Think about it.
Just remember that there hasn’t been a single Waco or Ruby Ridge type event since 4/19/1995. This guy gave his life away just to fight for you and me. This guy is a hero in every true sense of that word.
Think about it.
Just remember that there hasn’t been a single Waco or Ruby Ridge type event since 4/19/1995. This guy gave his life away just to fight for you and me. This guy is a hero in every true sense of that word.
Other urls found in this thread:
Timothy was the reason being racist got you shouted down for twenty years.
Alright so here's the thing:
Politicians, world leader you think are on our side (like Putin), FBI and CIAniggers, Interpol, Mi5 and others within the Intelligence Community… they're all part of the Plot against us. Hell, even Trump turned out to be an Israel First puppet. These people are either willingly part of the agenda, they're blackmailed, they're afraid of what it might mean for the world should anyone disobey, or as in the case with CIAniggers, they care more about their careers than the good of their Nation. That's the blackpill and you must swallow it. But here's the redpill…
It doesn't matter. Our enemies, though they seem powerful, are few. And they are actually quite weak. All it takes to defeat them is mass redpilling the nations. When the People realize who it is they serve, and that they are slaves destined for extinction, they will no longer complacently obey. They can not obey. Their own moral conscious doesn't permit servitude. When you see some glowie promoting Siege, shooting up Synagogues, violently over-throwing one's respective Government, or attempting to make you idolize those who do: it's a distraction. They don't want you using propaganda to spread the truth in an effort to re-educate the public.
The only thing our Enemy truly fears is an awake and angry populace.
Your sword, Anonymous, is the Truth. And your shied, non-violence. Never forget that; do not fall for their tricks. The beauty of our cause is not revealed in the ugly pervasiveness of hatred but an over-powering love for one's Self and folk.
Do not forget.
He was a patsy.
what was his voice like? high pitch and bitchy or deep low intimidating?
Fed thread.
This guy killed innocent children in that building you 12 year old nigger. Kys.
Think angry Bill Gates.
Mcveigh was a sheepdipped operative. The most glowingest of all glowniggers.
Also why fo you faggots these days act like the shit retards talk about on the chans simply didnt exist before the internet.
But he recklesslessy slaughtered nigress and niggrrssess babies and sheeit. And hispanics and other oppressed minirities and glow faggots and glow babies and shit………..:
Have a problem, nigger lover?
For sure
Flip them the bird and call them cock sucking ass faggot nigger lovers
Ha how’s that diversity working out for you Tom? Ha lovin it?
Not even a little bit hence the string of periods
He did good and my sarc didn’t translate. Fuck man control your autism
Also I said glow babies and you didn’t even lol. Thanks asshole and fuck your mom. I said something funny
There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt. Take note, Feds and CIAniggers. Your families are legitimate targets.
You glowniggers figure out what (you) means yet
What does "sheepdipped" mean, fedboy? Never seen that particular parlance tossed about around these parts.
nice reddit spacing, officer
Stop fucking pointing it out to them, you holier-than-thou idiot. Would you prefer your federal instigators blend in?
It was originally coined for Lee Oswald smeared to be blamed for a false flag.
Handed out flyers fair play for cuba etc.
Strassmeir and the jews did it are you another mental ree ree judenrat Fed faggot?
Any faggot that beleives the McVeigh hoax needs to do his homework.
No ATF at the building when the bomb went off.
Three bombs recovered from the building after the first one went off.
ANFO is a shit explosive that was pushed forever as the cause.
Bloody kids paraded b4 the news cameras.
It was getting away with this main event of the day that emboldened them to pull off 911.
OKC was an inside job and basically, you are fucking stupid
An example to us all.
Lurk for 2 years child
counter intuition: anyone who believes in Acceleration, should therefore support and assist the Alphabet Bois and Glowy Bois in their false flag inside job mass casualty bombings, because 9/11 The Sequel is the only kind of event that will be big enough to trigger Martial Law and FEMA Camp and immediate Civil War (with Russian intervention to arm and train the moderate rebel freedom fighters of the Free Army of the Northwest Front).
therefore, if ushering in The Collapse as soon as possible to set the stage for Race War and The Holocaust but-for-real-this-time, then you must also support your local sloppily attired, trained for 21 weeks FBI clown cop, and your local man chowder gloryhole pozload guzzling CIA Officer McMuffin traitor. if you want TSHTF then you should be volunteering to every fedpoaster that you are available immediately for operations and "spectaculars" and cooking and special deliveries.
you have no reason to fear the feds. you want the same thing they want, only they dont realize they are giving it to you.
Please post terrorist-positive subjects like this to leftypol or reddit where they belong.
They're more gullible and will go along with any coaxing from law enforcement.
Not trying to do your job for you, just sayin . . .
You'll have better luck over there.
If McVeigh didn't earn any explosive materials, he could kill/injured the same number of people with firearms. Explosives were more accurate.
Its totally weird that a bunch of people want to murder employees of the federal government and their families, they're just sitting there minding their own business not even doing anything wrong, its like theres just something in the air
disgusting anti-federalism, radicalized by tropes and canards from marxist extremists in schools.
Haha you don't expect to get a reaction in here do you? It's got to be 10% feds and 89% adl in here these days.
McVeigh set a bomb in the name of most important law in US history - gun law.
if anything should be targeted. Liberal media. Shut their lying mouths. And the truth can gain a better foot hold
If you don't kill the enemy's children also, you are basically allowing a future army to form against you.
It's state government as much, if not more.
Wtf is this
Think about it for a second. Why would FBI posters want us to adopt Timothy McVeigh as an hero?
Legitimate question: why is it so outlandish to think that a man would get pissed off about the Waco siege enough to blow up a federal building. Why does the okc bombing HAVE to be a false flag? Keep in mind the ATF knowingly burned all those women and children alive inside of their compound. Are you implying that white men are spineless enough to take an event like that and turn the other cheek to the government?
Checked dubs
Yep fuck Oklahoma too
hello? nigger we just had a thread proving the fbi (you)'s show they say everything is a false flag? Just ignore them
Convenient how there were children in a federal building, only noted after the fact.
The children story was a lie by the media and government to demonize an act that would have otherwise encouraged the nation to rise up, there was no daycare in the building.
I will say however, that McVeigh's unlucky traffic stop was literally proof to me that there is no God; or that God is on the side of the pedophiles and Jews.
Merchant, your nose is showing, glow nigger your posts are glowing. You don't even realize what US Spring sprung.
Nah I was just old enough to remember that shit boomer.
You fuckers were cowards. McVeigh (a Gen X'er) was brave enough to take action against a government out of control.
I remember all you pussy faggot tough guys talking about militias and how Clinton and Reno were so evil, after Waco and Ruby Ridge, and you faggots did nothing while our govt killed innocent Americans.
The media lies about McVeigh killing children in the fictional daycare in the building gave you pussies the excuse you wanted to back down and bend the knee.
You pussies got pushed to the wall, no other option but to get up or shut up, and you all used McVeigh as your excuse to bow out.
The false flag claims were immediate, the "muh kids" lie was taken without question because you pussies just wanted an excuse to disband your larpmiltias and go back to watching TV and dealing with your kid life crises'.
McVeigh remained true to the end. A true hero of Gen X and you boomer faggots disowned him for doing exactly what you faggots larped about doing for years.
Boomers told themselves it was a false flag, and bought the "muh kids" lie to justify their pussying out.
They KNEW ruby ridge and Waco were a legitimate casus belli against the Feds, but they instead chose to accept the lies because they were too pussy to take action when the chips were down.
They demonized McVeigh and surrendered.
This user is a jew operative. Violence is the only solution. It always was. Victory can only be achieved through the genocide of the enemy. Kill all jews.
we are missing sirhan sirhan is a hero and lee harvey oswald is a hero threads. phosphorescent threads lighten up my day!
It was a False Flag, you silly little faggot.
You weren't around, so you don't know shit, but we ALL remember the "Muslim Man" who exited the van with McVeigh, and then disappeared (not even come up in a search anymore, totally scrubbed!). ALL the security footage from the entire neighborhood was snatched up by the ATF, who just so happened to be running "drills", in full battle rattle readiness, just down the street, right outside the blast zone, putting them in the perfect position to be the first "heroes" on the scene, holding up all the bloody babies for the awaiting "journalists" and photographers.
Clinton's "Anti Terrorist Act" (Patriot Act 1.0) was waiting in the wings, and "softened" our Rights in the name of dead kids, prepping us for 9/11. And yes, you little shit, we all stepped up, and screamed at the top of our lungs in a world that wasn't nearly connected as today, and we were easily swatted down like gnats as "Conspiracy Theorists" by the massive MockingBird Media Machine. Shall I go on, you little retard? I've forgotten more about our corrupt government, and all these fucking happenings than you'll ever even know, little one. Show some fucking respect.
This all ties into the botched attack on the Twin Towers in '93 as well, kid. You think we haven't struggled and sacrificed to stay on the ass of these traitors for decades? Your generation would be a bunch of tranny nigger's sex slaves today (most already are) if WE hadn't incessantly dogged these fuckers with the limited tools we had at the time in a world that had its head up its collective ass. WE are the reason you know half the shit you know. WE are why you are on this board.
Calm the fuck down, and shut the fuck up until you lurk a few more years, spaz.
You ignorant, arrogant, ungrateful children don't know shit. You don't know shit.
McVeigh was a patsy. Poor sucker. His head was in the right place, but he fell for a Fed set up.
Learn the lesson.
Be smarter.
I don't get it.
What do you conspiracy faggots do aside from screaming false flags at everything every days?
Listen to this guy
lmao there was no "muslim man" give me a single screenshot of a fucking news article ever mentioning a "muslim man" accompanying mcveigh
All feds.
The weirdest part about this case is they have no clue who radicalized him but he was definitely based on Locke
also he was interviewed after and said it worked and the impact was what he wanted, couldve just been fucking nuts though
What are you doing, nigger? You have the entire world at your fingertips, and you still haven't done shit, but whine.
There was once some grainy footage of the dark haired muzzie exiting the rental truck, you dumb little faggot.
It's amazing how fucking naive you children are.
No wonder History repeats so often, and so easily.
You should get, "Nuh-Uh", tattooed across your forehead. It the mantra of the youth.
You're still sleeping, sheep.
You're fucked.
I don't whine, I ask a goddamn question, you fucking boomer.
You scream false flags at Zig Forums every fucking days, what have you done ASIDE from that?
>its (((muslims)))
he was anti government you fucking retard this should be something you support
imagine being this gay
Not a boomer.
Nice strawman. I don't do that. I scrutinize the available information and evidence. This shooting was silly, and looks like a smoke screen for the NXIUM Sex Slave scandal that was blowing up yesterday with Clinton's and Schumer's names being dropped and implicated.
Learn to look bigger than the Magician's Stage, little one. It's all big fucking Magic Shit Show.
You little faggots are so damn brainwashed by the same fuckers who got your parents, and too arrogant to snap out of it.
And I would love nothing more than to regale you with my tales, but this site is compromised, and even you, with your challenging, absolutist demeanor, might even be a shilling Fed, phishing for incrimination.
The rule still stands.
Lurk 2 years, faggot.
I do support anti government. As long as the actions aren't co-opted by CIA, and their muzzie proxies, as they set up, and burn Active, Anti Government White Men as patsies in front of the sleeping masses, while using their media monopoly, and corrupt government apparatus to further strip us of our Liberties in the name of "security" against such "scary, HomeGrown Terrorist Attacks".
Imagine being this fucking gay.
Wake up, child. You still have a LOT to learn.
And then scream false flag, you schizo boomer fuck.
Now what do you aside from sitting on your ass and screaming false flag?
Has screaming false flag actually help in any case?
Goddamn truthers screaming false flag at 9/11 for over 15 years, didn't change goddamn shit, even when it's really a false flag.
No, you lurk and shut the fuck up.
quit biting the hand that feeds you
Not to mention a media Smoke Screen for the botched False Flag blaming Iran, and justifying the war that's been itching on the sidelines since General Wesley Clark divulged the plan years ago. The information comes out, everyone goes, "Oh NO!", and then goes right back to sleep, forgetting everything, and connecting zero dots.
Seriously, kids. I often wish I could upload into your heads everything guys like my have uncovered, and attempted to spread for literally the last 30 fucking years. It is truly astounding how good these fuckers are at always covering this shit up, and causing enough distraction, and entertainment static, PACKED with propaganda, to make people consistently, and quite easily, forget all the bullshit they've seen and know.
Ultimate frustration. Have no words to describe.
Being a pattern recognition tier autist, with a steel trap memory, is a fucking curse.
Those who do not study History are doomed to repeat it. Those who do study it, are doomed to sit back and watch everyone else drag us down these same rotten paths.
You have no idea…
Children of zogbots coming to kill our children. I'd make that trade every. day.
McVeigh was a fed stooge, you homo. Total false flag shill.
If that's where the information and evidence point to.
I won't bother with the rest of your sperging, retard. You're obviously too emotionally triggered to continue with a rational debate.
Ignorance, and arrogance are a failing combination, child.
Control your emotions.
I'm literally asking you a question, dumb ass boomer.
What do you do aside from screaming false flag all days?
And has screaming false flag helped in any case?
You ask me to be rationale, BE rationale instead.
I have no idea how long you have been sitting your ass screaming false flag.
And the Iran one is fucking obvious, doesn't take muh high IQ to figure it out.
I'm asking someone else two questions, yid.
And I already answered both of those retarded questions, you ignorant, arrogant, repetitive, petulant child.
I'm done with you, you little shit stain.
Yes, Iran IS an obvious False Flag. Now imagine being 3 decades steeped in this shit. Do you not think one might have a more keen eye to see through the bullshit? More so than you, little one?
Oklahoma was OBVIOUS to many of us when it happened, AND BEFORE THEY SCRUBBED THE INTERNET OF ALL PERTINENT EVIDENCE! You don't know shit.
And now you're just embarrassing yourself, kid.
Slow down, control your emotions, and use your logical mind.
Go do your homework.
Where exactly? Point to them.
Which means it doesn't need you to decode them, schizo boomer.
No, it doesn't. Screaming false flags at the top of your lungs mean jack fucking shit.
Again, answer the question:
What do you do aside from screaming false flags?
And have you screaming false flags helped ANY case in real life?
I'm being rationale, now answer the damn question, boomer.
Again, I ask a question, which was not answered.
Ignorant, arrogant, petulant child gets nothing.
Literal schizo boomers can't answer a goddamn question.
That's the false flag, folks.
Boomer, don't pretend anyone got anything from you but FALSE FLAGS MY FELLOW BOOMERS.
Exactly where are the benefits?
Truthers screamed false flag 9/11 (which was a false flag) for 15 years, change jack fucking shit, but actually turning people against each other due to conflicting theories.
So now everyone is scared of their own shadows.
Where are the benefits?
inb4 again the schizo boomer can't answer a goddamn question
You're too stupid to bother with what is an obvious explanation, you fucking retarded child. You don't even possess simple reading comprehension. Why should anyone take a shrieking woman boy seriously? You can't even keep up anyway.
Go back to the kiddy table, little one.
Stop posting here. This place isn't for the tiny minded like you, son.
I didn't realise kids worked for the federal government
Again, I ask a question, schizo boomer.
Answer it.
You are acting like a yid right now when you type a lot but say nothing.
What the fuck are kids doing in a fed building?
Ask your boss, you retarded muslim child.
In an on-site daycare, I imagine. Or being carted around with visiting parents, it does happen sometimes
Not to mention there will have been people who weren't federal employees present, many more who had nothing to do with waco or ruby ridge
They do nothing. That is the whole shtick of these sad useless fucks. This whole falseflaggotry is nothing but politicized cowardice, an alibi of why to not do anything. See pic related. Shit is about Tarrant, but it applies perfectly to Timothy too. The mere fact that these are so similar is telling. Cowardice is transcendental, it was same 5000 years ago as today, just as bravery is.
Oh boomer is still on, what about my question?
Again, their fucking problem. Literally child human shields in case someone attack fed buildings.
All feds, and some DEA beat it.
Loud mouth, petulant children are all the same.
Ironic, and hypocritical, and utterly devoid of rational, logical thought.
Go get 'em, kids!!
For people so smart, yet they do nothing.
It's like they are paid to deescalate violence and prevent further actions.
You say all this about rationality yet you can't answer a simple question.
Holy shit.
I answered your bullshit, faggot. You're just retarded. It's embarrassing. Stop talking.
You don't belong here, that's certain.
Go "do something", big boy pants.
No one is stopping you.
You seem to have it all figured out.
I'll be watching the "news" for your epic success.
My hero!
If you have answered it, can you point to it?
Sure, I will.
I'll be reading from prison about your epic false flag narrative, boomer.
You can't reason with emotions, hence his inability to debate nothing. Same reason you can't debate with menstruating woman. Also explains his projection about the lack of rational, logical thought. Stupid people tend to show their insides like this.
He didn't kill any children.. the daycare was empty..
Welcome to the real world, faggot.
Oklahoma City Bombing was a False Flag.
McVeigh was a patsy.
You idiots are too lazy and stupid to do any research.
There is no "debating" with retarded, emotional, children.
You don't even know the simple fact that there was a daycare in the building for the Federal workers. Yet you have the fucking arrogant nerve to grab your tiny nutsack, and scream
as loud, and as often as you can?
Fucking retarded children don't know shit, and never will.
Go shoot up a school, you useless shit stains. You'll never achieve anything else at your level of intellect and lack of dedication.
You don't know shit.
You are repeating yourself now, I ask you what do you do aside from screaming false flags all fucking days?
And when has your screaming false flag helped?