The video of the shooter was well hidden. Lots of people pushing strongly for gun control and "taking away the gun licenses", with fewer people arguing that it was their immigration policies. Some people complained about mild injuries and bruising caused by a stampeding crowd.
I can't believe how much that city changed since I last visited. It used to be one of the better cities in the world and then just last week I saw a complete third world shithole complete with manlet somaliniggers chasing around other niggers to death with machetes. The police there only care about the very wealthy districts. It's like some globalist elite dystopia wetdream. Now I'm just waiting until it turns into literal shithole San Francisco tier or homeless trash rat land of LA and Seattle. Diversity was a mistake, it's nothing but literal trash.
Gabriel Green
There's a strange behavior found in women and children where they think they're talking to someone when there's two or three direct barriers between them. Have you ever seen a small child tell Pewdiepie that he's going to leave for dinner? The narrative is that we (and canada, now) have a gun problem, and we all know the obvious truth is that we have a nigger problem. Are abbos a fracture point? Someone noticed the shooter was wearing a Raptor's hat, which was the winning team for whatever niggerball they were watching. It's also interesting that chimpouts will apparently increase if the slightly more conservative party gains traction.
Maybe in small rural towns where everbody knows eachother, but nowadays if the police don’t shoot you in your face because you are white and holding a object (telephone) while they are shouting, you’re lucky to be alive. I truly do wonder what goes through the average white cop’s mind when he’s at his home unit#696 watching the TV and he encounters blatant anti-white sentiment in programs and overt anti-white sentiment when he turns on the news and it’s the story about how his sister got raped and killed by a nigger because she was forced to live in a low-income ghetto due to her college debt and shit job oppertunities where you have to compete with Míguel, as the reality hits him; do you guys thinks there’s any mental connection forming between the fact that his actions for the elite and his inactions for his race is what set off the Rube (((Goldberg))) machine in this chain of events, or is the institutionalized stupor and willfull cognitive dissonance combined with low-IQ police recruit picks is too strong to even notice the most direct causal link to him? Really makes you wonder.
fml, might be not retarded to start with the post before semi-effort posting
Mason Myers
They have a higher loyalty to their brotherhood (thin blue line) than their race, and their job requires them to fall in line. It's that simple.
Zachary Thomas
I don't see any requirements for police brutality. I bet if they were kliled off they would change their tune. The only reason they do it is because they think they're safe from retribution and safe from oversight (not surprising since everyone are cucks)