U.S. military says pictures show an Iranian >Revolutionary Guards armed fast patrol vessel alongside the M/T Kokuku >Courageous removing an unexploded limpet mine after another one went off on the other side
Among the pictures is one showing what is said to be the remnants of the removed limpet mine and another one which shows what the military say is a handprint left by one of the Revolutionary Guards
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Just like Bush won in 2004. If Trump doesn't go to war he will be a president with no war under him unlike his predecessors but sadly will lose 2020.
He should hope Qtards and MIGAfags are stupid enough to vote for him. Nobody else with brain will.
I will. I will vote for future. I will vote Trump.
Fucking Japs and Germans are still fucking 'undecided.' If that does not raise alarm bells then we are fucking finished.
Always falling for the theater of the Jews! Yellow cake anyone?
You will vote for future of Israel.
Trump is so retarded he will start a war with iran for no fucking reason.
What are these pictures supposedly showing me?
He's banking on the fact the kikes will nominate another Clinton-tier candidate
They will, it's literally Biden.
Because god’s chosen people told him to do. This zio tyranny must stop.
I guess that you have read the article, studied the photos presented in said article, where you are as stumped as the rest of us anons on here.
potato with a gun?
Are you literally suggesting that ( pic related), this was all a stunt; that, he by him being 'angry' at 'falling behind' Biden in the polls is all a show?
When in reality he wants Binden to run because he knows that (((they))) actually have the goods on Biden?
US oil production has reached surplus levels and they need to eradicate some competition in order to maximize sales. Throttling Iranian sales is the most palatable option for their middle-eastern oil producing allies.
6 million limpet mines. Can't you see? What are you? Antisemite?
>Senior EU offcial: Trump not in control of Iran policy, should fire Bolton
Yellowcake? That's Clinton turf.
I hope you realize it's only a matter of time until every country on earth has nuclear weapons.
so sad to see that Murica gets drawn into this. Aryans should not kill aryans! I guess the iranians are heroes, because they removed the mine which jews probably placed there.
But kike media turns it around 180 degree as always.
Share this knowledge:
Iran = Land of the aryans
No more brother wars!
March Of The Titans - The Complete History Of The White Race:
Jewish Tactics against the goyim
Share these things to open the eyes of our aryan brothers and sisters.
The aryan race originated in Atlantis - sounds strange at first, but if you take the time to dive into the topic, you will understand:
How is Amerimutts going to war for their Jewish masters 'news'?
Trump won on one point…
He failed miserably, he's not even trying anymore. He probably never was. He may very well get re-elected, maybe there's a few more things he can do for Israel.
he can perfect the "magnum" facial expression and declare infront of the world that jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
Iran wants to provoke a war with The United States in no universe ever, by blowing up Japanese oil tankers. Sounds legit.
You kikeloving kike need to leave here. Now.
Churchill tried to "KEEP BRITAIN WHITE" and look how far he got despite the braindead brits still worshiping the fat bastard today.
That's quite the non sequitur. Burgers will buy it.
In what situation would Iran remove a mine from the side of a Jap ship?
We have photos apparently of them removing but not planting; but, why would they fall for the ole mine will kill japs so we must save them ploy?
I don't care about any spurious pictures, or tankers or mines. The very idea that Iran would try to provoke a war with The U.S. is asinine.
Time to wage a war by proxy. Trump only need to make some quite firm suggestions, and someone else can go In and clean house. If it gets ugly enough, he can join in with allies under the flag of needed moderation with more support than rejection from the citizenry. 2020 will remain safely in the bag.
On that very day, the leader of Japan met with the leader of Iran and they don't have hostile relations with one another so of course they'd help.
lol, every country knows satellite capabilities, they have it all pictured before, they know when and who placed it– work backwards. Slow played for something obviously not related to give a cover for a creep into something else.
Dont buy it, unless the Iranians are as dumb as niggers.
If this is the case then he will win, by my estimation.
All the obama tier shit he's done for illegals, niggers, jewniggers and fags should then be enough to make the left stay at home again. All his campaign has to do now is point out that this kind of shit characterised his first term. It's the truth.
By doing all this he has alienated his base, but he seems to be hesitant to start WW3, probably because his base is anti-war. We know he's just another israel first president, so this is nothing but a ploy to get to his second term.
If I'm right, the big new false flag will be just after the election, and he will commit fully then. IF the kikes are so desperate to start it beforehand, he just might be the first war incumbent to be kicked out, probably to be replaced by some surprised third party candidate. I think people on the left and the right are pretty fucking fed up of wars in the middle east, whether they know who really benefits from them or not.
It really isn't, read this thread
Reddit? Boomer?
Distress = mine on ship, come here niggers remove it and forget about (((hostilities))) raging and gaining momentum.
So Iran protected some freighter…. And this is… Bad? Wtf is going on?
It's clear you're just a concern shill at this point.
No. Sage for shilling.
They disrupted the false flag.
he is a concern troll but so is OP. dont vote for trump goyim arent you concerned about one THOUSAND troops. thats so many
I am not trying to create conclusions borne out of personal prejudices and bias.
I can see the play but worth making sure that i do not draw conclusions based on bias. YOU STUPID RETARDED FUCK!
You forgot the thousands more called from before. Looks like it's a trickle invasion strategy so the public doesn't execute Trump for unpopular wars. Not right away, anyway.
That is the OP.
Zig Forums:
Also Zig Forums:
Pics related are Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Pierce Brosnan, Frank Sinatra, and Kristina Pimenova
The Aryan dude looks like a fucking monkey.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is jewish and converted to Islam. He might be Anti-Zionist and not believe the Holocaust but he was still born a jew and always expresses how he isn't anti-Semitic.
Some staged pictures with beaners larping as Iranians attacking a tanker.
His ass.
Kys shill.
This top Israeli expert says America would lose in a war against Iran. Thoughts?
Americans lose in every war we fight. Especially WW2.
Kek , potato fun user cmon
Well, if America goes to war with Iran they go to war with alll of it's allies, like Russia and China. It wouldn't be the world against Iran, it would be the world against the America. And we're no Nazi Germany. American citizens would likely start a civil war against their own government if it pushed for yet another fucking war in the middle east at the behest of a foreign people and foreign nation: Jews and Israel.
If your governent tells you to point your guns at Iran, turn on it and point your guns at your government.
We have the strongest most advanced milltary forces on the planent. Iran is a non-threat to America.
Normies love dying for ZOG, thanks to Steve Speilberg et al
America can't even take Syria lmao
At best jews like (((feinstein))) will try to sell more US secrets to the Chinese.
Nah, the masses are sick of wars in the middle east for israel.
The character of Private Ryan was an allegorical figure to represent the Jews. Speilberg is a sick fuck in his attamept to subvert the goy.
Oh yes. Those are definitely Iranians and not IDF larping as Iranians in a captured boat. I can tell.
no, they are mutts same as american mutts. Iran died when revolution happened and the only one lefts are mudniggers and dumb mudslimes. The only thing that should be prevented is Israel's wars.
Seems as though you are 100% convinced that these are indeed Iranians . In other words a fucking Kike trying to maintain the status quo.
Die kike faggot.
Do you know how stupid this sounds.
America lose every war because they care more about profit than victory. How can you lose against rice farmers?
UN sources believe that the United States is planning to carry out a “tactical assault on Iran” in response to the attack on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, which it blamed Tehran for without providing credible evidence.
Diplomatic sources based at the UN’s New York headquarters told the Hebrew-language Israeli newspaper Maariv that they are assessing US plans to carry out the assault.
The officials claimed that the Trump administration has been holding non-stop discussions involving senior military commanders and advisers to President Donald Trump since Friday, the Jerusalem Post reported.
The plan would be for the US to launch an aerial bombardment of an Iranian facility linked to its nuclear program, the officials claims, according to the Post. One Western diplomat reportedly said the bombing will be “massive” but “limited to a specific target.”
The decision to take military action was apparently made before reports emerged that Iran was planning to increase its levels of uranium enrichment in response to heightening tensions with Washington.
The sources said Trump was not enthusiastic about a strike but had lost his patience and succumbed to influence from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who has been pushing for military action.
Pompeo is due to visit US Central Command at the MacDill Air Force Base, in Tampa, Florida, on Tuesday to discuss "regional security concerns and ongoing operations."
He has repeatedly claimed that Iran is responsible for the attacks on the oil tankers, but has not provided convincing evidence.
German foreign minister Heiko Maas said last week that grainy video offered as evidence by the US was "not enough" to prove Iranian culpability - and the US version of events was challenged by the owner of the Japanese company that owns one of the tankers damaged in the attack.
The US claims of Iranian guilt for the tanker attacks were compared to the fake evidence of WMDs presented by former US Secretary of State Colin Powell before the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
That history should serve as a cautionary tale against rushing into war again, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov said on Sunday.
“We didn’t forget the vials with white powder. We remember and, therefore, have learnt to show restraint in our assessments,” Peskov said.
Bot or non-white?
I’m so happy to be out of the military. Goddamn jews keep trying to push the us into yet more wars. The endless middle east wars were one of the weaknesses of the us in both The Brigade and The Turner Diaries, if I recall correctly.
The jews tried to smear both him and Gaddafi as jews to create distrust in the Arab world. It's the exact same thing they tried to do with Hitler.
if mohammed was a jew his mother is a jew.
Or his father or both. Just because jews say they are matrilineal does not mean we ignore genetics.
Which was of course false:
There isn't a refutation for that because it's a more general claim, with no attempt at providing any "evidence".
Jews never change their strategies.
Gee I hope Biden doesn't run on the, "not another Iraq Afghanistan mess" platform I think there are voters that still may remember 9/11.
They don't even try anymore do they
Checked and heiled, also yes, fair point but the claim is that it's his mother who is a direct descendant of mohamed and his father a manual laborer, jews don't tend to do a lot of that.
I can't remember if Pierce specified there were foreign wars going on at the time but it was heavily implied by the state of things.
Adolf Hitler was GAY and loved teenage boys, CIA files claim
True. I just wanted to specify that since jews will often use the matrilineal reasoning to hide the fact that half-jews from the father’s side are still half-jews. When they claim non-jews are part/full jews and claim those non-jews kill those who reveal that fake heritage, it’s funny as it is like them claiming being a jew is a filthy thing to be and has to be hidden lest they shrivel in the light of Truth.
CIA would not lie. Good he was also impotent so no teenage ass was hurt.
Biden needs about 65 million votes. But there aren’t 65 million lolis to buy those votes with. They need to go with someone else.
unironically based and redpilled
Seems anti-mossad to me. The press is stupid. You tell them it's Iranians, they'll post every picture. With Japan, an ally, and Germany, considered a superior by the left, normies will be confused. It will seem like some great mystery. Everyone wonders–why would Iran do this? And if we're certain Iran did this, why aren't we doing anything? Why isn't the UN involved? Politics is reality TV is soap opera. And as we all know, as shitty as they are, Iran is not the father.
Hopefully they’ll use the heart attack gun on Pompeo like they did on Morsi.
ya they would never lie about the number, just like 3k troops occupied 1/3 of Syria, you sure are fucking stupid
They put Howard Schultz out there, too, so everyone knows they'll spoil it if they have to.
Trump isn't going to win 2020. Hes fucked over his base and hasn't built a wall.
somebody make an Ay Tone
Thank you!
a picture of a hole above the waterline on a tanker that you're supposed to pretend was caused by a submerged mine
No it won’t you FBI nigger. Trump is going to be a one term president because he got turned out by the Israel lobby like the bitch he is.
First it was a torpedo. Now it was a mine? Guess they can't make up their tiny minds.
One of two possibilities.
Helpful sandniggers.
Sandniggers removing evidence.
Brown CIA on a rental boat
Sitting Presidents don't tend to lose when the economy is good or, as user said, when there's a major foreign conflict
Nobody believes this.
You don't remove unexploded ordinance by hand, and mines don't 5' above the waterline.
Funny the US always seems to have a drone in the area, and that the crew reported something 'flying at the ship'.
"Iran did it!"
I will consider Iranians heroes if they can nuke Israel.
"I dindu nuffin goy."