Read SIEGE already And tell any dumb niggers who think we're voting our way out of this to read it too. I realize that some anons here are already beyond-SIEGE in the scale of redpilling, but this board is full of bluepilled newfaggots these days.
The screencaps you chose to make this thread with, "the good guys lost WW2, Jews are the synagogue of Satan that presents itself as authority rather than the enemy it truly is, society and culture must be reset if the white race stands any chance" et cetera, are all things most people here already know to be true. Ergo, rather than just redtexting like some attention-whoring nigger and using >inb4 strawmen, tell us a little more about the book – what worthwhile information is there?
demonstrably false none of those are strawmen It's 500 pages long, read the contents pages
Brayden Watson
Nope, nobody's going to debate you over this pedo.
Joseph Walker
Nice samefag. Looks like is on the list of ridiculous shill accusations now too.
Christopher Rodriguez
In my entire time on this board, I have yet to encounter a single person who claims the Allies' victory and Germany's subsequent destruction were at all good things, that Jews are ever honest about their intentions (except MAYBE when they tip their hand out of arrogance), and that this degenerate society we live in is at all worth conserving. If it's demonstrable, I'd like a demonstration. Maybe I used too strong of a word, but what I mean is pretending to know the argument of anyone who comes into the thread makes you come off as insecure and pretentious, especially when your only counterargument to those assumed arguments is "shut up and do as I say (in this case, read the book)". It's why Take A Walk gets shilled to death every time it comes up on the catalog.
But your point about contents pages is a fair one. I'll check it out.
Brody Butler
This faggot fell full force for the (((femikike))) brainwashing.
Jayden Gray
Based Retarded adhom attacks doesn't attack the ideas the book propose. I myself think james mason is a boomer especially right now but siege itself still proposes great ideas that need to be taken into.
My problem, and most other people who complain about AWD ans siegefags, isn't with Siege, but the "siege culture" shit. Propaanda posters that say shit like "kill your local drug dealer" and that support North Korea make siegefags look like edgelords. Also, I don't believe that we're voting ourselves out of our situation, but the belief that NS can prevail in America without using some form of politics is silly Guerrilla warfare requires local grassroots support, which we don't have, not to mention that the number of militant NatSocs in the USA is in the thousands at best, not nearly enough to pull an armed insurrection.
Idk why the feds are always discouraging reading Siege. Read it. Its not even that Satanic and what would be the other option? Praying to a half roman jewish bastard on a cross?
Adam Barnes
Don't ad hominem but don't take the bait. Just sage.
Asher Mitchell
Kill yourself and stream it yid.
Asher Brown
Siege is not satanic and anyone who says otherwise hasn't read it yet or is a literal kike shill. My favorite chapter is the Lone Wolves chapter. That's just personal to me. The stuff about Manson is good too. Really gets your gears turning as to why he is portrayed as merely a murderous cult leader instead of a NatSoc pioneer. He was literally eradicating kikes.
Andrew Morris
Ryder Gutierrez
fuck off
Their was no proof say said the same shit about wako and did the same thing to that one siege (saying he had child porn with out proof and having him put in jail)
hello pedo fag can you give me you phone number address also can you tell me the town/city you live in?
Brody Lopez
The comforting thought is that all the self-righteous moralist faggots who naysay Siege (because they wanna feed their fragile, egotistic online personas that sadly overrides the priority of racial victory) will either be utterly wiped out or finally come around when their backs are against the wall when shit really hits the fan.
We can not vote ourself our of white genocide. Voting can slow down the process and open up the overtone window in certain directions. BUT DO NOT RELY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ON VOTING
Only massive and determined action can stop the white genocide. Fanatical resistance against their mad hatred is the key.
"The true guerrilla is never beaten. He will never negotiate away his freedom. He will never compromise his ideals. He will never surrender. "History offers many examples of far larger and better equipped armies that were finally defeated by guerrillas. They can fight on for years, even generations. Guerrilla bands can fight in the cities, country, forests, swamps, deserts or mountains. They are everywhere and yet nowhere. They strike without warning and vanish without a trace. They take away with them the arms, food and ammunition they will need to fight again another day. "The guerrilla is a grim fighter and a terrible foe. "His strength is in his heart - in his love for his Race - in his hatred for the enemy." -Anonymous
He must despise the opinions of others, and be prepared for death and torture at any time.
It means this: they're not going to let us do it. It means that we're going to have to do it in spite of them. Over their dead bodies.
Those who disagree totally would also believe we can win through the electorate, with the consent of the masses. Those who partially agree, I suppose, imagine we will have to fight a "partial" revolution.
It has even been predicted that they would go as far as to use H-Bombs against any large strongholds and I wouldn't doubt it a bit consider - ing the stakes. It'll be a real fight but it won't be a fair fight. Matters of survival seldom are.
It was reported that the KKK members were arrested with automatic weapons, about to embark by boat from New Orleans . Why did this happen? Why should ten men with automatic weapons about to leave the United States by boat be arrested? How could they be arrested unless they themselves decided in their own minds to let themselves be arrested? Instead of the end of a Right Wing mission.
This final level of struggle shall be when the so-called 'capture parties' sent by Big Brother go out but don't come back.
We are the first to realize that no popular revolt can be contemplated at this time as the only thing "popular" at the moment is further pleasure and more diversion among the quivering masses.
Our enemies are VILE and only appear "legitimate" because of the power that comes with money. We state here and now that we shall SMASH THEM and, furthermore, that they are HELPLESS TO PREVENT IT! The road may be long and rocky but the moment will arrive and both our will and our striking blows shall be irresistible.
As far as any real revolution is concerned, one can only come from us.
So forget about someone else's revolution. There's not going to be one unless WE make it!
David Davis
The only reason we still have a fighting chance is because the Enemy has not yet had the time to fully realize the keystone tenet of his program and philosophy: the complete bastardization of all races of man into a single, brown mass, devoid of all identity. Except for a mere time factor the Jewish Enemy has won totally and outright. It's no longer a contest in the United States ; it's a matter of REVOLUTION, a struggle to overthrow the Enemy and for survival as a race. We stand at rock bottom and if you seek the reason then look no further than those fools trudging along in the ways of the dead past.
If a good cause were enough, we'd have won a long time ago. But it isn't enough. One of life's more harsh realities is that in this dirty struggle the ultimate prize will go to he who is the dirtiest.
The Jew remains a Jew but without a corrupt, inept, and decadent ruling establishment, he has nowhere to peddle his goods. A healthy state will expel - or kill - the Jew; a decadent one will take him to its bosom. The Jew corrupts the nation. He buys his way into opinion-forming and taste-making media, feeds the gullible masses his poisonous, liberal garbage; this in turn gets sounded back onto gutless opportunistic politicians in the "democratic process"; finally the very fabric of the nation is a tangle of perverted legislated Talmudic euphemisms. This is how an originally Puritan state becomes Sodom inside fifty years.
It has historically been the task of each revolution to destroy that which is unclean. That accomplished, nature and man can once again assume their proper course upward.
Let us instead fully enjoin the concept of the One-Man Army and bring the struggle to the Enemy. Wherever you may be at this moment, let the revolution be there also. Spread a little revolution wherever you go!
First, never ever announce your plans in any manner whatsoever. Second, forget about the use of uniforms unless, and until, you have a standing army of your own numbering fifty as a flat minimum. (From experience, I know that with fifty National Socialists, one can do anything, anywhere, anytime.)
Lead comrades to know to stop hitting the Enemy where he laughs and start hitting him where he SCREAMS!
The enemy today is the ultimate WORLD ENEMY.
We are out to remove all trace of an alien presence wherever the White Race is found.
No matter how one cuts it, there are but three steps which must be followed toward revolution - successful revolution. These are RESIST, REVOLT and RULE. In the first, one finds oneself disillusioned, alienated; then becoming more aware and intelligent of his circumstances, he enters the Movement and perhaps becomes further alienated, but - if he has the stuff within him - he becomes hardened and agile; he gains instinct; and he begins the course of "educate, agitate, and organize". In the second step he has learned that he must strike quickly, hard, and decisively; he takes care to see that there can be no turning back compromise has long since been discarded; he has in the forefront of his thoughts the awareness that only the most determined and the most radical can hope to master the situation ultimately. In the final step, he harbors no regrets; he puts and end to his opposition; he sees that the drastic measures called for will, for a time, result in a more simplistic society but one vastly more just and healthy than before; he joyfully accepts the task he establishes the New Order.
William Cruz
The masses, or the "mass" as a whole, can only be looked upon as a coward. They say a brave man dies but one death whereas the coward dies a thousand times inside.
Priorities Now, Perfection Later.
Lenin said that you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. It means that we have to do what we have to do and by any means necessary.
e will LIVE. We will out-live the System. And, should we individually not make it all the way, then we will not have been cheated for we will have had our share. Living within the Beast System as a revolutionary, day-to- day, is the REAL emergency and it calls for emergency measures to be taken on a ROUTINE BASIS. To be able to exist thus is the victory!
Kids brutalized and intimidated on a daily basis, year in and year out, because of savages they are forced into school buildings with because of government policy - is that not terrorism? Millions of White workers struggling against losing odds with taxes and inflation, facing loss of homes and all forms of security, oftentimes wondering where food is going to come from or where the winter heat will come from because of the official Jewish-Capitalist economy and the Mafia-style Internal Revenue Service - is this not terrorism?
Terrorism is a two-way street for, as Hitler stated, the only answer to terrorism is stronger terrorism. We do face a naked tyranny here in the United States and it is employing terrorism to, first, wipe out the Whites as a majority force and, ultimately, to wipe them out as a race altogether. The System knows and we know that we are left no choice whatsoever. It is fight or die.
Seems as though all our REAL National Socialist leaders die in battle before they get the chance to atrophy thus.
What they fear most is total disorder which they can't control. That which they can't monitor or control doesn't serve their interests. It's been said that we don't want to rock the boat, we want to sink it,' When we succeed in blowing the bottom right out, we're going to have to hurry topside, over the rail, and swim for life, leaving the rats to drown with the ship.
A winning, successful course of action not dependent upon a central organization or a major leader figure.
Loose talk and stupidity are another. But they both lead to the same, disastrous result. And they both are defeated the same way: don't conspire; don't talk! In effect it's only illegal to get caught, only illegal to trip up. You don't NEED to ever enter into a conspiracy! You don't NEED to ever deal with persons who might later let loose with fatal talk! We must have acts of revolution, the sooner the better, the more the merrier. But these are all of a nature that they can and MUST be carried out by INDIVIDUALS and that removes all requirement for talk, the possibility of "conspiracy", and the danger of a leak! The lone wolf cannot be detected, cannot be prevented, and seldom can be traced.
But it is necessary that NSLF begin again its program of systematic infiltration of the Reds, the unions, local Democrat and Republican cells, etc. (even the local NAACP… you need not be colored to join). We do have need of privileged information and will have greater need in the future. For his training the lone wolf needs only the U.S. military or any one of a hundred good manuals readily available through radical booksellers or online.
If you can't do it, leave it alone. Forget it! Don't try and talk someone else into doing it and ESPECIALLY don't hear of anyone else trying to talk YOU into anything. Don't talk, period!
Zachary Garcia
Adolf Hitler told his troops, "Close your hearts to pity". It is part of the White Man's makeup to forget, to know pity… it is found in no other race. And this trait has cost us plenty over the centuries because we have let so many enemies get away.
Hitler was not the bad guy he is made out to be. Had he been, the British Army at Dunkirk would have been annihilated; every Jew in Europe WOULD have been killed.
The real White Americans who are left (and there are many) HATE the very sight of race-mixing even though they scarcely understand the larger, genetic meaning of it. They HATE those of their own race who are involved in it.
The larger "clean-up" phase during and after the civil war, which even then will be raging, is a different matter. As most of you have long ago noticed, a lot of the most rabid, sneering miscegenators are blond, blue-eyed doll babies. If you can't close your heart to pity, if you couldn't blast the head off of one or a thousand of these types, then you had better bow out right now.
We must swear an oath to ourselves now - while we're down, while things are tough, while the Enemy is in full power, while the vile race- mixers daily promenade openly in public protected by this evil System, now while it is easy to HATE - that for the United States there will be no need for concentration camps of any kind, for not a single transgressor will survive long enough to make it to that kind of haven.
We must become acutely aware at all times of the most minute details around us, overlooking nothing, taking nothing for granted. We must rigidly discipline ourselves to never, ever, breathe a word about anything illegal to anyone, anytime - past, present, or future. DONT TALK! DEFEAT UNCLE TOM! DEFEAT BIG BROTHER!
If you are working with others, under whatever pretenses, it is a serious mistake to assume they will be able to think things through and make all the right moves under a sudden and stressful situation - such as a police attack - with no preparation. The only best way to prepare for such an event - which you may safely assume WILL occur sooner or later - is by BRIEFING YOUR PEOPLE in advance of any contingency.
It is here where SUPREME SELF-DISCIPLINE is demanded.
Unless you are a publicity hound or an exposure freak, it shouldn't prove too hard at all to leave an icy cold trail. The point being that you can do a hell of a lot more in anonymity by way of things which COUNT, than you could ever hope to do under any kind of official, or semi-official, scrutiny.
Don't attract needless attention.
There is a clear path to survival just as there is a clear path to victory. Both involve being in touch with reality and in taking action, in going FORWARD.
At present the worst enemies of a revolution happening in America are: the unbroken sway of the System's thought-control, i.e. the mass media; and the continued existence of this economy, as agonizing as it is protracted (and miraculous). In short, the System survives and functions so people are not allowed to think, to know.
One of the areas is that of the overtly illegal, violent attacks against the System. "Hit and run", so to speak. Wouldn't it make better sense to turn that concept around to "run and hit"? It only means that you should first drop out of sight, go underground, and stay that way for however long is required for you to learn to exist comfortably at it. At that point you can go ahead and do - and probably get away with - any damned thing you'd choose to pull. Striking in hot passion and then running blindly is no more than glorified suicide.
Talk of weapons aside, this has to do with shooting the enemy. You don't need an arsenal for that. All you need is a zip gun and, most of all, the BALLS to use it. As I said earlier, if you're thinking about going on the war path in the literal sense, you'd better take the time and planning to quietly drop underground first. Get yourself as comfortable and secure as you can and only then start taking your actions against the System. Your chances of success and survival will go way up as opposed to those who shoot first and try to think afterward.
Matthew Peterson
"He who wants to live must fight, therefore he who does not want to live in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve to be alive." -Adolf Hitler
Just as the Aryan Race is the highest order of being yet produced by nature on this planet, so too is National Socialism the highest, most sophisticated, and advanced creed yet formulated by the White Man for his own betterment. Nothing more than that today exists, nothing more is required. It represents all of our needs.
Our march toward revolution will not be blocked by any rules of the Establishment and our revolutionary New Order will be absolutely free of any trace whatsoever of the old.
All branches of the White Race have great cause to be proud of their own heritage… so long as that great heritage is made known to them.
We - thanks to Adolf Hitler and his great German compatriots - also have our rites, rituals, and holy days on the calendar and I expect they'll not change. Hitler and his movement in Germany have given us traditions, martyrs to honor, and great battles to commemorate, but it does not mean that we should try to live in the past or be that which we are not.
Will my action this day, this moment, advance or retard the good of the Race?
As opposed to Christianity, our Viking ancestors believed in luck. They also knew that one made one's luck by living and acting HONORABLY, WISELY AND PRUDENTLY.
Hitler was clear in Mein Kampf just as he was clear in "Triumph of the Will" that it was always his intent and the intention of the whole NSDAP to be the one and only source of power and authority in Germany. We intend the same here, in North America . We hold no illusions that this march to power will not be long and hard. We still have a strong and powerful Enemy System firmly in place before us that has to be removed by one means or another.
The White Man's greatest strength in the past has been his genius for organization. His greatest weakness has always been his tendency to contrariness and disunity. It has to be overcome and broken.
The coming rule will be one of, and with, it's own people. It will be strictly manned and operated by men of the people with their one goal being the furtherance and betterment, the increased greatness of their people.
And it will be because of this complete dedication to the interests of the Race that no interference will be allowed. Big Brother is absolutely BENT upon the destruction of distinct races and most of us know to what lengths he has already gone to see to it his plan is not altered in any way. We must at least be as determined as he is - at least that and MORE SO.
Commander Rockwell said that the Jews would build their own gas chambers if the price was right.
Those who think we need millions - or even tens of thou - sands - have no understanding. We don't desire merely to dominate or monopolize in the manner of Democrats or Republicans. We're not content with mere power if it means the continued decline of the White Race the way we are seeing it today. We have much more than this to do: radical programs to be enforced, a huge but rotten System to be gotten out of the way first, etc. It can only be done by a sharp cutting edge, never by muscle-bound bulk. The ruling parties are monstrously huge, fat and rich but they are rotten to the core and threaten to pull the country down with them if they are allowed to do so. We are tiny but desperate and the conditions imposed upon us have made us hard as steel and sharp as razors.
Our message can only be convened through ACTION henceforth. And our actions must be so calculated that they speak clearly for themselves.
Hitler says words to the effect that in our belief and our overview we must be rock-hard, but in our tactics we must always be flexible. The essence of genius is the ability to spot the super-obvious principles of life - things so obvious that the majority can't see them - and to put them into as few simple words as possible.
Ayden Thompson
Revolutionary discipline must mean that WE will be the single survivor in a war against the System, a TOTAL WAR against the System.
You ADAPT to it so as to be able to function most effectively in it. You don't have to like it. You never accept it but you view it as only the primary aspect of the greater game plan in which everyone is caught up. Others will view it differently but they will be deluding themselves. You don't "worry" about any of that - you only worry about what YOU are going to be doing next, on your own, in relationship to it.
The Enemy Is Anyone Who Attacks.
"…in your living room, you're scared shitless. And that's just where the power structure wants you. In the middle of a riot, I've never found anybody who's chickenshit. The way to eliminate fear is to do what you're most afraid of." - Jerry Rubin
"What is 'legal'? Legal is anything that the System does. Legal is whatever the System allows to happen. Illegal is whatever the System does not allow others, outside the Clone System, to do… The System is legal. Therefore, 'legal' is simply the System." - Edwin Reynolds
Make no mistake, under OUR SOCIETY, our laws, crime would be eradicated overnight, likewise with the illicit use of drugs and unnatural trends such as abortion, every man and woman would be militarily trained, every home in America would be well-stocked with defense weapons. But this would only be in OUR society, never theirs.
The city is at this point thoroughly bastardized architec - turally. Nothing fits. There is no harmony. An occasional pet project of the Historical Society will stand out amidst the desolation but I've seen these streets a hundred years ago when every block, in all directions, was picture perfect - a fairy tale setting, a showplace.
It is a cornerstone of the National Socialist outlook - and a hard one at that, which so few can manage to grasp - that NO MATTER WHAT, if the blood is preserved pure, it can survive and overcome ANYTHING. If atomic warfare destroyed all human life on earth but two Aryan specimens somewhere in New Zealand, we could begin again. There is no threat greater than that of genetic pollution facing life on this planet.
When they challenge the White Man as a race, they must be answered as a race. And the answer to any such challenge is a foregone conclusion
Commander Rockwell loved to repeat the prayer of the non-Whites and the early, sicko Christians of the post-Roman world when faced by - or whenever contemplating - our Viking ancestors: "Lord, save us from the fury of the men of the North!"
If you want to make something "thrilling", you make it forbidden.
In revolution the price of failure generally is death. So whatever you do and whatever course you choose, don't sell yourself cheap. MAKE IT COUNT!
"The only thing lower than niggers and Jews is police that protect them."
"If there's trouble, call a cop." If you believe that, please stay away from me.
Part of mastering self-discipline is the ability to know - in advance - what is stupid and what is not so as to be able to avoid doing anything stupid yourself. (It is stupid, by the way, to fall to pieces when run up against adversity, large or small.)
One of the primary things to keep always in mind is that police have no magical powers; they are not omniscient. They depend on your foolishness and the cooperation of others - informants - to win their battles. If you ROB THEM OF THESE by not making typical, idiotic mistakes and by not exposing yourself to needless vulnerability and betrayal, then you are ENTITLED to march into their lair like the Lord of the Earth and proceed to match wits with half- wits.
"There are no such things as desperate situations. Only desperate men.' - Adolf Hitler
"Smash it! Crush it! Kill it!" - George Lincoln Rockwell
Concentrate on hurting the Enemy.
The Enemy is still in a position to hurt us back and that is something we want none of. Therefore the primary ingredient for successful revolution is the complete breakdown of the existing order. In the end, we don't want to "hurt" the System, we want to KILL it.
"Send Them A Message", as old George Corley Wallace used to say
Samuel Cox
"Strength is the morality of the man who stands out from the rest, and it is mine." -Friedrich Nietzsche
As Manson would say, we are Pro-Life, Anti-Death. We still have the spark and the feel of life within us. And that is why we fight.
God Can Stay but The Church Must GO!
Separation of Church and State in reality merely means separate accounts in the same Jew-owned bank.
The message of these SIEGE segments is not a negative one. It is however an important one: we cannot afford any longer the stupid mistake of mixing and confusing our goals and priorities like so many Right Wing types have done in the past. "For God, Race and Nation", is an example. We cannot allow any foreign, alien moral code or dogma to cramp our revolutionary style and, when the big clean-up begins, no criminal will enjoy any hands-off privilege just because he may be a master of hocus- pocus or mumbo-jumbo. Our march toward revolution will not be blocked by any rules of the Establishment and our revolutionary New Order will be absolutely free of any trace whatsoever of the old.
It's not on OUR own but on YOUR own. After all, how much help can I expect from you and how much can you expect from me? Quadruple this in times of great stress. Let's face it, we are islands, for the most part, and the quicker we face up to the fact, the sooner we'll be able to deal effectively and intelligently with it.
We are the few that REJECTED THE TOTAL BRAINWASH job being put forth by the System media.
Most people run like hell at the first hint of real trouble. But their idea of "trouble" is so ridiculously low-threshold that the word itself loses its meaning. I have two ideas pop into mind at the mention of the word trouble: one, a violent, physical confrontation, one-on-one or between very small groups, wherein death or serious injury could come at any second. And two, a bottomless pit of quicksand involving an arrest and prosecution by the System which could result in, again, death or permanent loss of liberty. We, as a result, don't scare easy.
Commander Rockwell called for men ready and willing to march into hell with him. He got only a handful but look at the legend they created in nine short years! What could be done with a thousand? Ten thousand?
"I know that some man capable of giving our problems a final solution must appear. And that is why I have set myself to do the preparatory work, only the most urgent preparatory work, for I know that I am myself not the one. And I know also what is missing in me (to be the one). But the other one still remains aloof, and nobody comes forward, and there is no more time to be lost." - Adolf Hitler, as quoted by Hans Grimm, 1928
"The man they have most reviled stands closest to us, and the man they hate worst is our best friend." - Adolf Hitler
"Our motto continues to be: 'White Man, stand with us and fight, or stand out of our way!'" - George Lincoln Rockwell
"Our greatest weakness is our belief in our own weakness." -Joseph Tommasi
As not just a few Jewish and pro-Jewish writers (as opposed to true historians) have openly stated in their books. Hitler was the one personage and event of the Twentieth Century that wasn't supposed to happen. That means that he wasn't planned, at least not by them. The Federal Reserve System here was planned; the First World War including its outcome was planned; the Russian Revolution was planned; the League of Nations was planned; the destruction and betrayal of Germany to Bolshevism was planned as the linchpin to Lenin's world revolution and nearly was an accomplished fact. But in came Hitler…
He (Adolf Hitler) would have rather helped someone else in the task of resurrecting Germany after 1918 but, then just as now, everybody seemed to be waiting. So an honest man of the people did it himself.
Daniel Perez
Try thinking logically. The right man would know instinctively or would learn very fast that the System would never knowingly allow a real leader of the people to arise. Therefore he will never represent himself as such. This all at once rules out the fakers and the assholes. He would be well aware of the state of the masses of people and would therefore not be a politician or follow a political course geared to a hope of a mass following. He would know already that the people cannot recognize their own leader. He would see that a formal movement or organization cannot be successfully built (the System won't allow it) and therefore his every move could be expected to defy all convention. Being primarily a man of action, he would know better than most that the truth remains for the moment our only and best weapon. Therefore he would know how to put it to its best use. (…) He would most probably follow in the classic mold of greatness in that his apprenticeship in life would have been long and his "career" would have only begun at or about the age of thirty. One other thing. He would know the value of symbolism and he would choose the Swastika as his symbol.
Any other than a man of action is effectively INVISIBLE. The truth will not make you free; only ACTION. How easy it has been for them to suppress all our truth. Not so easily can they hide ACTION.
Hitler and Rockwell stressed the importance of appealing to the young. This man did so as naturally as he did it dynamically. Reality is emphasized. Wishful thinking negated. The traditional Right has the stigma of being sexually hung up. It was women who voted Hitler into power and it was Commander Rockwell who said, "A man who won't fuck won't fight."
The question then becomes one of: What law, whose law? The "law" presently, as it has been for many years, is no more than a tool of repression in the hands of an alien. Enemy regime. One can be a passive outlaw without bringing down the forces of Big Brother on one's head. However, are not ALL true revolutionaries outlaws?
"They live and wait. Knowingly or unknowingly, they are waiting for Kalki; Kalki the last Man Against Time; the one whom Adolf Hitler foresaw in 1928; the Avenger who will give them - or their children - the world. "The last incarnation of him-who-comes-back - the last Man Against Time has many names. Every great faith, every great culture, every true (living or obsolete) form of tradition as old as the fall of man has given him one…. the Christians behold him in Christ, present for the second time: no longer a meek preacher of love and forgiveness but the irresistible leader of the celestial white horsemen destined to put an end to this sinful world and establish a new heaven and a new earth. The Mohammedan world is awaiting him under the features of Mahdi, whom Allah shall send "at the end times", to crush all evil through the powers of his sword - "after the Jews will once more have become the masters of Jerusalem" and after "the Devil will have taught men to set even the air they breathe on fire." And the millions of Hindustan have called him from time immemorial and still call him Kalki, the last incarnation of the world-sustaining power: Vishnu.
"Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, he will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the lukewarm, of the opportunists, of the ideological heretical, of the racially bastardized, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen ages. "His companions at arms will be the last National Socialists; the men of iron who will have victoriously stood the test of persecution and, what is more, the test of complete isolation in the midst of a dreary,
Grayson Nelson
"They are time bridge to supermanhood, of winch Nietzsche has spoken; the last battalion, in which Hitler has put his confidence. "Kalki will lead them, through the flames of the great end, into the sunshine of the new Golden Age.
Manson also coined the phrase "Dead in the Jews' money."
"To get yourself together you need not to even think there is anyone else in this world. I don't need to look down on, or get off on, or get over on. The hardest thing to overcome is our own lies, confusion and our jealousy!" -Charles Manson
As George Lincoln Rockwell said, in this current struggle for the survival and safety of the White Race, only failure is immoral.
It is really the only way the System can be destroyed, really the only way we can survive. TRIBES of White Warriors, bands of White Men with their Women and Children who have drawn together and then pulled away from the System to allow it to fall without taking them with it. The only insurance we've got against being picked off one-by-one, being atomized and casually victimized by the System's Pigs is to STICK TOGETHER. It's not to be done for fun or for caprice, but for LIFE or DEATH.
The difference now must be that we correctly assess the situation, accurately perceive what measures are called for and then set our plans accordingly. Only a master of the sense of REALITY can focus through the shroud of Jewish - created illusion, determine the proper course and define the right action.
Our position is lonely and unenviable. We live at a time in history when the civilization around us is rapidly collaps - ing. To be accurate, it has already died, it died when its moral decay together with its infiltration by hostile aliens rendered it hollow and meaningless, counter to the interests of the very people who first made it.
This has always, since the end of the War, been a struggle for the self - an inner struggle primarily. "First myself and THEN the world!"
"Once you have become fully engaged in effectively defending yourself against the System - in effect isolating yourself and insulating yourself from it - you will have found out that a very great many outright illegalities have been undertaken and mastered by you in the course. You will have grown accustomed to living outside of the System's rules and you will be comfortable with it, knowing that the muscle-bound bureaucracy most certainly does not have eyes in the back of its head.
As soon as England decides that the price being exacted by the IRA for Northern Ireland is too much to continue to pay, they will end up turning it over to the Irish Republic.
"…the Revolution is a revolution in spirit; it is not primarily political, but is religious… our Movement is spiritual-mystical. We're in a battle for the heart, mind, and soul of our Race, not in a struggle merely for the mind as those who overrate propaganda contend."
can the glow niggers look at this instead of threats against gods chosen people?
Julian Evans
there's a difference between muh optics and full fledged retardation.
Aiden Butler
You cannot really argue this anymore. In 2005, sure. Since then? We have seen the rise of Nationalism and anti-"jew" movements all over the world. Sure many do not realise they are against jews, but those railing against banks, lobbyists, warmongers and perverse academics intact are. There is a lot of work to be done still, a LOT; but the white man's psyche is in the best place it has been in a LONG time.
Mason Taylor
Nope, nothing he said was wrong. The jews really did up the age of consent to break down the traditional family structure and created false equivalence between normal men and the actual pedos (80-90% of homosexuals).
Jace Hall
Why can't you provide quotes, or even basic summaries? I think that you just don't have an argument The upper levels of the political system are. But the lower levels are necessary for forming support and providing structure to a new government
It's a fiction book my friend Actually on my reading list. But a common misconception is that guerrilla warfare is a magical tool that will defeat any adversary, while the reality of the matter is that the two most commonly cited examples (Vietnam and Afghanistan) aren't as convincing as they seem. In Vietnam, the guerrilla had years of experience against the Japanese and French, and still took 10 to 1 loses, not to mention that they had local support. Like wise the Taliban had been fighting a civil war for a decade before the US came in, giving them valuable experience, and ZOG didn't commit totally to that war. Guerrilla warfare can and will be useful, but more preparations than just hoarding guns are needed
Bentley Young
^ argument silly
The turner diaries is just a really good book on what we should be doing it has inspired a bombing on a fbi building for fuck sake destroying half the building!
Actually on my reading list. But a common misconception is that guerrilla warfare is a magical tool that will defeat any adversary, while the reality of the matter is that the two most commonly cited examples (Vietnam and Afghanistan) aren't as convincing as they seem. In Vietnam, the guerrilla had years of experience against the Japanese and French, and still took 10 to 1 loses, not to mention that they had local support. Like wise the Taliban had been fighting a civil war for a decade before the US came in, giving them valuable experience, and ZOG didn't commit totally to that war. Guerrilla warfare can and will be useful, but more preparations than just hoarding guns are needed
Pits of profoundly rude anger make people of violent potential do things that reduce their lifespan and/or lead them into humbling (and/or safely isolated) experiences.
The above is a manipulative speculation and may not be true.
Daniel Bailey
Infinite field of sages
Julian Rivera
One O9A satanism is not like normal satanism O9A satanism is PAGAN satanism!NIGGER!Read up on it before getting all spergy faggot!Basiclly it's about being strong and cold to not fear shit and be A hardass thats why iron gates and blue bird is weird af fuck its makes you realize the world is a bad bad world!
Also Alt right niggers get the bullet hmm what else can I say to you brainless retard?
I'm planning on reading Siege, because I'm curious what's inside it. I don't plan on using Discord, ever, which I figure forestalls most of the bullshit everyone in here is yammering about. So yeah, as soon as I can pick it up or order it from a local place (not on Amazon) I'm giving it a browse.
Noah Barnes
why dont you link it faggot
Jose Harris
It's kind of an autobiography about a guy's insight in a WN movement. It's compiled from a series of articles he created in the duration of his movement.
Dominic Jenkins
this is some high effort glow shit right here
you actually made that meme and think we can't tell it's fake
Oliver Martin
Are you fucking blind, nigger?
Connor Baker
Does siege promote satanery
Nolan Gonzalez
Like clockwork the feminists appear. Once puberty begins there is nothing wrong with finding girls attractive. The Jews want you to hate what is natural to you
Mason Miller
Siege retard confirmed
Oliver Sanchez
Faggot…I already read the book and it's shit. End of story
Adam Roberts
It is fucking pagan satanism basically christianity stole form other religions then formed christianity! O9A niggers are weird tbh for some reason they have a marxist cell don't know where but their is one!Do you want me to spoon feed you pagan satanism???Also you have not read siege if you have tell me what is basically siege in one sentence.
Cameron Hill
No faggot who the hell keeps telling people this lies?
Lol I didn't even make the meme you must be new if you have not seen it before.
Blake Davis
I read SIEGE. As a result NatSocs are still scheduled for the copter but have been bumped a couple places in line behind the Yang Gang. If you've got any sense you'll see that James Mason is a Judas Goat. If not you're probably still doing that faggy larp bullshit from the 90s and really ought to stop.
seejniggers won't do shit, even maganiggers have done more, prove me wrong lul
Jace Ramirez
Hasn't AW actually griefed people?
David Turner
Cool you said atomwaffen now tons of shills will attack this thread!
Don't know what you mean by this user but seems like your a shill.
Hehe R.A.M are siege tards and they have done shit Awd members have done shit not as a group only some members also the muslim shit that guy was being kicked and was kicked from the group! seige niggers like myself are just training still
It’s astounding how many lemmings dismiss SIEGE because of the overblown, faggoty “Satanic Panic”. Upon following this phenomenon from the very beginning it was painfully clear that the key figures behind all of this blind naysaying were AltKike figureheads (like confirmed gook-fetishist Anglin), journo collaborators (like Brenan Frank Duffy and all the other cowards who fled to suck Picciolini’s dick) with full support and wholehearted admiration from online hobbyists claiming to be “Hitlerists” who unironically believe that circlejerking to Evola alone will bring about racial victory. When all is said and done all that these faggot pearlclutchers have is the mere capability of pointing their obese fingers and screeching “LARPers!” or “2sp00ky4me Sataniztz!”. The old Movementarian methods are long dead and obsolete. Accept it already and read SIEGE, faggots.