How badly did Brenton fuck up by not burning it to the ground? I've watched the videos more than 100 times, we all know know he wanted to. We all know that was the plan. Big fucking brain if u bring this up. You see those pics of his PM and Police force sitting inside the same mosque he wen't all 1993 Doom on? That is what defeat looks like. Call it a Mossad op. Call him a pussy. Ca;; him a terrorist that attacked innocents. Just shut ur fucking mouth and answer the thread question. How would it have been different if he burned it to the ground? What lessons were learned?
Saint Tarrant, lessons learned
He said he specifically used a gun to force the state to enact gun laws, which turn the state into a police state which forces the people to fight back.
Explosives are easy and the govt CANNOT ban explosives.
He wanted men to go to jail for 14 years for sharing video?
Can't ban sharing videos, stupid
your right. he had 2 jugs of gasoline. one for each pile of corpses. it would have been too perfect if he lit the piles and the entire mosque went up in flames.
Can't get clearer than this:
Bump for this yid.
Another bump for this yid.
Feds are scared.
Please sir, may I have another?
Yeah sure, yid. I'm generous.
Kikes are pushing this golem. That's pretty obvious.
Bump for this yid.
Kikes fear golem for golem always turn against yids.
That's not an argument.
That's a claim based on jewish mythology, yid.
Neither is this you worthless fucking faggot.
The fucking irony burns.
How do expect anyone to take you seriously when you're this fucking retarded?
No, that is how pussy nigger OP looks like.
Easier said than done, especially in limited time frame as he had. What he did (ie.: go make sure they dead) was tactically more sound decision.
Kill yourself, retarded semite.
You didn't posted any arguments neither, you dumb smelly kike.
I liked leftism caring about empowering people. I didn’t like leftist leaders going on about being powerless, because that’s a time-dishonored way for conservatives to prove themselves humble and honest which clears space for horrible misbehavior. People who sexually harass others are traditionally powerless to help themselves. They don’t control their desires, they are just weak sinners like everyone, different in openly admitting their faults, etc. The unempowered response to controlling sexual harassment is shapeless bag clothing, and when leftist leaders swung for unempowerment, they also massively increased immigration from the lands of shapeless bag clothing.
Sexual conservatives suck, they rape people, but we were supposed to blame all incidence of rape on overly sexy videogames and intermet porn providers. Blech!
why didnt he burn the mosque down?
If I would have to guess, then:
The previous post is an argument. Shoot up a mosque kill 50 muslims and one sentence about jews saying "I'm ok with jews if they don't do bad things". Wouldn't he be ok with muslims if they don't do bad things? Oh but that's not the narrative they're going for right? Your golem is glowing with so much yid faggotry it's not even funny. Forgetting to take your meds is unforgivable Moshe.
her name was Ebba Akerlund
In Nationstates it’s possible to order your whole nation into empowerment training, which is called self-mastery. In the real world we got creeping shariah, bag clothing, payment processors restricting porn providers, and misdirected scapegoat campaigns that disrupted effective progressive organization while making people hate each other. “Modern” feminists were the heroes that sexual conservatives needed in order to turn back the clock. So of course antifeminism spread, which event approximately no feminists comprehended, but that was okay because the right didn’t understand it either.
It’s almost like we shouldn’t import rapists from abroad. Really. I’m in favor of including anyone who is quite lawful, but the events of recent years pushed me towards favoring universal human sterilization as a real policy proposal. It would deal with the worst abuses, and I think humanity would probably survive. Immigration to nations implementing universal sterilization would plunge to almost nothing without actually requiring people be prevented from entering, and the desperate mass push towards biotech would be good for the wealth and health of the public.
What does this have to do with the Tear-Ant?
Well, did he really hate Muslims, or did he convert overseas?
Literal fucking schizos.
Goddamn 8ch turned into goddamn stormfront where schizos just rant about complete nonsensical shit.
Imagine you need to lie and twist truth like this to push your narrative
He explains that in manifesto as well. Funnily enough, he says exactly the same thing about them as about kikes - that a) they all need to go away from white countries and b) that he is generally okay with them living in their own countries so long as they do not try to harm or subvert white countries.
You are either an absolute idiot who can't read simple English text or shill. Take your pick.
Hostile to history, weak to the truth. You must be Islamic.
I could write a false flag manifesto more easily than one explaining my actual beliefs. The truthvis a greater challenge to represent. Merely aping someone else’s stoneheaded incomplete version of reality well enough to seem credibly stoneheaded myself is easier.
This thread is worthless without OC
Just get out, schizos.
Guns are inefficent.
Go for chemical/bio warfare. Potent poisons in a tank with a timed release. Gives you plenty of time to set up many such tanks/canisters, especially if you're smart about it and put them/mask them so they won't be found for a long time.
Easiest is bomb, but again, Tarrant wanted to use guns for this reason: