What did Sackler mean by this quote(pic)

Look at the pictures of those killed by Opioids.
This is the white genocide we rarely mention. Scroll til the bottom, pretty fucked shocking now that there's faces to go along with the statistics.
The media is def helping in the cover up.

Attached: Sacklerr.PNG (718x669, 85.12K)

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Attached: The ''Vengeance'' Protocol of 1492.jpg (1551x750, 681.1K)

WTF are they only prescribing them to White people?
There has been so many times on Zig Forums when the kikes have mocked the opioid epidemic in front of my face and made comments that they were poisoning us, I had no idea that it was this massive. Over 72,000 each year, it really adds up.

I swear to god, I keep scrolling and it is all fucking Whites.

fake and gay

hi Richard

Holy shit, that list is way to white. I combed thru it, googled a few names. That shit's devastating, for every one that dies there's many who OD and survive. Putting their family thru hell. The Opiates are wrecking us.

Could it be that they really are targeting whites?

Then you look at the people and they don't look like the type of people you'd expect to see od'd.
Trppy shit

Of course, I see comments like that all the time. I will screen cap it next time.


45 kg of carfentanil, enough carfentanil to kill 2,100,000,00 people. There's only 33 million Canadians.

Yes I know it's Faith Goldy. But it's the best video on the subject out there.