Pic related. Nothing ever was changed by killing some random nobodies. He just killed some people nobody will ever care about and achieved nothing. If he did something Otoya Yamaguchi style I'd get it, but he did nothing remotely similar.
Can someone tell my why Brenton Tarrant is shilled so hard here?
Other urls found in this thread:
it gives the feds something to monitor. shits a honeypot.
Nelson Mandela just killed people nobody cared about…
Op is a faggot, first post is a faggot. Sage
open wide
It's because mossad literally posts on this board
It's an attempt to generate even the slightest degree of organic consensus which will then be leveraged to the greatest degree as ammunition against the website. This all becomes transparent when you improve your perspective.
This your moderation staff, glowing brightly as ever.
Thank them for all their shitty threads and lazy shitposting, instead of doing their job.
Fine and well but what about young and dumb basement tards whose minds get warped by all this?
What exactly are the ethics behind this kind of honeypot shilling?
IF INDEED that's who's behind the shilling
The shills are all over this one trying to discredit the saint. The funny thing is, if this was the work of the Jews, which it wasn't, it was the biggest white pill in the recent history of the movement and exactly what we all needed. Heck, I was completely inactive and it breathed fanatical vigour into my soul when I first watched the footage.
Fucking lol if it was mossad because BT is our patron said now. Accelerate.
You run out of VPN IPs or what?
The lazy shilling is what gets me the most.
There's no ethics. Jim Watkins is a Freemason Jew, his son Codemonkey is therefore a Jew, mods who allow these Fed bait threads are Jews, and Feds themselves are only concerned with their $45/hr paycheck.
Lel just as planned.
I swear I'd think this shit was bots if it didn't glow so fucking bright.
>implying we are the only one who disagree with killing innocents not high priority targets and fight the windmill instead of the actual enemy
They try to shift the blame so the fat cats, those who are truly in control never get targeted. If there were thousands of Brenton Tarrants shooting up mosques every Friday it wouldn't change a thing. Nobody who is truly responsible would ever get targeted.
It's weird hey, I hope the new anons take this as a lesson in glownig spotting.
Shoo Jew!
And you guys call me a shill.
Glowing brightly.
5 different Tarrants JUST LOOK AT THE EARS!!!!!!
It was a pretty funny expression of internet memes tbh
You just have to love it, ya know? They use the same tactics every time.
Its fucking pathetic.
everyone dies anyway
time is subjective
to kill or not to kill — same
And that was the point.
This, what I wanted to write but I'm phone posting so cbf.
hAil BrEnToN TaRrAnT
Also I'd like to take a moment to point out how they never actually name a target they'd prefer folks like Tarrant go after.
Its always nebulous clades, "influential businessmen", "politicians", "those responsible", etc.
I agree, taking out high value targets like politicians would be impossible so don’t even try haha
Anyone else feeling tired?
And watch, I bet now they'll call me a glownigger for pointing out they they are never specific in their demands for alternative targeting.
What a shitshow.
He was user from here, what do you expect?
And thats why we talk about it. Its like our version of the hot new tv show
>typed innocents not innocents
I didn't see Brenton Tarrant shoot John Podesta or Hillary Clinton int the face. They aren't that heavily guarded you retarded mongoloid and if you're prepared to die for your cause unlike Tarrant you can actually get near a firefight not shoot people who don't shoot back. Just see the security near a private golf club they hang around or an art gallery.
And not just ours. Tarrant spread far afield.
The san diego sequel was pretty lackluster in my opinion. 2/10 for effort. I actually prefer the "screw your optics" prequel. Wonder when we're gonna get an episode with two gunmen tagteaming. Or an episode where the gunman escapes and strikes again would be more interesting imo. If youre reading this glownigger hmu i got a lot of ideas for entertaining false flags.
What would that actually serve?
First off, it would be MUCH harder, especially in the latter case, as you'd be dealing with literal Secret Service.
Second, are either of those people ACTUALLY high-priority? Not really. They're shabbos for the true "fat cats". You're still just urging people to target pawns, just more heavily-defend pawns.
And frankly, third, these people are LOWER priority than the muslims invaders or the average jew - sure, the media can have more fun with these 'poor innocent civilians', but the people pay a lot more attention.
Some scumbag politico gets whacked, unlikely though that may be, especially as you climb the ladder of shabbos goyim and kike underlings, and who REALLY cares? Basically nobody. You knocked a pawn off the board and most of the normalfags won't really care.
But you go after a mosque full of invading mudfolk? Polarizes the fuck outta things. Gets the muzzies angry, and then they're aching for some action, exacerbating tensions.
Go after jews directly and you'll just be called a neon-yahtzee anti-semite. But you go after muzzies - who way more people know about, and hate - and you'll get a lot more support. Tarrant said as much, and I've yet to see a fag like you make a counterpoint worth a damn.
Glowing Intensely.
They are saboteurs, trying to encourage more heinous acts, resulting in further rights taken away. A return to morality, which includes family making, is what they don't want. They do want more mass murders. I suspect they are jews, but it could also be leftists.
Yeah, but Tarrant took 2 years to plan, and said as much.
Many seeds were planted, but the harvest quite a ways off no doubt.
Who is this girl?
Like a broken record.
Can't breed your way outta this one Schlomo, and we all know it.
You can't murder an invader.
Some jewish cum dumpster.
I agree, killing old women and children is just as important as killing anti white politicians in Minecraft (not saying a name, glow less first)
The argument of fighting off invaders doesnt hold.much water when its an aussie ttying to fight a war in new zealand that nobody even cares about.
I didn't see anybody try in my brief moment of existence and if you claim to be high IQ you can figure your terrorist actions out for yourself.
Low priority targets = 4.8 billion
I wonder killing those so called invaders achievable natty. And just so you know you don't need to kill everybody. Once you kill enough high priority targets there bound to be some new blood emerging who actually don't want world domination.
Why OLD women, specifically?
Why not YOUNG women, that breed, in large number?
Oh but, children! That surely doesn't polarize things at all! And now we're gone RIGHT BACK to "muh innocents". I guess they'll just have to make due with getting all their virgins in heaven with their parents who brought them to a foreign country knowingly as part of a demographic invasion.
Such as?
Again, the issue herein have been addressed.
Frankly, I would promote a different range of targets.
Pedophiles are good, lots of people support that, but its harder to find them.
Know what kind of jews, assuming of course you would prefer jews over muzzies, and less-than-innocent jews no less, what kind of jews are readily visible and minimally guarded?
I'm not saying someone should plan and carry out a one-night-in-LA Collateral-style purging of jewish pornographers in Southern California in GTV 5, but logically… Nobody really likes pornographers. And imagine the media having to report on a series of jews, all pornographers, being, I dunno, "assassinated" in a single late-night purge…. Again, I am under no condition saying someone should ever consider doing such a thing Roblox, but if they did…. Well, I think a lot of people would be supportive, ya know? And if you want ACTUAL impact, well, that could be pretty impactful.
According to whom, exactly? The media? Well, they're trustworthy. Don't tell me you're going to ply the notion that representative democracies of the sort we see today ACTUALLY act to represent the populace.
So no invader has ever been welcomed with open arms by a portion of the population? Okay. That's quite a notion.
Oh now you're a civic nationalist? How quaint.
NZ is European clay, just like Australia. And a non-European targeting both countries in on-going.
Holds quite a lot of water.
Yeah, you have, on several occasions, and you have access to historical data in turn. Stop being a faggot.
Such as?
The only names offered in this thread thus far are Hilldawg and the Pedoesta, and neither of them would actually amount to any real impact - they'd just be replaced. Its not like these are thinkers, after all, these are faces, hands at best. You're still not striking the brain, and you know it.
And again you're back to the implication this was a matter of extermination, when that was not the case. It was a matter of societal consciousness, memetics, and that's why you glowniggers are so scared of it.
It wasn't about exterminating mudfolk, it was about exacerbating tensions. And it worked like a charm.
Once you kill enough high priority targets there bound to be some new blood emerging who actually don't want world domination.
Where are the pro-Brenton shills? We used to have many just a few hours ago
This is the problem, really, is that you're arguing that these mid-level managers are actually the top of the stack.
You wanna talk about top 2000? There is no US politician that actually falls into that vein, IMHO at least, and speaking theoretically from the perspective of a person holding the view that such action is beneficial and maintaining the viewpoint which most-commonly appears on Zig Forums with regard to international finance, just as an example category.
Unironically, that makes no sense, that's the problem. See:
Might makes right. And zog has all the might. So the judges, backed up by armed zogbots decided what holds water. And I'm certain travelling to another country to fight their invaders isnt gonna hold legal weight. Also its fucking stupid and ignores national sovereignty. The sun set on the british empire.
He defended the world of men
He defended nobody, maybe someone who attends these events.
1. Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting
2. Chief Executives Club of Boston
3. Wall Street Journal CEO Council
4. World Economic Forum (Davos)
5. Fortune Brainstorm: Tech
6. CECP Board of Boards
7. National Summit (Detroit Economic Club)
It took me half a minute on google.