Quebec Bans Religious Symbols in Some Public Sector Jobs
>Bill 21 (Loi 21) was passed by a vote of 73-35 in the National Assembly on Sunday. It bars civil servants “in positions of authority” – such as teachers, police, and government lawyers – from wearing religious symbols. This includes Christian crucifixes, Muslim headscarves, Sikh turbans and Jewish yarmulkes, for instance.
>Lawmakers also approved Bill 9, which imposes new French language and values tests for prospective immigrants intended to “protect Quebec identity.” “Look, we can talk semantics all day long. You know and I know what this is all about,” legal and media analyst Lionel told RT, suggesting that the seemingly secular statute stood as a proxy for anti-immigrant sentiment.
>Commentator Gavin McInnes disagreed with the ban on Sikh turbans and called the ban on the yarmulke absurd, but agreed with the ban on the burqa as something just not compatible with Western culture.
Quebec passes new laws,abrahamic cults and sikh fucks get fucked
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This is fucking awesome.
Oh look, stupid winos protesting.
What else is new
I'm sure you love state atheism chaim
I too welcome my materialist Godless overlords
On the positive side of this, it means that unlike the RCMP, Quebec's Surete won't be tolerating any shitrags.
Hope no employees have Tattoos.
This is just next level globohomo. As much as Abrahamic cults belong in the oven, secular civnat cultism does too.
TFW I'm starting to like Froganucks. Vive Le Quebecois, Vive les Blancs.
Leviticus 19:28 ? The original Hebrew is very expressed.
He should shut up and go back to shoving stuff up his ass and sucking dicks. Would still be less embarrassing.
shitskin op
The CAQ promised to lower immigration quotas, they were elected, lowered them, and then immediately bent to corporate pressures and brought the quotas back up. They don't want to preserve Quebec's identity or people.
So what are the shitskins saying about this ban,any protests.
Anyone confused as to why we don’t support ecelebs?
Nice one. Too bad they will pull it few days later.
hey look guys, I'm preserving out culture
Legault ran an airline, so he probably negotiated a deal with the Vatican and Trump to layicise in exchange for certain favors. Essentially fixing some holes in what they did in 1981 most likely and reincorported civilly. They haven't had religious state-funded schools for a generation. Interesting Ontario (legally an extenstion of England & Wales) still does.
The bill will be changed last minute to only ban christcuck symbols.
So when will they have Solar Temple 2: Electric Boogaloo?
user, when did any of these people read the religious text they proclaimed to hold so dear?
Getting sick of 8ch lately. Anyone know a good site where the truth is revealed..? Fringe knowledge, lies about the gov., news,whatever. I'll be making the same post in other threads, so fuck off.
Christians do not follow the Old Law, for they have refuge in the Lord.
So as long as you love the Lord you can massacre the mudslimes and kikes.
How is the shitskin question in Quebec? Besides the natives that live in the far north, is it a 95%+ White country? or is Montreal and surroundings full of haitians and apericans?
Montreal is far better than Vancouver racewise.
But smaller towns outside Montreal are still 98.5% white
Well there's still good old
Tattoos are excluded
Can't. Assembly on vacation.
Why do Christians suppose any sort of legitimacy exists to Jewish myth? They think that initially God favoured the Jews and then switched to favouring everyone and superseding the Torah, but that requires a stance that Judaism was ever legitimate or had any connection to God.
There is no "Old Law" because (((Abrahamic))) myth is false, God never communicated with the kikes except through his three holy messengers and their noble deeds: Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus, Sviatoslav I Igorevich, and Adolf Hitler.
Why did Cyrus the Great suppose any sort of legitimacy existed to Jewish myth?
He didn't. That's jewish myth. There was no jewish "captivity" in Babylon any more than there was in Egypt. Jews love becoming unwelcome guests in a country and then acting as though they were there against their will and suffering.
Wow, so this must be the winning you fags talk about
Reminder of the truth about what happened between anglos and francos.
Confirmed for upset sand nigger.
Christfags pls go
Says the jew
So many upset mudslimes.
Quebec is not going to become a sharia zone, Abdul. No matter how much you pretend to be a christfag.
Ok pagan larp kike lol, can't even imagine being so fucking retarded to defend anything leafs do but here we are
Kikes are opposed to that law you stupid fuck.
Kill yourself abdul
Christians aren't kikes pagan larp jew
Christards were the invading culture.
You didn't even read the book, did you?
Enjoy being a secular multicultural country, I guess.
Trying to preserve its identity while importing invaders?
Merci user we love you too
Even kek was better than that shit
And can be assumed was strangely quiet, probably nodding to crusifixes being banned for palimentaries, but honestly, dont care either way, keep fucking religion out of politics, especially cults like the cult of marx.
Anyways, good job quebec.
It's of the utmost importance to get the approval of some shit tier unfunny neocon comedian that cashed in on the VICE stock scam.
t. west coaster who wants his money back you fucking socialist fucks
Bring me another pipe full of opium, chop chop Hop Sing.
No foreskin = no job
Like pottery. Québec should just secede from Leaf-jewry and his cucklord premier.
What a shock.
Fuck boomer atheists. The Catholic faith is the backbone of French-Canadian culture.
So much ink spilled and so much shit slung for a law project that will ultimately affect maybe all of 200 people (those poor muslim policewomen…) The upside of this debacle is it's acting as a massive red pill for Quebec, the systematic bad faith and open contempt shown by opponents to bill 21 has essentially revitalized people's sense of national pride overnight when it had been in steady decline for the last 20 years thanks to a stagnant political climate. Quebec has no fucks to give anymore about stingy old libs in Ottawa and Calgary telling them they're being horrible racists.
No, you're muh dick faggots. Get out.
I want racial purity and religious freedom.
Fuck this stupid law.
As an Anglo in Quebec, I hope so but don’t see a lot of evidence for it.
Do you pay attention to french language media at all? Their tune is wildly different from what you get in the CBC's sob stories
Still trying to gain fluency and have no TV, I only read.
I have seen some evidence socially, to be sure, but they mostly seem too afraid to really push back, say what they (might) be thinking, or to look like racists or “insensitive”.
And I am in a much smaller and less infected place than the already lost Montreal
Shut the fuck up jew, religion belongs in politics, specifically only Christianity
Neither did you jew
This is awesome. I love when atheists get to shit on religion via statism.
Christianity colonized and wiped out the indigenous (natural) believe-systems to spread itself through kike trickery and utter deception.
Fuck off with your shit anything is better than a semitic religion.
Look at the goals of those religions: convert as many goyim to make them slaves to you and your demon god.
And no, christianity isn't the backbone, Aryan thinking and organisation is its backbone and could have happened under any system that doesn't wipe out Aryan bloodlines completely.
It happened in spite of christianity, many scientific breakthroughs that went against the church weree stopped for being heathen and thus resisting the evolution of man.
Not some view on life that doesn't differentiate between genetics.
Western Civilization expanded DESPITE christianity, not because of it, you fucking dipshit. How many great innovations, and knowledge have been completely crushed, and deleted from human consciousness in the name of protecting religious dogma, authority, and power?
You're a fucking brainwashed kike puppet.
You are no longer Aryan.
hey can you give me some links I've been starting to think these things as well.
You're the dumbest fucking jew ever anyone who thinks this fag isn't a kike like this homo>>13415274 needs to go jump in a fucking oven
Christianity is 100% white and what a fucking surprise since everyone started become an retarded nigger atheist jew we've become non-white
how do you ask for the Nazi haircut?
Good news nya~
All the whining and kvetching in the world will never change the reality of the brainfucking you succumbed to, you pathetic mental kike slave.
Even now, after all we've seen, and now know, you STILL cling to your failed ideology over your own Blood and Kin.
Fuck you, mongrel traitor!
You're false god is dead.
I killed him.
That's how I know you're a fucking shill.
This level of self delusion is seriously disturbing if you're serious (I know you're not, Chaim). Christianity is the sole reason our Aryan Nations are now overrun with everyone BUT White people, you retarded nigger.
Fuck the Desert Slave Cult mindfuck, you usurper.
Zero on the sides and back, three or four on the top.
Me too and I had two young green pissers come to my door, a guy and a girl and did they ever hate my guts after 2 minutes of talking to me with my clumsy French when I told them that without the threat of separatism the Chinese money would move in massively and their $500 a month apartment would be $2000 a month without any increase in wages, just like Toronto and Vancouver.
They young have been massively brainwashed by their teachers and the media, though it's still better here than in Vancouver or Toronto.
Gonna point out something. In Ontario and Quebec we have state religion, Catholicism and we also have state atheism at the same time. How did this come to be? Goes back to the founding of the country, and the requirement that the catholics had to be protected and granted special rights or they'd crash confederation.
Yeah you can fuck right off jew
Coalition Avenir Québec + People's Party alliance WHEN?
well at least they tried, did Trump ever lower them even briefly?
We should raise the minimum wage in Canada to something like 20 or 25 dollars. This would discourage corporations from shilling for immigrants willing to work for less than Canadians.
Quebec identity is pre-Christian, they are the returning Solutrean peoples, whether they got infected with (((Christian))) memes orn ot.
You are being ridiculously pessimistic, that would easily be struck down.
>the evil priests forced us to have many (((children)))
Even if it meant you had to interbreed with the fucking Iroqois to due it and produce hapa Metis mongrels
see pic
Quebec would be so much stronger right now if the péquistes got over their blind partisanry. They spent the first few months after the CAQ's inauguration shitting on them for "stealing their ideas" and sitting on their ass crying about how great they used to be in 1976 instead of realizing they have an ally with whom they can work hand in hand. Fortunately they seem to be more keen on giving the CAQ a push when they need it lately. Hopefully they'll come to their senses soon enough
Good luck on your own, 20% or your budget is subsidized by the rest of the country.
Anglos are not thinking of you ever, you're not that important.
This is going to be good. The Sikh went assmad when airports refused them board due to them carrying their ceremonial swords.
Who is your daddy now? Mohamed is you daddy now.
Don't sweat it, getting to celebrate our identity without Ottawa throwing a shit fit about how toxic we are will be worth all the money in the world. Meanwhile your subverted anglo saxon asses will still be debating whether there's such a thing as "canadian culture"
Just straight up ask for the jugend. Barbers don't give a shit. Or just buy hair clippers and learn to do it yourself.