A new report claims that at least hundreds of law enforcement officers of the past and present are members of Facebook groups that celebrate anti-Semitism, racism, sexism that encourage hate.
Hundreds of cops are found to be members of racist and anti-semite Facebook groups
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1. Is this based?
2. Is this redpilled?
Every officer fired, is a chance for another Brenton Tarrant.
I hope those rabidly anti-police anons consider this. It's true the police have to act against white nationalists because they're ordered to and have no choice. But they more than most know what really goes on in terms of black on white crime and how the elite abuse their power are very red pilled. No revolution has ever succeeded without having people on the inside and we've definitely got plenty in the police who share our beliefs. Better that they keep their jobs than live in a basement playing computer games all day.
I'd wager a large percentage of "security" for elites/wealthy etc. would also turn on them when the happening starts.
Not for long, retard. This is basically proof of a serious attempt to end that entirely. Remember when your school teachers would tell the people with red families, "The government would never fire on you, it would rise up to attack the tyrants instead", who do you think gave them that idea, and why?
There are a million police officers in america and hundreds of them were found to be racist. Wow. If pigs had any self-respect, they would have left the force long ago.
What bullshit, these "groups" are just algorithims spitting out boomer macros like "Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve". SPLC witch hunts, they have jackshit on anybody.
No. Becoming a deputy is actually the best route to take for those of you in white country with ambition to help your community, but not the means.
Parsing error. :/
Oath Keepers are "violent and anti government" now?
The lies of the media…
This is the entire basis for their "anti-Semitism"
So a cop was a member of a Confederate Faceberg group where somebody else named the jew.
Out of the badge-niggers they investigated, I wonder how many of them were in departments with ADL liaisons, and how many took trips to Kikestan for "counter-terrorism" training?
Distribution matters in this case. If these hundreds of officers are all in rural areas, that means their positive influence is more relevant, and they are not as likely to have dirtied their hands with zog behavior. If they are dissolved into large metropolitan areas, then they are responsible along with the other mercenaries they work with.
Being on faceberg.
These "groups" all sound boomer-tier
I shit you not that I went by a park last year that was having a military celebration/outing in it and it looked like a advertisement for the United Colors of Benetton. There is not way that 'baste government officials in any capacity are on our side'. That is like saying crypto jews are 'on our side' or, fuck it, that real jews are 'on our side'. So baste.
How do all these people even pass the psych tests to become cops or prison guards? I'm not that stupid, yet I've even failed one to be a immigration officer.
They all must be some excellent liars.
They probably weeded you out, not for IQ user, but because you are ethical.
Don't you know those fucking tests WANT you to be sociopath?
I feel like a tin foil thinking like that, although i have zero mental problems, and for the immigration officer position i got told by HR / Recruitment i was a perfect person for the position and my interview / resume was excellent… as soon as i completed psych test online that took about 1.5 hours i got told i failed 1 week later.
I had a deep feeling i actually did excellent on it, and didn't find it difficult at all and noticed when it tried twisting words around so my answers were all the same and consistent.
Hate is an emotion. All emotions are instinctual. Men cannot create nor abide by laws enacted to regulate instinctual behavior.
Any tips on turning DACA into either permanent residence or citizenship?
Don't know, didn't get the job.
Fuck off, filthy spicnigger.
You'll never be Aryan.
Gee its almost like capable men don't like being stuck with incapable apes and weak women. Why would that be?
Is this real, or is it just memetic warfare from the left trying to paint all cops as "pigs" as part of the ANTIFA/ Black Lives Matter movement to disband the police?
The Jews have hated the fact that the cops were a standing army of militarized whites for decades and have been trying to use affirmative action to get the force BLACKED and filled with cunts and trannies. Lately they have been using ANTIFA/BLM and other anti-cop groups to remove their military training and weapons.
The got a (((snitch))) for the cops in my area to out a private Kikebook group for cops that was fill of "racism" and "antisemitism" that was used to force "inclusivity training" on the cops and increase the budget for "diversity hiring" (aka signing on unqualified niggers). The only problem is if you actually dug into the story at all and looked up the names of the "racist" cops who got reprimanded almost every single one was a nigger or a spic.
Jews forced the police to take shitty non-white candidates. Jews infiltrate the private police organizations so they can rat out anyone who doesn't love the New Jew Order of cuddling criminals instead of punishing them. Jews use the bad behavior of the shitty non-white candidates to attack White cops and demand more money for hiring more shitty non-white cops.
You were too qualified, user. They don't want you because you would have liked your job and would have been good at it. I presented an intuitive hiring system to over 100 police departments and they all told me it wouldn't work because… wait for it… the system could not decipher the race or gender of the applicant.
This may have been part of your problem. These tests are designed to intentionally weed out anyone who they think will be too intelligent or independent for the job. These organizations, like the military, want employees to be mindless drones who follow orders without thinking about them too much. Your job on the front lines is to execute commands, not to question whether those commands are just or not. If they feel like you show too much initiative or are too educated/independent they will red flag your application.
Further, they expect applicants to be dumb and answer questions quickly and without thinking about them. If there is ZERO inconsistency in your answers then they either assume you are cheating or are too intelligent for the job.
Don't worry about being unemployable because of your skin color. Just vote YANG2020 and collect your neetbux while you watch the world burn.
Fuck Chinks. Go back to Chinktopia and work on your Social Credit score fag
Fuck that commie shitbag bug person.
Sounds bull
Right from the jew rat's mouth.
Eat shit, bug.
You have a long way to go, fren. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
stick around and see how bad things really get.
Good. I look forward to when the (((report))) about the racism and antisemitism among Feds come out too.
From a chosen peoples' perspective, such zogbots are nothing but useful idiots to us.
Mazel Tov!
Oath keeper is kosher. Search them and their support for israel.
That picture is fake.
It's jews applying anti-semitism to goatfuckers so the good goy always have anti-semitism fresh in their head for when it comes to mentioning pissrael etc.
So? They'll still profile you if you participate in wrongthink and somehow slap a hate-crime charge on you even if you defend yourself from a horde of non-whites.
Hey bro. In history, the total number of times when cops really sided with the plebe when guns were out of their holsters is about close to zlitch.
If you're still in the police, you're still working for the enemy. There are plenty of simple jobs any cop could secure in white areas that don't involve selling your soul to ZOG.
Two George Carlin quotes come to mind:
1) In any group there's a few winners and a whole lot of losers
2) [in the event of a total system collapse , such as electricity going bye bye en masse] the police will probably go home and protect their families — altho to this end you could definitely see why they might wanna stick with "the combine"
We need to fix the system so our brothers south the border can help us here.
No they will be busy confiscating guns from whites like they did in Katrina.
There's no bigger recruiter to the cause of anti-semitism than the jew himself.
There are going to be riots up the ass when the electricity goes off for more than a few hours and isn't immediately restored afterwards. No way they're going to have manpower for it. Lots of cops are white and own guns at home too.
This is what the patch on his shoulder looks like to me. The vest looks to be a soft kevlar type of armor, good for pistols and some are easier to wear under clothes, but not much else.
Fuck, posted in wrong thread.
wtf i love cops now
What thread did you mean to post in?
guys a bullet just flew over my house
Everyone's violent except the kikes piling up the corpses of the entire rest of the world. They're nonviolent pure perfect little victims goy.
Over 1 billion dead by my count user.
Oath Keepers are in favor of the Constitution, in that way they'd be even more "government" than the actual Government. Further that group is full of Israel shills and often hold training seminars governed by literal Israeli military personal.
I'd like to see one of those posts.
Yeah its called jews.
why else are they hiring women and minorities (leftists) in the police and military? when shit hits the fan, police and military will fall right and leftists won't have a chance unless they have police and military training
Nigger, please.
Foolish fools, all the pills are red.
American police will reject you if you do well on the tests. It's designed to select stupid people because stupid people make better golem.
Is this surprising? Read Tarrant's manifesto you'll find he found out most law enforcement around the world are sympathetic to Zig Forums.
There's no way he could know that, it was likely said to accelerate. Either they affirm it or they deny it and alienate those who do support it, but they stop cooperating and purify.
Good excuse to fill up the ranks with lefties.
Based LEOs.
I think people should stop posting here. If Zig Forums mods are going to allow this kind of discussion where police officers are referenced by name and connected to this site, it will end with this whole place being shut down. My 2c.
In Weimar Germany you could check into a hotel and order a 12yr old child to your room for sex.
We are creeping closer, but more pressure has to be applied yet.
Taking all our ability to communicate will only help the cause.
Those positions require you to be a mindless drone. The last people they hire are independent thinkers. You were weeded out because you are not material for that job.
These cops support the same ideas that we all do, but they'd be the first ones to violate your 1st A right to exercise your beliefs and throw you in jail for standing up against the same system they believe in.
Yep, they are all tough and big guys behind their badge and gun - take those away and they are pussies and there nothing worse than a pussy with a gun.
Fuck cops.
If you work for the police you are working for the enemy goy, stop infiltrating our… I mean their institutions. It's best to just keep posting Hitler memes on the internet.
cops are still not our friends, they work for ZOG and antifa.
You're getting a bunch of low IQ answers here. If the psych test is the MMPI, it's very hard to fool. It would take understanding of the test's principles and lengthy study and preparation.
Each question on the test impacts multiple scales, including lie scales, all based on empirical data.
So if they ask, "would you rather play baseball or knit a sweater", the obvious impact is the masculine-feminine scale, but there could be a huge hidden correlation with sociopathy or lie scales.
BTW veteran cops score badly (outside the norm) on these tests because the job changes people.
If you dig hard enough you can find an old MMPI complete with scale coefficients somewhere - I think it's a FORTRAN program.
It's almost like some cops are actual people and not brainwashed goyim soldiers
I'm so tired of faggots against hate. Hate is one of the most useful emotions. Suppressing it is like spiritually castrating yourself. Wtf is the argument against hate except "I'm mentally a child and mean words hurt my fee fees"??
About the story, if they discovered that there were thousands of such cops, they would still report it as "at least hundreds", because a higher number might be misconstrued as a bandwagon for people to jump on. They have to downplay it.
these police look like criminal homofags
Nice try, pig.
Tbh i hate cops
And the millitary
But half of them are just as pissed if not more pissed off than i am about the state of america and that makes me lul
Imagine the elite trying to quell half the fucking enforcers of their bullshit turning on them
Keep on pushing more people towards us, kikes I don't mind at fucking all.
Hate is the natural response against things that threaten or are incompatible with that which you love.
Cops don't like putting the umpteenth coat of Rustoleum on the patio furniture carelessly left outdoors over the winter either.
Half want to save the world, half are sociopathic diversity hires who want a pension and chance to be the bully.
Imagine my shock that fucking pigs are promoting White Genocide. DOTR will happen, and many of those hanging are going to be wondering how the fuck they also got there.
Btw I read this wrong. My bad, I read the title and made a bad assumption.
Lol fucking based
There is nothing wrong with our constitutional form of goverment. It is, in fact, the best system for a large nation of primarily white, mostly british descended, more or less christian (at least in values if not actual literal belief) people. Listen to GLR. He figured it out. American Nat Soc, under our present constitution (minus perhaps the civil rights amendment), freely elected, and able to be voted out, would be the ideal. Our problem is what it has always been since 1960 or so…. jews, and uppity niggers agitated by those jews.
The groups that are getting them investigated and fired are just creating new warriors for when the storm does come
I am still in this camp of belief. I suspect we got jew'd earlier on than any of us realized and got comp'd by bavarian kikes and the khazarian mafia possibly even at or before the US's very inception. The legal attack on us by 1871 already had some serious coordination by that time which was after the civil war. A war where jews got to carpetbag huge swath of land and assets, and before that jews were the ones shipping slaves to the colonies and getting rich as fuck.
We actually need anti-semitic laws to protect this nation from these fucking criminals simply because of the level of sophistication and ways they operate such as the central banks. No one knew the threat then. We have a damn good idea now.
Proximity to niggers creates racists.
I've experienced it myself.
this user gets it