So now that Zig Forums is being federally investigated, we can be sure CIA-chan is listening to us right now. What would you like to say to her?
To all the feds here, what would you like to say to us?
So now that Zig Forums is being federally investigated, we can be sure CIA-chan is listening to us right now. What would you like to say to her?
To all the feds here, what would you like to say to us?
Other urls found in this thread:
Tits or GTFO
Simplicity is key when delivering a message
How can I join the cia and go bang totally legal south american hookers?
"a thread died for this"
How do I get a job at Asio so I can intercept all the gear coming in by boats??? I wanna be a fat cat meth dealer while on the side, be a top detective at Australia's most prestige security organization.
Shit, ID be TRIPIN
What, you want a fucking trophy or something faggot? Trips aren't uncommon anymore.
He’s posting it for the gllowniggers.
You're here forever.
who are you really protecting?
Dumb question, cia chan can't read
Give us some real documents and real material to look into about what has thus far been discovered about the history of the planet, history of the species and any/everything on ancient civilizations. That data belongs to the citizens of the world and should not be held from us.
But I digress… I know it will never happen or we will be fed some bullshit fakes. Unfortunate as that is one sure fire way to get most of our attention if it was legitimate.
Maybe there are different communities you should be investigating, like the rampant pedophilia in trans and left-wing communities.
Also who is your waifu?
Reads this post. Tries to stay professional and ignore the literal logics and trueness to the images. That last piece of human emotions still lingering and Logos. Hears a peeping sound"implanted chip autodetection inside the skull". Back into NPC mode no own will initiated.
You know what I don’t understand about people? They like opium highs, but not opium withdrawals. The withdrawal was the only interesting part to me. The high was vapid.
Three letter agencies need more diversity. Why do I see so many whites working there. Like for instance those who visited the owner of 8ch. Too many whites if you ask me. Why. Why so many whites in three letter agencies.
Also I saw some other video when three letter agencies visited some redneck who said things on facebook. Guess what. They were all white those who visited him. Not one single diversity of color. Why.Racism.
I suggest to hire Somalis, tons of africans and Indians. Would make the salaries lower too I figure. Why not hire Somalis into the three letter agencies. Like that cop in Minnesota. They seem to be quite full of energy.
I hope three letter agencies fire native whites in the sector. Replace them with the diversity spectrum which is happening all over the west now. There should be equality between the top down, spies, peasants. Why not.
Those communities had a few pedophiles who ran for cover and didn’t know how to promote harm minimization well enough to make themselves into safe company. Mostly pedos just do the mindless ragetard thing, because it’s an easy act and stupid people fall for it.
Lightside communities like progressives reveal the actual truths of people - or at least they attempt to. They try to build society between people. The left went atomistic/inquisitorial/dehumanizingly skittles for a while due to corporate or moronic “intelligence” influences, but that’s past now. The honesty that is the norm to which the left reverts is this eldritch incomprehensible thing to conservative ragetards.
Right wingers project their own unwillingness to think on their opponents. The criticism had teeth years ago, but now it’s a stagnant pond of outdated whining.
You can help us; you can hinder us; but you cannot stop us. You're on the wrong side of history jew tools.
Fuck off from european clay you fedcucks
that's so mean, why would a fed say something like this to us?
But wasn't it the FBI that was printing and then re-scanning printouts from Zig Forums? How many fucking government agencies shill this place?
Imagine being this…
Hey feds :) Happy Tuesday you faggots.
Yeah, I killed a CIA Nigger with my car in 1999. Score one for the good guys.
< the 9/11 commission report has 28 redacted pages
< we know from leaks that these pages name "2 middle eastern allies" as the state sponsors of 9/11
< we know from leaks and other info that these "allies" are almost certainly saudi arabia and israel
< your president and congress have sent billions in aid and weapons to these enemies
< 18 U.S. Code § 2381 Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, … or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, …
President Donald J Trump is a traitor. President Barack Obama is a traitor. Chuck Schumer is a traitor. Nancy Pelosi is a traitor. It's your job to arrest these traitors, but you're a coward, you'd rather try to prosecute people for commenting on political news. How do you live with yourself? Never mind, I already know all I need to know about your character. pic related.
It would be a much shorter list to publish the agencies that don’t shill here
I am beginning to think I am the only dupe that ISN’T a fucking fed on this entire shit site
Why do you investigate edgy shitposters instead of working to take down the pedophiles and/or murderers who give you your orders? There's no way you don't know what those deviants are up to, so why can't you all work together to end their lies?
Gonna go ahead and leave this here,
for that lispy queer,
his time is near.
Washington, DC 20009
maza is currently listed at this address
1 N Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd Apt 2203
belongs to maza's stepfather, scott scherr
221 W 77th St Apt 12w
New York, NY 10024
his sister, isabel maza, is registered in this address
dunno if the info is up-to-date though
landline number: 305-640-8224
Here's his info. He also sends nudes to underage boys
phone: 3059055923
address: 1413 T St NW, Unit 201, Washington, DC 2000
Email: [email protected]
Password: 49574957
Email: [email protected]
Hash: a5a913e331ecf7349f424e183e6d199597e4185f 05-2014
Username: o_4i9hrf1sjq
Email: [email protected] 02-2014
Email: [email protected]
Hash: 48b2c7feb3eed5e5d20564f7df84355c8bf6335a
Salt: lYDraLhwHmf7mLslJJcN 2011
Username: dreadknots
Email: [email protected]
Hash: 4b5977cb4a493f221d147c8295b34647
Decrypted Hash: teamogui Compilation
Email: [email protected]
Password: teamogui
Username: 0124854909
Email: [email protected]
Hash: 4b5977cb4a493f221d147c8295b34647
First Name: Carlos
First Last: M
Date of Birth: 1985-08-01
Decrypted Hash: teamogui
Email: [email protected]
Password: teamogui
Grindr email: [email protected]
Grindr Password: 49574957
(now deleted)
address: 1413 T St NW, Unit 201, Washington, DC 20009
Even the daemonic eidolon that once protected your elite cult of baby fucking adrenochrome addicts now serves us. Welcome to the new aeon. Turn coat and join us or be damned with your masters.
The assumption here is tat they always have been. This doesn't change anything.
J. Edgar Hoover was a faggot, a trannie and a child molester.
The federal government, (((justice))) department and LEO agencies are all crawling with degenerates.
How else do you think so much degeneracy gets pushed in the media? You'll get (((banned))) for criticizing kikes or niggers on YouTube, but letting pedo parents promote and prostitute their confused son on national television and dancing at gay bars for cash from pedo men is totally kosher, goy!
The scum who reside in these high level positions of power practice nepotism in hiring and promoting their own kind. They are not all jewish, but they are all degenerates who hate Aryan identity and Aryan culture. Strong, patriarchal Aryan civilization would destroy them and they know it.
There is no representation in any world governments of Aryan people or Aryan interests. None. Never forget that.
Any Aryan who glorifies the stars and stripes, identifies as "American" or gets weepy-eyed at the sound of the national anthem as they cover their heart with the palm of their right hand is a brainwashed fool.
We have no nation or homeland yet. But we will. The current system will collapse eventually just as the Soviet Union did. A corrupt system cannot sustain itself forever. The economic collapse of 2008 was just a preview. The next one will be the death blow.
Be ready.
This post has been allowed to remain up for 3 hours.
who gives a shit? you are on a chan, there are going to be posts you disagree with
Why are you glowies such boring faggot cunts?
More like Zig Forums died for this.
Global report.
I wish Terry A. Davis didn't have to die for "glownigger" to become a world-renowned meme.
They put him in front of that train.
I don't think we should encourage this.
people in malaysia arent believing the "UFO" narrative and u are preventing these poor malaysian people from finding closure in their lost relatives used as pawns in sloppy false flags but this is not listed in the cia world factbook
user. They told you months ago that this was going to be a global board. Months ago. It shouldn't be a surprise at this point.
I wonder what percentage of the Feds think they're making any real difference in the world? I can only assume that's the basis for their justification working as zogbots, that they're making a difference, you know, seeing as how they're oblivious to the truth and bought into the delusions they've been brainwashed with in training. Then there's the group of Feds who aren't oblivious to their worthless grunt lives, they either become corrupt because the don't give a shit anymore, or they become secret alcoholics and druggies to cope with it all. Their entire existence is based around focusing on details, catch some criminal, make a small difference that might impact a few lives. But that's kind of like saving someone on the Titanic from choking to death. They're so focused on the details they can't even see the big picture anymore to know they're actually complicit with the real criminals all around them in government. I mean really it goes for anything that's high-tech or cutting edge either. Whatever though. When shit starts collapsing and they realize they were too blind to have even seen it coming, or their entire life's work as meaningless shit, I think some of them may actually have an epiphany and greater enlightenment. The catch is they have an extremely low probability of survival because they aren't prepared in the least. The beauty of life's irony.
user, I used to work for a corporation (hated it) whose whole purpose was to fuck over regular people. I have to be honest with you that all those people, they didn't give one shit that it was unethical or immoral or just WRONG on every level.
I asked them and they told me point blank that they had no problem with it at all. I think you are giving the vast majority of humanity a moral status that they really don't deserve. I was horrified that they felt nothing about being legitimately evil and willingly going along with what they were doing. Not one of the people I asked had a single moral qualm about the whole situation.
Glowies are the same as those people. And I am not talking about uneducated morons…these were highly educated, extremely intelligent people who just didn't give a single fuck.
Not one.
Nearly a year now. And yet no, that’s not what that means. Zig Forums is a natsoc board. No one gets to post whatever they want here.
Please edit these infographics and get rid of the obnoxious exclamation points everywhere it makes redpillers on the holohoax look retarded
Been there myself, surrounded by people who didn't give a shit, were corrupt, or were just oblivious to what they were doing. It was literal fucking torture to me. I suppose what I'm wondering is what it takes for someone to realize the big picture, if possible, and actually enlighten themselves. Perhaps for the majority of the masses, no matter how "intelligent" they are on paper, they are incapable of making that leap. And TBH, most of the world still feels like a fucking prison to me even outside such an environment.
TRS-tier meme
These are older redpills
If you're so bothered why don't you save them, crop the bottom of the second one (only exclamation mark) and do it your fucking self you fucking faggot yid?
Explain this thread pushing faggotry and tranny porn then?
ANYONE CAN PUSH ANY AGENDA THEY WANT AND MODS WON'T DELETE IT, the FAGGOT OP keeps going on and on about how he like traps and everyone on Zig Forums is like, "yes, seems totally NatSoc to me."
Look at the catelog today and how many are related to tranny shit. That isn't a coincidence.
Nope but I will tell you this, we had more Phd's than the local university and not one of those highly educated people cared at all. It was all about the money and we were rolling in money and that was all they cared about.
I particularly liked this subliminal suggestion of the OP's…
>"Just relax, masturbate" kind of thing. Like a "you're going to die, you're going extinct, you're weak, useless, so you might as well fap"
I mean that is some fucking Tavistock shit right there…
Zig Forums is largely a community seeking to better themselves and live as their highest selves. The spicy memes attract a lot of spergs and tards, like the recent Texas court-house shooter, sad broken people with no real higher calling. If they have one, circumstance prevents them from achieving it. They completely miss the point of the message and slip into a power fantasy. This isn't solely the effect of Zig Forums, rather, just an affect of a society that places consumerism above personal responsibility. There have been plenty of mass shootings that were in no way related to Zig Forums. All those shootings are a symptom of a sick society. A lot of anons actually wish for a strong central government. They just want one that they feel serves their interests.
(You) however, have a higher calling. You have a moral duty to your country. At least I'd hope you feel you do. I ask you, personally, is destroying an online community seeking an outlet to talk among like-minded people, whom are dissatisfied with the state of the world but have no means to redress it, in the best service of the country? Is freedom of assembly reserved solely for those with the "correct" opinions? Is Zig Forums really more of a threat to Americans than say, Elsagate? Pizzagate? How about NXIVM? If you haven't read the closing arguments of the NXIVM court case I, humbly, suggest that you check out what I personally believe a true threat to the country looks like. That's what's truly dangerous about Zig Forums. It asks you the uncomfortable questions you've been told to never even consider.
Between (You) and I, If you haven't heard of him, you should check out some of Richard Thieme's talks. He has some excellent material on living with the secrecy you're forced to, and the moral harm you'll eventually be subjected to. I'd start with his talk "Playing Through the Pain: The Impact of Secrets and Dark Knowledge":
Enjoy your visit Fed-chan. Just don't hang around too long, or you'll be here forever.
Also, niggers tongue my anus :^)
Probably all of them.
This. They are on borrowed time.
Excellent work user, excellent job of seeing things as they truly are.
As far as I know he never visited Zig Forums, he was just a sad individual who liked anime, fantasy and porn too much and had nothing worth living for in his life. No gf, no wife.
zogbots follow paychecks, not morals
Good point, it's unknown if he frequented here or not. I wonder if he would have found the means to meaning if he did come by though.
His online presence was very limited from everything I saw. Let's also not look past the fact that he also had the retard look of many of those shooters like the Parkland kid. They all have very similar features and histories which are non existent for the most part.
I also think that his entire appearance drastically changed from the time in ROTC to what we recently see. He definitely went through some sort of serious devolution but, frankly, I just don't care enough to look deeper into the issue because at this point I am skeptical of nearly every mass shooting unless it involves Muslims.
This picture needs to be kept
Hitler did nothing wrong.
He trusted the jews inside Germany and didn't exterminate them.
That is a pretty big example of 'doing something wrong'.
Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
friendly reminder the CIA and ATF are unconstitutional and will not comply
only thing he did wrong was to lose.
to the alphabet soup glowniggers: you will be made to suffer greatly, you chose this path, remember that.
is nigga mario based?
Nope, the jews would have been safe in Germany because the Nuremberg ideologies permitted race mixing with them. The number one thing he did wrong (even after knowing about things like the Rothschild financial destruction of many European fortunes in the Napoleonic war) was trusting or having even a ONE DROP KIKE in his nation.
The Nuremberg Laws are a guide to race mixing with kikes.
Even today on Zig Forums kikes toute it as the reason that they should mix with pure race Europeans and continue destroying our people.
Lurk more, faggot.
Something that failed 109 times will fail the 110th time.
I just call to say I love you, Glowchan!
They all tend to share that look. I think it's the result of a sedentary lifestyle which would explain the stark contrast in his pictures from ROTC to current. I get the impression they've all bathed in the light of an LCD more than they have felt the kiss of the sun. I don't subscribe except to PewDiePie, of course that every tard that REEE's against the machine is a false flag. I see them as a potential result of forsaking human connections to virtual ones. I'd be very interested in studies on the long term effects of staying online in hyper-connectivity without real-life human contact, like I assume a lot of the western shooters have done.
Muslims have violence far more ingrained in their culture as an appropriate response to grievances then westerners do. That coupled with their whole "Jihad" thing, is probably why we're both more apt to implicitly believe a Muslim attacker is authentically organic. At least more than we are a kid who has grown up with nearly every whim accommodated with 2-day free shipping.
Now that is an extremely interesting statement user. Extremely.
muh fukken dick, nigger. Sage because shit thread
You CIAniggers made yourself a CIAchan to improve your image?
You fucking CIAniggers don't even support pro-whites covertly, since we are all poorfags, so you deserve all the hate you get.
ur gay
I meant "organic" in the archaic form relating to an expression of agency. Though, now that you pointed it out, I'm pretty amused with the double entendre. I posit "test tube babies" are more real than we're led to believe.
The CIA don't even kill a few anti-white reporters or the leadership of the social media giants, but they look to be paying for progressive anti-white propaganda being produced, and I suspect Soros is a CIA front.
Good idea for a thread.
CIA:go to hell.
Long live racism!
Racism blood die ever! Hail!
cute not pedo
Why won't Glowchan just take the pills?