Teenage neo-Nazis jailed over terror offences
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Lessons to learn from this clusterfuck
It's fake bullshit
2 x (((Poles))) = British Neo NAZI group
organized on (((Gab)))
exposed by the (((BBC)))
If you believe this you are a 1st class cunt
pro-tip #1: don't live in the UK
Teenage Mutant Neo Nazis
Teenage Mutant Neo Nazis
Teenage Mutant Neo Nazis
Heroes in a psy-opl jewish Power
Here we go,
its the paid, indoctrinate, mossad team
On the scene, cool teens doin' jewish things
So impotent, out of israel, like filthy rodents
Get fucked like Shell-shocked jewish dupes
Can't stop these radical jews,
the secret of the shekel made the chosen few,
emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys lose and the bad guys win
Bibi the leader in blue
does anything it takes to get his jewy jews through
Zuckerberg is a fellow, has a way with machines
Soros has the most attitude on the team
Trump, he's one of a kind,
and you know just where to find him when its party time (in his daughter's panties)
Master Yahweh taught them every single skill they need
to be one sneaky, thieving, sadistic, deceptive team
Teenage Mutant Neo Nazis
Teenage Mutant Neo Nazis
Teenage Mutant Neo Nazis
Heroes in a psy-op
jewish Power
A division has a definition larpers. These guys werent even a sonnenkrieg fireteam.
I Call Bullshit on This. Polish Neo-Nazis is an oxymoron. They belong to a rare breed that I'd call gov-plants. They put their shite up on the internet, on Gab and not someplace like Stormfront or VNN?? And were duly exposed by the (((BBC)))?? Piss off.
These kids are fat autists.
Remember, work solo, fast and quietly.
These neoliberal judges are really making statements with these ridiculous sentences. I don't know why the judges and courts have always 'dodged the bullet', honkler wise.
Don't work solo. Solo is too easy to counter.
That article reads as if those two are responsible for about 25% of shitposts here.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA As if Britfags couldn't become more of a joke. If you really want to do something and break the system, you might as well redpill your whole country on how Churchill really felt about shitskins and how much he wanted Britain to stay white. Just tell the truth, your idiot populace still thinks he's their greatest hero. They can't arrest you for the truth, right? A couple posters with Churchill captioned "CHURCHILL WANTED TO KEEP BRITAIN WHITE" is enough to break your country.
I love how those kikes are covering their asses with the term "wartime". We really need to force a declaration of war out of them to put an end to their cowardly accusations.
I know this is fake but
They wouldnt have gotten in trouble if they encouraged an attack on the prince for "defiling a beautiful and pure maiden of color"
as a teeneager don't resort to terrorism as a first option
join a secure white community or work to create your own.
Welfare leech too(money launder etc. like the immigrant gangs) and have many white children
Groups wich advocate for you to commit terroristic acts as a primary goal are either deluded by (((them))) or honeypots.
At least National Action did a shit ton of speeches and protests before they all got vanned by ZOG.
The absolute stated of 1984 jewnited kingdom. This is what the ADL wants to bring to the USA.
These guys had shitty opsec though, they probably didnt even encrypt their hardware.
nice samefag, retard fed, go eat another donut, fatty.
These two dumb Polish inbreds will probably convert to Islam in the UK's Islamic prisons.
UK history X.
I regularly sit down and have a tyskie and a smoke with my local polish skin heads.
They are chill and occasionally they'll introduce me to one of their lovely polish girlfriends.
Oh, and I'm black. They don't seem to care.
None of you defaming the prince?
Just goes to show you're all nothing but a bunch of pathetic weak men.
As soon as one of you gets nicked you all cower.
Alot of anti-polack stuff recently.
It's not working, retards. You're not as slick as you think you are.
Fuck off toilet cleaning mutt. Poles are backward fucks. The power and wealth in Poland belongs to the Kikes. The rest are backward drunk fucks who havent a clue is they are Mongolian or gypsy.
Name is quite similar to a group an user was shilling here a lot called Feurerkring Division… He kept posting a proton mail email and telling people to contact him.
I emailed just out of curiosity for information on what exactly it was and he told me in vague terms that it was a group that would rely on cells being formed and operating autonomously but under the umbrella of this group but didn't give specifics of what kind of activity this would entail. I got weirded out and stopped contact. Gave me fednigger vibes
Obvious shillnigger.
Go collect your paycheck and leave us to discuss in peace.
Poles are literally nigger tier. They hate National Socialism and The Führer. They fully endorse the mainstream narrative of the (((Holohoax))). They are not white and they are not your friends, they're a nation of cryptokike scum
jews, ladies and gentlemen
Two dumb inbred Poles trapped by the Britfags, and displayed as they do with the scrawny shitskins they also setup.
Backward fucks paying the price for allowing their moms and sisters to be fooled and buggered by the EU kikes.
Yeah, yeah I know… Was probably a dumb idea but he kept posting it in threads and even in German in the deutsch/pol/ thread
There was a gab account that was associated with the group as well when I googled it
This type of bollox really gets to me and it happens all the time. Ok, neither of them is the new fuhrer but what the fuck is it with this board and the absolute contempt displayed toward openly NatSoc groups? Groups like NA stand against our enemies and are proscribed as a terrorist orgs by the shower of shite that rule over us and what do they get from this so called ‘politically incorrect’ board? Any support? Any sort of correspondence and encouragement on facing your 8 year gulag sentence for wrong think? No, they get shit. Honestly the shills are transparent but where is the fucking support for our lads?
99% of white people hate Hitler and national socialism and believe in the Holocaust so you must hate them all. Are you some kind of sandnigger or another d&c kike?
Nigger, what? I did the whole TMNT song and this is my thanks? You're so cruel, user.
NA was a honeypot that encouraged anons to engage in illegal activity without any OpSec. The inevitable result was lots of them going to jail. How do they deserve any respect or support? The polish kids were just retards.
What are you doing here, boy?
Oh you're trolling. Well done.
They're brainwashed amd have been lied to. Poles are not. They believe all this shit and despise NS for MUH INNOCENT ANCESTORS
Also I should probably clarify that I am referring to the type of (((white nationalist Poles))) who post here. Which is laughable because they aren't even white. And anytime you see these people kvetching about "muh d&c kike shills against our polish bothers! No more brother wars xD" they are 99% Poles themselves.
I am telling you, you'd have to be a fucking fool to trust a fucking Pole. No fucking way I would ever even turn my back on one, lest I end up with a fucking knife in it.
>50 years controlled by (((commies)))
>current government filled with ex-(((commies)))
Poles have not been brainwashed? How can you even think such retarded shit and post here? kys you obvious d&c kike.
Oh, Shlomo. You have no clue, do you?
We're currently being raided by paid groups. Bots are being used too. D&C, black pills, pro-war for Israel.
when will they learn
they should have read something about OpSec:
Read about the commandos of the Waffen SS and how they accomplished so much with so little:
Read the training manual of the british commandos:
Read the chapter about security here:
Do your duty to secure the existance of our people and a future for white children
Everyone out there, needs some unshakable faith in the aryan blood and the holy mission he is carrying out. Otherwise he will get demoralised. Therefore read this very small booklet aswell:
"Victory is reserved for those, who are willing to pay its price."
-Sun Tzu
Listen you nigger, Hating other white people/aryans is not tolerated.
In what fucking universe are we to consider poles Aryan?
Sorry tornigger, poles are judeoslavic and seethe with hatred for different aryan groups of people, be they slovakian, german, ukranian, russian, lithuanian or otherwise.
Aryans = Indogermanics
Slavs = Indogermanics
Get some education!
On top of that: Poles have more than 60percent germanic DNA due to the fact, that alot of eastern germanic tribes were living on the now polish land.
Wtf, moshe, you totally convinced me and i love Israel now. Better attack Iran now, because muhhh nuclear muuuhhh weapon muuuhh 6 million gas chanmberz
pick one retard, khazaromutts are not Aryan and never will be.
whatever shlomo, if you say so
wtf i love 40 percent of warsaw now
Khazaria existed in the 7th Century. Thr Slavic migrations happened in the 5th Century.
Besides, the Proto-Slavic homeland was further north than where the Khazars were.
Nice try jew/jew-enabler.
Wtf tornigger, you totally convinced me and I love poland now. Better attack Germany and every neighbouring country now because muhhh polish lebensraum muhhhh catholicism.
Your schizofaggotry is showing Kowalski
That's a map showing the extent of Polish diaspora, not claims you utter moron.
typical jewish hatred detected
Wash your dirty and smelly body. You jews have this distinctive smell. I can even smell it in your wording.
(((Divide and Conquer))) is not going to happen.
No more brother wars
(((Divide and Conquer))) is not going to happen.
No more brother wars
(((Divide and Conquer))) is not going to happen.
No more brother wars
The fact that you imply that because Slavs migrated earlier than the Khazars formed their nation means that racemixing did not happen when the Polish king let the mutt scum into his nation implies 2 things: 1) you're a pole or 2) you have the IQ of one. Can't wait til you find some submerged Jewish DNA like every larping Poolack skinhead.
Goy i have no hate for my brothers in Warsaw.. they're good people
You kikes are so predi ctable once your tactics are known:
goy, we sponsored the creation of Tor, do not insult us.
>>(((Goy i have no hate for my brothers in Warsaw)))
Jew confirmed!
butthurt and typical jewish.
It must be a really awkward feeling to look into the mirror and see a jewish face every time. To feel the jewish personality every second of ones life.
Damn that must be hell
I would feel pity for you jew, but i dont since i know what you do.
King Casimir let the kikes from the west in, after England, France and so on justly kicked them out.
As for racemixing, it probably happened in several places, but that doesn't all of a sudden turn the entire Polish nation into secret jews. Most kike blood would have gotten washed out with generations, in the families that did mix, because most people unsurprisingly didn't like kikes that much.
Fun fact: "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you," is a Polish proverb.
Indeed Goy, my brothers in Warsaw are doing great work helping wipe out the scum of Europe
Do the math, in 1790 around 30.000 Jews converted. If we assume that they all had a max of 2 kids and a generation counts as 30 years that gives the number of 7 680 000 of their descendants in the year 2000. All of them resulting from a SINGLE event.
Not worth my time, when i can let a nigger do the job for me like in the good old times:
Black man in Brooklyn screams at Jew, "Hitler did not kill enough. He had the right to kill all rat Jews":
So funny to see that you try to emotional hurt us, when you cant. hahaha
I will spend the PLO and Hamas some money. They sometimes do some really neat shit to your (((brothers))).
Oy, that's offensive, six million rabbis noclipped from Israel when Hitler ordered them through console commands, he bumped the damage of pesticide by 50 percent, it was a tragedy
Dude, how old are you? You sound like a retard!
We can knock those two off the list. Also they survived the black plague that if anything they caused. Dude, how new are you? You sound like a Magapede!
honestly schizonigger, I can tell that you've never even met a single pole in your entire life. It should speak volumes already when poland never had a single SS/wehrmacht divison and poles constantly parade the holohoax and "muh 6 million poles dead by ebil nazis" lie.
Poles hate hitler, poles hate national socialism, poles hate anything that doesn't advance polish supremacy and victimhood narrative.
If. Which most probably wouldn't have had since they're fucking Jews and thus really feminine.
Besides, most of the Jews that "disappeared" from Poland did so immediately after the war cause Israel, or during the 1968 political crisi where a bunch of Jews, INCLUDING THOSE NO LONGER AFFILIATED WITH JEWISH LIFE were poysecuted and fucked off.
More than 50% of bashing of Polish people are done by Polish people themselves. For some reason we have elements that literally get off on insulting their own country and their own people. Some of them are paid trolls (literally), but it's not explaining the phenomenon, Polish zoomers in the net are just feeling cool by shitting on absolutely everything related to this country. Of course, we haven't got the best of situations in the world - 50 years of recent occupation clearly did a number on the country; corrupted the population into uncaring slobs only wanting to get by, the political indoctrination praising literal ex-communist politicians is still active in schools and in (((media))). Any attempt to change it, any attempt to encourage patriotism, to modernize the army (that is still using Soviet stuff from 60's except used German tanks and used F-16 jets) is shouted down from all directions, causing huge clusterfuck so most people don't care or just follow what they're told in TV.
That doesn't negate hundreds of years of muttmaking. It's like a mulatto driving niggers out of his nation.
lol strelok
Do you see that you are contradicting yourself here. You were not speaking of Cryptojews who just pretend to convert.
Jews are not smart, jews are just very jewish and thus predictable!
Jews are not smart, jews are just very jewish and thus predictable!
Jews are not smart, jews are just very jewish and thus predictable!
Jews are not smart, jews are just very jewish and thus predictable!
I don't think you comprehend language, ese.
And yet Hitler respected the Polish Marshal Piłsudski and even suggested an alliance in 1934.
It's like a person with 1% black DNA driving niggers out of his nation
If it helps you to feel better about yourself, jew, than keep on pretending
lol the respect was gone as soon as those Polish motherfuckers started starving Danzig with the full support of the local population,Hitler kept Poland around to have a buffer state between him and the gommunists. They hate us - we hate them.
I don't think that hundreds of generations of mixing leads to 1% in your DNA.
If they have or have not been is fucking irrelevant. They're fucking scum. Unless you're a Pole yourself come here to Germany or anywhere else in Europe these bumbling retards come to. Go unclog my toliet you fucking untermensch
But you're ignoring the fact that people despise Jews because Jews are disgusting to be around.
The vast majority of people date within their own race (muh white girls addicted to bbc is a kike meme, only women that do are either paid or landwhales), so I don't see why the general Polish populace would intermix on a large enough scale to mutt the ENTIRE nation.
Yeah, Piłsudski died unfortunately, and his intended successor (who didn't want to provoke Germany) got shafted from politics.
what said
I know Hitler was a kind man, I also know that poles reacted to his reasonable proposals in the most barbaric fashion.
Spend some time around polish nationalists and you can witness how they bask in their hatred of all the countries that neighbour them, they have a hilarious superiority complex just like the kikes
We would have an alliance if not for the retarded policy of dancing between USSR and Third Reich, not wanting to join either of them. We all know how it ended - both of them joined up and crushed the country in between just like three other times in history. I swear to God this country lacks skillful politicians, especially now. There's literally NOBODY capable. NOBODY. I can't name a SINGLE politician with an intellect higher than of an amoeba, capable of any sort of diplomatic stratagems. Kaczyński is maybe the closest to a thinking man, with how he is playing the libtards and making them lose one election after another, but still he's a retard whose only plan is to steer the masses together with the church and win support by literal gibs (500 pln for families with kids). It would not even be the worst of strategies, but there's little control over where this money is heading, so there are rich people and complete losers receiving it as well. There's also no coherent attempts at all to make the army function, or to tidy up the mess in the internal workings like hospitals, roads or economy. People are still fucking poor here, even if you don't really see it at a glance. The sight of most large cities except Warsaw or Cracov downtown, is straight up depressing.
This is the first thread ive seen where I wished half of the posters were banned. What an impressive collection of complete garbage posts.
And yet we see more and more Poles finding "submerged Jewish DNA". It's more prevalent in small towns I believe because of the lack of choice there when it comes to men, therefore any cryptokike could fit in. THen it spread into the cities.
I disagree that it's because of a Jewish-like superiority complex.
I'm preparing a thread about this, to present my observations on Poland, where I will get into more detail on this, but I think it's more because of (((USSR))) propaganda being passed on from the boomers/Xers onto millenials, and also being regurgetated by the Church, which the millenials attend zealously.
Do you have any evidence of this. I'd genuinely like to take a look at this, it sounds quite interesting.
Though I still stand by my belief that it's not the majority of the population.
I'm so glad (((we))) can use this to D&C ourselves
It's too deeply ingrained in their culture and society - and even if this "social programming" against The Führer, against National Socialism, against even Germans in general or that the Holocaust really didn't happen - I do not believe what you would have after all that would be worth it. They're nigger tier, I am fucking telling you I have lived among them. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, there anti-Zionist self hating kikes and niggers with phDs as well, but those are the exceptions and not reflective of the vast majority.
Every single redtext faggot you see spamming 'SHITLER KILLED 100 GORILLION WHITES!': A Pole. Every faggot you see detailing threads about The Führer or National Socialism? A Pole. Every time you see someone calling people "storm niggers" or "storm days": A fucking Pole. They are the ones who scream 'D&C SHILL KIKE KIKE!' at anyone who points this out as well, just as they will this post.
*derailing *storm fags
No concrete evidence, usually a collection of articles, observations of Polish phenotypes, behavior patterns, an observation of history, numbers, math, etc. I would use an official source but I don't trust kikes. Although the numbers range from 30k pure kikes to 50 percent of the nation having jew admixture.
Why? So they can firebomb more Germans?
Fuck em, this is the future they chose, hopefully that entire accursed island slips into the sea. Just pure, calm, peaceful silence.
So was Polish hatred of the Teutons during the series of wars between them, and yet that dissipated after a handful of generations when fighting stopped and the propaganda faded into the past.
I hope you don't take this as your cue to leave, or stop arguing in good faith, but I am Polish and while we do have our fair share of subhumans, so does everyone. That's what "Der Untermensch" was about.
Neither are NatSocs in the west.
I take the arrival of Poles on sites like this as a good sign that we are catching up in terms of political development. (Once again, I'm working on a thread about this)
Isn't that just one guy? It is unfortunate, but for every Pole that posts here there are probably 2 lurkers who sit and take in the info.
It is unfortunate that that guy posts "muh shitler" here*