Done and over with already. He's dead.
One article said he had a picture of himself with a "green swastika". Kekistan?
Done and over with already. He's dead.
One article said he had a picture of himself with a "green swastika". Kekistan?
Sounds like a perfect concoction of FAKE AND GAY staged bullshit.
Glad the Stormtard is dead.
That nose though….
This is so fake and gay.
How can someone fuck up this badly? At least Earnest caused the entire Jewish world to kvetch in unison
This shit never happened.
Almost guaranteed to be a gay opp to accompany the recent warrants to 8ch. Too many jew narratives rolled into one.
I'm not usually one to agree with stuff like this, but with those perfectly set up photos in the OP and all of the incel and anime shit, I think this probably is bullshit. The only thing that doesn't make me 100% sure is that there was no fake manifesto posted here on Zig Forums to get this site shut down.
All these armchair RevoLARPinaries here will point and laugh but you know, this dude had the right idea. He may not have been very effective or the best planner or the best shot, but at least he targeted an evil institution.
I'll never slander a man who had the courage to shoot back at these evil sons of bitches who exploit us and collaborate with the enemy. You morons pointing and laughing should look yourselves in a mirror today and ask yourselves how many bureaucrats you've shot lately.
go back to /r pol
You'll never pick up a rifle and do it yourself either.
He could have actually accomplished something if he'd picked a soft target instead.
Maybe not but neither will you. So I'm not going to slander a man who actually did something for once.
No livestream, no an hero? Why go on?
but he didn't.
I will not, but I also don't hold actors in a short video up as being worth respecting.
I see nothing in that video indicating reality.
Agent Rodriguez
Agent Goldberg
Yes, these lone wolf retards are saving America, Europe and Whites.
Video is fake as fuck slob. I could do better with my phone.
Alright. Well, if that's what you want to believe, more power to you. But I do not think this is a hoax and I have no trouble at al imagining people actually resisting this diabolically evil regime.
Maybe not. Yet it's still more effective than sitting on his ass and voting for whatever braindead stooge the jews front in the next election.
This dude had NO idea.
This guy was the kid who no one liked because he never tied his dirty shoes, always smelled like BO, and had snot bubbles coming out of his nose on cold days. 100% he lived in a fantasy. That's why everything he's wearing looks new. This is what happens when you take larping too far.
He died for killing a door…anons what are you doing?
If that's so then maybe I should stop discouraging larping.
I bet he was another zero-prep newfag. Brenton Tarrant prepped for two years, Breivik for several more. I'm sure he bought this shit and thought he'd rack up the high-score easily only to get BTFO
Video is fake as fuck.
A control pair hit a wall adjacent to the shooter in a tight grouping at an oblique angle?
You are either a shill or an uneducated ignoramous.
What part of my post said "this is a hoax?" I said he didn't do anything. Dressing up and shooting a door until you get shot isn't doing a damn thing.
I have probably put more rounds down range than all of this thread combined.
That nose…
They're so stupid they don't know they have to let the false flag go on long enough to MAKE A THREAD HERE before it's over.
Why does he look like a sterotypical kike?
Looks like a false flag to discourage people from Brenton Tarrant style attacks. They make a whole bunch of FAKE shootings that fail so people think they can't pull off what Saint Tarrant did. This is classic COINTELPRO tactics.
Cops aren't know for their accuracy
My apologies. I mistook your ID for the guy above you,
Sure, Q, sure. Go on believing that everything is fake.
Amazing you missed that Gladius sword he took too, you can just see the tip of the scabbard. He posted pics of it, autistic as fuck.
Oh look, another mossad false flag.
Come to think of it, the first images is way too pristine. Perfectly focused, perfectly posed and framed. Nobody is going to just happen to have a high quality DSLR close to an active shooting AND just happen to get a perfect hollywood photo of the shooter in action. Fake as fuck, feds.
Kill yourself zeemaps meetup boomer fed kike kikestian schizo niggerloving ban evading shill.
I wonder if he was that retard that posted "log in tomorrow" yesterday tho.
Is it standard procedure to destroy evidence?
Just happen to be the media's currently favored boogeyman. Pure cohencidence!
More media boogeyman. Pedo rings and CIA experiments factually exist, but yeah, trust your government and media or you're crazy, goyim.
Fake and Gay
PROTIP: Instead of checking literally every box on the list of media-engineered hysteria try making these "drills" more believable.
Persona fans are gonna be fucking pissed.
I found the real image
Calling it now: staged, and if not, the narrative crafting of ebil inernet incel gnatsees shooting all the poor jewish slaves will be pushed harder. The incel is weak IMO but they love it
BT proved what a real threat minecraft players could be and now they're going to try to defuse, demoralize, and demonize totally and completely. The next round of meme shooters will be the equivalent of alt-right 2.0… until the real threats are done lurking and training for 2 years, that is.
I was thinking the same thing. Do not let this deter any minecraft players out there. If this was real even just the fact that it happened is enough to make the FBI shit their pants. The idea that they can be attacked at any point by any person.
Pro tip though, if you're going to kill the FBI try stalking them first and then shooting them in the back. That will deplete their entire health bar in most minecraft servers.
Tell that to the sand dune in my damn back 40, big guy.
This place is funny. I'm certain there are more battle ready young (and getting older) men on this board than we want to believe. Talking shit on each other as "faggots", and the constant shills pushing "nazi LARPing", and "incel" shit (pic related), keeps everyone guessing.
See you there, lad.
Also, this shooting is bullshit. Election time is here, and everyone just got shoved off the internet and silenced. Expect "that meme van by the river bomber" tier FFs without any pushback, with this place catching the square blame.
It's just now starting to get fun.
Nut up, boys.
Yet the guy dropped a controlled pair at an oblique angle right on top of each other. around a pillar. You're not comprehending what this means.
It means the fucker violated the laws of physics and still missed the target while being able shoot that precisely.
I know what the real thing looks like.
I also know there's no way to fight a hardened target with small arms.
''The Daily Fail" has some good pics.
Being fat makes it easier to control recoil.
The only ones pushing Brenton were literal feds
I’m pretty sure he’s wearing a flak jacket too
Default assumption: false flag
We can't even see any live ammo being fired, could all be blanks.
"incel" insult.
I wonder what the dialectic around these events is going to be. More gun control, internet control, based non-whites less violent than whites? OMG NAZIS GO KILL ALL WHITES :^) as if this hasn't already been the desire
This is the point of this thread, to post this psyop bullshit for this false flag.
He had people off to his right shooting at him
Exactly why the fake shooter was ineffective. The messages "Dangerous nadzi incels" and "You can't do nothin, goyim!" reeks of an all-too-familiar cognitive dissonance. Shooting was orchestrated purely for the purpose of propaganda. Ticking every box to the point of being blatantly obvious.
feeling dicey.
"I seriously hope you feds don't do this."
Was that professional photographer at work?
He is quite aesthetic though. Has that terrorist look down to a T.
Here's a few here @ 0.14
Double check me. I thought I saw a couple hit the asphalt behind his feet in the parking lot of first vid too?
This nigger shows up at a courthouse in broad fucking daylight, fires into doorway then runs the fuck away, gets shot and dies. What a retard, natural selection happened today. Too bad people will use this to push for gun control, thank goodness he didn't use a suppressor.
No he didn't. His eyes never left that road he ran from.
calling bullshit and clear retardation, all the nigger had to do was saw off the barrel off a shotgun and keep the gun hidden with a loose casual shirt, walk-in, maybe to the toilet to unpack and dress up in gear, and BOOM 2/3 dead or injured before anybody can even react with the first shot, and then we aren't even talking pump shotguns.
Nobody is THIS retarded to actually do a LARP shooting where you get not even 1 kill by dressing up as a tard and crossing a busy street in gear. So easy to fake it's not even funny.
Possible, but could be faked.
I don't like getting my hands dirty… also (and same reason I haven't done FOIAs on 9/11) I don't want my DACA nullified
We ALL have something to lose from the consequences of acting too much against the system. Also, 9/11 is complicated because if USA destabilizes as a result of 9/11 truth, you can bet China and Russia will become more pronounced in the politics of our continent! I'm not saying we should let Saudi Arabia and Israel get away with it, but we need to be smarter.
When memes become reality:
Could be. There are always journalists/photographers in downtown Dallas. Wouldn't be unusual for some to be around a courthouse either.
Throwing a life of anime AND MANGA! away is not an accomplishment.
Who the fuck took this picture? Why is it so well focused? Why is the picture so clear?
This whole thing stinks of false flag.
Makes perfect sense
my little nutjobs.
you don't attack directly where the police are and take your time.
speed and soft targets are the keys!
That particular courthouse is a fortress too. After the OKC bombing they upgraded security and probably again after 9/11. I'm surprised he got off as many shots as he did.
Is that sperg holding a rifle with one hand and his knife in the other? No wonder he didn't hit shit. That's exactly how gay ass video game characters hold their weapons, like Snake in MGS with his silly ass stances that aren't real shooting techniques. This guy was a larping spa who clearly knew nothing about what he was doing and couldn't even dress himself properly.
I hope you're including Americans, Hispanics, Mediterraneans, and Slavs are whites… otherwise, the Aryan Zig Forums community will have to view you as a kike shill.
Capped for later.
Just stop already, you pathetic DACAryan spicspammer. This retarded meme will never stick.
You'll never be White.
That's better quality than usual. Good job!
I'll wager a dollar says the next "shooting" will take place in one of the following locations:
Broward County, FL
San Bernadino County, CA
Boston Area, Massachusetts
Dallas, TX area
D.C. Washington
All of CT and VA are eligible.
Look up the amount of people that die due to self-inflicted gunshot wounds. Think of all the people who die of heroin overdoses, think of all the deaths due to reckless car accidents, or all those fat dickheads ate too much food and had a cardiac arrest. Dumb shit happens all the time and nobody records it. Watch COPS for crying out loud. The only thing remotely worth noting about today is that some retard came fully prepared logistically to fuck up a courthouse for ideological reasons but was mentally unequipped to bring down anybody but himself. What a pathetic world we live in, where you either live a long peaceful life soaking up entertainment that shits on your very essence or you die in a fucking shootout that you weren't even ready for mentally.
Based Brenton got 50, this guy got a banned Facebook account.
They're not being hypocritical. They don't want any whites having guns but they want ZOG bots having guns. Good propaganda for conservitards though as they're the only ones who would eat >muh hypocrisy up. Use it with them until they're converted from being pussies to chad RWDS more likely former commies will be the chad RWDS tbqhwyfamalam.
(((tell me your plans goy)))
fake and gay
There's also the distinct possibility that the new hoaxsters (see Broadcasting Board of Governors) under Trumpstein aren't cool with fatalities in their orchestrated events. They may be able to made believe "guns in citizens hands bad" but getting them to believe that "children must be the victims" could prove quite difficult.
That's what I was saying, I see how it could be misinterpreted though
Asking the right questions here. This photo looks like it was posed, compare it to pictures of Tarrant made by third parties.
What about L.A. and Seattle? Toronto and Vancouver(I think) are jew hotspots as well.
Minecraft players, keep training in single player before going onto somebody's server. Try the stealth minecraft build like on the german server