Jews Will Kill Us All

I just had this insight and I'm usually right.

In the Soviet Union people that told the truth were labeled "anti-semite" before jailed and killed en masse.

When people leave the lying narrative they don't have another alternative than mass killings.

Jews won't tolerate the truth about them. They want (or need) people to think that Jews are "holy" and "the world would be worse" without them in charge, the "god's will".

Sooner or later Jews will start to take out people like us.

It's already started with the blatant censorship, propaganda, false flags and new "laws".

Attached: Final_solution_for_Slavs_in_GULAG.jpg (661x700, 65.71K)

Internet genocide.

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Nice selfie

Well, that is exactly what Trump publicly stated should happen. Hmm.

Promises made, promises kept. WWGOWGA!

So if this isn't fear mongering, it's literally GG and there's no way to stop the NPC army and Zogbot police.
Sounds like they're getting cleaned up first.
And then Q is a lie and Trump is a lie.

sauce on quote?

care to explain the acronym you old fuck


Here's a little blackpill for you…the jews are trying to kill you by indirect means since the day you were born. The have been killing billions of humans for the last 5000 years. They will never stop. How's that for an insight, user?

lurk 2 years, faggot. its not just a meme
You think we're outing ourselves as enemy #1 to the (((state))) simply for the bantz and lulz? we know what happens, we've been preaching loudly for years, i'm glad you heard us yelling but welcome to the party, have a seat, learn.

His speeches after the Tree of Life foreskin harvesting ritual went bad last fall.

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This isn’t a new insight, but it still needs to be spread around. The end of Jewish rule is enslavement and genocide. In Mein Kampf Hitler listed this as the final stage of Jewish rule, where they turn into “Blood-Jews”, destroying everything around them before even destroying themselves

I didn't understand the part that Jews want to destroy themselves.

Also the Talmud encourages it as "god will", "god-made rights".

Even NPCs and Zogbots need to breathe.

So why does it seem like Trump plays both sides?
I mean they LARP about ending censorship on facebook, twitter, and google.
All for nought?
There are active cases.
I just don't understand.

They destroy the world in an attempt to remake themselves, when that fails they are beyond damaged and already destroyed being part of the world.

Oh moses, ya starting to shake involuntarily. Now is not the for fear. That comes later.

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*time for fear

They don't want to, they become overzealous in their lust for domination and destruction and destroy the very sources of prosperity that they benefit off of. Just think of Jewish behavior today, they are bringing on all of this "antisemitism" themselves by attacking even the smallest amount of Jewish criticism. So then they push harder and harder, making even more antisemites and yet they keep on pushing until the people rise up and expel them from their midst

If we all take.out one before we die we could fix this
Just ONE.

So which Zionist candidate will Zig Forums shill for this time? Biden or Trump?

Congrats, you figured out something everyone who's been on Zig Forums for more than an hour and isn't a boomer or shill already knows. Good job.

The only solution is the final solution.

I hope you feds are listening, taitors get the bullet first.

They are playing on time while all the pieces of warfare are getting into position. Africans were bred into poverty and are now used for migration warfare, to spread poverty and violence into the west, which will end in black against white race war. Then we have the Muslims who are jew controlled, radicalized for a religious conquering war against the Christians, and supported by the jew controlled Vatican who is dismantling Christianity from within. Last but not least we have jew controlled China and Russia staging the big show to "liberate" the war torn west under communism.

All of this is perfectly aligned with the jewish debt usury racket that will end the western economy and put everyone into poverty over night. And last but not least, the world's most obnoxious, hook-nosed drama queens will certainly entertain us with all kinds of sadistic nonsense, and false flags, and fresh new lies to cover all this shit up.

It isn't about fear or intimidation, it is about lying to them, the real enemy doesn't fear or love or reason, but only lies, only chaos, the more they destroy themselves the better, they believe that it is their destiny to destroy the world for it refusing to be theirs, classical pathogenic response.

One of the forgotten facts from Trump's presidential run was that midway through the campaign Jared and Ivanka took over running the campaign. Suddenly Trump started making speeches about "green initiatives, global warming, and furthering the feminist agenda". They were turning him into Justin Trudeau. His poll numbers plummeted. That was when Steve Bannon stepped in and put Trump back on track. Bannon is long gone now, but Ivanka and Jared are still there, more deeply entrenched than ever.

See I have always wondered about Zig Forums, why allow a 'red pill dispencer' at all? But it real simple, they fear what will happen if they out right (((shutitdown.jpg))) and the fact they really can't shut it down. It's a mordernday hydra, take a head and two more will spring into place. Of course they would love to control the internet, but remember user's these (((people))) are proven by history, time and time again, to be the ultimate bed wetter's.The more (((they))) push the more they expose themselves, even if you don't believe in religion, these (((things))) and the Devil, are the same fucking meme! Sure there both evil, sadistic and like to think there the ultimate power in the Cosmos. But all they really are; cucks trapped in a lake of ice of there own making.

Attached: hahayoufuckingjew.jpg (2020x1588, 1.72M)

That's what the guillotines and coffins at the FEMA camps are for

They tried to shut down 4/pol/ and all that did was spread the message as people migrated to other websites.

no shit, sherlock
is right, go back to faggit.

Hitler predicted all that? Man, that makes sense.

If Europe and white America come to be gone it's more likely the world descending into a Haiti state than Africans and Muslims fixing the ruined world.

They have been trying.

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jews are doing to the world what they did to palestine.

I've been saying this for years. Reported for newfag not lurking.

We could seek the destruction of traitorous cocksuckers, too. That nigger is worse than Obongo.

How's the weather Chaim?