europeans in North America, let alone the rest of the people around the globe that constitute our real Nation (Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa, etc).
No, we need someone who is capable of representing our real Nation, which is most certainly not the entirety of European peoples. We are not Germans, French, Spaniards, Russians, etc, etc. They belong to different Nations.

"Supremacist" is language of the ZOG. The 'Right' wing of the ZOG already sees itself as leading a "Global White Imperium." The 'Right' wing of the ZOG thinks niggers in that thing called "America" are still their slaves. They see Kikes as white people, as Israel as an outpost of something called "Western Civilization."
These people are delusional trash, who have made their peace with the ZOG a long time ago. When the White Nation Liberation War comes to that thing called "America," all of these people will be marked for deaths, as absolute traitors to our real Nation.

no, i need a world collapse, another one

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We’re getting very close

All we really need is someone who is big enough (maybe in pop culture ?) to be called out by msm for being a “white nationalist”

And instead of cuckinh he doubles down with iron hands and names the jew

Instead of making large public speeches (assassination) he makes video and distributes them thru torrents

This is just brainstorming don’t kike me too hard shills

Once he shows his face be prepared to put all your energy behind him

Be prepared for non stop shilling against his name! That he is mossad, a Jew, a fag, or cia

This is important! The bigger he is the more shilling there will be against him

He must have a proper way of handling it well

they don't deserve a leader. we do, but we probably won't get one.

Whoever needs to do this likely knows already, and whoever needs to do this needs to do it unconnected with 8pol. There is little point in posting it here, especially given the standards of cuckchannel that post here.

We just need someone god damnit. The look of fear on their faces as we cut their heads off is going to be worth all the shit they put us through.

A fucking celebrity is gonna be our leader? No we need a warrior we don't need some faggot who's never had to use cold water in his life.

eg. Imagine somebody like elon musk saying he is now dedicating billions to X project and has X plans to bolster white people, he already has a large audience but when the kikes call him a white nationalist or whatever he just says "somebody has to stop the degeneracy" and doubles down. I think what user was sayin was that we need someone who already has a podium through conventional means to then switch on the jews and use it for us

I'm writing a game / story that's basically a soft national socialist redpill for normies, based on maieutic principles of progressive self discovery of truth. Don't know how much time it will take before publishing it.

I'm not charismatic enough to become the next Codreanu… nevertheless I'm working obsessively on the structure of some possible new political models for Europe's future…

Ah okay yeah that'd be good. I guess what we really need is a voice so that would work. We should meme Elon Musk into a white nationalist tbh.

It's still me… our people don't deserve to disappear into oblivion… Europe and ethnic europeans have shown to the world that sometimes the impossible can be made possible… and will do it again in the future!

We must do the following things to get closer to freedom in my opinion (from an european point of view):

1) Make banks and finance illegal immediately. Create national and / or regional currencies for each substructure of Europe. Ban all types of economic interest.
2) Destroy every form of mass media.
3) Destroy the EU and turn Europe into a federation of free states.
4) Deport all non ethnically Europeans from our countries, with a few exceptions for highly skilled laborers.
5) Make basic food and shelter granted and low price for every ethnically european citizen for a limited amount of time if needed.
6) Change the education system. No more slave or NPC's but people that have a true role in society.
7) Spiritual, physical and mental trials for the choice of all leaders. One example could be resisting 10 days without eating, donating blood and / or problem solving.
8) Leadership must not come from the economic world and this must be verified for every candidate.
9) Creation of an European army made of individual country sub-armies.
10) Compulsory social service to the state for all males and females for 1 year (farming, building roads, helping the elderly, etc.)
11) This point and all the others following are for you Zig Forums, let me know what you think and write about your ideas.

Zig Forums has no leader.
keep waking the masses.
real leaders rise out of the most depressing conflict, not the trust funds or imageboards.

I'm a potential leader but my time hasn't come yet. I have to take care of what is mine before I'm worthy of the trust and belief of others.

I have a very good foundation, however.

Gas yourself glownigger

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1. The issue with that is you now have the entire world against you the second you start removing banks and the U.S. and allies would steamroll your nation.

2. Again, destroying media organizations would see you immediately struck with trade restrictions at a minimum.

3. This you could do, provided it was democratic otherwise it'd be stopped.

4. Better start your wartime economy then because that's literally genocide and you will be invaded by every first world nation on the planet.

5. Doable

6. You're always going to need an unskilled/low skilled labor force. Reforms should be made of course, and logic and critical thinking taught to everyone, but you can't have both self sufficiency and only highly technical jobs.

7. Sounds like nu age bullshit.

8. Economics is power and you'll quickly find yourself infiltrated by large corporate interests and be ousted from power by them.

9. Doable.

10. Smart idea.

I'd recommend a better alternative which I'm currently working on.

Nations are their people, not land or resources. So long as the blood and ideals flow through the people the nation exists. France existed in small enclaves during their occupation, as have many other nations throughout history.

Instead of fighting the system, work within it. Obtain the economic power necessary for you to have influence in the world. Use said influence and power to assist whatever people you want to assist in improving their quality of life, and their own economic potential. When you've sufficiently garnered enough strength, you will control the political systems in whatever nation you choose to dominate. You will be able to influence all aspects you're interested in incrementally moving towards your overarching goals.

Maybe it's because I'm Jewish, but it seems much easier and more likely to succeed than trying to start a political revolution when you're the currently most hated and persecuted group in every nation in the world.

I mean, my people did it. Why cant you?

Ideally, we'll wind up with a nation for every race of people and some multicultural ones that may actually be able to work together without this constant resentment between each other causing conflict, and then we can expand to other planets.

Just my 2 shekels

Tarrant was either mossad or a psychopathic retard. Hitler would have never supported killing innocents. He didn't even believe in killing jews. We need a leader who is so magnetic, it cuts through the paranoia.

Why are you here then? Just to shill, as well as leddit space your post?

glow harder

fuck you buddy, only literal jidf shills were calling big brenton a controlled op

This is what i mean. Even 50 dead muslims is not enough for some faggots.

Are you normal and White? Tired of the WN mental illness?


Fat kike? Nah.

I read on another Zig Forums thread that Andrew Anglin lost a multimillion dollar lawsuit last week. And today I read on zerohedge that the fbi issued a warrant to investigate Zig Forums:

zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-16/watch-out-Zig Forums-fbi-issued-search-warrant-anyone-who-commented-poway-synagogue

I also read that the socal judge who signed off on the warrant is named Jill L. Burkardt. Can the chan hive avenatti this cunt, famalam?

Oh and fuck leadership. It's an ego trap used by kikes to behead our movement. Leaderless resistance through a digital hivemind is the way forward. Think like a bee, not a snake. There are dozens of chans that we can use. Just visit the encyclopediadramatica.rs chan portal and pick any of them. I use spacechan.xyz or neinchan, but that's just me. Good luck, anons.

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I tell you that some days I could be.

Body + Mind + Soul

Just CRISPR, Space Colonization and Technology.

In two years everything working for what's true, right and good.

All I would charge is a Natalie Dormer

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It's me gramps!

Found the anglo.

God, you fucking anglos are annoying. Your little island has allowed you to sit on the sidelines of European affairs and strike selectively in order to pursue your own interests. You are a nation of effete losers with bad dental genetics. You sympathize with kikes and aid them in preventing the Germans from rightfully destroying the deceitful and subversive races of the world. You literally handed them israel in return for their aid in continuing a retarded war that Germany had already offered to end (charitably).

Fellate a longbow, you pompous faggot.

Bad dental genetics?
I'm offended.

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Imagine being this fucked in the head.

This thread belongs to Jesus Christ

He's not wrong.

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That was my thought. We used to function as one nation, with one goal; each man making decisions for himself and his people before 'individualism' fractured us to pieces.

No Jew, wanking on the net isn't going to save Whites.

Who said anything about wanking on the net?
That was the last thing I was thinking of.

It's funny to me that you are incapable of self reflecting on how your darkness glows.

t. beekeeper

I understand his analogy perfectly. Try and keep up.

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Forget you meds today? You be a lone wolf and shit saving white peoples?

Aren't you cute?

It wouldn't be like that at all. Look at Russia's HIVE tech. That shit is pretty much invincible and it is a distributed network without any leadership that works autonomously towards its goals.

The only recourse is letters, can a leader ever come until there are letters and poets who call him?

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Freedom means friend land.

Kingdom means king land.

when a leader comes out he needs professional protection day one.

remember Rockwell.

also need our own Samson option is these rats try to assassinate him again.

I didn't know that, user. Thank you. Enlightening.

Found the ZOG-faggot.
Britain also did have a brief war with the nascent Kike settler state.
Regardless of what the UK government has done, it makes no difference. Simply even a mass understanding of what constitutes a Nation is an immediate aim in the ideological war against the ZOG.
"America" was founded on anti-nationalism. "America" is a false separatism, pretended to be a different Nation than the people that speak the exact same language as them across the 49th parallel. To believe that thing called "America" is a Nation is to believe Nations ''don't exist at all."
This is the ideological point that revolutionary White Nationalists will continue to hammer home, until the ZOG-faggots are unable to do anything but remain silent.
The National Socialist German Worker's Party marched into that thing called "Austria" (which was ruled by self-described 'fascists') in order to reunite their real Nation. The struggle for the reunification of the English-speaking European Nation will be much, much more arduous, and the principle enemy of our Nation is that thing called "America." "America" has to die so the White Nation can live.

How about some type of council with Mundane Matt at the helm?

So east ZOG faggot again.

Please explain why Assad hasn't marched into Iraq and combine Iraq into Syria, as well as Lebanon.

Please explain why Hitler bothered with a referendum asking Austrian yes or no.

Or why the russians also did the same in East Ukraine.

Sovereignty isn't representative. This inertia, the innui? Relying on somebody else to save or represent you? Leaders don't think that way for a minute. We need leaders, and a Leader.


You say Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are all fake borders right?

And did Hitler and the ruskies use referendum or not? Yes or no.

I style on you faggot, every fucking times.

When was the last thing Hezbollah did anything against Israel after 2016? Hamas is more active than hezbollah.

Modern youtube celebrities are not like jewish hollywood celebrities. They are actually real people not controlled drones. If someone like pewdiepie were to come out as a white nationalist it would sway millions of people almost instantly.



Why was Hitler a bad man?

Because he asked the people of Austria if they want his nation or not?


I know your faggot argument and I destroy them every fucking times.

Go back and suck off Maduro jew cock, faggot.

Notice what this ZOG-faggot is really saying: the German annexation of that thing called "Austria" was illegitimate. He only pretends to think it has any significance because he is virtue-signaling his adherence to ZOG-mocracy, that somehow the reunification of a Nation is a completely illegitimate act, unless an election is able to sanctify it. This is the ZOG-faggot's own logic.
Even the very langauge this ZOG-faggot uses, "want his nation," suggests an inherent Otherness of Austrians to Germans.
The ideological war is here. Right here is your ZOG-faggot that would gladly denounce any violent White Nationalist leader or movement. The point of a forum like this is to expose them, as they can not be converted. Once the youth of the White Nation understands what the 'Right' wing of the ZOG is, they'll tear them to shreds for what they have done to our people.

How was it illegitimate if Hitler has a referendum of it?
Uhm, proof?

I wanna work for the FBI

Notice what the ZOG-faggot is saying: if there was no referendum, it was not legitimate.
And no, bringing up the German city of Danzig has no effective whatsoever on this ZOG-faggot. That there was never any referendum there won't phase any of his pretended beliefs. He will say the National Socialist German Worker's Party thought about doing it. It never happened, but they "thought" about it doing it! Proving to any serious observer that this ZOG-faggot never cared one way or the other to begin with. It's just a game to people like him: how much bullshit can I pull straight from my ass and have people believe it.

Yes, it would, you can't just roll into a country and say it's your.
Hitler offered plan for Poland but Poland did not accept it, thus needing military action.
So it's all a game, but Hitler makes referendum for Austria.

While you are sitting calling him a faggot and faker for doing it.

Who's the faggot now?


even the bait is glowing

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Again, this person doesn't even believe in Nations. If two "countries" go to war against each other, and they are in fact the same Nation, it is a Civil War. Nations can not invade themselves.
This should be obvious to someone who even understood the principles of Nationalism, but ZOG-faggots like this person and conditioned not to ever understand what a Nation even is.
And the Nazis put a bullet in the brain of Dollfuss without asking permission from anyone.
Again, notice how the ZOG-faggot doesn't even care about self-consistency here. It's okay for the Germans to use military force to reunite the German-speaking people of Danzig with the Nation-state, with no referendum, even after the fact (which they could have easily done, but saw no point), but this would be illegitimate in Austria.
"Fascist" Austria had banned the Nazi Party four years prior in 1934, for killing the "Austro Fascist" Dollfuss. So the Nazis had no way to legally attempt reunification of their people there either. But yet this ZOG-faggot continues to insist that it was necessary.
If you were to assume this person is just a schizophrenic boomer, you'd be wrong. They are a self-conscious agent of the ZOG, and will say anything they think could possibly confuse people.

What? Nation can stretch to multiple countries, the fact the danes and norwergian belonging to different nations doesn't mean they could accept each other rule.
You do not understand what nationalism is.
But they do ask for permission first.
The fact it was done via military action and bloodshed means it's not "legitimate", Hitler conquered Poland to make his point.
But does Hitler issue referendum or not, yes or no?
Again with the schizo posting. Please explain to me why hasn't Assad rolled into Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and say they are all Syria.


Sometimes I wonder if this person is actually a bot. Did they just say the German invasion of Poland was illegitimate?

Get a load of this jew. You're not going to get anything done ignoring our Armenian and Portuguese brothers and sisters. Be sure and unite under one symbol, there are variations for every type of European.

I sure hope not.

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Uh, yeah? The fact it's an invasion in the first place means it's not legitimate.
Please explain then?

If I follow you correctly, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are fake countries right? Why doesn't Assad just roll into Iraq and say it's Syria. You say it will work right?

Don't engage it any further. Its a disruption shill who does this routinely.

I retract this comment, since reading up upon the material.

It seems the poles literally didn't accept any negotiation that Hitler made for them:
"it was his painful duty to draw attention to the fact that any further pursuance of these German plans, especially where the return of Danzig to the Reich was concerned, meant war with Poland.”[10]

In short, Poland intentionally forced Germany's hands by deliberating NOT accept negotiation, which ends this in bloodshed.

But it doesn't change the fact that you cannot just declare countries as fake then roll in and declare it as your own, Hitler certainly didn't think so.

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Decentralization is exactly what keeps the spirit alive you nigger. Every public centralized natsoc or natsoc-adjacent movement in modern history has been a honeypot or subverted. See Generation Identity

Watch Denmark in 15 years

kek based and schlomopilled

The biggest problem the natsoc ideology is facing today is the complete lack of basic unalterable tenets, which is exactly why kikes and glow niggers are constantly attacking it as a fracture point. And when somebody finally man's up and does something like Tarrant or Breivik you get retards on this very board who will try to convince you it was all fake. Pathetic.

Good thing no one trust these glowniggers who say everything fake.

Leaders are a kike meme.
We aren't the over ruling class, we're the serfs. Show me one historical figure that isn't connected to the oligarchy

We already have a leader

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Tucker Carlson you faggits

Why can't you assholes just take a lesson from the lefties?? I'll entitle this lesson, "The Two kinds of Marxism:"

The first kind of Marxism is practiced by unbelievably autistic and ridiculous people who stand on the street corner passing out flyers and seeking donations for their local "communist club." Some of them display the hammer and sickle on their clothes and flyers. Others have a picture of Mao on their tshirts. And others wear hats and coats from various communist regimes. If you talk to them, they will give you an earful about the "proleteriat," the "bourgeoisie," "class consciousness," etc… They also don't have two nickles to rub together, and aren't taken seriously anybody anyone…

But the SECOND kind of Marxism is actually the new religion of the Western world. Under its umbrella of "social justice" are many powerful and flourishing sub-movements – like Feminsim, the LGBT movement, anti-racism, etc… Because they were able to drop their autistic insistence slogans, symbols and terminology from the fucking 1940s, and rebrand themselves… they literally took over the whole fucking world.

And my question is, why do you fucking retards just REFUSE to do the same?? You're exactly like that first bunch of idiots (to the tee). You insist on Hitler, and the Swastika. And nobody is ever going to give you the fucking time of day with that shit. Why do refuse to baptize this movement in totally NEW language, and imbue it with NEW Symbols… instead of dragging this fucking ball and chain around on your ankles?

National socialism (with all of its symbolism) was a custom-tailored solution for 1930s Germany, with all of its unique particularities. And theres no way you're ever going to resurrect it, slogan for slogan, and symbol for symbol, in 2019. Stop with this fucking autism already and start thinking of how to carry the exact objectives of national socialism forward in terms people will actually respond to.

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Oh God, please don't let Europeans think that following someone like pewdiepie is a 'good idea'