Does anyone know them? I can't find them anywhere online.
Does anyone know them? I can't find them anywhere online.
Does anyone know them? I can't find them anywhere online.
Does anyone know them? I can't find them anywhere online.
Does anyone know them? I can't find them anywhere online.
Does anyone know them? I can't find them anywhere online.
Does anyone know them? I can't find them anywhere online.
Does anyone know them? I can't find them anywhere online.
Hail Victory!
Joseph Goebbels ten rules for life
Goebels was gay for Hitler even though he had a wife and kids. People who commit suicide can never be good idols for anyone. He will be rotting in hell that niggerfaggot.
Get the shit out of here.
Leave this place, then kill yourself.
Nice try, Rabbi Schlomo.
Of course, google then logs the search and the FBI logs your Ip address.
You’d kill yourself too if you had sub human commies coming to torture you and your family, kike.
I couldn't give a fuck of FBI faggots have my IP, seen as I am in Australia and my local glowies know me.
Anyway if anyone has it, I'd really like to know what they're about.
Give up Shlomo Joe.
First rule of National Socialism is not talk about National Socialism.
its called the nazi sozi
Dark looks way cooler
ps, "We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection."
Goebbels does not stand with you, or this fat embarrassment.
Not Verlag Nationalsozialistischen Briefen
lurk more newfag
HAC is dead, give the man peace.
Is he talking about Der Nazi-Sozi (Verlag Nationalsozialistischen Briefen)? I've never heard of a "10 rules for life" by Dr. Goebbels
Maybe he is talking about the other "nazi" publication:
The actual title:
Die verfluchten Hakenkreuzler. Etwas zum Nachdenken.
The cursed Hooked-cross. Something to think about.
-Dr. Joseph Goebbels
The 1st law of God's tremendous Universe is order! Absolute all-embracing, ever- evolving, ever-recreating, ever-loving order! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!
2nd, every body in God's tremendous Universe must eat or there is no body! To shine on, eat must even the sun, consuming every second 4 million metric ton! To shine on, eat must even the sun! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!
3rd, every ton of good food requires teamwork in harmony with God's law, timing-team-work- wisdom-power-mercy-love can reap 6 million more fruit above, above! Exceptions eternally? None!
4th, any man raising 600 fruit trees in harmony with God's law, timing-teamwork-wisdom-power- mercy-love can reap 6 million more fruit above, above! Exceptions? Eternal? Absolute none!
5th, only constructive working men have built all civilization & everything good that's in it! Intolerant parasites, in order to eat, must dominate-dic1ate-distort-dilute-destroy- smear-slay-slander-cheat or they won't eat! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!
8th: The mark of the mature man is his ability to work brave, teaching all, every slave, how to replace coal-oil-gas-mineral-nuclear, unemployed-inflation, welfare-waste-war with Essene Birth-Control for very girl, Swiss 6000 year Universal Military Training UMT for full- employment, raising 1 trillion Israel-system trees, 2 million Dutch dikes, 3 Greek mirror- solars, 4 Hannibal windpower plants, 5 billion Amish-Amway-AT&T profitsharing jobs, 6 Milorganite plants, 76 million Planetemples teaching All-One-God-Faith, Austrian music, Babylon roof-gardens, California rain forests, China-bikes, Cartha-UMT, Catspaw sandals, compost tree, C02 bomber, the Moral ABC, cattle-lemon-Esperanto. Finn-jails, gasohol, German solar-Zeppelins, Health-meat-salt-soap-tape, jojoba-aloevera-chia-ginseng-garlic, Kibbutz, Nature Friends, patents, Swiss economy, Town-Without-Toothache, Patrick Henry teaches PHt's of USA-USSR H20 cwp, with 76 million battery-banks, powering every car-factory-farm-home-Milorganite-monorail! To teach healthy Hunza 150-year great life by God's Law, timing-teamwork-wisdom-power-mercy-love, uniting All-One above! Above! Know 41-4. Only hard work unites all! Scrolls: $10 for 10; $3 for 1, help unite all!
12th: Over-population destroys God's spaceship Earth, unless Essene-Chinese controls limit all birth! Instead, absolute clean, apply vaseline-oil-butter or cream, insert teaspoon juicy lemon pulp, pH2, God's Law prevents conception 100% below pH3. Next day douche with qt. soapy water, pH8, restoring pH5 balance God-made! Who else but God gave man this sensuous passion. Love that can spark mere dust to life! Beauty in our Eternal Father's fashion! Poetry, uniting All-One, brave, all life! Who else but God can make Love last 1 trillion years of sweet eternities! For when conquered after years of toil- sweat-blood, Love can strike like greased lightning sent by God to spark mere dust to intense blazing fire & create new Love-faith-hope-guts-strength, as only God inspire! Unite the Human race in All-One-God-Faith, as all mankind desire! Who else but God. "An Army of Principles," wrote Thos. Paine in 1799 "can penetrate when an army of soldiers" can-not! It will succeed where diplomacy may fail? It will always construct & help unite One-God-Faith, where every other weapon divides the Human race! The onslaught of such an Army of Principles cannot be stopped by the Rhine, the Channel or the ocean! It's progress will match on the horizon of the world & it will conquer every tyranny, every Human heart by teaching every man the Moral ABC of the Free: Free to communicate-cooperate-construct! Free to build, protect & share! Free to grow, develop & expand! Free to unite in love, cherish & enjoy the Kingdom, the dictatorship of God's law, uniting the whole Human race in our Eternal Father's great All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none: Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!"
Kill yourself.
10 "Nazi" Rules for Jazz Performers
01. Pieces in foxtrot rhythm (so-called swing) are not to exceed 20% of the repertoires of light orchestras and dance bands;
02. In this so-called jazz type repertoire, preference is to be given to compositions in a major key and to lyrics expressing joy in life rather than jewishly gloomy lyrics;
03. As to tempo, preference is also to be given to brisk compositions over slow ones so-called blues); however, the pace must not exceed a certain degree of allegro, commensurate with the Aryan sense of discipline and moderation. On no account will Negroid excesses in tempo (so-called hot jazz) or in solo performances (so-called breaks) be tolerated;
04. So-called jazz compositions may contain at most 10% syncopation; the remainder must consist of a natural legato movement devoid of the hysterical rhythmic reverses characteristic of the barbarian races and conductive to dark instincts alien to the German people (so-called riffs);
05. Strictly prohibited is the use of instruments alien to the German spirit (so-called cowbells, flexatone, brushes, etc.) as well as all mutes which turn the noble sound of wind and brass instruments into a jewish-Freemasonic yowl (so-called wa-wa, hat, etc.);
06. Also prohibited are so-called drum breaks longer than half a bar in four-quarter beat (except in stylized military marches);
07. The double bass must be played solely with the bow in so-called jazz compositions;
08. Plucking of the strings is prohibited, since it is damaging to the instrument and detrimental to Aryan musicality; if a so-called pizzicato effect is absolutely desirable for the character of the composition, strict care must be taken lest the string be allowed to patter on the sordine, which is henceforth forbidden;
09. Musicians are likewise forbidden to make vocal improvisations (so-called scat);
10. All light orchestras and dance bands are advised to restrict the use of saxophones of all keys and to substitute for them the violin-cello, the viola or possibly a suitable folk instrument.
You goddamn kikes are going to die horribly one day.
Why do you think QTDDTOT exists cianigger.
That’s where you’re wrong, bucko…
Advice for a Dictator
And for Those Who Want to Become One
1. A dictatorship requires three things: a man, an idea, and a following ready to live for the man and the idea, and if necessary to die for them. If the man is lacking it is hopeless; if the idea is lacking, it is impossible; if the following is missing, the dictatorship is only a bad joke.
2. A dictatorship can rule against a parliament when necessary, but never against the people.
3. Sitting on bayonets is uncomfortable.
4. A dictator’s first task is to make what he wants popular, bringing the will of the nation in tune with his own will. Only then will the broad masses support him in the long run and join his ranks.
5. A dictator’s highest duty is social justice. If people sense that the dictator only represents a thin upper class that has nothing to do with them, they will see the dictator as a hateful enemy and quickly overthrown him.
6. Dictatorships will rescue a nation when they know better ways than the previous governmental forms that they are fighting, and when their power is so anchored in the people that they do not depend on weapons, but rather on their followers.
7. A dictator does not need to follow the will of the majority. He must however have the ability to use the will of the people.
8. Leading parties and masses is the same as governing a nation. He who ruins a party will lead a nation into the abyss. Political ability is not demonstrated by using treacherous methods to rise to a ministerial chair on the labor of others.
9. Dictatorships must be able to survive on their own spiritual reserves. It will not work if what is good in their ideas comes from their opponents, and what does not come from their opponents is bad.
10. The ability to speak is no shame. It is shameful only when actions do not follow words. To speak well is good. To act bravely is even better. The typical reactionary can neither speak nor act. He has somehow gained power, but has no idea what to do with it.
11. Nothing is more foreign to dictatorial thinking than the bourgeois concept of objectivity. A dictatorship is by its very nature subjective. It takes sides by its nature. Since it is for one thing, it must be against another. If it does not do the latter, it runs the risk of having people doubt its honesty about the first.
12. A dictatorship speaks openly about what it is and what it wants. Nothing is farther from it than to hide behind a facade. It has the courage to act, but also the courage to affirm.
13. Dictatorships that hide behind the law to give themselves an appearance of legality even if their actions disagree, are short-lived. They will collapse of their own incompetence, leaving behind chaos and confusion.
14. Only those who lack the courage to join a party value being above party. When worlds collapse, when foundations shake, when revolutionary fevers spread through peoples and nations, one must join a party, one must be for or against. He who stands between will be torn apart by the contradictions, a victim of his own indecisiveness.
15. It may sound grotesque, but it is true: The nature of a dictator must be clear from his name. One cannot rule with a name like Müller or Meier. And the claim to a title must be fought for. It can not be gained by swindle.
16. A true dictator depends on himself. His false counterpart hides behind the rules and depends on legal paragraphs to justify his actions.
17. Everything great is simple and everything simple is great. The little man likes to conceal his insignificance through complexity.
18. The army exists to defend the country against external threats, not to suppress the people in the interests of a thin layer of usurpers. A dictatorship that cannot defend itself with its own supporters deserves to be displaced.
19. Primo de Rivera fell because his power rested on guns, but he earned only hatred and scorn from the people.
20. Mussolini’s work is unshakable, for he is his people’s idol. He gave back to Italy what has always been the surest and best foundation of a state: confidence.
Goldene Worte für einen Diktator und für solche, die es werden wollen
Wetterleuchten. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit.
(Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1939), pp. 325-327.
Spooks dunkeln leuchten tbh.
Goebbels talked like Chaika?
Hitler < Hiedler < Fiedler (Fiddler)
Hitler < Hiedler < Hiedl (the basin of a river) < Hidl (Stream that dries up temporarily)
Bolth meanings have stated value.