What Nordicism Means
1. That the Swedish scandinavians succeeded in all nation building because of their racial superiority.
2. Definition of Nordic; I1 haplogroup Scandinavian. Pan-germanic Out of Africa theorists are nazi mongrells ill intent on ruining THE true Nordic race With inferior indo european specimen.
3. That the past shapes current politics: specifically, that descendants of Swedes are natural rulers, whereas Slavs as in kievrus are natural subordinates. Along With THE rest of THE other races.
4. Swedes who are the greatest of Scandinavians did THE most deeds, whilst occupying THE most amount of land dominating other scandinavians, even amongst Nordics There is hierarchy With THE Swedes att THE Top.
5. That the Göthic Swedish tribe is specifically THE greatest race of Them all, With svear falling Close second.
6. That the slave races (all outside scandinavia) cannot build civilisation on their own, and all major turnings of ages is due To a Swedish or other Nordic migration, as With THE Swedish Getae conquering Greece creating THE era of Power and Wisdom in THE Hellas peninsula With King Sitacles.
7. That we Swedish Goths are THE northern People Spoken of in Jeremiah, THE sea peoples who collapsed BRONZE AGE civilisation, and THE aryans WHO made THE East Great, With THE decendants of King Tanausis
8. That Nordics are of Proto European stock, and has allways been White, that all proto Europeans are decendants of Atlantis, of which lighs on THE Atlantis ridge. That Proto Europeans settled Sweden 14000 years Ago
9. That Proto Europeans exist outside europe creating Ancient JAPANEZE and new Zeeland civlisation
10. That Nordics are Christians, that paganism is An indo european trick To defile US, like the Pan germanic theory. THE pagans Came from THE Middle east into europe With Oden, To a God knowing People already There, this Oden is documented To have migrated To europe 8000 years Ago, after THE flood To defile THE Proto Europeans With Middle Eastern FILTH
These are the 10 Commandments of Nordicism
While we do look at southrons as A mixed people it is not our main concern
Geopoliticaly we are third Position of Sweden
The First and second position being the russians vs Americans
This is why we are shilled against
American + Kremlin Propaganda
Of which is all false