I see no thread/appreciation or subject for the brave Serbian people who fought Mudslimes long before any other Western country did. And what they got in return?NATO bombs, wars, dead women and children, is that how (((Europe))) glorifies it's heroes? You all cry about your kike states who are opressors and deatroyers of white race, but no one remembers white victims and people who truly fought versus occupator.
Serbian Thread
You dumb fuck.
You are begging to suck kikes cock and clean their toilets.
Eastern Europe, the bulwark of western civilization, deserves better
What the actual fuck are you talking about
Every thread needs a soundtrack.
nobody in serbia even supports this president so don't compare him with the serbian people cause they have protests every day on how the media is being Onesided
Šta ima ješosi jedni?
kolko nas je ?
Kike fucks.
Fuck the (((S*rbs)))
Up the Croats
This, Croats and Slovaks and partially Ukrainians are the only pol tier slavs.
How does this even make sense? Reasoning?
I don't think you should promote this group, just because they sided with Hitler, doesn't make them noble. Ustaše are bloodthirsty savages.
If the Serbs manage to cleanse themselves of their christ cuckery and stop being russophiles then they will be great friends to us
Your pictures suck. I know a few Serbs here in the USA and they are good people, politically and racially awoken and of good genetic stock, I can't speak for the Serbs in Europe though.
A bloodthirsty savage is what you need when your country is awash with Jews and Turco-S*rbs
Imagine being such a disgusting race that you get catholics and muslims to look past their religious differences and unite against you. I think the Ustasa is the way to go on this one
Croats and Slovaks fought for Hitler so they are honorary, they also have the Adolf Seal of Approvment unlike Auxiliaries such as Bosniaks or (((Hungarians))). Ukrainians can be pretty based and have a thriving neo nazi community and they hate Russians, but often they are just crypto commie kosher golems.
I'm Ukrainian. We don't hate Russians but we despise faggot Putin. Also you're losing your goddamn mind if you think an ex-Soviet satellite state is "crypto commie."
I have friends who have gone to Ukraine and fought for the volunteer units and fought in the White Rex mma organization there and their National Socialist groups are not crypto commies lmfao. Ukraine unironically leads the world with successful National Socialist groups. Azov and their political party. They are the real deal out there.
So what if you fought for the kike?
Since when are muslims good guys? Only when it fits your narrative. Warrior country that defended Europe from muslims, there is tremendous pride that comes with that.
These savages capitalized on an opportunity to benefit from war and loathing. Famous criminals and bloodthirsty savages with no thought of greater good. It was just an excuse. You wouldn't want to meet these people.
I don't think you understand what you are saying, could you ever imagine your family members being slaughtered in brutal ways, all with an excuse of ethno-nationalism they never even believed in.
Elaborate on how they are so savage?
inb4 a shitton of propaganda
My grandmother (still alive), when she was around 5 was living in Lika (Croatia). Her family was Serbian and she had an older brother and 2 sisters. When Germany declared war, the criminals immediately rounded up all the Serbian adult men slaughtered them in ditches. (Search "Srbosek"). 3 Men in her family, including her father were slaughtered before they had a chance to move. Rest of the family had to move quickly to Serbia on foot. Most Serbian men were slaughtered within couple months, after that, the remaining women and children who stayed were also killed. This is a standard story that you get when you ask around the Serbs who were living in todays Croatia.
Now, I didn't read the books, but the personal stories are very convincing, specially from my family.
Serbians are one of the strongest supporters of Israel
All these slides. Something big must be going on.
Gavrilo Princip, Serb member of the Black Hand, murdered the Arch Duke of Austo-Hungary, despite Franz being very popular for his speeches about decentralizing and giving more autonomy to the many countries within the Empire.
Point being the black hand group, likely funded by Zionists hoping to start a massive war in europe so they could infiltrate the destroyed countries, succeeded in fucking over all of Europe. Serbs were the large leadership in this.if any anons wanna know more about this id be happy to share, wrote an extensive paper in Uni on this. WW1 was not in any countries best interest, i detailed this and then effectively named the Zionist as the cause of WW1 and my history prof told me "you have a tiger by the tail, i suggest you let it go." based history prof knew what was up
point of my ramblings is the serbs have been fucking retards at times and also heros to europe at times…..Serbs arent on team globalist for sure, but their boner for autonomy and expanding their empire is gonna be a thorn in everyones side.
serbs are wild card
serbs are stronk, just keep doing ur thing but stay out of the germans way next time.
Serbs faught Muslims because Israel paid them to. Those Muslims were anti zionists and heavily supportive of Hezbollah which was big nono. NATO also funded Hezbollah, which is why Israel gave Yugoslavia their Soviet surplus.
I am interested in your paper please user.
She had no right living in Croatia, killing strangers is legitimate.
Serious question for Serbanons
Do any of you metal-detect for artifacts, or have contacts with artifact hunters, dealers or antiquities smugglers?
I am a collector in the USA and pay good money for ancient Bronze Age, Roman and Hellenistic projectile weapons like spearheads/dart tips, ancient lead sling bullets, etc. Wages are total shit in Serbia so selling to me instead of Jew middlemen would be very lucrative. Pics related.
Za dom spremni!
God bless you kid, hopefully one day you will realize how edgy you were.
My honest advice is to socialize a little bit, it'll take care of the resentment.
This is Serbian thread, how small you have to be to try and provoke
No, I'm saying that if you are *already* digging up and selling your history because you are poor, ya might as well sell to me because I am an end-consumer and will pay more than any Jew middleman/mafioso.
I'm not interested in unique art/sculpture or other pieces of actual high-cultural heritage which should be kept in-country, just the more pedestrian weapons etc. that are effectively interchangeable with any others found between Germany and Greece.
Serbians have made some of the highest testosterone music of the 90's.
serbs are pretty neato the kill the mosquito. But jews they loose, see slobodan, littarly trained by the US and flewn back to serbia after 7 years anal from &ew. Force solely to execute a nationalist sovereign politic for the state and put serbia in the place it is now. Hopeless.
ah yes, 'murrican wiggers and balkan niggers, a match made in heaven.
Please note that most of the Ustaše were crypto jews who killed only ethnic Serbs. Claims of jews are lies by jews.
Also this pic seems shooped. Is it ?
Any record of this pic with a different center piece ?
Srbija do Tokija
Preko Milwaukee-a
Pretty much every person of importance who shilled for (((bringing democracy))) to Serbia was either a full blown kike or a crypto. Most organs harvested by Albanians in Kosovo went to Israel for example. Same happened during the war in eastern Ukraine.
Vucic used to be a gay prostitute before Israeli and western agencies appointed him as the eternal leader. Most people in Serbia hate him, he is only supported by his extended criminal clan (including the budget-slaves/parasites), western/kike money and
This thread got slid hard
The Jew fears the Serb. Serbs are the true god's chosen people.
sums it up fairly well
Свака част свака на месту/Very good, everything is correct.
Entire easy europe is basically crabland.
The moment one nation succeeds, others pull it down. The moment one man does something good, others hate and villify him.
Slavs are Crabs.
Given that they routinely misquote putin Im not going to believe that. Thanks.
The only opposition to Vucic is a Soros funded guy who markets heavily on facebook to brainwash retards like yourselves. He is a vast improvement over thw prior guy who let Kosovo peel off, and over the opposition which is basically gutter slime. The fact that vucic practices realpolitik just proves hes good for the country.
Serbian Vlach Magic is Vril and the most ancient continued practice within Europe itself. No force for over 3000 years can be thrown at it, that could stop its continued practice.
Slovakfag here. Slovaks remain pretty based, unfortunately (((we))) elected a kike tool in the latest presidential election, mainly due to the increased push for kike propaganda in Eastern Europe and importing voters/vote rigging, she didn't even get that many votes, only about 50% voter turnout and some 50% of that voted for her. Most Slovaks are still pretty redpilled from my experience.
You must be retarded to think that Serbs fought Turks. I mean, they fought them, but only after they saw that Turks have no chance of winning. They were their vassals and that juat shows how big pussies Serbs are.
Serbs backstabbed Bulgaria.
Serbs claimed majority albanian and hungarian land.
Serbs enslaved Croatia.
Serbs brainwashed Macedonia.
Serbs destroyed Bosnia.
Serbs need to be kept in check if we want a better future for the balkans.
I would laugh, but that boast is so terrible it hurts. Serbs have insane dellusions of grandeur and a tendency to miss-represent history.
I just came here to say that i dont give a rats ass how white you are, if Islam is your game i want you dead
Yup, Islam is arab supremacy in thin disguise. In practice its one world mongrel pride.
nigger fuck.
When the model itself, Russia, is ex-Soviet and crypto-commie?
Post your paper or something user, I wanna see
This, fuck Bosniaks. Serbia acted like niggers for attacking Croatia but Bosnia deserved it.
why is this even a point. Everyone is washing macedonian brains to erradicate history
Fack U Rabbi
Good redpill site:
Have the Kocayine video, m8
Well I am a Serb living and working in Serbia and all that and I gotta give you some proper first hand information about this place.
When it comes to political situation, things are extremely awful because the ruling party are openly selling the country out to whoever they want, Serbian industry got sold off and they just sold our largest copper mine to the Chinese. Politicians are just awful sellouts but I guess that is common everywhere. People are protesting in the streets every single month. They also want to sell out Kosovo, our cultural and religious heartland and join the EU faggotry with all the hatecrime legislation and niggers and gays and so on.
When it comes to economy, its stereotypical eastern Europe situation. Typical wage is 1$/hour and you do back breaking labor if you are a man 10 hours a day, 60 hours a week. Clever Serb working class men run unregistered businesses like plumbing services, electrical work, construction, car workshops etc. Something like that is what I personally do too and on a good month I can earn up to 2-3 thousands of euros a month, but ofcourse not every month is good and average working man makes about ~400 euros a month in legal ordinary work.
Serbian army, is a big fucking joke. NATO plants carried out """reforms""" in the army, such as melting our tanks, dumbing down intellectual requirements for pilots, getting rid of regular conscription/basic military training duties for all volunteer citizens, kids no longer have shooting classes in highschools, we are utterly demilitarized society now with a large chunk of our industrial capacity for war also taken away from us too.
But honestly all of that shit bothers me a little bit. Its not major concern.
Now about major concerns about Serbia:
Genetic base of the country is damaged. I would say about 20% of the population is tall, blue eyed and blond. Dont get me wrong, you can still find some breath taking 10/10 Aryan beauties here, but they are not the average girl. Average Serbian looks like someone from fucking latin America or I dont fucking know…
And the second thing is opportunities. No strategic sector. No aerospace industry. No serious military career. No serious industrial career. No any of the 'big' jobs to do in life here. If you finish physics or engineering, you go abroad. If not, you end up working irrelevant perma minwage job for life. Or you buy up a bunch of tools and set up your own tax dodging shop like I did, dont know what to tell you….
Overall not the best place to live. I plan on finishing a serious degree in engineering and getting a serious job in some serious firm in Russia (the only state I'd be willing to work for) or some private one that pays nicely in EU or States.
Having a serious, meaningful job and a proper Aryan wife is what I want, and I think I cant have both of those here.
Where did the non-aryan genetics come from? A neighboring country, immigrants?
This whole fucking mess of a place was a ground zero of almost a thousand years of rape and genocide. You know how every region has its own…. cheese or wine or special monument or maybe some pretty flower or idk? Balkans has rape and genocide.
So first were some illiterate buttnaked tribes too irrelevant to be mentioned here. But they quickly got raped and assimilated by the Romans and Greeks.
Then around 6th century a whole bunch of Slavs decided to rest there from running away from Mongols, they kinda raped and assimilated Romans and Greeks. Few Huns and Germanic tribes made brief incursions into peninsula but Slavs were the most dominant.
So now about the 1400s, Germans and Austrians were slowly raping the northern Balkans while Ottomans were raping the southern Balkans. This constant genocide and rape are happening non stop, till the 1900s. Brief periods of peace, but rape and genocide is what goes on 90% of the time.
Now famous world wars happen, which halved the male population basically. Cold war and Yugoslavia are kinda peaceful, but then 90s happen and we are back to genocide and rape.
What you have in the 21st century is this mess I wrote in
turn on English subtitles in youtube to understand
For all the similarities I don't support Velika Srbija idea. Because that's no different than the NWO conquest, you start losing credibility once you go into world domination ideas.
I can support the Serbian viewpoint 99%, the unjustified attacks with bombings, the stealth invasions of muslims, the depleted uranium, Serbia deserves restoration, all that fair stuff … but as soon as you want to take more land than you ever had in history then that's when we'll have a problem, no matter how big allies we can be.
There is no conquest needed, the Albanians and muslims are used as tools it's just not worth spending anger and wrath on them, offer them a deal they won't be able to decline, Kosovo occupiers would get free homes in their homeland if they choose to leave for good, they can even take their stuff with them, just GTFO out of Kosovo, the NATO/NWO would desperately try to stop such an idea as they can't afford the world to see such a peaceful solution.
I support most of this stuff, I am for all the correction in the serbo-croatian border, all the corrections in kosovo, bosnia stuff, IF serbian part of bosnia so chooses than they can join but it really must be their choice, just like in Crimea, except not the Big Serbia idea, just too far. Resotration of Serbia like it once was is perfectly fair, but it shouldn't arbitrarly include whole other countries that just happened to be in Yugoslavia, let Serbia be Serbia, no need to mix Yugoslavia in.
Serbia was originally an ally of the Reich and Hitler supported it before the eternal Anglo sparked the leftist protests which overthrew the government and started killing Germans.
Gavrilo Princip was a kike who plotted and trained at Georg Weifert's brewery (who was a German Jew and a Freemason). Serbia is where one of founders of the Zionist movement lived. Serbia lost 1/3 of it's male population in WW1, for some negligible gains that were negated by kikes later on. In fact, it's a textbook example of being a good goy never paying off. Ever. In fact, if we rounded them in camps and gassed them, we would be treated better later on. Also, Serbia was Weimar tier before WW2 and Germans gave us one of greatest gifts in our entire history, they made us judenfrei. But Serbs betrayed Hitler.
This, Ustase were inspired by a Jew and their leader's wife was a kikess. They were supposed to make actual National Socialists look bad with their over-the-top atrocities. They were working for the (((Vatican))) since day one, only siding with Hitler for pragmatic reasons, and turning against him as soon as commies started gaining the advantage, becoming commies over night. Only for those same people to go full nationalist again during the 90's, inspired by the same masters. This is how treacherous the Croats are.
I think most people in the region would rather choose to see their neighbor's house burned down than to win lottery themselves. Very ugly mentality.
Why do catholic serbs always invade Serbia threads, and act like the biggest gigakikes ever? They never seem to make their own catholic serbia threads, just try to gigakike Serbian threads. Seems like a pretty good parallel to real life
If she converted to Catholicism she would be ok. So it's her fault.
You killed people who are genetically the same as you are because of the authority of some kike
We should just be fucking nuked, we cant even set our difderences in religion aside for a fucking second unlike germans
Such a simple mind you have
Vlachs are pagans, they practice polygamy (it's even encouraged) and they bury their dead in their backyards. It's a very interesting region though, there are very powerful forces there.
There is no such thing as "average Serbian" , you'll find 1488 looking ones and those who look like turks/gypsies, with everything in between. This country will remain a shithole until a proper eugenic program is implemented. The idea was to settle our empty villages with Germans and other Europeans, but they are settling them with shitskin rapefugees now.
They are massively importing niggers, I saw them ship those by buses with military plates, they had curtains on but you could see countless black faces looking through. Military leadership are all NATO stooges, it's full of faggots, "empowered" trashy women and retards who couldn't find a real job (A model NATO army). Also, just look at the minister and think about his phenotype a bit.
Germanic rape babies seem to be greater cucks and their women are more likely to racemix, while swarthier ones are hissing at subhumans and could kill them without blinking. I'd think twice before having a child with a blonde woman, they might throw your entire genetic legacy down the toilet. Dinarics are the true master race, they are Scots of the Balkans.
Kakvo je vreme u Tel Avivu?
Our gov is settling abandoned villages that got depleted due to low birthrates with shitskins from Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. Our army on the other hand, is importing niggers straight from Africa.
i've seen gypsies and shit, but not a single nonwhite who speaks afghan or paki
also have not seen niggers, just in general have not seen them outside of one or two in belgrade
Serbians are Croats are Bosnians are Herzegovians are Slovenians.
All progenies of ancient Illyirians, mixed with proto Slavs.
The Austro-Hungarians have systematically destroyed our past and splintered our people, in the same fashion as the Romans did.
Why aren't there any traces of the Illyirian language left? Because the great migration is a lie.
The Germanic tribes were never our friends, stop kissing Hitler's ass.
(((European))) is not an identity. This is a new world view. Europe is the land of separate tribes, most of who's identities were erased by the imperialist nations. Stop being little vassal bitches pls.
The images literally have riot police guarding them. Because they would get slaughtered otherwise. Contrary to America, Serbian people still have morals.
Can you provide evidence for such claims?
Thinking that a woman would raise the children of her rapist is a theory that probably stems from some basement dwelling amerilard history-pro with a weird fetish and hardly has any basis in reality.
And can you link to a historical source? i have never heard of one talking about ottoman rape, it is widely known that turks instead of 'rape', abducted the women and forcefully converted them, hence why they are full of greek, armenian and balkan blood today.
They changed their gene pool, not ours.
You sure do take nordicist with cuck fantasies very seriously, i doubt you are not one too
Gay and extremely fake. Vlachs in Greece are nothing like this. Stop trying to appease some random retard's romanticist delusions.
user, i feel that feel. i guess it's natural selection. living under the boot of germanic and hungarian tribes for a 1000 years fucks with your brain. there has to be a foreign guy to look towards for guidance.
Croats are just jew dick sucking serbs with an identity crisis. Get your head checked retard
Ne bih znao, ali ti sigurno znaš, moshe!
Don't even start. Serbs were butchers and exceptionally aggressive expansionists with a massively inflated ego and dellusions of grandeur.
Serbs are just defective turkish rape-babies.
Those are Bosnian trogledyte traitors, but nice try user.
What the fuck are you talking about? What tribes are you talking about? The Delmates? Dardanians? Liburnians?
About 20 Roman emperors were members of these 'butt nekkid' tribes, you dumb fucking mong. The Roman Empire warred against them for 200 years. The Hellenes assimilated no one, they regularly traded with them. Read a book before you post your leftist self-hating speculative shit theories.
you can replace serbs in that sentence with any group in the war and it would ring true
they speak it in the country of Kosovo, ought to visit it sometimes
seems legit
So you're telling me that Illyirian tribes, tribes that for a period of time had the most advanced naval technologies on the Adriatic, had to wait for the Slavs to come to name the fish for them?
Very sound logic there.
I guess not many of them hang around local synagogue. They have dispersed a lot them around smaller places now (gradually turning those places uninhabitable for humans) but many are still in the center, especially around the bus station. As for niggers, I keep seeing them around the city, there are still not plenty because we are not nearly as poz'd as W Europe but even this number is too many. Some whores are giving them citizenship through marriage but those dumb niggers don't know what they signed up for lol.
You are not an Illyrian Enver. Sure, there are many genetic similarities between Serbs, Croats, Bosnians etc. but it has nothing to do with Illyrians (who got assimilated long time ago). You can find Slavic archaeological objects far south in the Balkans and Celtic, Germanic, Roman all over the place. They even found semitic ones, which I found particularly curious. We have a long history of warfare with Germanic tribes but their influence has been the best so far. Serbia was greatest when it was ruled by a Dinaric overman and his band of German mercenaries.
There are Vlachs in Greece? I'm talking about the ones in eastern Serbia, I know those people and their customs.
As for rape, there is some Turkic admixture (especially in the south), but it's blown out of proportion. Genetic maps did not change much.
fought them? Half of them converted to islam and are now bosniaks.
Serbia is a shitty little thugocracy. Nato destroyed a mutliethnic, mutlireligious socialist faggot state.
Yugoslavia was something closest to a national-socialist ethnostate that you could get post WW2, that's why (((NATO))) destroyed it. Someone post that Wesley Clark (or was it some other kike?) quote about there no being place for ethnically pure states in Europe.
The only non-aryan genetics you mentioned are Ottomans from the south. So it sounds like the turkish/ottoman genes have been taking over, spreading north. At least according to what you're saying here.
Balkan people are mutts, but intra-European mutts for the most part. Of course, the further south you go, the more Turk admixture you will find.
Yes. I'm sure Sloveninas and Croats had plans for Greater Croatia/Slovenia for centuries and the mindeset of "where there's a Croatian/Slovenian grave, that is Croatian/Slovenian country".
No, that was the Serbs.