Ive found a genius way to make that meme ours. The enemy is literally giving us the solution to white genocide which is to have sex and make more white babies! Seriously start a family and have 5+ kids and we can win this war peacefully and not die in a useless race war. In addition, we can make posters like: Have Sex! Make white babies" or "have white families" something like that. This is using the enemies own memes against them and they will feel pretty stupid once they find out. Operation Lebonsborn needs to commence in order to retake this planet so start contributing and posting posters in your area. This will be "its ok to be white" 2.0 and a humiliation for the leftists fools.
How to subvert the "have sex" meme
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It's called reporting the people who say it because they're paid to post here.
i agree but its also an opportunity to learn from them. They are unwittingly helping us. Make them feel stupid and demoralized. They will stop once this operation is in full swing. Acta non verba
Best way is to ignore it.
The have sex meme is brilliant though for harassing fags on /v/ or /b/. Theres nothing they can say thats a come back.
Was this meme created by a jew? jews can meme too as they have created "Nazi" and "conspiracy theorist" which are lame memes. The notion of using their own memes to further our cause should not be ignored. This is called being tactful.
What? It's just an unspecific ad hom with nothing clever to it, the immediate "come back" is another unspecific ad hom.
The age old "no u" is the only thing that has no proper comeback because it recognizes it's own retardation.
What the hell is wrong with you for posting a low-res picture like that? Learn to use a computer, nigger.
just say "and make white babies" as a comeback. This will destroy them lol
bigger res one
i wrote this as a reply that i could not post because the thread died, so sorry if the fact that it is written towards someone else is a tad jarring
no, they have to dilate for the rest of their lives, that hole that call "vagina" is an open wound that is constantly attempting to heal and to keep the wound open they have to shove a dildo for 2-2 and a half hours per DAY
dilate also serves as a counter to the "have sex" """""rebuttal""""" due to the nature of both phrases, let me explain, both of them work on a principal which is: desire for something that you can't have, have sex implies that the person that the phrase is said to craves sexual relief with a partner but cannot have it for a number of reasons(personality, being fat and/or ugly, having an opinion which deviates from the accepted norm in the normie-sphere, being any of -ist, deviating from the ideas that are being pushed by marxist academia(bit of a side note, it is quite sad the amount of people that are non metaphorically economically indebted to marxism and/or feminism due to spending they student years on those """"fields"""", and to be able to spend that time they had to take a hefty loan, that is just sad), etc…) and the denied desire that dilate evokes is: being a real girl, for no mater how much dilation pain you endure deep down you know that your life is a face, every interaction in which you are addressed as a girl is people humoring you in your quest of play pretend, but ultimately in the end that which you knew in the back of your mind resurfaces, that pesky plain truth: you are not a girl, and statistics ensue.
Christ this is stupid. Unless you address the economic factors surrounding fertility in the west nothing is going to happen.
why do you think that the moderators will do anything to the paid shills?
try actually having sex, incels
i see ppl or idiots all the time saying to start making white babies, are they wrong too then?
go dilate, tranny.
Good for them but I don't see anecdotes as indicative of larger trends.
"Parents got a "clothes package" for each baby so that "no child in Vienna has to be wrapped in a newspaper." Kindergartens, afternoon homes and children's spas were opened to enable mothers to return to their jobs and get children off the streets. Medical services were provided free of charge. Vacation grounds, recreational holidays, public baths and spas and sports facilities were offered to enhance fitness. As Julius Tandler, city councillor for social and health services, put it: “What we spend for youth homes we will save on prisons. What we spend for the care of pregnant women and babies we will save in hospitals for mental illnesses.” Municipal expenditure for social services was tripled in comparison to pre-war efforts. Infant mortality dropped below the Austrian average, while cases of tuberculosis dropped by 50%. Affordable tariffs for gas and electricity and for refuse collection, all run by the municipality, helped to improve health standards."
Something like this is what we need.
getting married with modern laws is suicide.
thats not the point, its to hijack leftists memes and use it as our own propaganda.
Unironically if every single Zig Forumsak managed to magically have 5 kids each. The child support alone would crush what little remains of the system.
Wtf are you talking about? What “have sex” meme. Or are you just talking about (((free love)))
you living under a rock boomer?
Women’s rights isn’t economic retard.
Is it incels? I gave up social media a long time ago, so if it wasn’t posted here or (((YouTube))) I won’t have seen it.
How did the north western marriage pattern come to exist in the 1500s then?
Boomers met girls in real life and got laid and made babies You nazi fags shitpost for the Jews all day.
thanks for introducing feminism too fagt
This user gets it right
Since it's used in a strictly partisan way, and only on boards known to be raided by /trannypol/ discords, it's clear who is spamming it, so just respond with 'dilate' and nothing else. The one thing that shuts those trannies up and sets them to instant shut-it-down mode is when you start bringing up dilation. It's a subject that shatters all their self-delusions immediately for multiple reasons.
Stay out of politics, boomer. Your e-illiteracy effectively makes you a kid and this place is for grown-ups only.
Don't be offended by it for starters, but retort "get STIs"
I'm going to start using it instead of "bump".
The tactic if the sex degeneracy is to create a situation where men and women cannot find a partner to get married.
Oy vey, who was the stupid goym that put the light green dot so far up. Lies lies!
It would be nice to have different religious dots for the same country too
Contributing OC
I've seen some shit logic on here over the years, this ranks right up there with the best of them. You're obviously a low IQ newfag because you still believe peace is possible. It's not. And the logistics of raising 5+ kids to not be trailer trash poor is a little more complicated than "have sex".
Wait for the happening to start, purge everything nonwhite + leftists. Rebuild a white nation. That's how it's going to play out.
Whatcha sliding moshe?
have sex.
The have sex "meme" doesn't need subverting, it's a shittyass dumb "muh dik" statement that only reveals their base and retarded mentality and makes anyone saying it come across like std-riddled roasties. Which they probably are
Yeah, keep making this spam thread.
have sex.
Unironically have sex
The response is Just did or I have. If you want to get cheeky say "i did with your mother"
This is pure >>>/reddit/ material, OP. Good job.
No the best way is to have sex. Reproductive sex.
Have sex
not going to work. im guessing this OP is very very new here.
Not into underaged girls, and where I am at they are almost all Jews or Mestizo.
sex is drugs
It wasnt meant literally you aut.. i mean anons. it was meant to sabotage the shills meme and us it against them. It couldve been the next "fake news" meme but close minded shills will kill it.
It's an anonymous board. You're probably also in the Taylor Swift thread calling her a tranny because you have a Mestizo fetish.
It was created by /asp/ to troll newfags and redditors. It's one of the five Nashisms (kwab). It took off specifically, because it works complete losers into a seething shoot. Discord trannies then stole it, as leftists tend to do, and spammed it all over the place.
really? do you have proof?
Remember when the concept of a forced meme was taboo?
Going to smarten you up. That image is from 2017, and Nashisms (kwab) were around since 2016 or so. The "have sex" meme didn't take off until Captain Marvel, which was just said discord trannies farming for (You)s. SEETHING is another
I strongly doubt it's jewish or CIA psyops, just a dumb response to make people angry.
Get laid has been an insult since the 80s
It would be more like being an adult and not noticing nor caring. I never had any problem with women not wanting me ever since I was a lad. I'm not advocating going for thots though–just that the idea that someone would be unable to have sex is just such a ridiculous joke that I can't possibly take it seriously. It's obviously just designed to rile up losers though.
fuck off
we subvert organically, not through thought out plans
we absorb, assimilate, then creative genius comes out of user and memes itself up
we are wakanda, nor technocracy
we are shamans not jews
yeah your idea sucks but i may be wrong, see if it catches on
What's there to subvert? It's forced garbage.
i'm not sure, it's good enough to get a momentum on its own
it did feel forced int he beginning yeah but it's pretty brilliant as a meme and after a while it felt organic
i can use it myself, it's a great meme
is this a cuckchan meme? i literally cant find any examples of what OP is talking about
>"and gas the kikes"
based and whitepilled
I get the "have sex" tactic.
>shame men for not being manly white women implicitly understand the man carves himself from the marble, jews do not
>lowered testosterone from settling down and having kids and getting stuck waging for ZOG homesteading is a real thing not every man who has kids bloats and becomes a couch nigger
This is good though. Conquer women and conquer the home front.