Coffin of Tutankhamun's great-grandmother opened to show preserved body with blonde hair
TUTANKHAMUN’S great-grandmother may have had blonde hair, after footage showed her tomb being opened for the first time in years.
Coffin of Tutankhamun's great-grandmother opened to show preserved body with blonde hair
TUTANKHAMUN’S great-grandmother may have had blonde hair, after footage showed her tomb being opened for the first time in years.
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I'm still trying to figure out why they let kikes into their civilization. Why muttify it for a few shekels?
Ancient Egypt was a mixed Celtic and Persian kingdom
And the people were from all over Europe and Persia with the occasional proto-Mongol/Turk.
100 Hitlergruß and I'll post proof.
There were no jews until josephus.
Well that explains King Tut's DNA test.
We have to censor this negative information so nigs can blossom.
We are Kings.
the kikes have a prophecy that the whites and arabs will interbreed before the coming of the messiah and creating a barbaric people who are red like esau
Persians are not arab you fucking filthy foreskin eating jew nigger. Prohpecy is jewry. All that is real is natural.
so, uhhh..
we were kings and feces?
This is just more anti-celtic jew larping and god's chosen. jew can't help themselves.
But King David had red hair. So what you're saying is, we were Jews and the Jews of today are the false Jews of the Synagogue of Satan as Jesus, the descendant of King David, spoke of?
We have a winrar!
"Adam" means "ruddy cheeked", as in red cheeked.. the ability to blush. This makes sense as Adam was ashamed for disobeying God.
Tell me user, who can blush?
Persia, Egypt, the Sumerians (notice Aryan is in the name just like with Hungarians) and the rest of the planet, used to be ocupied by Aryans, during the days of Atlantis. Arabs or Muslims, are genetically jews, they are simply a branchoff of old testament Judaism.
Most of the mixed non-white races were produced in sodom, by the sodomites.
Egypt was White.
Shit be made up yo
Josephus is the source of all these stories as "jewish history".
Because they had yet to exist.
Semites and niggers are adamite filth
FYI: Egypt never enslaved any jews. The story of moses and all that is basically biblical era yolocaust propaganda.
Jacob (later given the name Israel) was the first Jew. Yahweh (God of the Jews) got the bloodline of Jacob to rule/care over, thus making Jacob the first Jew.
user "King David" was European in Persian lands. He was no jew. jew Josephus made it up. Solomon (davids son) also wasn't jewish and is the source of the "star of david" for jews, as "solomon turned to Celtic gods in his later days". This is a lie to excuse the Celtic symbol being brought to the Arab people living in Persian lands as a symbol of their heritage. more jewish lies as always. Joephus jut attached his people to the hitory of the surrounding kingdoms for future land claims. See Isnotreal.
tippity top kek
According to Josephus, who wrote the Torah, e.g., the Bible's first five stories.
Even jew scholars in Isnotreal accept that the entire thing is fabricated and not real. See Finkelstein's 'The Bible Unearthed'. There is not record of jews that predate Josephus he is the sole source for everything, even the Torah, though he pretends "moses" wrote it. Look it up. All sources are Josephus and the Bible. Both full of lies.
That pic isn't real. I have an Egyptian art book from the 90's and the people aew the same color; light tan (white), not brown and black.
Pics or it didn't happen.
May means we have to wait for the correct interpretation from Dershowitz. Video footage is not as trustworthy as the council of rabbis.
Source m8.
Book name.
Year published.
Or the ISBN
The Irish people are descended from Egyptians who left Africa. The tale is that an Egyptian princess was forced to flee with 1,000 of her followers during a power struggle, and they eventually ended up in Ireland and then Scotland.
In ancient times Scota, the daughter of pharaoh, left Egypt with her husband Gaythelos by name and a large following. For they had heard of the disasters which were going to come upon Egypt, and so through the instructions of the gods they fled from certain plagues that were to come. They took to the sea, entrusting themselves to the guidance of the gods. After sailing in this way for many days over the sea with troubled minds, they were finally glad to put their boats in at a certain shore because of bad weather.
The Scottish people were not an amalgam of Picts, Scots, and other European peoples but were in fact Egyptians, who could trace their ancestry directly back to a pharaoh’s daughter and her husband, a Greek king. The queen’s name was Scota – from where comes the name Scotland. The Greek king was Gaythelos – hence Gaelic, and their son was known as Hiber – which gives us Hibernia.
Good times.
Sounds like when they analyzed 90 mummies and found out we wuzn't Kangz
Or like 5-6 years ago when Toutankhamon "surprisingly" happened to be R1B-M269
Basically every civilization collapses when Indo-Europeans start interbreeding with nigs and dunecoons.
Fuck off, tornigger.
It is way modern and the light skin tones could be the edit tbh.
The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt
First edition
Amber Books
Helen Strudwick
I could have sworn it was a recent publication of an older book but it seems not. I do not have it with me so I have to trust Amznjwz.
Sorry jew. Anybody who reads even the wiki about josephus and follows the source claims will come to same conclusion; that jews are liars and their entire history is lies all starting with proto-jew josephus. Josephus called Rome the "whore on the hill". Josephus made up story about "Nero playing flute while Rome burned". It's all made up.
Usually I hear it from Christcucks who say Scots were a lost tribe of isnotreal.
But this seems to be true.
It is written that Scota’s father was named Achencres, and according to the 300 BC historian Manetho, Achencres is the Greek version of Akhenaten, who ruled Egypt around 1350 BC. This means that Scota was actually Meritaten, the last surviving daughter of Akhenaten, who ended up disappearing from Egyptian records. She was likely forced out of the country after the death of her father, as Akhenaten had angered many powerful people with his reforms, moving the capitol to Armana and shifting the religion of Egypt to focus solely on the worship of Aten, the sun disk.
Obsession with the sun top kek.
But there is more:
For more blonde mummies from look up Yuya and Thuya, great grandparents to Tutankhamen and Meriaten.
The Bible is not the Torah.
Probably the first victims of the kike infestation.
Ok you've convinced me, only the Irish would be so retarded and autistic.
I can't answer the "Why" but I think I can answer the "How".
The Egyptians did not enslave the jews like in the Torah. That story is the original Holohoax.
Interestingly enough, there is a lot of evidence to indicate that the kikes had been kicked out of ancient Sumeria earlier than their foray into Egypt.
The jew may have been traveling from tribe to tribe for millennia upon millennia, subverting and exploiting the natives until they could no longer stand it and expelled them, only for the jew, like locusts, to travel to a new host to suck their blood.
Golly, it is almost like the vitamins that cause hair pigment deplete over time.
So how does that explain skull shape and how her brow doesn't slope like a nigger's?
Checked. This is definitely true. Everything in the Old Testament is from the jewish perspective. Most likely they were up to their old tricks, ingratiating themselves to the upper class and running their usurious rackets, only to be driven out for exploiting the people of Egypt. However, in their version they were taken as slaves and escaped the evil Egyptians, but knowing what we know now about these people which do you think is more likely?
Well that explains this.
>The results showed that King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to which more than 50 percent of all men in Western Europe belong, indicating that they share a common ancestor.
>The mutation was found on an entirely different gene called HERC2. HERC2 turns off OCA2, meaning it turns off the brown and reveals the blue. Every blue-eyed person has this exact same mutation.
I'm not surprised, all historical evidence supports they traveled along the Mediterranean and Northern Africa. It makes sense they would reach there. With his mother revealed, the case is closed for the most famous Pharaoh.
just like time is nature's hair straightener, yeah?
we were monarchy.
Guess who wrote history dumb dumb
He is off trying to get vitamins that will straighten his hair and turn it blonde.
Please cease for just a moment so what you're trying to tell me is that in fact we were Monarchs and such? Golly.
I heard that the reason why the Pharaoh chased them down was because the Semites plundered the nation, and took the goods with them.
They are the whitest and most handsome of all the people that I have seen in Indies, and their wives were so beautiful that because of their gentleness, many of them deserved to be the Incas' wives and to also be taken to the Sun Temple (…) The women and their husbands always dressed in woolen clothes and in their heads they wear their llautos, which are a sign they wear to be known everywhere.[citation needed]
— "The Incas", Pedro de Cieza de Leon, Chapter 27
And then the kikes brought in several million niggers and you all fucked them silly.
End of story. Those people opted out of their race.
From OP's link.
What about skull shape?
The Y-chromosome of King Tut has never been published, and speculation about it is based on some screencaps from a Discovery Channel documentary that may or may not belong to the Pharaoh.
HAHAHAHA imagine the kikes surprise when the very tomb they open shows the world that they have been our ancient enemy, as recorded in their own holy books, for thousands of years.
hahahaha…too funny.
Not science.
Nuestra raza Egipcia!
Que viva nuestra Raza Aria!!
Phrenology is real… look at Trump's children, their IQ is at least in the 150 because of the shape of their ear. The Jews are afraid of Trump and his Aryan children… that's why (((they))) want us to be like Jeb's racemixed children.
I wish my children grow up to be like Trump's children.
Not science.
Laughable that you think Trumps offspring are intelligent because of the shape of their ears. Also what in the fuck makes you think they are Aryan? They are related just like all the other presidents are related to the (((elite))).
Niggers literally have a different shaped skull.
Phrenology is merely a diagnostic tool to distinguish one ethnic group from another. It is NOT a pseudo scientific replacement for horoscopes, you retard.
It shows that they were not niggers.
Trump is an Israel First neo-liberal kike. The Jews aren't afraid of Trump, they own him.
Doesn't all of the hair turn orange color from the mummification process?
This is the real question at hand, the hair means nothing. A serious biologist needs to look at this skull and determine what ethnicity the skull shape correlates to.
My guess is that they weren't fucking Scottish like Varg retardily says, but a copperish Caucasian ethnic group which is now extinct due to rave mixing.
There have been mummies found across the four corners of the globe with red hair. Please don't do a literal WE WUZ.
Nah, they were just Mediterranean White. Basically Roman.
Hungarians? You mean those Hun mutts?
her skull doesn't particularly look Caucasoid
Then why do they always portrait themselves with brown skin? I don't think they have the same phenotype as the ancient Romans, looking at Roman statues compared to Egyptian ones is like night and day.
I think you are confusing the Arabisation of southern Europe with their ancient Middle Eastern counterparts. Roman emperors were often blonde haired and blue eyed, the same as the Ancient Greeks portrait themselves.
Think about this - The blacks started with thie we wuz kangs and shhhhieeet, then a year later the Whites contested with 'no, we wuz kangs and hindus and buddhas and street shitters an shieet.'
Seems scripted and planned by the Jews to promote (((peace))).
Why would they leave that one out?
Then again, I agree with what you say here though such a comparison will have to be made carefully, so as to avoid anachronistic bullshit mistakes.
Why does it matter ?
Remember that the Jews are buggering your mom as you are over here playing we wuz kangs, shit streeting hindus an shieet.
yes they are. Look on a map
I can hear the walls of Wakanda crumble from my room.
Take your pick
>(((restorers))) paint over old faded drawings and make them browner for politically correct (((reasons)))
The real question is; what color was GOD?
I know that we wuz hindu shit streeting gods an shieet; but what color is the REAL God?
thats not phrenology thats craniometrics/forensics
The bible got edited in favor of the Jews anyways. The oldest versions speak of one overgod ruling 12 gods which rule one of the 12 bloodlines each, Yahweh being one of them. Fucked up stuff…
Be still, my good man. Art thou suggesting were once were as his majesty?
Nor surprise here. The whole middle east was once white!
Iran = Land of the aryans
No more brother wars!
March Of The Titans - The Complete History Of The White Race:
Jewish Tactics against the goyim
Ey Cracka, Wuz yo Say naow? KAAANGZ. White walks by. SMACK. Sucker punched dat Mudrfukr KAAANGZ!