Drumpf makes the call. Keyboards at the ready.
Will the FBI posters ever recover?
Claims Mexico is stopping migrants. Slams Dems. Uses the soft word "illicitly," but supposedly ICE is going to start rounding up beaners.
Drumpf makes the call. Keyboards at the ready.
Will the FBI posters ever recover?
Claims Mexico is stopping migrants. Slams Dems. Uses the soft word "illicitly," but supposedly ICE is going to start rounding up beaners.
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Dumb orange cuck is giving them time to hide by announcing on twitter and expect him to do nothing.
I'm voting Biden or Bernie in 2020.
Hey he made the "millions" claim.
ICE will have to put up or shut up.
Operation Wetback 2.0 is a must.
Otherwise, Yugoslavia 2.0 is a done deal.
Glowniggers take note. Your pension depends on it. If you have any doubts, see how well the Soviet pension plan held up after the USSR collapsed.
I don't know enough about Yugoslavia to make sense of what you wrote.
If successful it literally puts CA, OR, WA, NY, IL and MN back on the potential win map. I mean Los Angeles had a 144% vote in tally in 2016 which is about 4 million extra votes alone. If they truly remove "millions" then this country will get back in good shape VERY fast.
Did you even history in high school? Look it the fuck up. Start with Bosnia, Serbia, Sarajevo.
What about them?
Literally the vaguest postings on earth.
Sorry I ain't woke on you.
Most people are now too young to know a single thing about what really happened in Bosnia user. You literally have to spell it out as that wasn't a very well known issue given what Clinton allowed.
I wish a nigga would
Ah okay, at least I'm dialed into the topic now.
Yes, Clinton's actions at that time were simply listed as I recall, not much discussed in the media as anything controversial or significant.
Just a thing.
I'll start digging. Thx.
In many ways Bosnia was the first issue which spiraled into what you now see as the "refugee" issue. They first tried it in that area by moving shit loads of Muslims into that area, the locals did not appreciate that, their then leader got them to go on a well planned hunt to "remove" all the invaders which inevitably became a massive massacre of Muslims. However, at the same time they were also fighting back and killing locals so the issue became worse and worse. In the end it was (in my opinion), in short, the first failed experiment on how to flush Europe with third worlders and they eventually succeeded by removing the would be gatekeeper to Europe with Ghaddafi who was ruthless but also made sure they didn't use his country as a springboard to ship people into Europe.
All this took place first during Bill Clinton's time as POTUS (Bosnia) and eventually they succeeded when his wife was involved in the Ghadaffi issue. Of course the Saddam issue could also be included but that is another story. All in all Bosnia was a pretty brutal fucking situation. I mean we're talking WW2 style death pits, mass killing/graves, etc. The pictures are out there and they are seriously without any mercy.
US to send 1,000 more troops to Middle East amid Iran tensions
Acting US Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan announced on Monday the deployment of about 1,000 more troops to the Middle East for what he said were "defensive purposes," citing concerns about a threat from Iran.
"I have authorised approximately 1,000 additional troops for defensive purposes to address air, naval, and ground-based threats in the Middle East," acting Pentagon chief Patrick Shanahan said in a statement.
"The recent Iranian attacks validate the reliable, credible intelligence we have received on hostile behaviour by Iranian forces and their proxy groups that threaten United States personnel and interests across the region," Shanahan said.
"The United States does not seek conflict with Iran," the statement said, adding that the deployment is aimed "to ensure the safety and welfare of our military personnel working throughout the region and to protect our national interests".
The announcement comes just hours after the US military released new pictures that it claimed showed Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were behind an attack on one of the two tankers near the Strait of Hormuz.
"Iran is responsible for the attack based on video evidence and the resources and proficiency needed to quickly remove the unexploded limpet mine," the Pentagon said in a statement accompanying the imagery.
The US released a grainy black and white video last week it said showed the Iranians removing the mine, but has not provided an explanation for why they allegedly did so while the US military was in the area.
'Regime change'
Fears of a confrontation between Iran and the US have mounted since last Thursday when two oil tankers were attacked, drawing condemnation from the US and its regional allies, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Tehran denies the allegations as "baseless".
Max Blumenthal, editor of GrayzoneProject.com, said the message from the US is that they intend on continuing to escalate the crisis.
"US is stepping up its maximum pressure strategy in a show of force that's part of a two-year long undeclared war on Iran that includes what Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has correctly called 'financial terrorism,'" he told Al Jazeera.
"At this point Iran feels cornered, and it's taking its own measures to respond. And I think we are in an extremely dangerous situation and conflict could break out - something that extreme elements of Trump admin might actually be excited for.
"It's no way to deny that Trump administration has embarked on a strategy of regime change which Iran will never accept."
Iran said on Monday it would soon breach limits on how much enriched uranium it can stockpile under a nuclear deal, which a White House National Security Council spokesman said amounted to "nuclear blackmail."
Under the agreement, Iran pledged to reduce its nuclear capacities for several years and allow international inspectors inside the country to monitor its activities in return for relief from international sanctions.
The deal set a limit on the number of uranium-enriching centrifuges, and restricted its right to enrich uranium to no higher than 3.67 percent, well below weapons-grade levels of around 90 percent.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged Iran to continue to abide by the 2015 deal and for all parties to refrain from steps that may escalate tensions in the Middle East.
Tensions between Tehran and Washington have escalated ever since the US quit the nuclear deal last May, with Washington bolstering its military presence in the region and blacklisting Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organisation.
nothing is going to happen that isn't just day to day business
more spics came in during his bresidency than omaba's
A entire generation is not educated on the Happenings in old Yugoslavia. That is disturbing on many levels.
Most people are not educated on nearly anything in terms of history any longer user. Sadly true. If you ever get bored just take a look at what Common Core programs teach now in terms of social studies/history. It is literally all white hate, white bad, Nazi are white, shit. Not even kidding either. History/social studies have effectively been replaced with "humanities" and those courses are mandatory at nearly every high school/middle school.
We are literally devolving as a society due to these moronic education plans.
Does this mean onlt recent ones or just the ones that have come in in the past year or two? What about the DACA kids? What about refugees?
US history stopped at like Reagan I think. Maybe even at Vietnam. Maybe Carter was mentioned.
This was 2000-2012 high school and college.
What's amazing though is that if you're ever talking to NPCs (boomer age) about modern politics, if you bring up history that you know about, they'll shut up hard because they know they dicked off in history class the most in high school.
So it begins…
I don't know how ICE operates. I assume whoever they got on a list is getting their door knocked.
I only care about blue check marks. How many of those are being deported?
What about the 700 million Aryans south of our border?
This is firmly in "It's not happening till it's happened" territory for me. He's kicking off his reelection bid maybe he's realized that the only way that he's getting a second term is if he follows through on what people voted for him for.
Or maybe he's trying to distract everyone in the country with ICE deportations while he and Bolton ramp up for the Iran war.
poo. benis. bepis.
From what I heard the plan has been in motion for months. The reason for the why now question. School just got out now if we deport families stupid ass liberal teachers will not get a chance to cry on the news.
On another fun thing we can do now next week, is run into room of south Americans and yell ice and watch the cockroaches run.
What a glorious time to be alive.
Yeah i had history in highschool, we learned about slavery, the yolocaust, and segregation for the 10th time. Basically kill honkey pigs right?
Your welcome,
Usa citizen
It certainly looks that way.
Couldn't go to war with Iran without making some jobs and bringing back some industry.
Can't amplify the build up to war without making some serious drama back home which is what people want.
Zognald is such a pussy. all he can do os tweet bombastic bullshit that he'll never actually do. Zion Don is so weak, he can no longer pass the mirror test for self-conscious recognition of his own reflection. Trumplestein can no longer see the more empty words he tweets, the more we all laugh at him for revealing he is weak.
why the fuck should we believe that after decades of 35 million illegal spics ignoring and flaunting and pissing on our imigration laws, and our dual citize Congress traitors encouraging the citizenry to mock our laws, and ICE being hog tied and leashed and prevented from doing its job since that retard George Bush created ICE 18 years ago… after all of that, now we are supposed to believe this time it's different and for some magical reason next week is any goddamn different than the previous 932 weeks of ICE's existence, and that after 2 and a half goddamn years sleeping on the job, now the Orange Kike is finally going to get around to doing what he promised at multiple campaign rallies each day for over 18 months straight?
bullshit. the Orange Kike will do exactly like he did when he reneged on slapping tariffs on Narcostan. there will be some libtard Obama appoitned Federal judge who decrees that ICE must halt all deportations and the Orange Kike will tweet again in 2 weeks:
"once again, activist judges are to blame for my inability to use my awesome Presidential powers to move my agenda forward. Sad!"
Mexico has immigration laws? How did all those "Caravans" get into Mexico if that was the case?
Midterms theater?
If he does it then thank fuck at least he's not 100% cucked. That doesn't mean he's forgiven on isreal and jew cock sucking, but at least he might be able to get this done.
Drawing in towards election time, cutting off some blue votes.
Prove it. I won't believe it until I see it.
Which Zionist candidate will Zig Forums shill for in 2020? Biden or Trump?
All he ever needed to do was ENFORCE THE LAW and the mexicans would go home of their own accord. We didn't need a wall, we didn't need any of it.
You invade our nation and you are 'brown', 'subhuman' and we fucking shoot.
Pretty simple.
As if that is bad. More needs to come to wake people up.
War with Iran will increase white birthrate. It can be good for us.
you mean like zogbot wives sleeping around with niggers while their husbands are fighting for israel kek.
Not when Russia and perhaps China joins the fray.
oh no no no
This. We have to take a strong stance in support of the Trotskyite who wants the death penalty for anti-Semites.
You were going to all along you CTR niggerfaggot.
History classes end with the 90s and the (((New World Order))). I wonder why.
If they do their job, I'll reluctantly vote Trump next election. I get that it's an obvious reelection ploy but if the process actually starts happening, that's a victory.
reminder that this jesuit philo-semite tweets tough but does the opposite
you 4D niggers need to stop posting here. there is no White advocate in the anti-White federal government
nah they have history books already written for at least the next 50 years, but I guess they rarely release true first editions.
jew media reports:
Trump: 'I would certainly go to war over Iranian nuclear weapons'
leftists like you are the best
They will come back very angry in two years when Poncho is the policeman of the world. Expect reparations discussions in future debates.
i went through the shlomocaust more times than jews died.
oh and an expose how shitslam is SO great.
started to hate both of them because of this.
bad try fucking judeo-chabadist
better start building a second wall
Let's meme #MAGAwithDACA, what's the worst thing that can happen?
I want to marry and fuck the Spaniard on the right ♥
How does removing them as fast as they come in represent anything but a dumb soundbyte that wouldn't solve the problem anyway.
What are you going to do about the millions already in if you only remove them at the rate they arrive. You would need to remove 1 million more per month than are arriving to effect any change.
Cool story bro
he will, screencap this post
Hispanics are Aryan
Zogbots are back in.
I need some sauce on record border crossings and lack of a wall, a friend of mine is defending this cuck
You will get the rope soon, leftist. President Donald Trump will be reelected, and there is nothing that you can do about it.
Meanwhile millions of spics were legalized this year, two million to be more specific.
Nothing is gonna happen you quadruple paraplegic nigger
Kike Dyke FAGGOT Shill Trash Thread. GLOBAL REPORTED. SAGE.
because neoliberals think history ended in 1999
look into the Yugoslav Wars, underageb&. tl;dr: different ethnic groups didn't play nice and the country broke into pieces
>I (((vote)))
>please (((vote))) too!
Giant fucking faggot.
The US government has no credible positions on anything. It's just a non-stop tsunami of lies, whose only calculation is to induce learned helplessness in the population while the regime takes its final swan dive into the dust bin of history. Prepare for the total, violent dissolution of the United States if you're burger.
-t. Burger
One must be brain dead to believe Trump will deport anyone at this stage.
Can't wait to be proven wrong. Expecting it won't happen except at small scale and he will exaggerate the minimal success
Wake me when he actually does it.
Sage, report.
Good goy. Do what jews want.
Where do you think you are? Never post here again.
Reminder that the moderators and codemonkey allow this bot spam to be posted in every thread, across dozens of IPs, every single day.
Cant even take faggots like you seriously if you cant even spell his name right. "LOOK AT HOW I RESIST BY BEING CHILDISH AND SPELL HIS NAME INCORRECTLY!"
Faggots, all of you that do this are faggots.
At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if an amnesty would be declared after another deal with the devils democrats. Reagan did that shit and neocucks still suck him off.
It's all NATO's fault
Imagine still using "ctr" or "shareblue" in 2019 lol. You realize we right the entire time
It'll be the best thing to ever happen in ages.
Would be a smart move. Jews could have 100% of world's money for a period of time, but your race would survive that period if they don't mix.
Heck, most other methods of genocide appear extremely weak.
Mixed races have a hard time ahead of themselves. South America needs to find its identity.
Good. Opt out of the European race forever. /mongrel/ is where you belong.
It makes busy work for ICE, shit, 1/2 of them are spicniggers anyway so they are probably facilitating the invasion rather than halting it like the spicniggers who deliberately held the door open for all those people crossing the border a year ago. When you want to facilitate an invasion of another country what better way to do so than having your own people control the border.
You're wrong, as they're different kinds of spics. Mexican spics have no love for Honduran spics don't like Cuban spics don't care much for Dominican spics have little regard for Venezuelan spics.
It's like East Asians, they all fucking hate each other.
Stopped reading
I just like the sound of it.
People call him 'dup' on other boards lol
Trump is all talk.